How SSL certificate works?

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hello and this is sunny welcome back we we are online shopping or banking we want to make sure it is ATT dps and a grain padlock icon is in the address bar what it does ATT DPS me what's the significant about that a small grain padlock to answer these two questions we need to understand SSL certificate and how it works HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP protocol used between the browser and web server the s at the end of ATT DPS stands for secure technically it refers to ATT DP / secure socket layer or SSL HTTPS means all communications between your browser and a web server are encrypted behind HTTPS SSL certificate plays an important role in building trust between a browser and a web server by definition SSL certificate is web servers a digital certificate issued by a third party and a verifies the identity a web server and is public key I have one video on digital certificate I put his link below you can watch it if you want otherwise please continue let me use one example to demonstrate how SSL certificate works here is the scenario I want to connect with the Yahoo web server and I want all communications with the Yahoo web server are encrypted I type in HTTP as WWE here is what happens when I hate enter step 1 my browser requests secure pages HTTPS from Yahoo web server step 2 the Yahoo server sense is a public key with his SSL certificate which is digitally signed by a third party or we call certificate authority or simply CA step 3 once my browser gets the certificate it will check the issuers digital signature to make sure the certificate is valid as we know a digital signature is created by CAS private key and my browser either Chrome or Firefox is previously installed with many major ca'se public keys thus digital signature can be verified once the certificate is signature is verified the detailed certificate can be trusted great padlock icon appears in the address bar the great catalog simply indicates that web servers public key really belongs to the web server not someone else verification is done now it's time to exchange of a secret that's a step for my browser creates one symmetric key or shared secret it keeps one and give a copy to web server however my browser does not want to send the share the secret in plaintext therefore it uses the web servers public key to encrypt the secret they sends it to the web server step of five when the web server gets the encrypted symmetric key it uses private key to decrypt it now the web server gets the browser's shared key from now on all traffic between the client and a web server will be encrypted and decrypted with the same key as symmetric key in this example we actually demonstrate how a symmetric key algorithm and symmetric key algorithm worked together a symmetric key algorithm is used to verify the identity of the owner and is public key so that Trust is built once the connection is established symmetric key algorithm is used to encrypt and decrypt all traffic between them keep in mind HTTPS and a grain padlock only indicated the communications between client and web server are encrypted it does not mean the website itself is a safe and a good remember anyone including hackers can't launch online business and anyone including hackers can get SSL certificate for their sites when you are online shopping you still want to use websites with a good repetition thank you very much Anna see you next time [Music]
Channel: Sunny Classroom
Views: 473,205
Rating: 4.9146705 out of 5
Keywords: networking, cybersecurity, security+, networking +, cyber threats, cyber defense, IoT, Wi-Fi security, SSL certificate, cryptography, CA, Certificate Authority, green padlock, https, http over secure sockets layer, public key infrastructure- PKI
Id: 33VYnE7Bzpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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