IPS vs VA Monitor: What's Better For Gaming & Browsing!?

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I've been wanting to do this video for quite some time IPS versus VA which panel technology should you pick and what is actually right for you well in this video I'll be giving you my own subjective opinion as someone who's reviewed over 200 monitors and objective data so that you can actually make your own informed decision now in order for me to do this video I partnered up with Philips who kindly sponsored it and here they sent me two identical 23.8 inch monitors they are already 24 m1n 3200za a full HD 165 Hertz IPS monitor and the 24 m1n 3200 VA which is a full HD 165 Hertz Monitor and as the name might suggest a VA panel so to kick off I do want to quickly touch upon the overall asking price and here as a general rule of thumb a VA panel is going to be cheaper than an IPS panel case in points are the Philips monitors whereby at the time of filming and in in the UK the IPS variant can be found for roughly 200 pounds while the VA equivalent can be found for roughly 190 pounds there's not much in between it but if you do look at more expensive monitors you might actually find that there's a bigger discrepancy in terms of the overall asking price now elsewhere I would like to point out that IPS in other words in plane switching is also available in different variants such as PLS which is plane to line switching and ahv8 which is not to be confused with vertical alignment in other words VA monitors now of course in this video we're concentrating on IPS and VA only but if you want a little bit more history about these different Technologies when they were created and where they are actually used do check out the links in description below for some more information so with all of that in mind let's jump straight in and talk about gaming performance and what better way to kick off than talk about input lag now here you will see two different figures per monitor whereby you've got an input lag off and on mode and yes surprisingly the off mode seemed to result in a slightly better figure although the differences are absolutely minimal and somewhat negligible however what you should be looking at is the difference between the IPS and the VA panel and here you can see that the Za is one of the fastest that I've tested to date well the VA is one of the slowest that I've tested the dates now not all VA panels are equivalent and indeed there will be some out there that are faster than their equivalent IPS alternative but as a general rule of thumb and from my own subjective input pun intended I have found that IPS monitors seem to yield a better result at least when it comes to input lag now should you be concerned about input lag well here it really depends as to the use case of the monitor if you're a hardcore competitive gamer like myself then you will find that input lag is absolutely one of the most important things that you should look for on a monitor if however you're a Casual Gamer or indeed someone who's just browsing the web or using it for let's say development or multimedia work then input lag won't be of any importance to you and indeed over here both panel technologies will be the same now to further solidify the point on me preferring an IPS monitor over a VA at least when it comes to hardcore Competitive Gaming I have to talk about response time now here is measured in a variety of different ways but the industry standard seems to levitate around greater grade transitions in other words g to g and it's mentioned in milliseconds it's always worth verifying the manufacturer's claims with a reviewer like myself now in this instant these Philips monitors have got different overdrive modes such as all monitors out there on the market they will have different overdrive modes for you to select from why are they important well the higher overdrive modes that you select will give you a faster average initial time or of course a faster GTG time in this instance the Philips monitors have got off fast faster and fastest now to visualize it I'm using the osrtt tool and here you can see the IPS monitor with its overdrive mode set to off with the average initial time sitting at 9.25 milliseconds you'll find that at the bottom left hand side of your screen do also bear in mind the RGB overshoot which we'll touch upon very shortly then as we move to the fast mode preset you can see the average initial time drops to 8.79 milliseconds as we go down to faster it gets down to 7.3 milliseconds and as we go to the fastest mode presets it gets to 5.5 milliseconds however you can see on the RGB overshoot we start incurring different colors whereby you've got red orange and also yellow now these effectively signify that there's a little bit of inverse ghosting although in this instance it's absolutely minimal to the point where I'll definitely suggest running the fastest mode presets because you get the best sort of response time on the monitor however it's worth considering that certain monitors aren't as capable as said IPS monitor and as such in their highest mode overdrive and thus their fastest response time you will incur a lot of inverse ghosting which effectively is purple trailing and will definitely throw off your shot speed if you're a competitive gamer or indeed incur a significant visual experience if you're scrolling through text on the web so what about the VA panel well here you can see the overdrive off mode and an average initial time of 17.12 milliseconds then we move over to the fast mode and we drop down to 14.59 milliseconds on the faster mode preset sitting at 12.26 milliseconds and finally on the fastest mode presets we sit at 10.41 milliseconds with slight bit of inverse ghosting indeed over here you are seeing a VA panel with 10.41 milliseconds in terms of its highest overdrive mode competing with its near identical IPA sibling that sits at 5.5 milliseconds yet again I am trying to re-emphasize the point that an IPS panel generally speaking will give you better response time now again when it comes to the overall response time this will be of importance for those people who are gaming in disrespect bits casually or in terms of Hardcore gamers however for those people who are browsing the web it will pretty much be a non-issue whereby a monitor with a very high response time is not going to be something that you're going to have to be worried about however the visual experience which I touched upon in terms of inverse ghosting or indeed the purple trailing is something that you want to consider here VA panels have got a thing called a VA smearing and of course it very much is linked to the overall overdrive mode that you select whereby the higher overdrive modes will often incur a more amount of smearing but in this instance the differences between the IPS and VA panel are Stark you can see here the UFO ghosting test is very much clear on the IPS monitor while you switch to the VA panel you can see that no matter in terms of the overdrive modes that is a lot more apparent and this is very much the case when you're looking at a brighter image on a darker background however it isn't much of an issue when you're looking at a lighter image on a lighter background now I don't want you to get the impression that I dislike VA panels far from it I just think that for hardcore competitive Gamers an IPS panel will likely be a better pick at least when you look at the overall state of the market now if you look at a VA panel in my opinion these are a bit more tuned for casual gamers despite what I've said so far there are some others out there that have got minimal input lag good response time and also got minimal amounts of va smearing and also give you far superior contrast ratio just to put into perspective these Philips monitors were tested and here the VA panel achieved a contrast ratio of a whopping 3100 to 1 while in comparison the IPS equivalent got a measly 1 300 to 1 in IPS terms that's actually still pretty impressive however is no competition to its VA sibling indeed here is scoring more than double the contrast ratio and therefore will be certainly better for those people who have playing more visually appealing games and want to have a little bit more contrast when they're panning from different scenes now this does perfectly lead me onto image quality and here both Philips monitors have got a dedicated srgb emulation mode which will be preferable for image editors or video graders at least who are working for the Web format and then also different preset modes such as the 6500 Kelvin option that you can select through the OSD which doesn't limit you in terms of the overall Peak brightness that you can use because you can adjust the brightness on the Fly whereas the srgb mode locks it in place at its maximum level now in srgb mode with the IPS panel I had the gamut coverage tested at 99.1 percent srgb and again a volume tested at 108.4 percent you can see below here how comparison the srgb standards for the average delte where lower is better I had 1.4 where the maximum set at 2.62 both very impressive figures as for the measured white point it sat at 6 6710 Kelvin at one hundred percent while the gamma curve sat quite close to the 2.2 standards now as we shift our attention to the VA panel you can see here that the gamma coverage and Gamma volume is slightly different at 95.2 percent and 99.5 respectively it's actually a little bit closer in comparison to the format as you can see below but here the average DLT does drop at 1.39 with the maximum sitting at 5.97 while the gamma curve is still quite close to the 2.2 standard and the measured white point at 6792 Kelvin at 100 is certainly impressive here when it comes to Raw image quality the IPS model actually sticks out on top now as we shift away from srgb and go on to the 6500 Kelvin preset you can see that the IPS monitor does indeed have a white color gamut whereby it's hitting the Adobe RGB and DC ip3 modes and surpassing the srgb mode indeed over here you can see the color accuracy is unsurprisingly dropped in comparison to the srgb standard where about average LTE and the maximum delti sit at 2.96 and 7.51 respectively the measured white point is still impressive at 6649 Kelvin at 100 where the gamma curve is not too far off now on the flip side the VA panel actually does surprisingly well outside of its srgb mode whereby its gamma coverage is actually pretty impressive in comparison to the 2.2 standard and as for its measured white point it's pretty much bang on at 6541 Kelvin at 100 percent yet again this is a wide color gamut monitor therefore surpassing the srgb standard and therefore it should come as no surprise to see that the average LTE and maximum delties have increased in other words dropped in terms of oral color accuracy at 3.4 and 9.6 respectively now aside from the barrage of numbers what I'll say subjectively is that when I was comparing both I felt that an IPS monitor just looked a little bit better it popped in terms of colors it didn't look as washed out and also had fast Superior viewing angles therefore resulting in a better experience of course I don't expect people to be looking at their monitor at extreme angles but it's just something worth considering and also some sort of knowledge that you should know on birth Technologies now on the flip side however when I was looking at the images that I shot of the Audi e-tron s for totally EV I noted that the contrast ratio of the VA panel was far superior as I did mention before the VA panel is able to produce far superior contrast ratio and as such the red Audi e-tron seemed to stand out a little bit more from the Blurred background and therefore produced better contrast ratio now here a VA panel certainly has its Forte but what really stands out more than anything for you to consider a VA panel over an IPS panel and of course if this is of importance to you is the overall backlight bleeds now here IPS panels are very much inherent and have some sort of ips bleeds while the Philips monitor that I had didn't have too much inherent IPS bleeds a VA panel pretty much is non-existent and indeed provides a much more uniform image therefore being far more appealing if you're playing or consuming much more darker content in other words let's say if you're playing a game such as Batman or indeed you use dark mode for example on Google Chrome then you might actually appreciate that sort of contrast and also lack of backlight bleeds on a VA panel the same could be said about the overall brightness uniformity which kind of goes hand in hand with backlight bleeds whereby the VA panel was fast appeared than the IPS panel that was tested this is somewhat panel Lottery and you could potentially find an IPS panel which is pretty perfect but again as a general rule of thumb a IPS panel where it comes to backlight bleed brightness uniformity and also contrast ratio will be far outclassed by a VA alternative so there we have it a detailed breakdown of ips and VA panel Technologies hopefully you've appreciated both the objective and subjective data that I've provided and I've been treated here which one you would pick down the comments section Below in my case I would much prefer an IPS panel and as such I can see myself buying the Philips IPS variant if you want buy links to the monitors that I've mentioned do check them down in the description below now yet again I would like to thank Phillips for sponsoring this video and also allowing me to do such a detailed breakdown of the Technologies it's a real privilege to be able to competitor to and given they come from the same manufacturer it gives it somewhat of a Level Playing Field now if you've appreciated this content and want to see more and want to help support the channel definitely do drop a like subscribe and hit that Bell notification all of which are greatly appreciated as such I've been totally dubbed and I'll hopefully see your next one take care of yourselves and goodbye
Channel: TotallydubbedHD
Views: 26,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TotallydubbedHD, IPS vs VA monitor, IPS vs VA, IPS vs VA vs TN, IPS vs VA gaming, IPS vs VA gamer, Philips 24M1N3200ZA review, Philips 24M1N3200VA review, Philips 24M1N3200ZA, Philips 24M1N3200VA, IPS gaming monitor, VA gaming monitor, gaming monitor, best budget gaming monitor, gaming, best gaming monitor, cheap gaming monitor, Philips gaming, Philips monitor, Philips, VA vs IPS gaming, VA vs IPS, VA vs IPS monitor, VA smearing, IPS bleed, monitor backlight bleed
Id: IxqRfyNQNiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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