iPhone X – Complete Beginners Guide

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today we're gonna be showing you a complete beginner's guide to the iPhone 10 now this video has everything you need to become an iPhone 10 expert and this is great for people who are maybe starting out with an iPhone people who've switched over from Android and want to see how the iPhone 10 compares and even people who want to see all of the great new features for the iPhone 10 now this video is broken down into several chapters and we'll be going through all of these in this video today however if you're watching this video back or you want to refresh yourself on what you learned you can always take a look down there in the description with the complete chapter list along with links to the different time stamps of the video alright let's get started and take a look at the complete beginner's guide to the iPhone 10 now before we dive directly into the phone itself we wanted to show you some of the physical features of your new iPhone so you know we're talking about when we refer to them later on in the video so of course at the front you do have the screen and a new part of the iPhone 10 is that the screen goes from the top all the way down to the bottom so there is no home button anymore now we're going to get into the buttons and gestures a little bit later on in the video but it's important to note that the side button is one that you'll be interacting with a lot it's right up here at the top right hand side of your phone now the recommended grip for your phone is just like this so as you can see your index finger of your left hand easily rests over the side button so that you can press it just like so with your index finger now if we take a look at the other side of the phone you can see that we do have our mute switch so as you can see when the mute switch is back it shows red that means that your phone is muted and it will not make a sound when you receive text messages or notifications or alerts now if this is forward it means that it's unmuted and your phone will ring as usual underneath that we do have a volume rocker it's a little harder to see cuz I do have the Space Gray Edition but as you can see here you have the volume up and volume down now these are also used in a few different functions that we'll show you later on in the video now if you take a look at the back obviously the main part of the back of your phone is the rear facing camera up here along with the flash and we'll get into the camera again later on in the video just wanted to point some things out here at the beginning now underneath we do have the speakers and microphone and as well as the Lightning port which is where you're going to plug your phone into charge or if you're using regular headphones with a lightning adapter you can plug those in right there now again at the front you also have your speaker for when you're talking on the phone right at the top as well as your front facing camera which will also serve as face ID now throughout this video you might see some blinking lights up at the top now these you won't actually see in person they're a little bit purplish the reason you see these is because face ID sends out some infrared censors and unfortunately the camera does pick those up so I just wanted to clear that up if you're wondering all right so those are the physical features of the iPhone now we're going to take a look at some of the additional accessories that come with your phone and how to use them so now we're going to take a look at some of the accessories that come in your iPhone 10 box now most important of course is your wall adapter brick now this is going to allow you to plug this directly into your wall and all you have to do is put the USB cable right into the back just like so and then the lightning connector end which is the other side of that cable looks just like this as a lightning connector goes directly into the bottom of your iPhone 10 and once this is plugged into the wall it will charge your iPhone just like so also included in the box are your Apple earpods which of course you can use to listen to music any videos you're watching on your device you put these in your ears to noting the sides L for left R for right and then you plug the other end which is again a lightning connector directly into your phone like so right at the bottom just like that and then you're able to listen to music or videos whatever you happen to be watching now one thing to quickly note is the little control area right here on your headphones now this actually does have a built-in microphone as well so this means that you can take calls just using your ear pods which is great now it does have volume up and volume down and then you can use the center button once to play pause if you press and hold the center button you'll actually activate Siri watch this and then you can ask Siri whatever you'd like we'll get into how to interact with Siri a little bit later on in the video but it's important to know the different functions that you can use on your ear pods to activate Siri one more thing that you'll also find in the box is Apple's lightning - 3.5 millimeter jack adapter so this allows you to again plug the lightning connector into your phone but then use any set of headphones that you have that has a 3.5 millimeter jack with your iPhone this is great because it means you can use your favorite pair of headphones with your iPhone even though it has the lightning connector now we're gonna show you how to turn on your phone turn off your phone as well as have an emergency restart if there's some kind of bug on your phone and you can't do anything with it if it freezes we'll show you how all of this works right now now the easiest way to turn on your phone if it's just been in sleep mode which is regular just turned off like so all you have to do is press the side button like this and as you can see the phone turns on face ID will scan your face and don't worry we'll get into face idea a little later in the video and then what you'll be able to do is just swipe up from the bottom and access your phone like so now to turn it off just press the side button again and it will sleep the phone just like that now this isn't completely powering off the phone will show you how to do that in just a second but one last way you can turn it on and this is actually new with the iPhone 10 se your phone's on the table you want to check the time or see if you got any notifications all you have to do is just tap and it'll wake up the phone just like so you can see any notification so you can check the time it's very easy like that now as I alluded to earlier when you're just hitting the side button you're only sleeping your phone it's not completely powered down because as you can see it's ready to turn on at a moment's notice now you can compare this to the way you sleep your computer or just log out of your computer because it doesn't completely turn off the computer itself now when you actually shut down your computer that completely turns off the computer that you have there's the same feature for the iPhone now what we recommend doing is completely powering off your iPhone at least once a month and this is completely shutting it down so the way to do this is to press and hold both the side button and the volume up button at the same time the side button and volume up button as you can see this brings up this menu will talk more about emergency SOS later in the video that's a very helpful feature and it can keep you safe in the event of emergency we'll cover that later but for now what we are interested in is the slide to power off slide like that and as you can see you have now completely powered off your phone now this is important to do at least once a month because it refreshes your phone make sure that it's not going to be as sluggish it's like shutting down your computer and turning it back on again it helps to make sure everything's working properly so I recommend doing this at least once a month and also things are starting to slow down on your phone I recommend doing this and that should help pick it up now as you can see here you can't tap the screen to turn it back on you can't even press the side button once to turn it back on the way to turn your phone back on is to press and hold the side button like so and as you can see it pops up with the Apple logo chitta load in just a second like this there we go pops up with the Apple logo and it should power on the phone there you go now your phone is back powered on and it's just been completely recycled it's been shut down and turned back on again now you may encounter the issue and by the way when you reset you do have to put in your password again I just have a dummy password for this video 1 2 3 4 5 6 of course I recommend doing something a little more complicated for your own passcode and we'll show you how to set that up a little bit later but for now if you run into a problem where let's say you're in an application and it happens to freeze and you can't do anything else let's simulate this say err in the Settings app it completely freezes you can't do anything else you can't hold the power button and volume up button to actually power off your phone you're stuck and you don't know what to do well what you're gonna need to do is do a force restart of your phone and the way to do this is to press the power up button then the power or the volume up button that is volume up and then volume down and then press and hold the side button for 10 seconds and this will force reset your phone just like so as you can see it completely shut off the phone without the need to swipe and it's the same type of method that was used earlier however the reason that you do it like this is only if you encounter a glitch or encounter an error where you can't reset the regular way because if you have something on your phone that's not saved it's not gonna save it it's just gonna immediately go and restart your phone so this is only if you run into an issue but if you do run into an issue it's important to know how to fix it so again the way that you would do that is press a volume up volume down and then press and hold the side button for 10 seconds so that's how to turn on and off your phone completely power off your phone which we recommend doing at least once a month or if your phone gets sluggish and how to force reset your phone if you're running into a bug your phone freezes and you don't know what to do now we're going to show you all of the different gestures and button presses that you need to use for your iPhone to fully interact with it now we'll start right here on the lock screen of course we showed you once you turn on your phone by clicking the side button all you need to do is swipe up to access your phone itself now of course to access the apps just tap on them and it'll pull up the applications now to exit out of these apps you simply need to swipe up from the bottom and as you can see it closes the application itself just swipe up and it closes the app now in order to switch quickly between different applications you can do this using this bar right here at the bottom all you need to do is swipe over like so and you'll get to the next application that you were previously in swipe over again and you'll get to the next application after that all you need to do is swipe back and forth between the applications using this simple bar right at the bottom now if you're looking to find an application you had open relatively quickly or to close other applications you might have in the background the way you do that is you told this bar pull up but instead of fully closing just hold there for a second now this might take a couple of tries but once you get the gesture it should come naturally to you so pull up and hold and as you can see you now enter multitasking where you can see all of the different applications that you have open now to go into them just tap and it'll bring you to that application now if we go back there again we'll show you how you can actually close applications so if you wanted to close an app all you have to do is press and hold and as you can see it pops up with the little red delete icon now this doesn't delete the app don't worry this just closes the app running on your phone so it'll just close the application itself just like so close the app you can also swipe up to have the same effect now if you want to close all the apps on your phone just close all the applications right here and as you can see now we don't have any apps running now we already showed you how to power on and off your phone and we showed you that in the last section using the side button of course powering down with the side button and the top volume button but I also wanted to show you one more feature that we mentioned earlier we kind of alluded to if you press and hold the side button and the volume up button at the same time in addition to slide to power off you also get the emergency SOS function and the reason I wanted to show you this is because this feature is actually very serious it does have the potential to save you from a dangerous situation hopefully you never have to use it but in the event that you do it's good to know that it's there so the emergency SOS if you swipe that it will actually automatically call emergency services for you and it will alert anyone in your health app listed as an emergency contact and we'll show you how to set that up later in the video it will actually send them a text that you needed to call emergency services now that's important to note just in case it ever comes up hopefully you never have to use it but I wanted to point that out so you have that available and you are prepared now another way to set this up so that you can actually access this just by tapping the side button five times is to go into settings and I recommend everybody watching this video go in and set this up because again it's better to be prepared hopefully never have to use this but I want to show you how to set it up just in case so you're gonna go into settings you're gonna scroll down to emergency SOS right here and then as you can see usually what would have is just this auto call which is what we showed you earlier if you press and hold the volume up and side button and then you swipe emergency SOS it'll automatically call emergency services it will also text your emergency contacts to let them know that you've called emergency services as well now I recommend enabling this feature also works with five clicks because this way you can access emergency services even without having to swipe on your phone much quicker and you do this by pressing the side button right here again the side button five times and it will automatically call emergency services and emergency contacts now this is valuable so you have your phone in your pocket if you encounter a dangerous situation you can press the button five times and rest assured that would then call emergency services now again hopefully never have to use this however in the event of an emergency it's important to know that this exists now again to set up the emergency contacts and health that it will text if you do run into an emergency now this of course is in addition to calling 911 C equivalent if is you can click the button right here set up your emergency contacts and health and that will allow you to plug in family and friends that you'd like to be contacted in the event of an emergency again hopefully you don't have to use that but it's good to be prepared now we'll show you how to activate Siri access your control center and Notification Center right here from your phone now to access Siri all you have to do is press and hold on the side button like so no I did not hello Siri there we go and as you can see all you have to do is press and hold on the side button and then you can access Siri just like that now the other way to access Siri is to say hey Siri just like so and actually have another phone back here that that went off as well which is kind of funny but that will allow you to access Syria as well either i pressing the side button and holding or by saying those words hey followed by Siri if I say it too fast it'll activate right now so now we're going to show you and again we'll get into everything you can do with Siri later in the video there's a whole section dedicated to Siri I just wanted to show you how to access it right now now here's how you can access your lock screen now the way to lock access your lock screen is to swipe down from the top left of your phone and as you can see you have the lock screen right here we'll get into more features of the lock screen as well as the home screen a little bit later on in this video now to access the control center all you need to do is swipe down from the top right and as you can see you have your full control center here with all of these great features will show you everything you need to do and need to know about the control center again in another section I just wanted to show you how to access it and finally the last thing that we're going to show you how to access from here is to swipe down from the center now I actually have to go down a little bit so swipe down from the center right there and that will pull up spotlight search so you can search for an app you're looking for say for instance weather you can pull up weather just like that this will let you search your whole iPhone including your text messages and your emails if you have that enabled in settings so that way you can find apps you're looking for emails you're looking for it's a great way to search your phone so those are all of the different ways to access your device including all the buttons and all the gestures that you need to know now we're going to take a look at some of the core communication based apps on your phone don't worry we'll be diving into all the other applications like weather clock calendar camera a little bit later on but for now we want to show you the main communications apps and the browsing app just so that you get a sense of kind of the main components of your phone what you're really looking to do is kind of a standard aspect of your device now of course we do have the mail app where when you first click on it you'll be presented with welcome to mail where you can hook up your own mail your email account that is so say you have Gmail just click on Google type in your email or phone number and then your password and you'll get all of your inbox right here so you can respond to emails read emails send new emails directly from the mail application now at the bottom left we of course do have our phone equipped with the keypad so that's in a keypad section where you can dial whatever number you're looking to call you can also look at favorites so these are people that you've saved into your favorites if you want to add somebody new from your contact list just click the plus icon now recents has the recent calls call history that you have of course voicemail has any voicemail as they left from those calls and then contacts is your full list of phone number of contacts you can click on them and give them a call you can even add them to your favorites like we just showed you of course we also have messenger or messages that is where you can go into here and you can send messages to other people of course just click on iMessage you can type a text to them this works as iMessage if you're texting another person with an iPhone or as a general text message if you're texting somebody that does not have an iPhone we also wanted to show you Safari and of course we also have Safari down here as well and in order to go to a website just tap at the top and you can either search a Google search or type in the exact URL of a website say for instance Apple comm and it'll take you directly to that site of course the nice iPhone 10 right there now in order to switch between pages just click the little page icon down here and you can add a new tab by clicking the plus icon open a private browsing window or scroll between the different pages you have open and of course close them by clicking the little X at the top so if we wanted to add a new page let's say we wanted to go to YouTube we can just click YouTube right there and as you can see it opens up YouTube in a brand new page to switch between them just click little switcher and you can go back to Apple if you want to close one of them just click the little X at the top left and that will close that page now if you want to save a page to your favorites or save it to your bookmarks just click this little button right here and as you can see you can actually send it either as a message or mail or you can add it to your bookmarks or your favorites your favorites is what we showed you earlier and your home page adding it to your bookmarks this is going to add it as a bookmark on your phone so you can come back and find it later while we're in Safari I wanted to show you an amazing application called dosh now dosh is actually the sponsor of this complete beginner's guide to the iPhone 10 and it's for good reason they're in amazing application they allow you to earn instant cash back on regular purchases you make and they've teamed up with over a hundred thousand different stores such as Walmart hallmark forever21 Denny's and a whole lot more to get you instant cash back whenever you go shopping automatically now instead of using coupons or rebates they have to mail-in or scanning barcodes this app is very easy you just hook up your credit card and it will automatically give you cash back on the purchases that you make by taking a look at your purchases seeing where you deserve cashback and giving it to you automatically this is a great application they work with over a hundred thousand different stores restaurants and online shops across the country and we're going to show you how you can download this right now now this does help to support our show we have a lot more of the complete beginners guide coming up so don't worry we have a lot more content but we're gonna just take a quick break to show you how dosh works and how you can download it and start earning cash back so here's how to install dosh on your phone you're going to go to this exact URL in your mobile sorry browsers to open up Safari if you don't have it up yet and you're gonna go to this URL that's on the screen now make sure you go to this exact URL because it helps to support our show we put a lot of time and effort into creating this complete beginners guide and it also allows you to make sure that you get the latest version of daash so you can earn cashback all right so here's how to go to the URL at bit dot Li vit de ly / use dosh just like this bit dot Li bi T - ly / u SC do SH just like that the link is also right here on the screen and down in the description then click go you're going to click open in the App Store and then you'll see the - application right here just click install it may ask you to double click the home the side button to confirm the install just follow those directions and make sure that the app is downloading then you can see that the app is now downloading on your phone and as you can see it will be done downloading in just a few seconds now make sure so that you help to support our show and also so that you get the latest version of Dasch use the link right here on the screen bit dot Lee slash use - alright we're gonna wait for this to fully download and then take a look inside the app once the app is done downloading all you have to do is open up - and as you can see - connects your payment cards with a real-time effortless cash back on purchases and travel now they have over a hundred thousand different local locations on big brands stores online stores that you can use with dosh to earn instant cash back the best part is it automatically scans your credit card for any purchases you make and then gives you the cashback that you deserve automatically there's no more coupons or going in scanning barcodes or filing rebates in the mail it's all automatic so what you're gonna want to do is click sign up and as you can see here are some samples these are some of the offers Walmart 3% cashback forever 21 $10.00 instant cash back jack-in-the-box 7% instant cashback Marriott hotels average booking is 59 dollars cash back now and there's over a hundred thousand more now the really cool thing is you don't actually have to apply for these either before or after the fact it's all automatic so if you hook up your credit card and make a booking at Marriott you could get up to fifty nine dollars cash back make it purchase at Walmart you get three percent cashback so it's a really great application that gives you the cash that you deserve without any of the hassle now I actually really believe in this product and that's why they're today's sponsor they helped to support this episode showing you the complete beginner's guide to the iPhone 10 but they're also an amazing application that I recommend downloading now here's how it works it's very simple all you have to do is hook up your credit card and you can hook up one or multiple and it'll automatically scan that card for any purchases that are eligible and then give you cash back on those purchases right in the app there's no hassle there's no added steps it's all automatic the best part is when you add your first credit card you're gonna get a $5 cash bonus right here in dosh now that's five dollars just for signing up and adding your credit card you also help to support our show as well so make sure you use that link bit dot lease let's use dosh because that's going to give you access to that five dollar credit and also help to support our show we put in a lot of effort into creating a complete beginner's guide so it helps to support us as well now if we click Next you can see how it works whenever you use your credit card at an eligible location you'll automatically get cash back in your dosh app just because it is linked with your credit card it can sense when you shop at a location that you're eligible for cash back and we'll give it to you automatically then you can add all of that cash up and redeem it directly to your directly to either your PayPal directly to your bank account however you'd like to hook it up as you can see you can directly transfer it to your bank you can directly transfer it to charity whatever you would like so if that all sounds good you can click sign up and as you can see just fill out your phone number and the additional steps we're gonna skip past this and then show you inside the app once you have filled out your profile you'll have the ability to earn even more cashback by enabling your location in the app and then it will pull up dosh right here now as you can see all you need to do to get $5 into the account is add your first credit card but let's take a look at all of these as you can see cashback hallmark cashback at all of these different locations there's a lot of them if we scroll through here you can see second you can see hallmark Denny's forever21 World Market all kinds of different locations there are a lot of them nearby and of course also online so your favourite stores you can get cash back automatically you don't need to go mail-in a rebate you don't need to use a coupon it's all automatic you want to do first is actually add your first credit card as you can see here you add your card you use it in stores and get cash back it's that simple and safe now dosh does use bank grade security to keep track of your credit cards so you don't have to worry about any privacy or security issues it's all very safe with dosh so it's very easy to add your card just click add your card enter your number and then click confirm we're going to do that quickly for ourselves just to show you how it works so as you can see right when you put in your credit card you'll get five dollars in cash just like that add it to your dosh wallet which you can cash out either via a bank account or to a charitable contribution at any time right there from your dosh wallet it also means that whenever you use that credit card to make purchases at one of the over a hundred thousand-plus stores and online shops that are partnered with dosh you'll get automatic cash back just for shopping like you normally would the cash will end up in here and you can cash out at any time using the wallet link right up at the top right of your dosh application there are a lot of different stores so I highly recommend doing this because there's no mail-in rebates or coupons or anything like that it's all automatic very simple just by taking a look at what you purchase on your credit card and giving you cash back when you deserve it now I do recommend going a bit dot least I should use dosh it again help to support our show there today's sponsor for this complete beginners guide signing up for an account entering in your first credit card you'll also get your five dollar bonus as well and then just using that card to make your regular purchases and watch the cash accumulate all right let's continue our complete beginner's guide for the iPhone 10 now we're going to show you how face ID and passcode work on your iPhone 10 so face ID works by scanning your face and allowing you to have access directly into your phone now you'll see this in action if I look away turn on my phone act I look at the phone as you can see the little lock unlocks it means that face ID has been recognized and I can open the phone but what you may not know his face ID also works for purchases that you make on the App Store purchase you make with Apple pay and also authenticating your user identity in different functions on your iPhone so if it needs to verify that you are who you say you are it'll scan your face ID and double check now I wanted to show you how to set up your password and also change your face ID if you need to so the way to do this is to open up the settings application and then scroll down until you see face ID and passcode just like so you're gonna want to enter your passcode I just did something simple one two three four five six of course you should have a more complex passcode this is just for the purposes of this video so in here you can see what you want to use your face ID for so in this case the iPhone unlock Apple pay iTunes and App Store and also Safari autofill which is the automatic remembering of passwords if you want to use that as well now those for functionality you can change if you'd like if you want to use faced ID for everything keep them all on if you actually don't want to use face ID for some reason you can turn all of these off and it won't scan your face now if you want to use it for some but not all you can adjust these sliders accordingly now if you scroll down this is actually a really cool feature right here and this is attention aware features just like this now attention aware features means that if you have this enabled which I recommend enabling it if you're looking at your phone it won't actually dim the screen or turn off the phone while you're looking at it it senses that you are looking at the phone and it knows to keep it on with previous devices and with other phones in the market the phone say you're reading something or watching a video it because it doesn't think that you're currently looking at your phone screen with this enabled whenever you're looking at your screen it'll make sure that it stays on and doesn't dim or turn off on you now if you need to set up face reset face ID for any reason just click this button reset face ID and it'll automatically go through the process again of setting up face ID now the reason we didn't show you this at the beginning of the video how to set this up or how to set up the passcode initially is because apple should have actually walked you through this process so you just have to follow the steps that Apple shows you in order to set up face ID it's the same thing if you need to reset it click that button and Apple will walk you through step by step the entire process to reset now it's the same thing for the passcode you can change your passcode and this is your written out passcode it could be a number it could also be a word type passcode or a combination both you can change this by clicking change passcode now take a look here you can also see what your gonna allow access will locked so this is the lock screen so right here as you can see what do you have access to well the phone is locked and you can change this right here at the bottom we do have to log back in again so let's say you don't want people to see your text messages when your phone is locked you can turn off today's view in recent notifications so that people won't be able to actually read your text message or read the notifications you have on your phone until you actually unlock the phone itself now one last thing I wanted to show you is requiring your passcode and when this is required if you click here you can have your passcode either required immediately or if you turn off face ID there's other options as well where you don't need to put your passcode immediately you could wait a few minutes or let it not automatically lock on you although when face idea is turned on the only option is to always require your passcode so now we wanted to show you some functionality of the lockscreen and also how you can change your wallpaper so first we'll show you the lockscreen of course it unlocks when you look at your phone if you swipe to the right like so it's gonna actually pull up today's view now what this lets you do is of course see the time the date it shows you some app suggestions it shows you your calendar what the next event is it shows you some app suggestions such as recent apps that you've opened of course we do have - there from earlier again I recommend getting that app it's amazing some other applications that we have and if we scroll down you can see we also have news we have weather it is really very much a live update of what's going on right now that's available very easily accessible right from the lock screen just swipe right and you access this screen now also if you want to search your phone just tap little search icon and you can look for whatever you're looking for right there from that search functionality now if we go back we can also swipe to the left which is gonna bring up our camera app so we can start to take photos very quickly now not a lot of people know this you can go directly to the camera right from the lock screen just by swiping and that way you don't have to worry about going into your phone clicking on the camera app when you're trying to take an impromptu picture sometimes good pictures are very short notice so just turn on your phone with the side button and then swipe to the left and instantly access your camera just like that so just go back now as we can see here you also have the ability to pull in control center from the top right and we're actually going to be going over control center next so stay tuned we'll show you how everything here works and if you want to access your camera again a different way is by 3d touching which is pressing a little bit harder on the camera icon same thing for the flashlight if you press a little bit harder it'll automatically turn on a flashlight just like that that can be incredibly useful just 3d touch on it again you just have to press a little bit harder and it will automatically turn it back off so that is the lock screen now we're going to take a look at how you can change the lockscreen wallpaper as well as the homescreen laut wallpaper now this wallpaper right here this is the home screen and the lockscreen is when your phone is turned on so just want to make that distinction now let's take a look at how you can change the wallpapers in your settings so here's how you can change the wallpaper on your iPhone you're gonna open up settings and then scroll down until you see wallpaper click on wallpaper and then as you can see you can choose a new wallpaper right up at the top now you can go through you can take a look at dynamic these are dynamic wallpapers they actually move just like so these are actually pretty cool or you can go through some of these other tabs such as stills live these are awesome if you take a look at these if you tap on them or for 3d touch on them you can see that they actually move just like that those that's pretty cool there's also perspective mode as well and then there's still go back so let's take a look and you can also scroll through all of your photos as well and find one there let's say you found a new photo that you like just tap on it click set and you can either choose to set it at your lockscreen home screen or both lockscreen again as the screen when you first turn on your phone the home screen is the screen you see behind all of your apps you can of course as well set it as both so you just hit set there and that would add that as your new wallpaper on your lockscreen and home screen now we're going to show you how your control center works on your iPhone again to access the control center you're gonna swipe down from the top right just like so and as you can see here this has a variety of different icons we're going to go over each of these and then also how to customize your control center as well now in the first left-hand corner you can see that we do have our airplane mode we also have cellular we have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth now airplane mode allows you to turn off cellular Wi-Fi and bluetooth say you're on an airplane that's the mode that you're gonna put it into now if you want to turn off Wi-Fi or turn on Wi-Fi you just press that button Bluetooth same thing as well as cellular now you can also see the connectivity right at the top left as you can see Verizon how many bars you have and then also Wi-Fi and how many bars you have as well at the top right you can see whether do not disturb and Bluetooth are on as well as the battery and the battery percentage now right next to that you'll see a little control panel this is if you're watching YouTube or listening to music you can hit play pause I'm go forward go back it's a little easy access control panel for whatever app you're using that uses an audio functionality now for lock rotation which is this button right here what that means is it's going to lock it in portrait orientation so let's say that you are going into Safari you want to read your phone and it happens to be tilted this way it's going to keep it still in portrait mode so it's going to keep everything straight up and down even if you turn it's not gonna actually turn it so the best way to show you actually is in Safari let's take a look at Apple so this is without the mode enabled if we turn the phone as you can see the whole screen turns with it but if we enable oh yeah we've scrolled this swipe down again it's takes some getting used to that it's now in the top right instead of from the bottom like it used to be the top right swipe down ad port ad portrait orientation lock and as you can see if we turn the phone it stays the same way just like that alright great so let's go back to the control center and turn that off right next to that is do not disturb so the reason I have this right now is because I'm making a video but if I was to turn off Do Not Disturb I'll get any notifications coming to me and that means that I'll get phone calls I look at text messages look at app notifications whatever it happens to be however if you have to not disturb on then what that means is you're not going to get notified either if you visually which is right up at the top or via a sound or a buzz when you get a new text message so Do Not Disturb is very useful if you're in a meeting you turn on Do Not Disturb if you're doing something like you're driving you don't want to get distracted turn on do not disturb now right next to this is well we do have the brightness settings so you can turn that up or down depending on what you would like as well as the volume settings as well now here's another thing to note if you 3d touch on the brightness which is press a little bit harder you can also turn on and off true tone which takes in the background lighting around you and it adapts the tone to that so if he gets darker at night it's gonna adapt the tone to have a little bit more softer colors you can also have night shift as well to turn this on that's an even more exaggerated version of that where it's going to help to protect your eyes at night so if you turn on night shift and you can also schedule this as well turn on until 7:00 a.m. as you can see it gets rid of some of the Blues on the screen and this better helps your eyes adjust at night so that you're not getting that that blue light that can really make it hard to sleep so we're gonna turn that off now and exit back out screen mirroring allows you to mirror the screen of your phone on a device such as on your laptop or if you're plugging it into a projector that type of thing of course we do have flashlights pretty self-explanatory there we have access to a timer calculator and of course the camera now we're going to show you how you can actually customize the control center and add really cool functionality like this which is a video recording feature for your iPhone so let's take a look at how to customize the control center you can customize the control center by going to settings and then clicking on control center now you also have the ability to access within apps or not so say you're playing games and you don't want you know touching the side of the screen to pull up the control center you can turn that off I always like to keep it on though but if we go to control or customize control center you can see here that you can remove some of the extra features and add all kinds of amazing things so we already added screen recording which allows you just record video of your screen is really cool we also have all of these other abilities as well such as new do not disturb while driving this is a great feature so essentially when you enable this it means that when it's the phone senses that you're actually driving it's going to automatically send a text message to somebody who texts you and says I'll text you back when I get to my location so that's a cool feature you can add alarm' in you can add low-power mode there's all kinds of great things that you can add to your control center I recommend adding low-power mode and do not disturb while driving there's a few other good ones as well but those are the ones I recommend right now so as you can see when you turn on do not disturb while driving you're not going to receive notifications while you're driving and it's also going to text you or your friends if they text you and let them know that you're driving you'll text them back when you get to your location again alarm there's also recording your screen and then low-power mode is one I really recommend adding here because what that is gonna allow you to do is when you turn it on it's gonna save your battery life by getting rid of some of the that kind of more minor features that are available on your phone but take up a lot of batteries so if you turn on low-power mode that's gonna save some of your battery life that's a great additional widget to add but anyways you can explore a little bit and see the different customization that you can add to the control center it's a little bit about exploring so I recommend taking a look at those different functionality right there in the settings adding things that look interesting to you and seeing how they work now we're gonna show you how you can use Siri on your iPhone now there's a lot you can do a series there's too much to show you in this video or in this clip that is however I actually going to also show you a really cool way that you can find additional things you can ask Siri very easily so how to access Siri you can either press and hold on the side button like so and then just say your command and you can close it again by pressing the side button again or you can say hey Siri and as you can see it pops up just like that now I'll show you a couple of examples but then I'll also show you how you can discover your own and get a really good resource for seeing what you can ask Siri it's a lot of fun to explore so I recommend just trying new things and seeing what works but anyways here's an example what's the weather like in Boston here's the forecast for today as you can see it gives you the forecast for Boston right here with Siri so another thing that you can ask is send a text message to Tristan hello [Music] send there you go and that comes in a lot of handy if you need to send somebody a quick test text message and you want to dictate what it says this also works well if you're driving because obviously you don't want to you can't text you know while driving you want to say the words verbally and it will add it and automatically send it to whomever you're trying to send to so those are just a great couple of great examples of what you can do with Siri but here's what I recommend asking Siri to see all kinds of things that you can ask her this question follow along what can I ask you all you have to do is ask Siri what can I ask you and then as you can see here it gives you a lot of suggestions such as you know under phone call such-and-such call different numbers under FaceTime you know FaceTime different people apps you can even say launch photos it's going to launch that if you scroll down here you can see messages you can say tell Susan I'll be right there send a message to Brian all kinds of different things with calendar you can set up meeting events you can change events if you scroll down you can this is really cool you can actually translate things with Sirius so you can say translate say something and then say to French or to Spanish and it'll automatically do it sports you can ask if your favorite team won photos you can see you know show me all my photos from the other day go to camera you can scan QR codes take pictures maps give directions home scroll down here you can see you know restaurants you can have it even book reservations look up different opening times movies and TV shows you can find you know thrillers all kinds of different things music you can have it play certain types of music reminders you can set a reminder remind me to call home or call mom whatever it happens to be you can have it send emails check the weather check stock prices check you know actually this is a great one you can say set an alarm for x times so 6:30 a.m. it'll automatically set an alarm and in you're on your phone contacts you can ask what somebody's address is you know where's Brian for find my friends add notes so say note that I need to pay somebody back $10 whatever happens to be settings you can turn on airplane mode you can search the web you can ask Siri questions such as you know how many Ounces are in a leader when is Marty grass all those different things books and podcasts there's all kinds of amazing things you can do and I know I said I wasn't gonna go over all of them and trust me that doesn't even scratch the surface but this gives you a really good starting points all you have to do is ask Siri what can I ask you it'll pop up with this list and you can explore and try new things with Siri so now we're going to show you how you can use iMessage and even the new an emoji on your iPhone 10 so of course go into the messages app and you're going to be able to click on the person that you're looking to send a message to now if you do want to send a new message just click compose new message right up here at the top right now of course you can tap on iMessage or text message type as usual so you can say something like hello it's like that hit Send or if you want to dictate a message then what you can do is you can use the dictate button at the bottom of your keyboard watch this hi this is a dictate message okay and then just click send that that's a dictated message that you can send and it's actually very good series very good at picking up what you're trying to say and actually having it translated into a text message now if you want to send an emoji just click on the bottom left area right here and as you can see there's all kinds of great emojis that you can send smiley face and thumbs up for instance now Siri will also predict what you want to say next so if you take a look at this top bar up here it gives you some suggestions of words like hi thanks I and as you type it'll let you auto fill in sentences now here comes the really cool part beyond just regular typing which you can of course do right here you can also of course send pictures to click that button and you can upload or take pictures but the really cool part is right here in the apps so there's a few different things that you can do there's all kinds of different apps you can go to the App Store for iMessage for different additional ones you can find gifts here so all you have to do is search so you know something like happy and you can find some cool gifts that you might want to add if you go here you can do an emoji which will show you how to do in just a second this is brand new this is amazing digital touch allows you to draw like so and send drawing messages like that music lets you share music and YouTube allows you to share YouTube videos but if we go back to animo I wanted to show you how this works because this is really cool all right so what you have to do is line up your face and bring your face into view just like so there we go so now actually I have to just turn this a little bit because it's a little bit difficult okay cool here we go so now an emoji is actually going to track your face like so so watch this hi this is an an emoji it's fun and exciting to use and very easy just like that so as you can see it mimics your face what you're saying and you can just hit Send now obviously I didn't put too much thought into that one but you can get really creative here there's all kinds of different an emoji z' that you can have access to you from cats to dogs to pandas it's really fun and exciting to use especially if you're just trying to get out of boring text messages and try something new all right and one last thing I did want to show you as well as if you're trying to send a text such as you know let's celebrate or something like that if something's exciting if you 3d touch on the send you can actually send it with different effects so for instance slam where it slams in loud where it you know pulls up or these screen effects where you know for instance it pops up with a lot of the different ones there's a spotlight there is confetti this is perfect so if we send that lets celebrate and it'll actually send confetti to them as well just like that confetti will rain down on their iMessage so that's how you can use iMessage and an emoji to have a lot of fun I recommend experimenting around seeing what works but it can really spice up some of your conversations and make them more exciting and fun now we're going to be showing you some of the other apps that come installed on your iPhone 10 we're going to be showing you each of them but I recommend experimenting with them yourself so you can really see how they work now first of course we of course have mail we already showed you that calendar allows you to add calendar events into your phone just tap on a day or click plus and you can add a new event you can choose the time that it starts this can also sync with your Google Calendar as well in your settings to make sure that all of your events are available photos will show you all the photos that you've taken with your phone you can scroll through them and see them now camera this is where I want to point some things out so of course you have a regular photo right here with your camera you just need to either press the big white button at the bottom which is the camera button and of course turn your phone around for landscape photos now you can also use the volume up button to take photos as well so if you want to hold your phone like this you can use volume up and snap the photo now there are a few different features at the top you can turn on and off flash or keep it on auto you also have the ability to turn on turn on and off HDR photos so depending on the quality that you're really looking for you can also turn on a timer as well so if you want to set up your phone or have it on the stand go to the top right you can also add different filters so depending on the type of filter you're looking for you can add filters right as you're taking it like warm dramatic there's a lot of different ones to kind of play with and choose choose from right there to close that now in addition to this you also have the ability to zoom in and out just by pinching your fingers like so you can zoom in and out and change the focus point of your photo just by tapping on where you'd like your camera to focus and then just of course take the picture like so now if you want to take a selfie and turn it around you're just going to tap this button at the bottom right and that will turn around the camera to face you now if you swipe over you can access a video and this is where you can actually take a video with your phone of course you know you turn it to landscape can record a video just like this and just hit again once it's done slow motion video is great for sports those types of things time lapse if you turn this on it'll take an amount of photos over time and you can stitch them together you also have portrait mode which is going to allow you to make your photos look a little bit better they'll pop a little bit this is brand new with the iPhone so you can go through you could see you know studio lighting contour lighting stage lighting it's really fun to kind of experiment with this and this is more designed if you're taking a selfie or a photo of someone you can change the lighting effects to make it look very good we have square for Instagram and then panoramic where you can start a photo turn the camera like so and it'll stitch it all together as one big panoramic photo so that's the photos application or the camera application next we have the Maps application where all you have to do is search for an address click go and it'll give you step-by-step directions just like a GPS you also have the clock app where you can see the time in different locations you can set alarms just by going into alarms and tapping add alarm you can even have these alarms repeat as well so say you wanted to get up at the same time every weekday or every Monday you can set that you can change the sound you can even choose whether you know whether or not you want snooze to be an option and this is particularly valuable now that face idea is how you unlock your phone because if you turn off snooze you have to look straight at your phone in order to turn it off no more you know reaching to the side of your bed and trying to tap the snooze button with your hands so if that can make sure that you wake up as well it's a cool feature in addition to this we have a bedtime now what this does is it keeps track of your the time that you go to bed and sets your wake-up alarm and gives you a reminder so really what this is is to really track your sleep make sure that you sleep the right amount each night and set up an alarm that's going to kind of correspond with that now the stopwatch allows you to you know obviously act like a stopwatch start/stop reset whatever you need to do and then the timer works very well if you're cooking food and need to keep track of that alright so for weather this will show you the weather in the current location that you're in it'll of course give you the current weather give you the days ahead weather the highs and lows news will show you the latest trending stories at this point in time home allows you to connect any smart light smart locks any smart technology that you happen to have in your home now notes this is really cool you can keep track of what you're thinking just by typing a note so you know this is a note and it'll add all of these save to your notes section on your phone now you can also draw on these notes as well so you can keep track of whatever your you're thinking about you can jot down lists say for instance a grocery list whatever it happens to be and then just click done and then the note is waiting for you right there on your phone now stocks of course very self-explanatory it lets you track you know whatever stocks you're invested in check the open high low volume all the different things that you're trying to track in your stock portfolio reminders allows you to save reminders for yourself I do have some set so I'm not going to go into there right now but you can add a brand new reminder you can say you know remind me at 5:00 p.m. to start cooking dinner something along those lines there's the TV app app store we'll get into later iTunes stores for music iBooks you can read any kind of digital ebooks that you have on your phone the health app allows you to track your fitness over time you can also add in a medical ID which I recommend doing as well you have allergies or some kind of medical condition you can add that in there and that way if somebody finds you you in a situation you have your phone you can just show them your medical ID Apple Wallet of course has stored in it your your credit card numbers so that you can easily just use your credit card when you're tapping your phone on one of those credit card terminals now again I also recommend of course getting Dasch we showed you how to get this earlier in the video so that when you do use that credit card at those locations you're gonna earn that cash back so that's bit dot lease less use dosh just want to mention again now that we're going through the wallet settings we'll dive into a little bit later but this has everything that you might need to change or want to change with your iPhone we did download the YouTube app separately but I recommend of course downloading this app will show you how you can download these apps later on in this video as well when we show you the app store but of course YouTube's great for watching all kinds of videos we already went over the phone Safari messages music allows you of course to listen to your music library that you have synced from itunes facetimes pretty cool because you can actually video message somebody so if you go into FaceTime and you select their phone number or their iMessage account you can actually video chat with them podcasts allows you to listen your favorite podcasts the calculator app allows you to do simple calculations and a pro tip is actually if you turn it on its side like so you'll get a more complex calculator where you can do a lot more with it now the watch if you have an Apple watch and if you do have an Apple watch I recommend watching our Apple watch complete beginners guide video we'll put a link down in the description if you're interested and that'll show you everything you need to know about pairing your Apple watch using your Apple watch and how that works this is a whole video in of itself and it actually is a video so if you're interested if you have an Apple watch you can watch that the links below files has all the different files that you have stored on your phone clips allows you to take different video clips GarageBand you know there's keynote for presentations numbers which is essentially like Excel or numbers from Mac pages where you can write your word processor iMovie you can edit movies together iTunes U has a lot of great resources and then here as well we also have quick thoughts and dosh two amazing apps that we show you in this video and in the case of quick thoughts I'll post a link below it's a bit dot Lisa get quick thoughts where you can get rewarded just for taking surveys this cool app we showed it one of our earlier videos as well so anyways those are all of the different apps that you have here we have a few extra ones such as compass tips voice memos your contacts app and Find My iPhone I do recommend enabling Find My iPhone which will show you how to do a little bit later on that way if you ever lose your iPhone you can easily keep track of it and discover it again and market is lost all right so that's just a quick overview of all the stock apps on your phone I do recommend exploring trying it out for yourself but this should be at least a baseline of how each app works and then you can really dive into it on your own time as well now we're going to show you some how you can actually download additional apps for your phone in the app store let's take a look so now we're going to show you how you can use the App Store to download additional apps for your device so you're gonna go directly into the App Store right here and as you can see you can scroll through some suggested applications you can go to the games tab which is gonna have all kinds of fun games that you can play the apps tab has all kinds of useful apps now what I recommend doing is taking a look at some of their curated lists such as great on the iPhone 10 and these are some examples of some apps you probably want to download like Netflix doordash Twitter all kinds of great applications now we also have a lot of apps on this channel as well on the app fine YouTube channel and will be coming out with a video on the best iPhone 10 apps very soon so be sure to stay tuned for that also make sure you subscribe to the channel because that way you'll get a notification when the new video comes out to subscribe and click the bell icon so you'll get a notification when we post that video on the iPhone 10 best applications now another great way to find the best apps is to go into this apps tab and scroll down until you see top free right here click see all and this is going to give you a pretty good indication of all the apps that you want to download such as YouTube Instagram Facebook Messenger Google Maps Netflix Target Spotify Amazon Gmail uber these are all of the top free apps and it's a good indication of what you should probably download on your phone because these are the most popular applications most likely for you to get some value out of these so again I recommend going to apps scrolling down a top free and then just downloading whatever of these top free apps you think will be useful for your own phone so now that we're in the App Store this is a great time to show you the second sponsor of the complete beginner's guide for the iPhone 10 which is ibotta now this application can be used in addition to dosh and this app lets you earn cashback whenever you go grocery shopping now this app is a little bit different because instead of it happening automatically like - does this app actually gives you coupons for when you go into the grocery store once you go shopping all you have to do is scan your receipt and get instant cash back and the best part is you can use both dosh and ibotta at the same time that's really exciting so here's how this works you're going to want to go and search in the App Store for ibotta IBO TTA just like that search on the App Store Fri bottom we also have a link in the description below as well that'll go directly to ibotta but you can search it in the App Store now remember for Dasch you do need to go to bit dot Lee slash use - so that you could get the five dollars right off the bat so make sure that you do that I bought as the one where you can search it in the App Store so anyways you'll click on ibotta you can click download and we're just going to wait for it to fully download and we'll take a look inside the ipod application once the app is done downloading you're gonna click open and it'll open the ibotta app now this will show you that as you can see you're gonna be able to get ten dollars when you sign up but you have to use the code i ke w which will show you how to use right now so you're gonna want to click sign up with email that way you can put in the code fill out your information and then the bottom put in this exact code i ke w just like that i ke w at the bottom it's right here on the screen and also in the description and that's going to give you a $10 bonus when you redeem your first rebate with ibotta so why don't you fill this out and we're gonna do that as well and then get inside the application once you've signed in you're gonna be able to see ibotta and all of the great cashback you can earn there's all kinds of amazing ways to earn cashback as you can see here here are just a few of the different places like honey bunches of oats a dollar fifty cents cashback just add it to your cart and then scan the barcode and you'll get that cashback automatically just like that now if you go to find offers you can search for your favorite store say for instance Walmart but there's a lot of other stores and a lot of local stores as well you can scroll down and see 25 cents back on avocados all you have to do is click plus and they'll add it to your shopping list 20 50 Cent's back on simply orange orange juice Purex Campbell Soup Pillsbury French is onion mix a Pillsbury pie crust Ocean Spray cranberry sauce all kinds of different things toothpaste any brand there's all kinds of amazing ways that you can earn cash back fresh berries 25 cents cash back you scroll down you can see there's all kinds of great ways that you can earn cash back flour watermelon different things here just scrolling through pace salsa White Castle burgers all kinds of great ways you can earn cash back now one of the best things that I recommend though in addition to scrolling through here finding things you would have bought already I love Cholula hot sauce I can get a dollar cash back just click plus add it to your cart and at the end you're just gonna take a picture of your receipt or scan a barcode depending on what they want and you'll get that money automatically added to ibotta and the best part is you're gonna get $10 bonus just because you use the code i ke w that helps to support our show the complete beginner's guide to the iPhone 10 hopefully you've learned a lot and it helps to support us cuz obviously put a lot of work and effort into this but at the same time you get $10 bonus and you also get cash back on your purchases that you're gonna make now here's a hidden hidden kind of trick if you take a look here there are some of these any item deals 25 cents back on any item just add this and that's 25 free cents doesn't matter what you bought at the grocery store that's 25 cents cash back so you can even use something like that to get your $10 rebate doing any item cashback scan your receipt get the 25 cents but also get the ten dollars because you used I ke w I love ibotta I use it whenever I go grocery shopping and it saves a lot of people a lot of money so I recommend downloading ibotta using the code I ke w and using this whenever you shop in your local grocery store in Walmart wherever you happen to go to get the cash back now again you can use both this and daash that's why we showed both of them to you today I bought it lets you earn cashback in grocery stores and it gives you coupons and dosh is going to be working in the background to make sure that you get cash back on anything you purchase on your credit card that's in their list of over a hundred thousand stores so dosh runs in the background I recommend hooking this up with your credit card just let it run in the background and if you want something where you might have a little bit of a higher reward but to get even more cash back then I recommend using ibotta plugging in your favorite store finding items you would have bought anyways and getting some cash back for them alright let's continue the iPhone 10 complete beginner's guide again all the links and the instructions to both ibotta and dosh are down in the description helps to support our show and also helps you earn some cash and cash back now we're going to show you how you can organize your apps on your iPhone so in order to access organizing just press and hold on an app icon and as you can see here it'll put them into wiggle mode just like this now to move them around just press and drag and you can move to different locations just like so now you can also move things in and out of your dock like let's say you want your mail application to be at the dock at the bottom of your screen you can just drag it down and then click done and now the mail application is right there at the bottom on every screen easily accessible now if we go into that mode again by pressing and holding we can also delete apps that we don't want now I'm not actually going to do this right now because I do like all the different apps that I have however if you were to delete an application you just click the little eczema x box and that's going to delete the application itself then click done in order to finalize your changes now one last thing if you want to put some of your apps together in a folder just drag one app onto another app and it will create a folder for you and take a look here you can also change the name to settings to YouTube Plus settings whatever you want these usually wouldn't be looped together and to take it out just pull it right outside of that folder and that will bring it back to normal so I just wanted to show you quickly how you can rearrange your apps put them into folders and also delete them if you'd like to finish out our video we wanted to show you some of the settings that you can change and adjust for your iPhone now there's a lot of settings in your iPhone 10 so I recommend taking a look and seeing what you're interested in changing however we're gonna do kind of a brief overview show you some of the things that are possible but there's a lot more than we have time to get to today so I still recommend going in and trying it for yourself but anyways we're going to show you some of the top ones that you should change now right at the top here you will see your name along with your Apple ID iCloud iTunes and App Store if you're to click on that you're going to be able to reset your Apple ID change things about iCloud and how it uploads so there's some different things relevant to your personal account now underneath this you're going to see airplane mode Wi-Fi Bluetooth and cellular these are all things that you can access from the control center as well they're also conveniently located here in the Settings app now here's where we get into some interesting things such as notification so if we click on notifications you can see when you want previews to be shown and this is actually very interesting because this means that if you have your phone just like this it won't show previews until it's unlocked it won't show text messages that just came in I recommend having show previews when unlocked because that means you have to look at your phone in order to see the previews not somebody else that prevents people from snooping you used to have if you had notifications enabled and a notification popped up on your screen and it's not unlocked yet anybody who looking at your phone can see it but now the notifications won't appear until you look at your phone and unlock it so I recommend keeping that with when unlocked it might be a different setting so I recommend changing that to when unlocked now if you scroll down here you can take a look at each individual app and you can change the settings for the notifications let's take a look at the App Store as you can see here you can choose whether or not you want any notifications at all notifications of course is what pops up shows you know what what each app is trying to tell you such as there's an update available somebody's texted you that type of thing badge app icon is the counter next to the application that shows you you know if there's unread messages in iMessage if there are updates in the App Store that's the icon you can turn these off individually you can also choose whether you want this on the lock screen in your history or even to show as banners and banners of course pop up like this right as you're using your device now temporary is the default where they pop up and then they instantly close themselves persistent means that they're actually going to stay on the screen until you manually dismiss them by swiping up now that could be used if you want to make sure that any text messages or emails that are important you can make sure that those go to persistent to make sure that when they pop up you actually acknowledge them and they don't just disappear on their own so that's the notification app we already showed you how Control Center worked where you can customize control center at one of the earlier sections of this video now do not disturb I recommend an abling this because of course this means that when you turn on do not disturb from your control center and actually enabling it is turning it off from the control center as well excuse me there so you turn on do not disturb when you don't want to receive calls or texts and have it buzz your phone or give an alert or have a ringtone on your phone you can't be disturbed during that period of time now another cool thing here is you can also schedule as well so let's say you don't want to be disturbed during your bedtime you can change this you know to whenever you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning and that way you won't actually get notifications or ringtones playing when you are asleep now you can see here if you want it to silence always or when your phone is locked I chose always because if I'm doing something on my phone that's important I to turn on do not disturb I still don't want those messages coming through so I recommend changing that to always unless you only want it to be when your phone is unlocked now here's a really cool feature you can allow calls from your favorites list so if you add people your favorites which you showed you how to do by adding people from your contacts in the phone app you can make sure that those calls actually do go through to your phone even when Do Not Disturb is on so you can do this for your spouse you can do this for your kids you can do this for your best friend your business partner whatever it happens to be to make sure that their calls actually go through now another thing I recommend turning on is repeated calls so if somebody calls you twice in 3 minutes then it's actually going to push that call through it's something that's important and that is a useful feature because if somebody is trying to contact you in an emergency you do probably want to be notified by that and again do not disturb while driving you can turn this on to automatic so you can have this always turn on while you're driving or you can have it be manually which means you have to turn on do not disturb while driving right from the control center as you usually would with regular do not disturb next we have some more settings if we go to general you can see that there's software update so you can make sure that your iPhone is always up-to-date if there's another update to install you just click install and it will add it to your phone there's a few additional ones here as well but I wanted to point out iPhone storage now iPhone storage shows you all of the different apps that are on your phone how much space they're taking up and allows you to get rid of them if they're not useful say for instance Garage Band that's one point six nine gigabytes we can delete the app right from here to free up that space on your phone so this is a good way of seeing what's taking up the most space on your device now if you exit out of there you can also see in here as well there's ways you can customize the keyboard there's also restrictions so if this is a phone for your kids you can enable restrictions for certain things in here as well if you don't want them to have it in app purchases different things along those lines now if we go back out you can see that there's also displaying brightness now this has regular display settings but another great feature to take a look at is the is down here which is the text size so if you need the text size on your phone to be a little bit large you can actually just slide the slider and all the text on your phone will change which is a really great feature if you need that for your eyesight same thing with bold text you can incorporate that as well now with Auto lock this is something actually going to change myself it's set for 30 seconds of no activity and the phone will automatically turn off and lock I'm actually gonna change that to a minute but you can do anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes to never I wouldn't recommend never because then your phone could stay on forever and or not forever but your phone could stay on until the battery dies and that's not good so I'd recommend somewhere between 30 seconds to 5 minutes anywhere there works I like to keep it around a minute to 3 minutes but especially now with the face ID recognition we told you about earlier actually a shorter time is pretty good because it means that it's always trying to see when you're looking at it and it starts counting from the minute you look away ok so we go back here you can see that that was displaying brightness we already showed you the wallpaper and how that worked earlier on in this video now sounded haptics this allows you to change your ringtone change your text tone you can add your own type of ringtone 4 favorites for specific people in here as well there's some cool features to play around with now there are some serious settings you can actually change Siri to a different voice to a male voice if you would like you can also change you know your information in here teach Siri how to pronounce your name there's some pretty cool features there as well now we already showed you face ID and passcode emergency SOS I highly recommend enabling that just in case hopefully you never have to use it now we have battery as well you can see low pop-up low power mode at the top and you can also see what different apps are using up how much battery so you can see what's really a big battery user on your phone we of course have privacy as well where you can change some privacy settings for each individual app limit what they have access to to change the iTunes and App Store wallet an app will pay you can add credit cards in and then you have all the different applications you have installed on your phone and their various settings so that is the Settings app there's a lot to play around with but those are the main features right there thank you for watching our complete beginner's guide to the iPhone 10 hopefully you've discovered everything you need to know about your new iPhone 10 device now if you found this video useful please give it a like and also share this video with your friends so that they can see how to use their phone as well also be sure to subscribe and click the bell notification button so you can be notified of new videos on the iPhone 10 in the future now if you do have a question post it down in the comments below I can't personally respond to all of them however I would love the app find community to be able to respond to your question for you the same can be said if you see a question that you know the answer to just give it a reply that way we can all help each other succeed with the new iPhone 10 now I highly recommend going in and downloading Dasch again they were our sponsor for this episode along with ibotta they're both amazing they helped make this complete beginner's guide for the iPhone 10 video possible takes a lot of effort work and money to create videos like this so I highly recommend and appreciate taking a look at - it's an amazing application bit dot leave slash use - link in the description hook up your first credit card you get $5 right off the bat and you'll be able to get cash back whenever you use that card at over a hundred thousand different locations and also online shops so I recommend downloading - bitly slash infuse dosh now you can use ibotta as well to get cash back whenever you go grocery shopping including the any brand deals again you use code i ke w while signing up and that'll give you a ten dollar bonus after you redeem your first rebate which you can do at your favorite grocery store or shopping center such as Walmart Market Basket all kinds of different stores and then get cash back and after you redeem your first rebate you'll get $10 an additional bonus so I highly recommend taking a look at both dosh and ibotta they're amazing applications they let you earn cash back and they helped make this video possible so thank you again for watching one more thing I wanted to show you is now you are an iPhone 10 expert but there's still something some hidden features as it were that are available on the iPhone 10 so I recommend taking a look at our iPhone 10 hidden features video now here's just a quick glimpse at what you'll learn in that there is a secret feature that you need to enable that will allow you to access dark mode watch this as you can see just like that you'll be able to access dark mode change all of the white on your screen to black and the black to white this makes it a lot easier to read at night and is a very convenient to access now you do this by clicking the side button three times although if you try this right now it won't work because you do need to manually enable this so I show how to do that in the iPhone 10 hidden features video top 10 lists the link is up here and a little annotation and also put it down there in the description so thank you again for watching again be sure to like the video subscribe for more content and check out Josh and ibotta amazing application so you can start earning cash back thank you for watching and I hope now you are an iPhone 10 expert thank you
Channel: AppFind
Views: 1,582,701
Rating: 4.5993776 out of 5
Keywords: iPhone X, iPhone X Guide, iPhone X Tutorial, iPhone X Beginners Guide, how to use iphone x, iPhone X Complete Beginners Guide, iPhone, beginners, guide, tutorial, how to, iPhone X beginners, help, primer, iPhone X Help, iPhone X Primer, Apple, AppFind, iPhoneX, iPhone 10, iPhone X Tips, iPhone X Features, complete, new iphone user, new iPhone X user, iPhone X Tips and Tricks, iPhone X Hidden Features, iPhone X Course
Id: w5ybQiqUN-0
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Length: 84min 2sec (5042 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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