What you need in your life is more LEDs Here's the laser-engraved back I made in the last video time to spice it up a little bit And I want to do it with this This is a light-up logo kit that I found in the markets you take out your old Apple logo and you put this in and solder it onto the backlight and the logo glows whenever the backlight is on, but I don't want an apple logo I want the Strange Parts logo. It's a little flex-PCB Here's the logo part this part up here has a few connectors that solder onto the backlight where it gets power So what you do is Take out this silver insert here and this part Just fits right into the back of here right into that logo hole and then this part up here It just solders onto the back light for the LCD and that's where it gets its power so whenever the screen is on the logo lights up. The other thing that I bought in the markets a Benchtop power supply, I got it used. It's actually pretty nice. Um I got it for like 20 bucks. So I power it on Current-limiting on this side voltage on that side the only problem is it's really loud So check this out there we go Pretty cool, so that's what it looks like in a phone back There we go. Pretty cool Alright, so let's crack this open, and I've got a exacto knife And, let's see Okay, so the top piece it looks like is A piece of plastic and then It looks like this black piece here is maybe like vinyl it may be vinyl out of a vinyl cutter And then.. peel this off It almost looks like Diffusion So I think this is actually pretty simple just to side light LEDs Diffraction grating and then a piece of plastic on top. I think what I want to do is replace this with an insert that has my logo in it, that's the Strange Parts logo and then on case Cut out this the white part of this logo and leave the red parts. I made sure to line up this logo Over this insert hole the insert indent here, so I think it's I think it should work out we'll see so I need to find a CNC place that will cut this hole for me And we'll make this insert that goes in A buddy of mine here in China, Andrew, is a mechanical engineer And he works with a number of CNC places and he offered to make an intro to one that does small CNC So Andrew connected us on WeChat And then I started describing to Eileen what I wanted and started sending her some photos to sort of illustrate What already existed in terms of the logo kit insert, but now she's asking for a drawing A CAD-Drawing of the machining that I want done And I don't have one yet. I've done a reasonable amount of CAD work and 3d modeling in the past, but I'm a little rusty So this is gonna be a bit of an adventure So I've just sent the design files to Eileen she said they look, okay, but she's gonna have one of her engineers look at them So it's about 8:30 at night on Friday and Eileen just messaged me on WeChat That they can process my job tomorrow But I need to check on some design changes. They pointed out that I can't have sharp inside corners because the bit is round and they can't make a sharp corner They have an open slot in their production schedule for me to come out and visit the factory and watch them do this jobs I'm very happy to go out and visit them Eileen told me I need to bring a second phone back with me They're worried about the thickness of the aluminium being too thin. I think And that they might screw it up, so they want to have a backup So I'm headed to the market see if I can pick up another one. It's a little early, the markets don't get going until kind of the afternoon But I got to head out to the factory so I'm hoping I'll be able to find one Perfect! I'm in a DiDi taxi on my way out to the factory now DiDi is sorta like Uber in China Okay, Bye Bye All right now I gotta figure out where I'm going So the guard says it's here Just need a message Eileen now I think. Alright, We're here with Eileen We're headed up to the factory So it's in this building here. Yeah Fourth floor okay great. it's your new factory? Yeah Oh, excellent. How long have you guys been here? Uhh, Four months Four months, okay, so brand new! That's really cool (E-Make) Awesome, Excellent! So This is the one that I showed you the picture of yeah, so that's the cutout and then I have a second one [Chinese] Ok so which first? They should be pretty much the same So we need one to test. Okay Which one? Uhm let's test with that one. Yeah. And then we'll try the finished one with this If we can I would like to line it up so that it's just the white part here to match up with the laser engraving So the insert of the one is a little smaller What do you recommend or what does he recommend for the size of the insert? .1 Millimeters Okay I made 0.075 Let me give you a little bit more context though of what I'm trying to do It's going to light up so there's going to be light that shines through it like this so in terms of the fit about like this like and it can fit in but no extra space around the, around the logo Yeah? [Chinese] He asked what we are going to do about the extra space. I am NOT a mechanical engineer I am a software engineer Me too So okay, you're a software engineer? No, not an engineer Oh, not an engineer, yeah So we will make, uh, one 0.075 and then the other one 0.05 Okay, yeah, okay good, so he's gonna make the change here? Yeah Okay, I apologize if I make stupid mistakes I am learning. What is he doing now? Programming Programming the CNC machine yeah, yeah, so telling it where to go in what order? yeah, okay This is cool Oh wow These guys know way more than I do It needs to be white because it has to.. We can paint it in the back You can paint it. I'm worried that this will not transmit the light properly it needs to be white We can paint it on the back. You can paint it on the back? On the front it's to thick. it's transparent Okay Yeah, we can try that This also, like, painted Oh it's also painted? Really? It's painted on the back. Okay, I wondered I was looking at it, and I was like how did they make this? Okay. Cool So now we're setting up the tool head So he just put tape on that So I think he just milled off one side to make it totally flat And then turned it over and has been using double-sided tape to stick it down to the workbed Because it's too thin to hold any other way So he milled one side and now he's gonna mill the other off, I think that's what's happening And these are the, these are the inserts. Awesome! [Speaking Chinese] It's the same size, but it's not the curved corners Yeah, it should be the same size though Yeah, here, there and here. Yeah, what what are they worried about here? No worries. No worries? Okay. Is the question about the corner? They're just talking about how to do the... hold it. About how to hold it in machine? Yeah. Yeah, okay. I'm really curious to see how they're gonna hold the back without scratching it So Eileen, what is happening right now? Why are we milling the top of this? Very flat? yeah, very flat very flat and then we're gonna put the shell on there is that the idea? Okay That's very smart Very smart man He's saying he's nervous Haha, oh he's nervous? I'm sorry You look great on here. Tell him he looks very handsome and very smart Is this raise is gonna be a problem? This is this bit? Maybe me make a hole for it? Yeah Yeah. yeah? Oh, it's okay! Yeah, it's okay. No problem. He doesn't think it's aluminum? He says the material is very hard. Very hard. Yeah, it doesn't surprise me because it's so thin You know it's it's such a thin material That maybe it's very hard so that it that it holds shape Uh, he is having that sharpened.. Let's have a look So that's pretty good. Yeah, that looks awesome He painted the- Oh he painted it already? the front Oh, the front. Oh whoops The middle groove is too big Yeah, so it's that middle groove right there that we're concerned about. Yeah, it looks good I think it'll look better when the there's no paint on the front It's okay. We'll do the next one without the paint yeah So the other question is whether this logo is aligned side to side with this. I was having a very hard time measuring this with my calipers so what I've been doing is putting it on a table And then measuring like this. Looks good! Yeah, I think it's okay. We just want to make sure it cuts out the white part here Yeah, so I don't know. What do you think was this the right order to do it to laser first to then cut or cut first then laser? Cut first then laser, okay well Here we go this is the real one holy cow There it goes, this is the finished one. This is the moment of truth Did it line up with the laser? Oh, I see It's off a little bit Well. The Laser engraving doesn't quite match up with the machining so the hole Doesn't quite match up with the laser engraving, but honestly. That's my fault I was having such a hard time precisely measuring where the laser engraving was The laser engraver was not that accurate to begin with so it's all a learning process to be honest so Not not at all bothered just another step Beautiful! Beautiful? Excellent, that's what I like to hear! Cut all the way through? Yeah, looks good Okay, good! So we're having a lot of problems with making the insert big enough to fully fill the hole the outside seems big enough The outer circle is fine Uhm, but the inside bits seem to somehow be getting too small they're running it with coolant now, which they haven't in the past so maybe the plastic was melting I don't know. There's been a lot of discussions in Chinese that I haven't been fully privy to but the engineer apologized and I said hey, no worries like I'm totally enjoying this and learning learning a ton today, so No worries to have to run this multiple times. I think he's a little embarrassed but It's no problem in my opinion All right, we'll pull in round four out here. I think hopefully this is the magic touch the magic one So he's been sanding the back of the pieces to get the paint to stick. It won't stick to the perfectly polished plastic That looks great Yep, good. Perfect! This looks pretty awesome! These look great. Pretty sweet! Just finished up with Eileen at E-Make They were super generous And not only gave me a ride to the Subway station, but they also treated me to dinner, they're both just really nice generous people All right, it's finally time to put this phone together But I realized I'm missing one little minor thing which is that there are these little fittings here? Like this is for the camera. There's this little lens that that fits in here. There's a little piece of Uhh Plastic that goes over the flash There's some black plastic that goes in here where the lightning dock comes in I don't have any of those for this red back So I'm gonna head over to the markets, hit up my favorite back booth and see if they can they can hook me up So as usual she was super helpful She hooked me up with this lens cover and all the other little bits and pieces I need and uh, all that's left now is to put together this phone, which, you know, given I've put together a few of these by now, should go a little easier hopefully So the first piece is the bottom cable assembly it has the Lightning jack and the headphone jack on it It's got some stickers on the back. Just peel those off, stick it into place Now I need to put some screws in Next put the speaker in So, next is to put on this top flex connector. This is the top of buttons here So, we're gonna put the buttons in now That, is not gonna work. These buttons need to stick out. go and look for buttons, dangit All right, I found these silver buttons, and they actually have a little loop of wire on the back That works much better. I don't know if it looks very good, but it actually looks okay Yeah there we go Man these buttons they're like the hardest thing about assembling these phones Literally the hardest part I think that'll work So now we're getting into like a serious amount of brackets like this Okay taptic engine sits in there Before this gets too much further. We have to do the important part. Which just to put the logo in. Which is this little guy I'm just gonna put, I think, just a few drops of superglue to hold that puppy in Boom! Okay now, get out one of these logos Okay, so there's the white part, and then there's this like diffuser that sits in back And this part solders onto the screen So I think I'm gonna put just tack a little bit of glue underneath here Now let's try putting the logic board in Okay And then how does this work with the battery? This guy needs some work so, gotta put this button on there Home button clicks. Okay. Put your cameras and stuff up here Yeah, that looks good looks like the screen is done This needs to be soldered onto here So the logo is powered off the screen The moment of truth. Let's give this a shot Battery in there Boots, that's a good sign Ohh! Look at that it's not perfect but It's a start Ahh That needs a little tweaking. I don't know if you can see Not very even But, I don't know Uh, it's a starting place - tweak it a little bit Moved it all the way down, the LED is down as far as I could Not quite at the level of quality that I wanted. The laser's off a little here This logo doesn't light up quite like I want, but as a first prototype Yeah, I'll take it This one's been a long time in the making. Custom logo Turns off with the backlight, not bad Yeah! That about does it for this time. There's one more thing I want to do to this phone I'll give you a little hint which is that while I was putting together this phone. I took off a 16 gigabyte sticker I want to do something about that So, stay tuned there's one more episode in this series, this trilogy here of pimping my phone pimping my iPhone Stay tuned that'll be out shortly As always I'm Scotty from Strange Parts If you enjoyed this video hit that subscribe button down below and stay tuned for more adventures I'll see you next time Oh and one more thing I want to give a quick shout out to Eileen and the team at E-Make Thank you guys for doing all the CNC work. You're awesome If you would like to talk to Eileen and her team about having them do a prototype or some CNC work for you You can find their website and contact information in the description