Inside Prusa’s 3D Printer Factory

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I hear that PR is giving up on 3D printers and uh you're moving into injection molding yeah we just gave up and started injection molding every [Music] think hey Joseph hi SC welcome to Pura thank you so much for flying me out here to check out what you guys have this is your print Farm yes and I think it's what everybody thinks of your printing parts we have printing the printers here printing the printers I love it but I realized this isn't really the start of the process let's go all the way back to the very very beginning before even making the filament where does the plastic come from I'll show you [Music] okay so this is one of our warehouses where we store the raw materials and the Plastics this one is a little bit special because here we have the Recycled Plastics but in the back you can see they call it octabins and this is where the Virgin resin uh virgin polymer comes in and what does virgin mean in this context it is fresh from the factory okay it is you know colorless and so it's not recycled it's the opposite of recycled opposite of the Recycled that sounds kind of weird new fresh material and this the this one is recycled and when basically some of the filament is manufactured out of this B you just chop it up and we make the Recycled filament out of it so this comes as like pellets yes it is like tiny pellets and these go into the extruder at pmer awesome so I know you're a busy guy I don't want to take up your too much of your time but I think you've you've lined up some of your uh department heads to show us around who are experts in these various areas you can get you get to speak to the real professionals okay awesome we'll let you get to it we'll see you later in the video but uh I'm gonna go off and see how filament is made okay so I'm here with Adam you're the head of all of the filament development here yes that's right well the startle of the process it's uh belet got it you can take a look okay so this is this is pla here so this is this is our basic polymer okay try not to spill it on the floor this doesn't look like the pla I normally get this is just raw pla it's raw pla all right let me put this back cuz I'm going to spill it otherwise okay so you will add some stuff to this uh we do add color so basically we had pigmentation you're not scooping this out with a bucket it looks like you've got a vacuum hose here yes there vacuum hose and the material goes into dryer which is this here yeah and how does that work yeah there is uh the material all over the place yep just hot air going through through and try the material well we need to remove humidity because it causes def defect during the production like small bubbles and stuff cuz that steam like expands when you heat it up okay got it and then you suck it by a hose here we suck it over there through the wall into the extruder all right let's go take a look at that well the plats goes through the hose okay into the St and into the extruder okay they are melted and mixed and push through this die head and this is just like a screw extruder yes there like a really large through compared to the ones you have for example at home in your hobby kit and the plastic gets melted and we can also mix it with color where does the pigment come in it comes from here oh nothing here there's none in that yeah what's a typical temperature relative to what you would print at for a material oh it's a bit higher because you need to to lower your viscosity to move it easily through the screw through chamber and it's coming out thicker than I would expect like that doesn't look like 1.75 mm it's not at this point the material is still melted y you can actually squeeze it and do a couple of stuff in it yep and then we go to cooling so now we're running through a water bath yes can we open this here yeah you can D oh I see so it's just got a little like tray that it sits in and then water all the way around and this is hot like this is you're pumping a lot of heat or it's trying to pull a lot of heat out and then there is a second one at this point the mat isn't melted anymore it's becoming solid it's not bat and you're not doing as much support on it yeah you got it on rollers we'll still need to pull it down a bit okay so it's really room temperature yep but at this moment you cannot really mold it anymore and that's how we change the diameter just two belts running against each other when you slow them down you make the filament thicker and so on if you move this faster the filament is running faster from the head yep you'll have a small diameter oh so this is the thing that's pulling it through the whole line yes and depending on how fast you pull it relative to how how fast the extruder is running you're controlling diameter so we go all the way back there it's basically just how match you're pulling it out of the thing you could be pulling manually but and that's enough to control the diameter you guys have very fine Tolerance on your diameter this is just like basic control otherwise uh basically each of the materials requires special cooling that's how we achieve the diameter this is your measurement here yes uh it's basically laser that's measuring the thickness of the of the filament the diameter and also like the ovality when we finish the spool and we want to start a new one we don't want the filament to lie around or whatever y so we have this uh upper set of wheels they'll move up and uh they actually gather the material as it being produced and um operator has couple of seconds to change the pool and start Bing again so this is this is like a a moving buffer for yeah basically it's such a cool technique now you can see moving oh that's so cool so then coming out of the buffer here now we're winding along with the school yes okay that is the final stage we cannot show you unfortunately okay because it's secret we have a lot of stuff going on there but we cannot show it okay we'll respect that and then once the spools are wound we can go to paging yeah great so these are your finished wound perfect spools so what's he doing here he's got like some custom jig he's actually laser marking description of the got it and the laser is underneath yeah oh that's super cool it's super safe as well because hurt your eyes and so then vacuum sealed in a box put your lightel on box and then shrink wrap that awesome and then stacked on pallets to go out yeah thank you so much great to have you here amazing hello aoy my name is Blan chisha I'm here in charge of veress engineering so welcome at our kha farm in 2011 we started with 300 printers right now around us is more than 600 uh printers right now we have three modules here so we have uh the old MK3 and as you can see there is a small change in the extruder there is extra cool L we improve it in the MK4 and they are the same as all the customer has and what you can see is also the difference in speed because in MK4 we use the new input shaping functions how much did that speed things up for you buy 50% so that's a that must be nice for your print Farm production and I noticed you've got your 2 kg spools that we saw being made downstairs and we have also the special hangers and so on because but it's faster for the changing and we can find also machine for the weight because if there is like few last meters the farmers can wage it and see if there is enough material for another round of the printing got it that's really smart it's hot in here yeah yeah yeah these guys are all wearing shorts it's so hot what you guys call Farmers here that are your technicians managing they're actually right here they're changing out prints and they come by and they see printers that are finished and yeah yeah uh we use our Erp system they have there the overview of all the printers currently running printers how many printers are in charge of them when it's finished and they have also the queue what and what is the other print they should uh print okay this is our plastic department or Plastics this is everything coming directly off the printer the last part part where we do not have complete traceability because the parts are tracked in the batches so once the Farmer harvest the parts they are automatically uploaded to the system starting here we will have the complete traceability who did it when they did how many pieces and so on how do the farmers know what to print are you you're tracking how many parts of each type you have in inventory so once you order the printer at our eShop it's divided into different levels for example if you would like to buy the black or the orange V sheet and show on kit or the assembled one and it's divided into each levels of the production and beginning at the farm and according to your orders it's planted and they can see the queue in as a reaction on the orders Joe thanks for letting me grab you I have some questions cuz we're starting to get into the manufacturing process of the printer itself so I was hoping you you could walk us through like just an overview of what the different parts are and kind of roughly where they're coming from what you're making in house what you're doing outside so this is markv part of our I3 series which is going for years this is a very old example okay but in general you can see a lot of printed parts we make those in house when we know that they are not going to change we switch them to injection molding is this injection here yes but generally with the parts we are trying to make as much as possible here or locally in Czech Republic or in Europe but obviously some parts like Motors we just cannot get in the quantities in Europe these come from China but the pcbs we are assembling here in how screen is coming from somebody else but you've got a 3D printed enclosure this looks like UV it's UV or screen printing depending on how far in in the production and optimalization it is for example the frame is very nice yeah how are you making this CC no this is a daas aluminium the power supply is from Delta and also we are trying to keep keep the continuity so here you can see Mark II but there was Mark 2 Mark 1 and you can always upgrade in the I3 line to the new one so you can get a kit to go from this to this yes I think that gives uh everybody including me a bit more context of how this comes together okay okay we'll see you in a bit so next we process the parts so there is a visual control if uh everything is okay the first layer and so on then if there are some extra small parts or some holes are full of filament and so on it's cuted away okay and then he's got some is this a custom tool here that's cool this is for clearing the holes ah okay yeah and then you've just got a regular xacto knife yeah and if there are stringing he can use the heat oh the heat gun to just melt them down oh interesting I see what he's trimming okay so just little bridging errors or things like that get trimmed out so this is the last process of the plastic parts so it's the packaging if you order the G you will have for each chapter of your assembly manual uh back for uh got it assembling so this would be this would go like this into a kit for a customer I got it okay awesome last part of the Plastics Department it's quite new first year we have this UV printer because we started to print some labels and some instructions for the customers on the parts and so this is a 3D printed part yeah yeah it's from the farm but we need to somehow show the customers where to put filaments into multimaterial so use it to print the final instructions or the models on the print this is gorgeous this just comes out super clean if you want to learn more about how UV printers work I did uh an entire video about U printers so you can go check that up here I think maybe up here another interesting fact it help us to reduce the complexity because we can print the same Parts but only a different print on it for example the LCD cover is the same for MK4 and for XL only the print differs oh nice here we have several sub assemblies or small workstations where many components are tested or sub assembled to be ready for the kits and for the complete printers so these were things in the kit that you would get already put together yeah for example this one is for complete printer because in past we have the dedicated workstations and right now everything is movable or the gigs toolings and so on according to the demand and planning in the production you can change the workstation what is currently necessary to so this is the work you're doing to to speed things up got it and then what's happening back here it's in fact similar but it can contain only the tests and he's just testing cable assemblies it looks like he's tested in the uh the development database and then he is putting the QR code we are at the pre assembly of the final printers so several like around five main sub assemblies are produced here and going to the final assembly of the printer for example the frame yep then the EXC carage yeah this is for underneath the bed yeah for the heat bed okay all right this looks like a finished printer station yeah it's the final assembly so at the beginning of every shift the final assemble guy he pick all the material uh he needs to build bu eight uh printers per shift so he pick up the material for eight uh printers and he started to build this is the last station of the MK4 and MK3 production the final check mainly three things are happening here it's the visual control whether are there any stretches missing screws missing parts whether everything is tightened well and so on later on there is self calibration the testing and the self test it's done by the printer itself and the last thing is the first print okay after that the printer is moved back to the factory reset and sent to the shipping got it and you guys actually leave the test print from the factory on the bed so the customer receives it with the test print showing it work the great feedback on the L yeah it's amazing I received one and I was like wow this is super cool and then they go on this giant trolley over here to go down to there are 24 pieces and send it to the shipping all right right now we are standing at Exel production here is the production line and also the shipping part because of the size and the wage of the printer we have here several workstation mainly focusing on the next through assembly so this is the final assembly then it's moved to the tester and packed for the customers as you can see it's again built in of course so explain this a little bit to me cuz you've got some stuff up here but this is not this is part of the tester not part of because we are loading the filament whether it's okay to pull and press to the tester and so on and so is this fully automated he loads this in here and hits go and yeah yeah uh the operator only needs to put the final part there and start the test and then he will see whether the test is okay or not is it extruding filament somewhere in this I think there are only small centimet because I think that the spool is like for months okay we as first time how many spools we need yeah okay yeah awesome all right what's the next step here uh these are other sub assemblies which will be ready for the semi assembled printer but also for the fully assembled and slowly we are going to final assembly and final check it's again similar to m k 4 and MK3 but bigger and also because you are not allowed to carry on your own the printer there needs to be in the minimum two people carrying the printer because it's so heavy yeah yeah and because of the safety so that's why they are also these troles got it okay okay according the order yeah and this is the last part of the packaging yeah is this for semi assembled or yeah so mainly two big boxes yeah where you have the corx wi pdu and so on got it then you have a box with some accessories and also with big harry bows we have the XL yeah we can see they are even bigger not only the packaging but the Bears are the Bears themselves so prusa is big on Recycling and here they've got their grinder where they grind down not only filament that wasn't produced properly to make new recycled filament but also they grind down the reels themselves to be injection molded into new reels so he's pulling apart the reels to get the filament off and separate it because this is PLA and this is polycarbonate so they need to be ground separately it grinds it down to these fine pellets here and that either goes back into an extrusion line or back into the injection molder I he that PR is giving up on 3D printers and uh you're moving into injection molding yeah we just gave up and started injection molding everything yeah okay so you're going to stop making 3D printers and start making home injection molding machines yeah that's right well we started injection molding the School site we used for Braman because we just produce that many that doesn't make sense to three printos yeah and uh it's easier to inject them yeah and we also started like inting couple of parts for three p got it and this is things that aren't changing a lot so the cost of making a tool is not you're not having to to constantly change the tool no no yeah so I it's worth talking about what we mean when we say a tool what we really mean is a mold but but it's typically called a tool and these are these giant blocks of tool steel that are yeah quite impressive yeah and there's actually a crane here for loading them into the machines that's right like developing a tool what they call opening a tool is a pretty expensive process and very timeconsuming it is we'll do a full detailed Deep dive at some point on strange Parts about it let's look at this running basically like very simply injection molding you heat up the plastic yeah and then you shove it into the mold as hard and fast as you can and hope that it gets everywhere yeah the plastic goes down creating the part the mold opens yeah and then you got a robot arm here plucking it out it grabs the part and just takes it out awesome okay so here's the part itself and there's grabbing it out with the pushers pushing rods pushing it out of the mold yeah and going for another cycle repeating the immediately yep awesome let's go look where it comes out the other side these parts are for pami spool holder okay you just clip them together and uh if you have two sets actually got it so they would be like this and then another one here yeah and when you take out the part like the middle line for the plastic remains and you can shred it and use it again got it oh and you're actually feeding this into a shredder right here and it seems like it's actually cutting these off as part of the process here and then it's dropping it there awesome and Sh it and does this oh this is just a very quiet Shredder it's running the whole time oh wow that's crazy put this in here cool I'm here with Miroslav and you're the head of smt here at pra yes awesome well this is a very impressive line why build your own smt line there are plenty of services out there the main reason is to to be flexible when we are uh building prototypes so we are uh really able in one or two weeks start new project normally it can be 6 to 8 weeks externally that's a long time yeah yeah awesome so let's just go quickly through the line here um it looks like you're starting with uh solder paste yes so this is screen printing machine when we are printing solder paste through the stencils stencil is stainless steel shablon with the laser cut uh openings Y and we are applying uh by squeegee solder paste on pcbs and then SPI solder P inspection it's doing automated inspection and gives you actually a color layout of where the solder past is and and do you measure thickness as well yeah yeah yeah awesome and then I noticed you have four pick and place machines uh placing components why four we were starting uh with three machines uh but because one of our uh bigger project is the one we are currently running yeah uh has a lot of components more than 500 so we buy a Ford machine to to have it more powerful we can place around 60,000 components per hour always starting with uh it's called chip Shooters y so we are placing very fast small uh resistors and capacitors Y and uh other two machines are placing bigger components as got it connectors y yeah so youve got your bigger bigger suction heads on this machine last machine they are the the biggest components we have yeah and then your uh Reflow oven m y um awesome and then let's jump down here aoi this is aoi yes so aut automatic optic inspection for making sure that things got soldered correctly mhm y quick touch up of some failures which can be uh easily uh reworked or repaired and then oh you've got an x-ray here yes oh that's fancy what are you looking for in an x-ray image of a board we are basically looking on a pins which are not visible by camera or by eye especially it is pins under the body of the components yeah at our casee it is trinamic which is the driver for the stepper Motors it has uh it's called qfn that package and it it has legs under the under the body so you cannot see it by camera or by eye but you can inspect on x-ray to see if there is no shorts or open solder or something like that where you would have like a blob of solder bridging between two two pins I've not seen this before so these are the storing systems uh this one is 7 and a half M he oh my God and we are storing SMD components we have two of them but it is still still not enough we have some out oh wow that's crazy okay and this is why not shelves because this is much faster about 15 to 20 seconds you have uh whatever floor you you need okay well thank you thank you mirav thank you I'm very impressed you've done an amazing job here thank you for taking the time to to show us around thank you awesome we'll head on to the next step so I'm here with ladia and you're part of the testing team here at prussa right yeah and so what do you guys do here we test all the new printers and all the new firmwares all the parts you guys have quite the crazy Office Machines everywhere and parts what is this this is our testing farm this is awesome here we are testing Mark Force we are not testing only the firmwares we are testing the new parts like nozzles it's all labeled new electronics and even filaments I noticed you have not only your filament here but other manufacturers here is uh testing nozzle so we are testing if it prings good so maybe it's not good because it's clocked somewhere okay and that's I think important for people to know is like the whole point of testing is that sometimes things don't work correctly yeah that's why we are here in this place how many machines do you have in here wow it will be over 200 here we have the older machines like Mark 3s but we still need to run the tests around because it's still supported so there are newer versions of firmware still everything okay works fine so you're making sure that people who bought a machine aren't left stranded yeah once the new machine comes out that's great wow Blanca so right now we are standing at the EXP Edition the shipping okay so this is how the printers are coming and getting to the customers got it as you can see it's divided into two floors yeah on the first floor there are P the master products we call it so the kits we saw in the production and the complete printers we everything move upstairs and pack and on the ground floor there we pack the small orders like filaments all spare parts yeah and also sometimes The Replacements awesome well let's head upstairs and see that and then we'll come back down yeah okay great there are two main lines the first line and the second line the packaging line number one is mainly dedicated for mk3s mk4s complete printers and for enclosures so this is printers coming straight out of the testing and and bring up the and then when they're done they go on the conveyor belt here yeah on the conveyor downstairs and they are put on the pallets for the expeditors they are making the kids so we bring them the main boxes with the plastic parts with the Fasteners and accessories and then we have the engines and other parts and it's simply put into one box got it what I really like about this station that we are still making smaller and smaller boxes oh that's awesome to to try and save on shipping yeah yeah yeah okay cuz you guys and put more on one palette so because we are also right now sending the printers to our us company so we need to put it into a container are you holding inventory in the US yes awesome but in past we were not so much focused on resellers but right now we are a bit changing our policies and funny fact we are sending the harib BOS but there are also some countries that it's too expensive to do the customer clearance like Mexico oh because food oh got it so there are some countries that don't get their Haribo because it will be much more expensive to custom clear the Haribo than the pr it looks like here is the conveyor belt that goes down to the first floor great well let's head back downstairs and we'll see where where it ends up yeah great now we are in the part we call it small orders because usually when you order a printer you also add some extra parts like filaments some spare parts like hotends and something like this so what we do is that we split it into several boxes yeah and right now we will see how the small boxes are packed it's divided into two operations first is picking and then it's packing so right now there are the operators they have uh boxes and they are with the wireless scanners picking the good Goods to your order so you can see their filaments also the resins for the SLA printers and other stuff once the printer is printed on the first floor then the small order is sent to the queue for the picking so he will see it in the queue he put the scanner there's the actually watch her do it here yeah yeah yeah so there's the position where she should find the filament so she scanned the position and then she scanned any of go on the and then she knows she's got the right thing awesome and so then those go in totes yep and it is going to the pecking okay awesome let's go take a look at that in fact the boxes the tots it's the queue for the pecker got it okay so this is her queue of things she's going to pack and so how does she know what orders what it depends on the tote she take the tote scan the QR code at the toad and the order is open automatically once the smaller uh package is packed it's put on the pallets to the shipping company awesome so let's go take a look at that that she'll put them all here and this gets wheeled over so this is where you're palletizing yeah so there could be four open pellets for different uh shipping companies there is small geek like the maximum height of the P so these are industrial measurement devices is what you're saying got it yeah will be surprised how long does it take to develop this we we tried to print something and so on of course you did because this is Pia and then the research bring us to the beginning that's amazing so as long as it fits underneath the tennis ball then it's allowed amazing and then they get shrink wrapped over here Y and out to a truck yep right now we are about 80 pallets per day 80 pallets per day because of the Excel that it's only four yeah I'm here with David and you have a very unique role here in Pria I'm mostly the maker some custom printers or models to events shows or when we want to introduce the new materials or products and need uh some custom models for it so I made those models so you're kind of like almost like an artist in residence or a something like you go to our booth and the events the all things there uh almost like the tables yeah the frame everything we do the painted models all almost everything you see on the Instagram the the short videos of making of and stuff like this we made it uh you can also see the life-size T-Rex in the prag zoo and stuff like this the most models what what you do see there is already painted by someone so we get the 3D files printed there and uh just postprocess it smooth it paint it and put it on the event or there on the corridors but there is a lot of models like the custom printers and stuff like this we must do the models here so we model it out it and then the whole process what modeling software are you typically using mostly zbrush blender Fusion you've got many models that are way too big to fit on a b plate how are you cutting things into chunks 90% of the time we use just the slicer mostly the the smoothest part of the model somewhere on the model just the little smooth place there is the place for the cut and that's so that you can you can easily fill it and and sand it sand it yeah okay this doesn't have any layer lines you clearly some filler on top what are you using there we use a Bondo for pler board okay Auto fillers then classic sandpaper yeah and then the filler in a spray awesome and I notic you have quite the spray painting station here the airbrush station and a spray booth behind yeah what's the tool you use the most in your the vacuum cleaner is I think the most important things in every Workshop how many printers do you have in total for your operation 20 mk4s four till six excels some single tools some five tools and there is a five SL ones for people who want to get into doing this type of model making who have a 3D printer what advice would you give them just be patient the sending is the process for a long time when you want to nice shiny smooth surface yeah you need to be patient that's all it's not that hard yeah I think everyone can do it how long does it take you to make something like this two days of printing and two days of postprocessing I think two wow how long did it take you to slice everything and get it ready to print the model is ready it's from I think it's from 4 or something like this so you cut it it takes 5 minutes and and then you can print it that's amazing yeah thank you so much for showing us around this is so impressive um you and I could talk all afternoon we have a bunch of other things to go see we're going to head off to the next building thank you so much all right bye bye hi Tommy this is amazing what is this hi so we are standing in front of the AFS which stand for the automated farm system it's a modular system which you can configure where one of the module is this nine printer module where we can put nine printers in it then we can also configure more modules like shelving module which is behind you right this here exactly and also in in the future we can add more modules so these modules are stackable on sides to each other and we can configure it as the customer wants we can expend it up to 27 printers but there are some limitation on the place and area what where we can work with so and the idea here is that you can have a print farm that needs less human attendance exactly because we came out a requests from our own Farm where uh one of the biggest issue is planning where the data from the Erp systems are crunched through some Exel tables and then put to to the production but uh basically we don't need to Crunch any data we can just feed the the live data into the system so it will print on demand so we don't we can we can just lower our stocks up so we can save some space also and we can eliminate some human factor inside the whole process you don't have to have as much many farmers and as much work from the farmers to exactly or we can have more Farmers like like taking care of the printers you know like maintaining the printers or they are properly maintained but not taking care of this like crucial stuff like what need to be printed at what time these are not marvs and they're not xl's exactly this is a core XY printer that I I haven't seen this from you guys yet exactly this is a brand new printer developed especially for the AFS but in a really funny way we can say like it's a XL mini the kinematics is the same like XL even some parts are same from the XEL because we want to save the production costs but it's much more smaller the the build volume for this is 260 mm by 260 mm by 160 so the zaxis is little bit lower here are the the pins for the print sheet where uh we we need to lift it up out from the magnets so then the manipulator unit easily retrieve the print sheet how do these pins actuator just by lowering the z-axis way down oh I see them over here exactly exactly got it oh that's super smart that's very very simple no electronics just mechanical solution and we and that just peels the bed off the magnets and then the arm can come in and and pull it out one feature of the AFS is we want to have something like swappable printers this is done basically on the fly so if something happens the operator can just take out the printer and uh put the new printer back into its position the system will automatically detect that this change happened so he can act accordingly there are still some stuff which we need to tweak I hope by the beginning of the 2024 we can deploy this first units in into our farm awesome well this is incredible Tommy thank you so much for taking the time I'm here with Daniel and you're the head of repair here at Pia yes I am I feel like a lot of lot of 3D printer companies don't have repair departments I believe every 3D printer company should have repair department one of the main sources for feedback from the customers we as our department and support we are at the front end of the company so we are communicating with the customers that means not covering the new releases but also older products that may have some bucks due to newly introduced firmwares next door we receive the printers we check them against the system what should arri uh what actually arrived what's the condition of the printer who's the customer what we're dealing with basically we're trying to figure out based on description from the customer what's wrong with printer not only the description might not cover all the issues with printer but also the customer might use different vocabulary for the issues we're dealing with so we're trying to meet the customer at his language level every technician they do the full Diagnostics we informed the customer what's the current condition if they need to pay for the repair or not after technicians do their repairs we actually test the printers we have a set of test Sprints that we do for each product we have test different aspects of three printing awesome well thank you so much this is so important in uh you know keeping printers out of landfills and uh you know prolonging their life so we're trying out our best actually Joseph thank you so much for having me at your factory this is amazing I'm so glad that you good to see it all and if you want to learn more about prusia and their printers go to the link down in the description also stick around to the end prusia has made a very interesting offer to any strange Parts fans that are in Prague whether it's sharing open source code or sharing models or just giving advice the spirit of giving to others is a core part of the 3D printing community and giving selflessly makes a difference in many parts of the world especially during the holidays but it's hard to know where resources are the most effective and this is where givewell this video sponsor comes in givewell has now spent over 15 years researching charitable organizations and only directs funding to a few of the highest impact opportunities they found over a 100,000 donors have used givewell to donate more than $1 billion evidence suggests that these donations will save over 150,000 lives and improve the lives of millions more you can make tax deductible donations to the recommended funds or Charities and give well doesn't take a cut this is not a paid service all the research givewell has done is available for free for you to check for example they don't just tell you that malaria kills over 600,000 people annually mostly children under five in subsaharan Africa they link to research and studies they've done about where money is most effectively spent to combat that problem and explain how your funds help distribute $5 Nets that are extremely effective in Saving Lives and here's the best part if you've never donated to give Wells recommended Charities before you can have your donation matched up to $100 before the end of the year or as long as the matching funds last to claim your match go to givewell dorg and pick YouTube and enter strange Parts at checkout make sure that they know you heard about give well from strange parts to get your donation matched this holiday season you can help make the world a bit better it turns out you guys give factory tours to the public yes we do and it it is quite easy you just need to either ping us on the live chat or send us an email okay and schedule it I'll put the email address and and information down in the description as well with that thank you again thank you too and uh we'll see you again soon
Channel: Strange Parts
Views: 806,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing, 3d printer, prusa, joseph prusa, josef prusa, prusa research, prusa 3d printer, prusa factory tour, factory, factory tour, strange parts, 3d print, bambu lab, 3d printed, 3d print farm, prague, czech republic, prusa mk4, prusa slicer, original prusa, 3d printers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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