iPhone Lidar + Everypoint App to reconstruct large crime scene areas | Forensics CSI | Click 3D Ep26

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hey everybody it's gene lisho here and welcome  to click 3d this is the program where we talk   about photogrammetry and how you can use your  digital camera to make compelling 3d models now   a few weeks ago and actually a couple times  i've already done a couple of videos on the   everypoint app and so the first time i did  a car i laser scanned it i made a comparison   and after that i did a parking lot something  on the order of about 40 or 50 meters   well i've been pushing the app a little bit  more and i want to see how far i can push it   so here's the challenge for today what i'm going  to do is i'm going to take the app i'm going to   start scanning and i'm going to go around my whole  building maybe twice and i'm going to try and get   some of the details around the corners here i  just want to see what i can capture or even if   the app is going to hold up and when you think  about it this would be a really fantastic option   if you're trying to get something really big  and getting a point cloud or some 3d data   all the way around the building so if you think  about a car accident and getting something at   an intersection if you think about thinking  about a crime scene if you're thinking about uh   archaeology if you're thinking about architecture  if you're thinking about construction it has a lot   of different applications by doing this now the  question is what's the accuracy going to be like   the question is will the photogrammetry part kick  in and really help us bring this all together or   is it just going to fail and collapse remember  we have both lidar on the phone and we have   video collections so we're processing those video  frames to a photogrametry model and i think that's   one of the strengths of this particular app so  let's go ahead i'm going to fire this up it's   going to be a little tricky i'm going to try  and hold my phone and kind of walk around the   building so i'll have two things in my hand here  but let's give it a go and let's see what happens all right so here i am i'm not sure if you can  see this whatever but i basically have a poll   i've got the iphone up on top and then i've  got just a regular phone here recording my uh   you know my audio and my video just kind of as  i walk around so i thought it would be nice to   get a second perspective so what i'm going  to do is i'm going to scan this building and   the sun is kind of going down so there's going  to be a part where i'm kind of going to be right   in the sun so you can see the building here i'm  going to head down this way go to the left do the   back and then eventually go around and you'll see  i'll be coming up from this way over here so we'll   do one loop with a bit of overlap so that we can  do some loop closure and what i'm going to do is   on here i'm going to go with the ar kit lighter  points right there and i'm just going to use the   the standard and i'm just going to go start and  this is going to start here i'm just gonna go   start walking around here once this is ready oh  one thing i will do is do this camera pass through   so i can see what the heck i'm looking at  okay so i'm just gonna start walking now   and i'm not gonna be being too uh picky here i'm  just gonna make a nice loop around the building   get what i get and uh in some cases maybe  when i come back around on the opposite side   i'll get that mailbox that's there now you see the  sun that's over here okay you can see it there i'm   gonna turn the camera away from the sun get this  side so i don't get glare and i'm going to move   as far back as i can i'm kind of limited because  there's a concrete barrier but i'm going to do my   best to get the upper part here and hopefully yeah  hopefully this will work so i'm kind of squeezing   squeezing it here it's as close or as far  as i can get but i think i've got the top   of the building so i'll be okay and all right  so let me start to shift again like that so you   can see the back is not just flat it's got these  uh indents in the building so if i go over here   there's going to be a part that's in the shade  so i'm not sure how well it's going to handle the   shaded parts but like here against the wall  okay so if i get close all right like that   and then i'm gonna come back again like this all  right like that and i'm getting a little bit of   sun over here so i gotta be  careful i don't get the glare all right it's a little dark there so the  contrast is not i should say the uh the   bright and dark this is not going to be helpful  but we'll see what the reconstruction gives who   knows again this is just walking around and  you know if i can do this in five minutes and   get all this data that'll be pretty cool  so uh i got some stuff in here going on   uh if i can show you like that i've got  a wall in here that i want to capture   some of this and i'm not going to get too picky so  i'm going to get most of this over here like that   i'm going to go like this i'm gonna get the  wall i'm gonna back up like that okay now i   gotta be careful on this part because there is  sun there so i gotta point it away again i just   don't want the glare the glare's just gonna mess  everything up so i'm gonna go this way and start   pointing away from the sun i'm kind of it's not  working backwards really but just uh got to get   as far back as i can i want to get the top of the  building there okay yeah this is i'm kind of in a   tight situation here so hopefully i'll get enough  now i got a bit more space over here all right getting this side of the building and hopefully  this is gonna work for me all right now i got a   bit more room here so this will be helpful  and sorry if it's a little windy yeah okay   we're getting this part of the building so the  sun is on my back so that's going to be helpful   i should get the uh oh nice a lot of nice details  here and i wish i had a gimbal for this thing   but it is what it is i'm just using a  uh it's a monopod a telescoping monopod   and it seems to be okay so if i wanted  to get up high that would be useful but   all right we're here like this and let me keep  going around all right now i got a straight shot   uh try to hold this stable don't get too wobbly  but i've got plenty of room here so i'm just going   to go like this and walk collect all this stuff  you might even see me walking here in the windows   there's a bit of glare but i'll  be interested to see what happens   so we're probably about uh 75 80 of the way there  so we're not doing too bad okay got some cars here   and we'll see if we get some points from the light  are on there now of course the lidar has a limited   range right so if i'm about 12 meters or 10 meters  or so from the wall here it's not going to help um   it's just whenever i cross something that's kind  of close to me i'll get some data but that's okay   let's see what i get getting to the corner  here and what i'm going to do in at the very   end here is i'm going to loop around this mailbox  that's at the end you'll see it in a second there   you go so i'm just going to loop around that  and make sure that i get most of the building   and i got to be careful with the glare and  i should walk into the shadow right now okay   i got a nice shadow blocking the sun and i'm going  to do is i'm going to walk close here and now   you'll see the points start to kick in yeah so i'm  just going to go around here like that okay great   like that and i'm almost done i just want to  do a bit of overlap at the end of the building   like this and i'm going to walk it again  and basically get some loop closure in this   thing so that when it processes you know it has  something to uh to close the loop if you just   if you don't close the loop and overlap a bit you  basically have like two open ends of a string and   they can just kind of flop around and when you  get the overlap they sort of get tied together   so i'm going to stop it here okay all right so  it'll give me a preview uh this is based should   be based on the lidar points you can see it's a  mess okay so it kind of looks like the shape but   not really okay so that's just a really really  rough um look at what we've captured and because   it's so big you know this is just raw data so what  i'm going to do is i'm going to close this out   and it's going to ask me what i want to do so i  want to save and upload so i'm going to hit that   and what's it going to be called i'm going to  call this building building like this and uh   then it says uh save ply or whatever i'll  go just go e57 oh wait maybe it's giving   me a problem here there's something already  called building so i'll just call it bldg   okay and i'll go save you 57 it's saving  now and i expect that this is going to   take a little bit of time and then what i'm gonna  do is uh yeah the scan is saved but now what it   has to do it has to upload so you'll see in the  top here it's gonna start to upload the data up on   the screen there and we will go from there so not  too bad um what we'll do is i'll let this upload   i'm going to stop the video and then we're going  to go and uh figure out what the heck is going   on with the data i'm really interested to see  what this is going to look like see in a bit okay so i'm here inside of uh cloud  compare and i've got some data up here   uh from the first capture there now i'm noticing  already that you know missing some pieces some   of these walls are not looking all that great  but it did manage to get all the way around   the building and you'll see here  i've got some walls and such now   again my favorite thing is that this isn't  going to win any awards this is a quick capture   it's using a low-cost sensor and you can see  there's quite a bit of noise up here so there   may be a few reasons for this and um one of  them is uh the distance that i'm uh you know   how close i am to these walls how far i am and  also the method of capture so you'll see in here   here and in here so i had a problem because i  had to kind of rotate around and when you got   to rotate the camera path it doesn't work all  that well so it really likes when you have to   move sort of parallel to a surface that's really  the best way because you're capturing a lot of   over lapping images that way when you're trying  to get into like the little nooks and crannies   you have to pay attention to the path that  you're taking so what i'm going to do here is   i'm probably going to do this again but i also  need to laser scan so i'm going to take the laser   scanner and i'm going to scan this area just very  quickly without any color or anything just so that   i have a ground truth i've got some reference to  say okay look you know i can measure maybe some   distances to see what i've got um there are some  areas locally that are obviously going to give   me problems i can even see here there was some  problems with uh the uh the alignment and that   sort of thing but i need some kind of a reference  otherwise it's uh it's just sort of a visual   inspection and i really won't know so let me go  do that um i'm gonna go scan and i'll probably do   another round of measurements and then i'll come  back and i'll compare them all in cloud compare   okay folks so as you saw i had some difficulty  with the uh the first round and it was kind of   uh well i guess that on some of the corners it  started to lose track and it wasn't doing all   that well so i'm going to try this one more time  and what i'm going to be doing is just kind of   really going steady and being careful about  some of the corners and such that i'm going   to be tackling here so let me get into the every  point app and what i'm going to do is use the ar   lidar okay that's good and then what i'm going to  do is i'm going to go start scan i'm going to put   the pass through so i can see what's going on i'm  going to go back here i've already got some glare   so i got to get into this part here all right so  here we go and i think we are already scanning   so let me just start moving here all right i'm  going to try to make this as steady as possible and all right so i'm moving pretty quick  here and you can kind of see me walking   all right not really getting the top all  that much but i am closer to the building now   okay now i got to be careful here because there's  going to be glare the sun's going to be pointed   right at me all right i'm turning a bit  around this corner hopefully it gets this   moving back moving back trying to avoid glare okay getting this part of the building   all right now it's the back part here that caused  me some problems last time so what i'm going to   do is i am going to sort of do a convergent  axis around here and let me see what i can do   i'm just going to move straight across and see  what i get like this okay so yeah i'm not gonna   spend too much time on the walls there i'm just  gonna walk straight across i went in there last   time i really got the insides but no big deal i'm  just going to keep going like this see what i get like that like this and see what happens okay  so i'm going to be missing some of the uh   pieces there and i gotta move back from this  wall and try to just get this wall try to get   the bottom corner too and move slowly here okay  picking up some of the lighter i can see some of   the points coming through but not all that much  and i'm gonna go around this corner like this   all right and i'm gonna see what  happens here if i get this all scanned   walking at a distance here should be picking  all this up i got the sunlight behind me now   so that hopefully will help a bit  and just going to keep going here   now if i can i'm going to try and maybe  loop a bit more get on the inside but if not   even just once will help so now i'm gonna  move a bit closer like here all right   so i'm gonna stay and hard to see well i'm gonna  see me in the walking in the parking lot here and   all right instead slow and steady try to make this  happen this side i didn't have too much problems   with last time it did pretty good i'm kind of  wondering if i could elevate this almost and   point it down a bit it might even be better  but there's some spots that are just tight   they're hard to get the whole wall kind of  thing so uh let's just see what we can do here   if i can manage another loop around then maybe  i'll do that two loops might be better than one   and this way we really lock it all in here  so we're coming around to the corner now   all right getting right to the corner and now  we're going to be starting our second loop so   let's see what we can do here all right now i  gotta tuck in because the sun is gonna start   to give me a glare so i'm gonna get kind of close  here see if i can tuck into this shadowed area and   then yeah okay now i got shadow that's good so i'm  going back just until i get a little bit of glare   and i'm doing my second loop here so let me try  this again maybe on a little bit of an angle   oh yeah i can see how it's lost tracking now  but maybe it'll get fixed with the second loop   so now i have to start turning okay turn move  back and let's see what we got here okay one   more let's do one more loop i'm going to try to  hit the top a bit oops wobbling too much careful all right okay now in here this is the tricky spot  so okay i'm not gonna spend too much time in here   um let me just walk across and get some of this moving across getting some close-ups let me try  to tuck into this well maybe not this one corner   now i can kind of see the  inside over here that's cool   all right you could probably hear kids  in the background maybe i don't know   let me get in close to this thing let's  see if i can get this in better detail like that some of the uh all right  now i'm gonna get this part down here   like that okay now over here i'm gonna  move back again well i'll move you know   what i'm gonna do closer now this time  see if i can get this part a bit better so i'm kind of cutting off the top of the  building but let's see what i get just like this okay it's a little bit of wind now  it's picked up a bit so hopefully   the microphone's not going to get too much wind  noise all right so here i'm gonna go around this   corner and i'm gonna walk a bit closer this  time to get the bottom half of the building   and all right i'm gonna move a bit quick and once  i get down to the end i'm just gonna call it quits   and that'll be my second loop get in there and uh  yeah i keep thinking that having a gimbal might   help this because like i'm holding this pole and  it's not too bad and really not too bad at all but i keep thinking that as i wobble this  around especially if you turn fast so   you know moving faster or slower is probably  not a problem but if you rotate this at all   and it moves about sort of the vertical  axis i think that could be more detrimental   so let's see what happens here we're getting to the final part almost there about  90 of the way there all right   i've got this fire hydrant here right  there and i've got the mailbox right   here and once i get back here i am going  to call it quits so i'm in the shaded area   we did some overlap already so what i'm  going to do is i'm just going to stop it now   and let's see what happens stop let  me see if i can just go around the car   see if i can get this in better detail like that all right like this and that's it we're gonna call it quits oh yeah so you can see this is totally messed  up with just the lidar like a total mess as it   goes around there so it just lost its marbles but  that's okay we're going to hit close it's going to   ask me whether to save i'm going to do the save  and upload and i'm going to call this building 2 yeah just whatever two and we can save it as  an e57 and now we gotta let this thing cook so   we'll come back to this a bit  later and see what happens all right so i'm out here on this beautiful  day here and i've got the laser scanner with me   so i'm going to be scanning all the way around  the building so that this way i have some kind   of a reference or some known uh values so i'm  just going to be going around i'm using a low   resolution not going to be using color or anything  like that just want to get a quick sort of idea   of the overall dimensions of the buildings and  then we're going to see how that compares to the   data that was captured with the everypoint app okay we're almost done here um it's always funny  because any time that i come out and i'm like   scanning people always come up and they're like  what the heck are you doing what is that where do   you work what's going on so people think i'm like  i don't know construction company or going to be   tearing down walls or whatever so i assure you  that's not what i'm doing here but almost done   when this is taken care of we're going to go  inside and we are going to process these scans um all right so we are in cloud compare and  what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you   what i have in terms of data so this  first one here that looks nice and crisp   and very solid is the pharaoh data and so this  is the laser scanner data i did not do any   uh color or anything like that i just kind of  went around really really quickly and you'll see i   i've made some pretty big jumps here with the  scanner just so i can get the overall size i'm not   really too worried about uh some of these little  gaps and that sort of thing no big deal there   so um that's uh one uh reference that we  have and i think that's gonna be our main   reference and what i'd like to do is sort of take  some corner to corner measurements and then look   at the overall dimensions and see how they compare  i could do a full you know 3d comparison but i   just want to get some some scaled measurements  in this one i'm not going to go all that far   like i did in a previous video or in a couple of  other videos and the only reason is i can tell   already like we're really pushing the phone here  uh the iphone 12 by going all the way around and   we're still getting something don't get me wrong  but i just feel that it's it's way over the top uh   maybe uh for for uh you know what what's required  here so that's the faro data this is the original   data that i have with the phone so uh let me  just shut off the laser scanner data down here so   that's the original data you can see that we have  a lot of noise in these corners here okay but we   still got some kind of a structure and it doesn't  look perfectly clean but hey it is what it is and   finally we have another one and that's the most  recent one that we did and this one actually looks   uh now i didn't go into the corners here so i just  kind of bypass those i just kind of walk straight   down this way but you'll see that overall it  looks pretty good uh it looks fairly solid along   the walls that i captured and so if i wanted to  just do an overall measurement or whatever we're   going to check that as well so let me hit the uh  or let me just hit i'm gonna hit mute here for a   second and i'm just gonna go work through this and  get these things aligned as best as possible so standby okay so there we are so what we have now is  the first scan that i did in the middle is   the laser scanner data and this is the second  scan that i did that looks a bit more solid   so we can try a couple of things here uh with  just overall measurements and maybe aligning the   two together and then checking but let's just do  a simple thing here let's take the laser scanner   data and let's take a corner to corner measurement  i want to know let's say for example how far it's   going to be from let's say this corner down here  right down to the opposite corner that's down here   just on the ground and we'll try to pick the same  points in uh in the other scan too so i'm going   to go into the distance tool here and i'm going  to click uh more or less over here that's fine   and then we're going to go to the other side like  this and go right across to the opposite corner   and get a nice little measurement and we just  got to make sure we got to pick more or less   the same point so let's say somewhere over here  okay so this is telling me that it's about 92.07   and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna save  that measurement so now it's locked into   yeah it's locked in there okay good so 92.07 now  let me close this and let me do the same thing   i'm going to hide this actually and i'm going to  do the same thing with this one here which is the   first one that i did okay where i actually  tried to get inside these areas and it got   a little messed up but let's look at the scale  now i haven't adjusted anything right now this   is exactly how it comes out of the phone no  adjustments so i'm not expecting this to be   close but you'll see i'm gonna  have a little bit of a hard time   picking the right points here but let's just do  our best so i'm going to go ahead take a distance   tool so somewhere around here is the bottom of  the pillar so there and let me go around okay   this side we're going to pick the opposite  corner which actually doesn't look too bad   somewhere around here let's  say okay right about there   okay so here we have 89.59 so there's a difference  of a couple of meters right there okay right off   the bat that's fine so let me save that one and  let me close this one and let me bring in the   last one that i did which was this one here so  this one i think performed a little bit better   didn't have as much noise but again we're just  going off the immediate scale i haven't scaled   any of these or tried to correct anything  so let's do this same thing pick down here   okay this first one great and  let me get down to the other side   like there oops right there and let's just  say that somewhere around here is the other   point oh i didn't hit the distance let me do  that again distance tool and let me go back   all right here we go now i'm getting close and  let's say around here somewhere okay so now i've   got 91.39 so actually the second one uh did much  better okay so that's when i went back i just did   i did a couple passes but i didn't get into these  areas here so in these areas here might have been   where i uh failed or had some problems so let's  check that out so right right off the bat this one   is about a meter off and the other one is at least  a couple of meters off i'm going to save this   measurement and these will update as i uh make  some changes here all right so the second thing   that i'm going to do is let me just shut that  off let me bring back the this is the faro data   is i'm going to take each of these scans i'm going  to overlay them here onto the the ferroscan data   as a reference and then i'm going to register  and scale them accordingly so that it basically   is going to fit the lidar phone the every point  scans to the laser scanner data but it's going to   also adjust the scale so it's going to try and you  know stretch it in all dimensions kind of equally   and try to make it fit and then once it fits  basically we'll have a better scale we should   have a better scale and then we'll take a look at  the numbers again and these labels that i've made   will automatically update this one won't but  these other two will okay so give me a couple   minutes i'm going to do that and then we'll  come back and we'll just check the numbers uh okay so uh now let's have a look at this and see  what we got here everything seems to be aligned   they're sitting on top of each other so all the  scans are on top so let's let's do a comparison   from the um scan data so let's just look  make sure which one i've got okay so this one   was the first one let me make sure i'm in a  top-down view okay and you'll see that the   corner to corner distance after i scaled was  90.65 and i'm just going to get a piece of   paper i'm going to write this down just so i  can keep a recording so the first one we did   is 90.65 meters from corner to corner and let's  look at the second one and you can see there's   a lot of noise here there's a lot of problems  with alignment actually let's just look at this   when it's overlaid with the pharaoh scan data  so i can see and i'm going to look at this in   an orthographic view as well okay there we  go so we can see where there are mismatches   to the walls and stuff okay like here you  can see here there's some problems here   uh looks like there's some issues out in the  corner as well so this first one that i did   is not so great you can see that we got easily  uh a couple of meters of air right off the bat   okay 92.0 90.65 so about a couple meters and in  some and i'm only taking this one measurement   where i can see there's some skew in some of  these areas it looks like there there could be   some significant problems but okay but at least we  know what we've got so let's bring up the next one   okay so this is the next one now if we  just do a comparison here you'll see   much better on the walls with the scan data  surprisingly that is pretty good actually   that is not too bad you can see locally there's  some noise in some different places but if you   look at the edges considering that we're pushing  this phone here we can see some mismatch right   here okay so here we can get some some little  things and maybe if i look at it here we might   be able to tweak that a little bit with some  registration or whatever but let's look at this   again over here yeah a little bit of mismatch over  here but the overall difference here is i've got   92.35 uh with to 92 but let me just make sure i  know which one's which okay so the laser scanner   or our reference is going to be 92.07 let's say  and when we bring back uh the other one we've got   92.35 so effectively we have about 30  centimeters of air on corner to corner so um   that is telling me that the there's a couple  of things we learned from this exercise first   is the way that you capture so the way that i was  walking around the building uh makes a difference   so for example um in the first one in the video  what i was walking around you can see i actually   tucked into these corners and i kind of rotated  the camera around here and also there's some tight   corners uh like here there's a fence and here  there's a concrete barrier so i can't get farther   away so it's kind of close to this wall and what  you want to do when you're scanning something like   that is actually move farther away not so much  for the lighter points but because it's a big flat   wall well what i want to do is capture as  much of it as possible otherwise it ends up   looking like a repeating pattern and you can  get some some slippage here or some problems   but definitely the two big problems i had on  the first one if we bring the first one back   and i shut off the ferro scanner you can see  these corners here just just a mess so there's   some issues that were going on uh when i was  capturing it here and that has to do with the   way that i was capturing okay so rotating around  that sort of thing so there are some methods   here that you can use for uh improving this but  overall i would have to say that my second attempt   did better so let me turn that back on and  again i'll let you have another view here   uh you can see that there are some small  mismatches here on corners here it's not   too bad looks like it's lining up okay here  this looks like there might be a little bit   over here there's a little bit you can see that it  kind of bends out this way but you know let's say   you just wanted a fast quick and dirty uh overview  map of uh you know this particular building here   it took me you know 10 minutes to walk around this  and basically everything happens automatically and   so i realize we are for sure pushing the uh the  iphone and the every point app uh to its limits   and remember corner to corners about 93 meters so  um if we were to look at the total perimeter here   well let's see what we got here but maybe we can  maybe we can find that out uh if we go to the well   let's look at the ferro data because that's the  more accurate one let's just find out what the if   i had to walk around i walked around this twice  so i'm just kind of curious to know how far i   actually had to go so let's see if we do that let  me take a distance measurement so here to here   okay so that's like 91 meters so let's say that's  180 on both sides and then from here to here okay   that's telling me it's about 34. so let's say  that was about uh on each side let's say was it   roughly about 70 something like that so basically  what i'm going to have is about 250 meters or so   let's say to walk around this uh once and then  twice would be about 500 meters so if you're   thinking about if this was all unwrapped and was  linear basically i'm scanning about 500 meters and   you know it's uh uh you know it's not bad again  if you want to go back let me just go back here   and turn this on that's it um so i think that's  all i'm going to be doing for this particular   video it was a a really uh i wouldn't say it was  a quick test but it was uh kind of pushing it for   me i didn't think it was even going to get this  far so um for in some applications this is not   going to work really well for you it's not at the  level of accuracy that you're going to need but   it goes to show you that you can get a very large  area with the every point app using the iphone 12   lidar thanks everybody for watching click 3d  and we'll see you on the next one take care bye you
Channel: 3D Forensics
Views: 19,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photogrammetry, 3d scanning, 3d scanner, reality capture, laser scanning, 3d point cloud data, land surveying, forensic evidence, 3d model, 3d modelling, Vr, virtual reality, forensic scientist, crime investigation, accident reconstruction, zephyr, photomodeler, 3dsmax, cloud compare, forensics, archaeology, CloudCompare, Agisoft Metashape, Meshroom, Pix4D, 3DF Zephyr, Regard3D, WebODM, Drone, aerial data, RealityCapture, LiDAR, Iphone Lidar, 3D printing, 3D printer, 3D print
Id: wEm3nk6phLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 21sec (2241 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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