iPhone Hidden Features! 2023 Tips & Tricks!

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in this video I want to show you more than 20 hidden features for your iPhone and there's at least a few of these on this list that I guarantee you've never seen before I legit learned a ton making it and I can't wait to see your reactions down below so if you're excited drop a like hit subscribe for more I want to start off first with a creative way to check someone's height if you've ever run into somebody who claims they're above six foot when they're absolutely a short King just open up the measure app and then have them walk in front of your camera and it will tell you their approximate height automatically without even having to do anything now is somebody who is above six foot I've always been confident when somebody pulls out the measure app but this is a good sign if you're on a first date and they don't submit to the measure app test you might want to move on next up whenever you need to do math on your phone you're probably used to going over to the calculator app but next time just swipe down on your home screen and do all of it in Spotlight search anytime you have a somewhat simple equation you can just throw it in here and get the answer immediately addition subtraction division multiplication it's all here and you can get the result really quickly without breaking up your workflow that being said if you're doing something a bit more complex you can head over to the calculator app and if you ever type out the wrong number usually you would have to hit C and restart the entire process but now you can just swipe over from left to right and delete the numbers and correct your mistake this has honestly been game changing and I can't believe I just learned this on your iPhone's home screen while you're in jiggle mode something pretty wild happens if you tap on the page dots below it holds up an entirely new UI where you can just straight up hide different pages so if you have some questionable apps or maybe some apps that you don't want to see all of the time you can just uncheck those pages and they Disappear Completely until you go back into jiggle mode and re-enable them in the same page view next up one of the most useful features Apple's added in the past year is for Wi-Fi password sharing you can now head over to Wi-Fi settings tap on the eye of your network and then tap on password do some face ID scanning and reveal the password right here you can now text this to anybody else and get them on your network right away now before we move on with the rest of the features in this video I want to tell you about my new iPhone case made by case coup who sponsored today's video what I love so much about these cases is not only how slim and protective they are it's the magic stand on the back which perfectly folds into the phone and allows you to flip it out and now set your phone down on whatever surface you want perfect for viewing whatever content you want to look at in either portrait mode for things like FaceTime calls or landscape for watching videos it's brilliantly integrated directly into the magsafe ring as well so you're getting a stronger magsafe connection as well as functionality that you won't see on any other phone case so check out the link down below for a special discount on case koo's magic stand series now let's get back to some more iPhone hidden features next up if you're like me and you use the maps app a lot while driving you've probably realized it's hard to zoom in and out because it requires a two finger pinch like everywhere else on the iPhone but Apple's thought about this and added a really cool one-handed gesture where you can double tap and then pull out to zoom out or double tap and pull in to zoom in this one in particular has been huge for me and it just makes it so much easier to figure out where I'm actually going speaking of potentially life-saving features you can now lock with face ID the hidden and recently deleted albums in your photos app I don't know about you guys if you ever had some questionable photos that you may have forgotten about you want those to be locked out so just head over to the settings app go to photos and scroll down and tap on use face ID where you'll be able to enable it to require access to the hidden and recently deleted albums and now when you go back to photos you can see that these require your face to get in now while we're in the photos app there's some fun stuff you can do too like tapping and holding on a person or an animal and you can drag them out of the app and go through them into messages and make them a sticker that other people can copy and paste in perpetuity God I've had so much fun with this or if on the other hand this person is not one of your faves and they're an X or something and you want to stop seeing them recommended and promoted by photos just tap on the dots in the top right hand corner of the screen and tap on feature this person less and apple will try to stop popping them up on your phone everywhere next up moving on to the phone app you probably don't look at this as an area that a lot of hidden functionality exists as the keypad looks pretty straightforward but if you type in asterisk 30012345 asterisk you will be taken to a hidden menu I never saw before right now this is a completely hidden cellular diagnostic area with a few different menus that show you different information like band info bandwidth cell ID radio access if it's LTE or 5G and while I absolutely don't know what most of this means it's kind of cool to dig around in here and I legit never knew this existed in iOS moving on if you've ever found a lost iPhone and you want to know who it belongs to you can just ask Siri whose iPhone this is and while it won't give you much information it will give you the person's first name if they've set a contact and it could potentially help you yell around or talk to someone nearby to know if Sam is anywhere close or it could also be good to verify that this phone belongs to whoever is trying to claim it next up if you want to make typing more fun I highly recommend enabling the haptic feedback for the keyboard you just go over to settings to do this sound and haptics and then scroll down to keyword feedback and enable the haptic switch now every time you touch a key on the keyboard you will get a slight vibration that lets you know you are hitting that key now to be clear here people have tested this feature against battery life and there is a slight impact if you want the best and longest possible battery life you probably shouldn't turn this on but I've been using it since the day it came out and I've never looked back it just makes typing so satisfying more generally I always forget that there's a swipe keyboard built into your iPhone as well so you can just move your finger around the letters to swipe and spell out whatever word you want to and the predictive algorithm is actually ridiculously good on here like it shouldn't be this good for what it is it's especially great when you're trying to type one-handed or you have a larger phone like the pro Max because those are just too many inches for me to hold in my hand at one time now next up Shazam integration has been native on the iPhone for a couple of years now which gives you the ability to identify a song that's playing out loud but did you know it also works if you are playing a song on your own device for example if you're over in Tick Tock and you hear a really catchy song that you want to add to your library just go to control center and tap on the Shazam toggle from here it'll be able to internally identify the exact song that's playing and there's even a cool history view in control center if the notification goes away you just tap and hold on Shazam and it'll show you you the song you were trying to find it's so cool next up with apple music you can now remove the lyrics to any song and make it a karaoke version just head over to the lyrics view of pretty much anything and tap on the new microphone icon in the bottom right hand corner from there you can drag up to make the lyrics full volume or drag them down so that you can barely hear anything if you're trying to learn to sing or you just want to have a good time this is a super fun way to get a very high quality version of any song built into the music app that you can sing along with in the messages app just like you can pin specific conversations at the top you can also pin specific messages to find them easier in the future it only works for certain things like links but if you see one tap and hold it tap on pin and now when you go into the detail view it's one of the first things you see which makes it so much easier to find important things that you've sent in the past and rather than trying to scramble and search for something oddly specific like a URL you can just pin it and find it really easily moving on the next time you need to send a document to someone don't take out the camera app and just take a photo of it there's actually an insanely powerful document scanner built into file so just head over there tap on these three dots in the top right hand corner and tap on scan documents from here it will automatically identify the page that you have sitting in front of you and it will capture the document in real time without you even having to touch the screen now if it doesn't get it right you can adjust the corners in post and then you can send this off to anyone else so they'll be super impressed with how clean this document looks while your phone's sending it now if there is one feature that you have seen on the list it might be back top which allows you to double or triple tap on the back of your phone to perform any action from camera control center flashlight just head over to settings accessibility go over to touch and at the very bottom there's an option called the back top where you can adjust for a double or triple tab to a number of different functionality for example for a triple tap if I want to launch the camera app I just select that and then when I tap my back of my phone three times you can launch the camera from anywhere at any time on your phone yes it's pretty ridiculous and the fact that this is so hidden absolutely blows my mind is somebody who's been a huge fan of widgets on the iPhone something that I discovered recently is the ability to do widget Stacks where you can do multiple widgets stacked on top of each other and you can even have them rotate automatically or set the exact order yourself I use this to keep a clean look on the home screen but also have a ton of functionality loaded beneath each widget so I can swipe through and see what I want without it cluttering up the rest of my display now following that I hope none of you are ever in the situation where you're being detained by law enforcement or someone is trying to rob you but if you are ever in that situation try to remember to tap on the side button on your phone five times in quick succession that's going to put your phone into a light lockdown mode where face ID is disabled meaning that the only way to get back into your phone is with a passcode this is to make sure that nobody can shove your phone in your face and have it unlock automatically against your consent the only way to get into your phone is with your passcode and if they don't have that they are not getting into your phone next up in Safari there's always a few tabs that I'll leave open because I check back to them frequently and rather than them taking up a massive amount of space you can tap and hold and pin them right here to leave them permanently on the top with the rest of your your stuff still below but in a way that takes up way less space you gotta be honest with you guys I'm pretty embarrassed that I just learned this today but if you also have a bunch of tabs open I hope this tip helps you out also while you're in Safari I didn't know you could hold down on this dot for different endings from Dot us.org.edu.net and of course.com I'm so used to typing it out every single time whenever you're done entering a URL just tap and hold on the period button and you'll have a bunch of suggestions pop up that is again so much easier now in the weather app you're probably familiar with the radar view but did you know that if you tap in and then tap on the filters icon and you can change from precipitation to temperature or air quality it's actually super useful to see how different areas are doing both Temp and air quality wise and it's almost just as useful as scene precipitation on here and finally guys wrapping up this list I do think I saved the best for last because you can use Nintendo joy-con controllers with your iPhone to play games so if you already have a switch and you're on a long car ride or you just want to set up in a way and game on your iPhone more comfortably so just grab your joy cons and tap and hold on this circular or pairing button in the middle until you see the green flashing lights in Nintendo fashion and then you'll be able to pair these with your phone you've got them locked and loaded and you can pull up whatever game you'd like and use it as if it was another controller genuinely it is so cool that Apple added this and PlayStation and Xbox controllers work too if you only have those I hope you guys enjoyed this video man it was so fun to make this I learned so much let me know what your favorite tip is down below in the comments thanks so much for watching I've been Sam subscribe for more and I will catch you in the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: AppleTrack
Views: 151,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPhone hidden features, secret, 2023, apple, tricks, tips
Id: AWd6S7yrQlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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