iPhone 14 Pro Max - 25+ Tips & Tricks!

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the iPhone 14 pro Max is Apple's most capable and advanced iPhone ever and you probably don't even realize everything that it's capable of so I'm here to change that and in this video I'm going to show you more than 25 tips tricks and just things you need to know about your iPhone 14 pro Max the iPhone 14 pro Max has a massive 6.7 inch display and for most people it's pretty hard to reach all the way up at the top of the display with just one hand without doing some crazy hand at gymnastics so that's why the first tip is to take advantage of reachability so if you just simply swipe down right here near the dock just swipe down you will see that it invokes reachability and it actually has the dynamic Island all the way down here as well so you really get access to everything just at a much lower part of the screen so you can actually reach and pull down your control center or you can reach and pull down your notification center easily with just one hand so this should be enabled by default but if it's not go into your settings go to accessibility go to touch and then you should see reachability right here it should be the second option sure that that is turned on that way you can reach the top of your screen with one hand easily now something else related to the top of the iPhone 14 pro Max display is that I noticed that I tend to press on the dynamic Island on accident when I try to pull down the notification center so for example I do this little motion here a lot I try to pull down the notification center from the middle of the screen because that's what I've been used to on previous iPhones but you can't do that with the 14 pro and pro Max so now you have to swipe over all the way on the left hand side now some people may have done that all along so this may be obvious but I don't know about you guys but for me I used to always just swipe down from the middle of the screen to pull down my notification center but make it a habit now with the 14 series to pull down from all the way over on the left to pull up your notification center and also your little lock screen here however this tip is more applicable to those who did not use reachability because if you swipe down to invoke reachability you can reach the very top of the screen easily and pull down the notification center from the middle still now the next tip has to do with the always on display so you can see it just went into the always on display mode now one thing to know about this is that it only appears when your phone detects that you're nearby or that your phone is faced up so if you were to wear an Apple Watch and walk away your phone will know when you're too far away to see the screen and it will turn off the always-on display automatically so it doesn't you know drain battery life now also if you face your phone face down the always on display will be turned off so if I flip it over you will see it's hard to tell but it will be turned off when face down as well now if you don't like the always on display you can turn this off so if you go into your settings and then go to display and brightness and scroll down close to the bottom you will see always on and simply turn that off and now when you lock your screen you will notice that it is black just like previous iPhones and you do not have the always on display so they always on display is nice however we don't see the battery percentage on the lock screen until we tap it and then we can see our battery percentage up top right there and I don't like that I mean I feel like the whole point of having an always on display is to see like your essential information like your battery level the time and maybe some notifications but you cannot see the battery charge level by default with the always on display you have to tap it and then you can see your battery percentage up top so let's change that so if we go to our lock screen and hold down right here and then go to customize and then go to lock screen and then tap right here underneath the time we have our widgets and what you want to do here is add a widget for batteries so I'm going to remove all of these and you could add either a small one or a large one and you can see by default it selects to show the battery percentage for my airpods however if I tap on that I can change it off of automatic and onto just my specific device so this device right here I want to see the battery percentage for this iPhone and now it will show me the battery percentage for this iPhone always on the display so we tap on done right here and then lock our phone you can see now even in the always on display I can see the battery percentage without having to tap and and wake up my phone to see the battery level now the next thing you need to know about your iPhone 14 pro Max is that we now have four camera buttons and the camera so we have a 0.5 x we have a 1x a 2X and a 3X Zoom so now you get more options for the optical zoom levels and this is really nice to have because before we just had a 1x a 3X and a 0.5 x but it's nice now to have one in the middle for a 2X zoom and speaking of the camera one of the biggest upgrades for the iPhone 14 pro and pro Max is the 48 megapixel main camera lens this is a huge increase over the 12 megapixel sensor on the 13 Pros however by default your pictures are still only going to shoot in 12 megapixel quality so to actually get the full 48 megapixel resolution for still images you have to shoot in Pro raw but not only that you have to change a setting for it so if we go into our settings and then go to camera formats and then right down here you will see apple Pro raw ensure that that is turned on and then tap on Pro raw resolution and ensure that that is set to 48 megapixels and keep in mind you will see that the file sizes will definitely be larger when you shoot in 48 megapixels about three times as large as 12 megapixel files so keep that in mind so if we go into our camera application now and we were to take a photo you want to make sure first of all that raw is turned on so if you have a cross through it that means it's off press it again to ensure that raw is turned on and then when you go to take a photo also ensure that if you have the macro control right there turn that off to make sure it uses the main camera lens and not the ultrawide camera so now we're going to take a photo it will take a little bit more time to process than a regular 12 megapixel photo but if you swipe up now you will see that it took that photo at 48 megapixels and it will show the full resolution right there which is 6048 by 80 64. and this photo size is only 46 megabytes but it will be larger if you take you know a more detailed image with a lot of colors in it and the big benefit of shooting in Pro raw at 48 megapixels is the fact that I mean look how large the image size is so if you wanted to crop in on that image it's much easier to do so without losing quality you could also edit the photos much easier after you take them so your edits are going to look more realistic like you shoot a raw photo on a camera like a mirrorless or a DSLR camera it's very similar to that and again be conscious of the file size only use the full 48 megapixel Pro raw quality sparingly now the next tip has to do with the camera bump on the back of the 14 pro Max and if you didn't notice this actually sticks out further than the 13 Pro Max so you need to be aware of the wobble and a good way to get rid of the wobble completely is to get a case okay getting rid of the wobble might not be enough reason to put your iPhone 14 pro Max in a case but case defies stylish impact series might encourage you a little bit more and that's because you not only get these stylish customizable design so the case Defy is known for but you also get 11 and a half feet of drop protection from the ultra impact series thanks to those little corner pieces which are made from the proprietary ecoshock technology so no more cracked glass or scuffed up Corners when you accidentally drop your phone on the street when getting out of your car and yes I'm speaking from experience here but if you drop your phone from higher than a car door case defies brand new bounce case is the most protective one of the bunch because it has drop protection up to 21 feet and that's all thanks to these expanded bounce corners and shock absorption in the back plate and on the bumper as well and usually for that type of protection you need a bulky you know all black and boring case but that's not what you get with case defy you get these really trendy customizable designs and you can see here there are collabs with artists with Disney stranger things Star Wars and so many more this is you know you can even customize them with your name or initials and this is just the way to get a truly unique case that none of your friends are going to have so if you want to pick up a case to five case for your 14 pro or 14 pro Max please do not pay full price I can get you 15 off by going to casetify.com Brandon Butch and it will auto apply that discount code when you click that link in the description below and thanks to case defy for sponsoring this segment of the video the next tip has to do with the dynamic Island up top so if you were to play some music right here and you go back to your home screen you will notice up top it shows the dynamic island has converted and now it shows the album artwork there to the left and a little waveform over to the right so that's cool and if you tap on that it will open up the music application or if you tap and hold it will open up this platter right here up at the top of your screen and there's a really Nifty animation that goes in and out right there now that applies for every application that will show up up top so a tap opens the app a tap and hold opens up a little platter right here and you can even have two things showing up right there so if I were to start a timer right here you will see that it splits into two and and now we have two different activities going on up top and you can do the same thing with each one you can tap and hold to pull up a little platter or tap on it to go into said application and something else that's really cool is that when you're on a phone call you will see waveforms coming from each side so if you're in a phone call or a FaceTime call you will see the yellow waveforms when you talk and green waveforms when the person on the other line starts talking you'll also see things like turn-by-turn directions come out of the dynamic Island which is great so you don't have to go into the maps application to see your directions you'll also have live activities show up here so if you wanted to follow a sports game you can see the score always up in the dynamic Island without having to go into that application you'll also see things like third-party support as well so for example we have Apollo which has this cool little character kind of walking around the top of the dynamic Island so you can do a lot with it a lot of third-party applications will also tie into it so just keep checking back keep trying things out with the dynamic Island but the main thing to know is that it really just makes multitasking even easier and it's really nice to have convenient access to your activities going on up at the top of your phone and perhaps the best thing about the dynamic island is that we finally get rid of the low battery alerts having a huge pop-up in the middle of our screen that was always one of the most annoying things in iOS so thankfully that is now in the dynamic Island we now see that Alert in the dynamic Island and we don't have a big pop-up on our screen that shows us when we have 10 or 20 battery remaining now as you use the dynamic Island a lot you're probably going to notice that you smudge up your camera so you're going to be touching around your camera a lot and I've had a lot of people ask me you know is this going to affect the front-facing camera the quality because you're smudging around that camera so much wouldn't it impact the quality and no photos appear the same even if this is super dirty and smudgy so if I smudge that up real quick and I go into my camera and I switch it around to the front you will notice that the quality is full quality we don't have any smudging over it like we do on the back camera us so smudging Apple thought about that there may be some algorithm in there that you know bypasses any type of smudging or it could just be because that is under the screen and a little bit of smudging is not going to impact that front-facing camera so if you were worried about that don't worry about it it could be as dirty as it can be and it will still work properly without any type of smudge marks on that front-facing camera and same with a screen protector by the way I had some people also ask me if a screen protector impacts that and no it does not and I want to cancel this timer so I'm just going to go in here and press on X that's much easier than going into the clock Gap and hitting cancel now the next thing you need to know about the iPhone 14 pro Max is that we now have a startup chime just like on a Mac so your iPhone can now make a noise when you power it up or power it down so if you go into your settings here and then go in to accessibility and then scroll down to audio slash Visual and then down a little bit you will see power on and off sounds so this is a great accessibility feature for those who are blind or for those just like me who want to add a boot up noise to their iPhone now you cannot customize this to sound like a Mac unfortunately but you do have pretty cool power on and power off sounds here's what it sounds like [Music] so the next thing you need to know about the iPhone 14 pro Max is that the internals are improved over the 13 Pro Max so not only do we have a faster 5G speeds thanks to the new Qualcomm x65 5G modem but we also have a faster six gigabytes of RAM so we have ddr5 Ram compared to the ddr4x ram that was in the 13 Pro Max so even though we have the same six gigabytes that we've had since the 12 Pros we now have faster Ram with the 14 pro and pro Max and to add on to that the graphics performance is also improved due to better thermals on the pro Max specifically so Apple did not mention that the 14 pro has improved cooling internally So in theory the pro Max should dim much less frequently than the 14 pro and any other previous iPhone so in my testing so far that has also been the case I've not really noticed any dimming due to heat on the 4 14 pro Max whereas my regular 14 has dimmed under extreme heat and part of the reason for this also probably has something to do with the next tip which is the Apple advertised and astonishing 2 000 nits of peak brightness for the 14 Pros which is a huge increase over the 13 Pros which had 1 000 nits or 1200 nits when watching HDR however this does not work by just turning up your brightness all the way that is not how this feature functions I tried that and it didn't work and I found out that you have to actually have auto brightness turned on so if you go to your settings and go to accessibility and then to display and text size and then all the way down at the bottom we have auto brightness you want to make sure that is turned on to get that full 2000 nits of peak brightness when you're in a direct sunlight and again thanks to those improved thermals I did not have any dimming in the short time that I had my brightness all the way up at 2000 nits now the next tip has to do with action mode so this is a new feature that's available for all iPhone 14 models so if you go over to the video section right here you will notice up at the very top we have a little glyph icon of a guy running right there and it's crossed out by default so if you turn that on you will see that we get a little prompt here that says action mode is turned on now if you go into your settings and let's go to our camera settings cameras right here and then go to record video and if you go down a little bit you will see that we have a toggle here for Action mode Lower Lights you want to turn that on and it says action mode will decrease the stabilization to optimize for Less bright scenes now the reason you probably want to turn this on is because even if you're in a really bright scenario it's still going to say the action mode requires more light and it can get pretty annoying and not have the best results so I found that when I have that toggle turned on action mode videos turn out better so I would recommend at least just testing it out to see if your action mode shots look better when you turn on this toggle and then something else you'll notice in the camera application is that by default it's set to 2.8 K so in the camera app you could simply tap on that to change the quality over to HD so HD is unfortunately the highest quality you can do for Action mode so 1080P and you could do that right there and you could also change the FPS so if you wanted to change it from 30 to 60 you could do that or if you go to 2.8k you could change it to 24 FPS let me go ahead through here and you can see we have 24 FPS at 2.8 K now and if we swipe over to go to cinematic mode we now have a new resolution for cinematic mode on the iPhone 14 pro Max so if you tap on HD right there you can see that we can now shoot cinematic video in 4k so I have no clue why that was not an option on the 13 Pro Max last year but now we can shoot cinematic mode in 4k at either 30 or 24 FPS now if we go back to video or photo in the camera app here and we try to get close to a subject you will notice that we have a little macro mode toggle down there and at the bottom left hand corner it's a little flower icon and that indicates that you could turn on or off macro mode so if we turned it off you can see that the ultra wide camera lens no longer focuses and it uses the main lens but if you turn that on and you get close your 14 pro Max will switch over to the ultrawide camera and focus on the close subject now you want to make sure that toggle is in your camera app so if you go into your settings and go to camera and then go all the way down to the bottom and you will see macro control you want to make sure that is turned on because if it's turned off here's what's going to happen so if you go to your photo mode let's say you want to get close to a subject but not super close you can see that it automatically puts it in macro mode even if you don't want it to and I found that this can be really annoying especially in videos it has this really weird transition and maybe you don't always want it to be in macro mode but it does it automatically for you and you can't control it so that's why you want to turn this on so you can control it and turn it off when you you want to and then to ensure that your settings stay the same every time you go into the camera app go to preserve settings right here under your camera settings and you want to make sure that these certain toggles are turned on depending on what you use a lot so for example for camera mode it automatically resets to photo by default but if you want it to switch over to you know slow-mo or time lapse or cinematic if you use those a lot that can be your default or whatever you are in last that will be what it stays in the next time you go into the camera application along with things like creative controls macro control is definitely one you should turn on because of the setting I just told you about and you have all these different ones right here action mode you can have that turned on or off by default if you select this and so if I have this turned on so obviously by default it's turned off but if I turn that on and I have preserved settings to make sure that stays the same as it was previously if I close out of camera and then I go back into camera you will see that it stays on even though by default it's off but that's only because I have that setting set right there so I would go ahead and change these to whatever you use most frequently now the next tip has to do with your battery charging so if you go to your settings and go to battery and then battery health and charging down at the bottom here you will see we have an option for clean energy charging so it says in your region iPhone will try to reduce your carbon footprint by selectively charging when lower carbon emission electricity is available iPhone learns from your daily charging routine so it can reach full charge before you need to use it so you can enable that if you want to and if it's on by default if you turn it off you can see you can turn it off until tomorrow or turn off permanently so that is an option you might want to explore now it could slow down your charging you know you may not have a full charge when you go to charge your phone so that may be a reason not to use that but it is very similar to optimized battery charging so I would experiment with that and just know that it's there now something else to know about the iPhone 14 pro Max is that it can hold up to eight e-sims so you can have eight different phone numbers associated with with your iPhone 14 pro Max versus only six on the regular iPhone 14s now keep in mind you can only have two active esims at a time but in theory you could have up to eight phone numbers eight e-sims on one iPhone 14 pro Max now something else you need to do on your iPhone 14 pro Max is go to your lock screen go to customize tap on your lock screen and then go to your widgets right here and just know that you can also add third-party widgets so you may have to go into the application first but you can see for example I have Apollo right there I can tap on that and I get different options for third-party applications for widgets I can add to the lock screen and if you like browsing Reddit like I do it's really nice to have a random subreddit to go up right there and you can tap on that to just be in a random subreddit straight from your lock screen so you could also add things like parcel if you want to see your latest deliveries you can see that straight from your lock screen which is nice to have especially when you're in the always on display you could always track your deliveries right there and just know that you can add pretty much any third-party application so most of them are getting widgets if they don't they will in the future and I would recommend just at least looking through those and adding some third-party widgets to your lock screen now something else to know about your iPhone 14 pro Max is if you take a screenshot you will notice in the screenshot the dynamic Island does not show up so technically it looks like you're using an older iPhone however if you were to have a live activity running it does show the dynamic Islands if I play some music right here you will see the dynamic Island shifts into this little now playing platter now if I take a screenshot and go into it you can see the dynamic Island does appear so keep in mind if you wanted to show up in screenshots you need a live activity to be running up there in the island now also related to screenshots if you tap on done you now get the option to copy and delete and with that you can copy the photo send it in your group chat but at the same time it deletes it so it does not clog up your photo library which is very handy it's already saved me a lot of space now also if you tap on the share sheet right here year you're able to rename these screenshots now you can also do this a quicker way so if you take a screenshot right here and then you tap and hold on the screenshot down at the bottom you have the option to rename it right there so this can be handy if you're going to save this somewhere like in your files or if you're going to transfer it to your computer you can rename it to whatever you want right there and then you're able to send it or just save it to your device with that name another really useful tip is using voice dictation so if you tap on the little dictation button down here in the bottom right hand corner and you start talking you will notice that now with iOS 16 if you stop talking but you start typing or you can even keep talking but if you're typing at the same time you can see they could add that in there and then without typing or without tapping a button you can see I can start talking again and it will pick up where I left off now not only that you can also have Auto punctuation with dictation so if I ask questions like what time is it what state do I live in you can see it will automatically add in the punctuation right there so that is really nice to have definitely makes dictation easier so you don't have to say you know question mark or period or any of that you could also add in emojis crying emoji you can see there it will add in the crying Emoji for me automatically and now to enable this you want to go into your settings and then go to General and then down to keyboard and all the way down at the bottom you will notice that we have enable dictation and also Auto punctuation and then the final tip has to do with mail so now with iOS 16 you're able to schedule emails and remind yourself of emails so for example if I want to compose an email right here and I tap and hold on the send button I now get the option to either send now send at 9 pm tonight or send later and if I tap on send later I can choose exactly when I want to send that email and then if we go back to our mailbox and swipe to the right you will notice that we now have a new option for remind me and you will get a reminder now in an hour tonight tomorrow or at a specific time and date when you want to be reminded about an email that way you don't forget about it maybe you didn't want to respond at the time but you wanted to be reminded about it and be able to respond at a later date you can now do that with iOS 16. now also if you go into your settings and then go to mail then go all the way down to the bottom you will see that you have undo send a delay so if you wanted to undo a message you now have the option as well to have a longer period of time that you can undo that message so for example if I were to send a message let's just send this right here you can see down at the bottom we have undo send and if you tap on that it will take you back to the draft right here it can either just delete it or change something in that but now you have the option to change the duration that you have where the undo button shows and that it kind of delays sending that email and then I'd also recommend taking a look at some of these other options like follow-up suggestions and privacy protection I would definitely recommend having this one turned on but I covered a lot of those in my big iOS 16 video so there you have it those are 25 tips and tricks that you should absolutely know about your iPhone 14 pro Max I hope you enjoyed this video if you did I would appreciate if you give it a thumbs up also make sure to subscribe and for more iPhone 14 and iOS 16 videos but anyways guys thanks again for watching and I'll see you soon foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Brandon Butch
Views: 1,927,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon butch, iphone, ios, apple, iOS 16, iOS 15
Id: Ru2mIdfNXHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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