iPhone 15: the END of Google

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[Music] the iPhone 15 May ban Google Maps calendar YouTube and replace this with this let me tell you the secret story of Apple and Google that you probably haven't heard before it might seem like these companies are bitter Rivals but behind the scenes they are more than just friendly but all that is about to change Google might be totally banned from your next iPhone seriously foreign [Music] there was this or this they had bought an Android phone by mistake there was this and it's my pleasure now to introduce Dr Eric Schmidt Google CEO Apple and Android Fanboys are so rampant that you'd think this iOS versus Android debate has been going on since the beginning of time but actually in the not so distant past Apple and Google were actually pretty tight in fact I think it's pretty safe to say that Apple wouldn't have the level of success they do today if it wasn't for Google basically the iPhone specifically wouldn't be the monster it is today if it wasn't for a very strategic partnership with Google and sort of gave it the superpowers it needed to succeed are you getting it these are not three separate devices instead of just talking about this let me do you one better and take you back to 2007 to this iconic moment many people remember this moment when Steve Jobs unveiled the very first iPhone and changed the world but you might have forgotten over the last 15 ish or so years was this part of that same presentation now you can't you can't really think about the internet of course without thinking about Google we're working very closely with them to make this all happen we're thrilled with the results the original iPhone was amazing in so many ways but some of its best parts and best features were actually the native full-blown Google apps that came stock with the phone specifically apps like Google Maps and YouTube were a huge part of early iPhone models they came stock with those phones out of the box and Apple and Google really work closely together to make these truly Innovative multi-touch experiences that consumers had never seen before but the relationship went even deeper than that it's reported that all the way back in 2005 Apple and Google worked together to make Google the search engine of choice for Safari on the Mac but obviously just a little bit has changed over the last 15 years shortly after the iPhone was unveiled and released we got a little OS called Android that made its way onto the scene and basically ever since then we've gotten the Apple versus Google or iOS for Xander debate that has captivated the tech world for years and years it seems like these two companies are like bitter Rivals they're sworn enemies but actually that's not the case they still work together a lot behind the scenes in a very friendly way but I'll come back to that more in just a moment I think right now in 2023 IOS and Android are obviously closer in feature sets and really a lot more similar than they've ever been before but there are still three big reasons that Apple hates Google right now the first is that they're simply still bitter that Google ripped off the early version of the iPhone and iOS to bring out Android which they would consider to be a very janky fragmented and subpar mobile operating system the second reason is that I think Apple thinks of themselves as being more morally right than Google specifically with sort of the information that Google collects the saying sort of goes that if you're not paying for a product you are the product and that's the case with Google they offer a lot of awesome Services you got search you got uh free maps you got YouTube stuff like that but what Google is doing is collecting your information selling at advertisers or basically targeting you with ads that's sort of how Google's business model Works they're doing quite well for themselves but Apple sees themselves as being better than that and then the third reason something I don't think Apple will ever publicly admit is that they hate that Google is making so much money off of Apple users not only is a Google app in the Apple ecosystem sort of a hole in the Walled Garden sort of an area of their products that they cannot control but also just having Google Apps and services on an iPhone means that apple is missing out on that Revenue Google is making money when people subscribe to Google photos or pay for YouTube premium or just by using any single Google product where Apple would like them to use their own app they'd like them to use their own mapping software or apple music instead of YouTube music or maybe sounds a little crazy Apple search instead of Google search so it should come as no surprise that the two have sort of been in this silent War for years and we've heard report after report including a recent report from the folks over at RS Technica let's say that apple is sort of building up their services to be strong enough to basically replace all of Google's apps they want Apple Maps Apple music iCloud and all of Apple services to be so good that they can sort of steer people away forcefully or not so forcefully away from Google products and using Apple's own first party apps and services and on the surface this sort of seems totally crazy Apple stuff isn't up does not but can't possibly beat Google's own Services right well actually Apple has done a lot of work to their apps and services over the years and it's not actually all that crazy to think about for a couple of big reasons if you think about most of the major Google Apps you use on iOS Apple already has a pretty viable alternative there's Apple Mail Apple music Apple photos and Maps they're actually pretty good specifically Apple Maps which launched pretty horribly back in 2012 has been regarded by many of these days to be pretty good and in some ways maybe even better than Google Maps obviously you're never going to get a feature for feature comparison here Google Maps can still do things that Apple Maps just can't do but also think about the data you're giving up to use Google Maps that you are giving up for Apple Maps there's definitely a privacy section here that many need to consider and I think that's another thing that Apple's sort of thinking about is the Privacy angle on this would you be willing to have maybe a little bit of a less optimal experience if it meant to not having to give up as much personal information but of course despite Apple's best efforts there are some areas that they just simply cannot compete with I mean I don't think Apple's ever going to roll out a real YouTube competitor that can do what YouTube is doing with this amazing platform uh on their own I just don't think it's gonna happen the same could also be said for Google Search right Google search is so good that Apple couldn't ever compete right well actually that one might not be such a crystal clear answer the dirty secret that you might not know is that Google has been paying Apple an insane amount of money for years just for Google to remain the default search engine on all Apple devices some recent reports put this between 8 to 12 billion dollars per year with at least one analyst saying that back in maybe 2021 this could have been as high as 15 billion dollars that Google paid Apple for a single year just to make sure Google popped up as your search engine in Safari and for a long time this has been sort of a sweet deal for Apple because everyone sort of wins Apple collects billions and billions of dollars for basically flipping one switch and Google is paying money but also getting access to hundreds of millions if not billions of different Apple devices all around the world every single day seemed like a pretty sweet deal that actually might now be coming to an end fairly soon for the past few years there's been a slow but pretty steady stream of rumors suggesting that apple is working on their own search engine one that would focus on Simplicity privacy and one that could ultimately replace Google on every single Apple product out there we know Apple has made some Acquisitions in this space we know that they're really doubling down on privacy of course it's yet to be seen when the timeline of this launch is going to be or if it could ever be as good as Google could be but if you think about it it might not actually be all that crazy especially as Apple really doubles down on privacy and Safety and Security making sure you know what information you're giving up I think for a lot of people they'd rather have the Privacy aspect of their search engine than it always being right 100 percent of the time I could be totally wrong on this probably not for everyone I probably would still prefer Google but if privacy was the Forefront of the search engine and it was at least 90 percent of the way there maybe Apple could actually have a chance and even if the search engine does or doesn't pan out I think that Apple definitely is in a position these days that they could make the case that Apple users would be better off without Google Apps and services on their phone specifically again when it comes to privacy Apple's double down on privacy so much over the past few years and that they're really looking out for you and your Safety and Security that maybe there's a case that could be made that some apps Google included or not collect so much of your personal information and data and so much of the snooping behind the scenes they should not be allowed on Apple products or at least they could be allowed but in a very limited capacity I'm not saying apple is gonna do this we don't have any rumors to suggest this is gonna happen but there has been some talk and an analysts have speculated that with this sort of Rise of maybe Apple working on their own search engine and with the rise of privacy being a big feature for Apple products then maybe Apple could use the guise of privacy to significantly reduce Google's powers on their products and from Apple's perspective this does sort of make sense not only could they lock people more into the Apple ecosystem not only could they provide a more seamless experience inside of the Apple wild garden but also this is undoubtedly an opportunity for apple to make some serious money we know that apple is working on their own ads business they have not been so quiet about this for seeing more uh paid search results and different Apple apps and services and although this search engine if it was to exist could focus a whole lot more on privacy it's not all that crazy to think that there might be an ad or two or three on that page somewhere whether it's in search results or off to the side Apple could do it in some sort of clean and simple way I'm sure they'd figure out a way to do it there's a opportunity here for apple to make a whole lot of money and to really bolster their server this division something they're always trying to do especially giving the slumping Hardware Sales back at the end of last year so I'm curious what are your thoughts on this do you think that Apple should remove Google's apps and services on their phone what do you think the effects of that could be is it a good move for apple or a bad move for apple and also would you use an apple search engine given the choice to use something more private and safe and secure would you use an apple search engine even if it was a little less effective than Google's or are you all Google all the way and dependent on those Services even if you use an iPhone or an Apple Watch and a Mac every single day let me know your thoughts down below as always I appreciate you guys watching thank you so so much I appreciate it I'm Robert Rosenfeld and I'll see you all in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: The Apple Circle
Views: 146,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tac, apple circle, the apple circle, iPhone leaks, iPhone rumors, Apple Event 2023, Apple Stock, iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Leaks, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPhone 15 Ultra, iPhone 15 colors, iPhone 15 Pro camera, iphone 15 trailer, iPhone 14 Pro Review, iPhone 14, apple leaks, apple news, 2023 iPhone, iOS VS Android, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, iPhone 14 vs Pixel 7, samsung s23 ultra, Samsung S23, iPhone 14 vs iPhone 15, Apple Spring Event, Google
Id: fzfiZFcoMKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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