iPhone 15 and the end of Apple

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[Music] is Apple going to cancel the iPhone is Tim Cook gonna step down as Apple's CEO is Apple really the best tech company out there or is Android about to finally win let me tell you the not so secret story about Steve Jobs predicted Apple might fail and how Tim Cook might actually be making that happen right now meanwhile note that Apple just hit the three trillion dollar Mark in total market cap this is the first three trillion dollar company trading in the U.S probably trading in the world the idea of Apple going bankrupt or failing with a product today sort of seems hard to imagine they're one of the richest companies on the planet and it seems like everyone around the world has an iPhone but that wasn't always the case in fact about 30 years ago maybe even less than that most believed that Apple was totally doomed and in just a couple of days they'd go totally bankrupt if you don't know the story I'll sort of give you the Highlight Reel when Steve Jobs returned to the company after famously being ousted back in the late 1990s Apple was a sinking ship and many analysts believed its days were severely numbered even Steve Jobs would later admit that Apple was like 90 days away from going completely bankrupt and if it wasn't for a 150 million dollar life-saving investment from a little company called Microsoft it's pretty safe to say that the Apple we know today simply wouldn't exist but when Steve Jobs made his return and was able to sort of regain control and steer the ship away from sort of Troubled Waters and into a better Direction things quickly or not so quickly eventually did start to turn around he teamed up with a guy you probably know named Johnny Ive they created some amazing products like the iMac the iPod eventually the iPhone and then the rest of the story sort of writes itself Apple did a complete 180 it became an incredibly successful company under Steve Jobs both financially and also culturally and today apple is valued at nearly three trillion dollars that is trillion with a t and with 55 billion dollars in cash on hand the company today is a far cry from what they were just like three decades ago apple is wild really successful and everything just seems perfect with our favorite fruit company right I've talked about it in previous videos on this channel before but Steve Jobs and Tim Cook run Apple in very different ways Steve Jobs really was someone who wore his emotions on his sleeve he wasn't afraid to tell people how he felt and although he was a very unorthodox CEO the products that came out from under his leadership truly are incredible that is in big contrast to Tim Cook who famously does not run Apple like Steve Jobs Steve Jobs told him not to do that but instead he runs Apple his own way which is very much by the book Tim Cook was the CEO after all he's an operations Guru he's constantly looking at numbers and spreadsheets and constantly looking at how to do things as efficiently as possible and he has taken Apple in a very different direction than many assumed Steve Jobs would have if he was still alive today not a bad thing necessarily but definitely different and love Tim Cook or hate him it's it's pretty hard to argue with the facts and that is that if you look at the numbers much of Apple's wealth and value today was created under the CEO leadership of Tim Cook and not so much under Steve Jobs and if you look at Apple today that might sort of make sense under Steve Jobs Apple was a bit more focused they didn't make nearly as many products but really focused on the design and functionality and the form a lot more whereas under Tim Cook that's not to say that that's totally different but Apple certainly has way more options at way more sizes and way more price points than we've ever seen before there's the iPad Air the regular iPad iPad Pro iPad Mini you've got multi-colored iMacs you've got MacBook airs MacBook Pros Mac Studios Mac Pros I'm not going to list the entire Apple lineup here today but there are various products at various price points as Tim Cook's apple is really trying to capture as much of the market as possible still trying to deliver that Apple Magic but certainly doing it in a different way and it's sort of answer that initial question could Apple fail well if you look at the numbers and sort of a monetary sense no it's hard to imagine that one product flop or even a series of product flops could really collapse the company not to the point that they couldn't be hurt but to the point that it would seriously just go bankrupt and cease to exist it's probably not gonna happen I mean today apple is diversifying their income more than ever before yeah the iPhone still takes up a chunk of Apple's balance sheet that's where they make the most of their money but Services is a multi-billion dollar your business the App Store is a multi-billion dollar year business even airpods the airpods line that was initially mocked and pandered as being dumb and stupid and something no one would ever want is today by many analyst estimations a multi-billion Dollar business in and of itself and if you own airpods you probably understand why these little earbuds can actually be a little magical and if you don't have airpods you really should get some I mean mean airpods processor of my recommendation in fact we're actually going to test the new YouTube feature here right now live somewhere on screen you should see a button to buy airpods just tap on that button if you're on mobile click on it if you're on the computer let's just see what it does and if you haven't gotten a pair of airpods for yourself there are oftentimes many good sales you can save a lot of money and airpods pro now that they just got updated uh could not be a better buy and a better value these are really awesome and if you don't have them you should buy them now so financially could Apple fail well probably not I've talked about all the revenue streams and even if the iPhone ceased to exist then it went away completely Apple would still be worth like 1.5 trillion dollars ish so they'd still be just fine in a very large and successful company but could Apple fail more generally speaking magic fade away that's a lot more interesting to actually discuss and think about because that actually could happen and I know this sounds crazy but track with me for a second because this point is really important if we go back to the 1990s before Steve Jobs returned to Apple the company was in turmoil jobs is off doing his own thing and he actually sat down for a TV interview and was asked what went wrong with his former company why were they in so much trouble and his words are really really interesting listen closely to what Steve Jobs has to say here from the way I see it I mean apple is a company that was based on Innovation when I left Apple 10 years ago we were 10 years ahead of anybody else it took Microsoft 10 years to copy Windows problem was is that that Apple Stood Still even though it invested cumulatively billions in r d the output has not been there and people have caught up with it and its differentiation has has eroded in particular with respect to Microsoft and so the way out for apple and I still think apple has a future there's some awfully good people there and there's a tremendous brand loyalty to that company I think the way out is not to slash and burn is to innovate that's how Apple got to its glory and I think that's how Apple could return to it that is a very interesting clip to consider in 2023 because financially apple is doing very well but could they sort of lose that spark to innovate could they stand still enough if the competition could not only meet them where they were but pass them by I don't think that just could happen I think in many respects it has happened I don't know if it's going to happen with some of their future stuff but it certainly has happened in the last couple of years and I'm not looking to be an apple hater but if we look back especially like in 2015 to 2016 2017 that sort of timeline there were many areas of the company that it seemed like Tim Cook sort of neglected and apple wasn't just having some Fierce competition meet them they were being passed by many competitors who are doing things simply better than Apple was doing at the time and I think that what we've seen from Tim Cook over the last couple of years has been really a response to these criticisms that apple is standing still they're not innovating they're not doing enough I think the Apple silicon transition for the Mac bolstered that line exponentially not only are Max more powerful and versatile than ever before but they're a better value than they've ever been before still not going to overtake the PC market but Macs have never been better there's never been a better time to buy and apple Vision Pro as outlandish and crazy and expensive as it may seem it really does sort of go against that notion that Apple isn't innovating that they're not trying anything new that they're standing still love apple or hate them they certainly are trying new things and they are innovating they are trying not to stand still they are moving forward and going in a totally new Direction whether it's going to work or not has sort of yet to be proven but at least they're trying something new and to that I've got to give Tim Cook credit so I'm curious what are your thoughts on this do you think apple is innovating as much as they should be do you think there's a time that Apple could fail whether it be financially or culturally or just not having exciting products do you think that the competition with Android Google Samsung has already passed Apple buy maybe Microsoft can't cat them out either let me know Down Below in the comments your thoughts on this as always I appreciate you guys watch thank you so much I am Robert Rosenfeld from the Apple Circle and I'll see you all in the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: The Apple Circle
Views: 398,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tac, apple circle, the apple circle, WWDC, WWDC 2023, Apple Vision Pro, Apple Vision, Apple Headset, apple vision pro headset, apple vision pro review, iPhone, 2023 iPhone, iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPhone 15 leaks, iPhone leaks, Apple Event, Tim Cook, iOS 17, ios 17 features, iOS 17 beta, iPhone 15 Pro Camera, iPhone 15 concept, iPhone 15 review, iPhone 14 vs iPhone 15, iPhone Ultra, Vision Pro, Apple vr, Steve Jobs, Apple fail
Id: tmedo4NSJEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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