iPadOS 15 is Out! - What's New?

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Hi everyone Aaron here for Zollotech  and ipad os 15 has finally released it's   available to the public right now everywhere  around the world at the exact same time   as long as you have a supported device which means  a device that supports ipad os 14 you'll be able   to install this update it's supported on the ipad  air 2 ipad mini 4 ipad 5th generation and newer   all of those devices can install ipad os 15. now  if you're not able to install it you're not seeing   it you're wondering how do i get it go to your  settings and under settings tap on general then   tap on software update and you should see it there  if you're still not seeing it make sure you turn   off automatic update and then check again and you  should see it once you check for an update again   then you'll be able to install it now you may have  already seen that this is a fairly large install   it's about five gigabytes or so depending on the  device you're coming from so if you're coming   from ipad os 14 or any of those versions or maybe  even ipad os 13 it could be about five gigabytes   however it will overwrite the old storage and  it won't take up additional space once it's   done generally so that's a pretty large update  and there's some significant changes in this   now along with this apple also released ios 15  a watch os 8 and tv os 15. unfortunately mac os   monterey is not available at this time which means  one of the major features of ipad os is not here   yet universal control that allows you to use  your mouse cursor to go from your ipad to a   mac or from a mac back to your ipad that feature  is not yet available unfortunately but they did   add quite a few new features now i'm going to  cover the features that are specific to the ipad   in a separate video i covered over 300  changes to ios 15 and so all of those changes   most of them pertain to ipad as well but i'm  going to cover just the ipad specific changes   in this video if you want to see everything else  including everything with messages and facetime   notifications focus and more i'll include a  link to the other video in the description   below now the first thing they've added is  very simple many people have wanted this   and if you go to your settings and battery  you'll see that we now have low power mode   it's been available on iphone for some time  they've now added it to ipad so that's a small   change but something people may appreciate also  people have been asking is there new wallpapers in   ios 15 and ipad os 15 and so far there are no new  wallpapers so you'll see nothing really new here   there's some new ones that pertain to the new ipad  and ipad mini that they've announced but nothing   really new in ios 15 as far as wallpaper goes now  as far as new features that they've added well   they've added the app library and you may have  already seen it down here in the bottom right   tap on it you've got the app library just like you  do on ios you have an app library on ipad os now   and you can take it off of the dock if you  don't want it here and instead just scroll   through until you get to the end and it will  pop up so scroll to the end and it pops right up   again you can go into your settings go under home  screen and dock and then you can turn off show app   library in dock and it disappears i actually  like it but if you don't like it it will you   can turn it off and you can also just access it  by scrolling you cannot remove it all together   so it's a nice little addition that i know a lot  of people wanted since they added it with ios 14.   now in ipad os you can hide pages as well so if we  go into jiggle mode press and hold tap on the dots   on the bottom and now we can hide a page so we  can hide them we can move them around just like we   can on ios so that has been added as well another  thing they've added that you may have already seen   here are some new widgets we can now place widgets  throughout the the home screen anywhere we want   now they still sort of auto arrange themselves but  we can now change where they're placed and there's   also different sizes and new widgets available  overall so if we go again into jiggle mode press   on the plus in the upper left you'll see we have  some new ones we have app store of course we have   calendar clock contacts files find my game center  and also some additional ones for maps and music   and then notes photos podcasts some of these were  here before but you can see all of the different   ones that are available now and there's a new size  for many of them also so i showed you the podcast   one already we have a giant size that's also  available in music so we have a larger size there   and files has that as well so we can go to files  and you'll see there's a larger one there also   game center also has a larger size and additional  styles so it can be individualized or show you the   latest games so there's a lot of changes in  this update with widgets and they've finally   brought them so you can put them anywhere on  your screen in ipad os 15. now we can still   swipe in from the left and have widgets here as  well if we don't want them on the home screen   but we can't stick those widgets here on the home  screen anymore so there's no option under home   and screen to actually stick them to the left so  they've changed that up a little bit but again   you can slide in and place them there now you may  have already noticed there's a weather widget on   the home screen but unfortunately there's no app  associated with it they did not bring over the app   from iphone so if you open it it just goes  to the weather channel so that's something   they haven't changed for some reason and i wish  they'd bring it to ipad but they haven't so far   now another thing they've done that's really  nice that was confusing for many before   is multi-tasking they've updated this to make it  a little bit simpler and you can see that here on   the ipad os homepage at the top there are three  dots at the top of your screen the three dots   indicate what you can do with your windows before  you could do split view and more and you can use   the same gestures you did before maybe we want  to bring in music and drag it over here but now   we have an easier way to control this by tapping  on the three dots we can now make it full screen   put it off to the side with a sidebar or make it  full screen like that tap the three dots again and   again bring it into the other version here where  we have split view and it says choose another app   so we've got music maybe we'll open the browser  here and it will bring it in it makes it a little   bit easier to multitask and gives you more context  as to what's going on of course you can still   bring in your little tabs on the side or slide  over maybe we'll bring in pages and we can bring   it in here we can just drag it into our split view  or we can bring in a sidebar as well so maybe we   want to have slide over here we can do that also  so it makes it really easy to customize and move   it around you can grab the three dots move the the  sidebar over here if you want to and it makes it a   lot easier so you have slide over you can stack  slide over and just spin through them pretty   quickly as a carousel so all of those things have  been updated they've also added a new thing called   shelf so if you go into documents maybe on this  document here it just says ios 15 is out if i   tap the three dots at the bottom it will show me  any other windows that are open for the app shelf   so you'll see it says ipad os 15. i can tap on it  and open it then it brings up the keyboard again   tap the three dots and you'll see any of them  that are open this works in different apps that   support the app shelf so that's something that's  new of course we can create a new window as well   and add additional shelves so it's really nice  to have all of your windows in one place and if   we go into the app switcher here as well you'll  see we have all our apps of course now maybe if   we go into this one we'll bring in safari over  here on the side now if i go into multitasking   you can see my windows here and i can close them  right from here i can swipe them off the screen   and they expand back so that has been updated as  well multitasking has been greatly improved and   it's much clearer on how everything operates now  so it's much easier to just have multiple windows   and your split view and everything else with  slide over and more now a new feature that   apple has brought to iphone that they're also  bringing to ipad but in a slightly different way   is live text and if we go into maybe at a photo  here this is actually a photo or a screen shot   that i took of the release of ipad os 15 it  understands text within any photo so as long as   you have a supported device you can highlight text  you can copy select it look it up or translate it   it recognizes text within everything you also  have visual lookup as well so it understands   context so maybe we look for a flower and this is  the same photo i used in my ios 15 video that i   took a photo of tap on i and if it understands it  it'll show where it is give more context about it   and sometimes visual lookup will work now you can  see it's not working on this photo if i go to the   world trade center here you'll see that we've  got a little star in the upper left of the eye   tap on the eye it understands that it's a  landmark and then it will give us results   about that landmark you'll see it says one world  trade center it's a photo i took a few years ago   so not everything works immediately it does have  to calculate what's going on it uses it on the   device itself and understands it and sometimes can  take some time to understand what's in the photo   so you'll see here there's no little star next to  the eye so it can't use visual lookup but if it   has that star you're good to go now safari gets an  update as well and it has similar tabs similar to   what the iphone does but everything's at the top  so if we tap on the plus and maybe add another tab   maybe we'll go into well we'll just go to  apple here on this site as well to give you   an idea you'll see we have multiple tabs here and  while that's not particularly new if we go home   we can change the way it looks so we'll go to  settings then we'll go down to safari and under   safari if we scroll down we now have a separate  tab bar or compact tab bar this is the new look   that they have with ipad os 15. so you can go into  the compact tab bar where it will place them at   the top so you can switch between them this way  so that has been updated they've also brought   extensions to safari you can also voice search  within safari so that's active with the microphone   here on your keyboard or you can tap the  microphone in the upper right and just search for   google.com and it will go right to the website  so you have those options as well and there's   even a redesigned sidebar with your tab groups  so there's new tab groups where you can have   multiple tabs within a specific group if you want  to do that and of course your bookmarks reading   lists and history or shared with you that's shared  in messages all of that has been updated in ipad   and it looks pretty much like what we have on  iphone now with ios 15 but they've given you   those additional customizations now within mail  they've updated it as well so if i go into mail   you'll see here's the inbox and i can now  place them in the center if i want to see   these full screen if i press and hold on the  email you'll see that it says open in new window   now it's in the middle so i have that option and  then if i tap on the three dots i can make it full   screen as well and bring it full screen so we have  similar multitasking options like we did before   and now we just have it in the center if we want  to open in a new window and have it front and   center so they've updated that to be a little bit  different it's not a huge change but you can do   this with other things like notes as well now in  ipad os 15 we have a new feature called quick note   swipe in from the bottom right and we have  a quick note where we can create a new one   and maybe notate something we're  thinking about maybe we're on a website   and if we go on a website you'll see that  we can add the link to the website and when   we come back to this website it will remember so  we'll add a link it remembers this here and then   we can drag different photos and things into the  note itself or different links so maybe i want   this one here we'll drag that over and  it remembers the link to the new ipad air   so it remembers all of those things of course you  can use markup and more in here you can say ipad   it's very messy but you get the idea so  you can have the option to mark this up   now if i swipe this over to the side here maybe i  go back and hit done maybe i go to the new watch   here you'll see that it keeps the note in the  bottom right and if i go to maybe another tab   and i open up something like apple again go to the  main screen it disappears now if i go back to ipad   it shows back up so it remembers what you have  links to and shows up there it also shows up in   notes under a separate category now so you have  quick notes within notes so if we go into notes   you'll see within notes i have the same quick note  that i just took i have it full screen i can see   what i have and i can tap on the links and they're  active another thing they've brought to notes that   i talked about in the ios 15 video is if you're  collaborating with someone it will tell you the   different changes they've made to that note so  it's nice for collaboration they can give those   changes and also if they mention you it will pop  up and let you know that they've mentioned you   so that's been updated now the keyboard has some  updates as well but before we go into that maybe   we want to select some text so let's go to a  different note and these are the ios 15 notes so   if i press and hold you'll see that i now have the  loop so if i want to select there's the loop above   my finger no longer is it just a line i can select  with my finger and there's a loop it makes it   super easy to see so maybe you can see that here  it magnifies again like it did years ago they've   brought that back now if you attach a third-party  keyboard or the magic keyboard like i'm using here   you can fully navigate using the keyboard now so  maybe you want to go to a different app you can   go command tab we'll go to safari if we want to go  home we hold command hit h and we go back home if   we want to see those commands they've updated that  as well so we could see them before a little bit   but if we press and hold the globe key you'll see  it pops up and tells us everything that we can do   within the apps or within the home screen that  we're on right now using the keyboard just by   holding this we can also search here as well so  it says system multitasking split view options if   we go back to system we can search here maybe we  want to know how to switch apps and it will show   us switching apps so it gives us more information  about how to do this and how to navigate with   the keyboard that's been completely updated in  ipad os 15. now within ipad os 15 there's some   updates to accessibility that are not in ios 15.  so if we go to our settings under settings we go   down to accessibility then we go to switch control  under switch control go to switches add new switch   you'll see we now have options for sound so we  can now use sound options or sound actions for   switch control so that's something that's new  as well now in addition to switch control sound   actions we also have eye tracking support added to  ipad so if you have a third-party mfi eye tracking   device you can now use that with your ipad to  help control the ipad using just your eyes you   can also import audiograms as well and one of my  favorite features to help focus is under audio and   visual we now have background sounds built into  ipad and iphone as well so you can use that here   and on your iphone to help you focus or just have  some ambient noise going on you have the options   from balance noise bright noise dark noise ocean  rain and stream all of those have been added to   ipad os 15. and as far as new features compared  to ios 15 that's everything in ipad os 15.   while it does include a ton of different changes  that i mentioned in the other video everything   from messages to facetime they did not include  share play yet that will be coming a little bit   later but we have that as well as updates to swift  playground that will help you code as well so if   you want to use swift playground i do have it  on here somewhere we have swift if we go down   you'll see that we have swift playgrounds this  will have an update to help you fully code an   app on the device so it will be just like using  xcode but using swift so that will be coming in   an update later if it's now not out already so  all of those things are new to ipad os 15 and   i think some of them are very nice changes last  year was the larger update to ipad os and so with   this update we have some nice things such as the  quick note and some different multitasking options   as well let me know what you think of ipad os 15  in the comments below and if you're curious about   overall performance it seems to be performing  just as you would expect from ipad even on older   devices such as the ipad air 2 that i have here  so let me know what you think about it in the   comments below and if you'd like to get your hands  on this wallpaper i'll link it in the description   like i normally do if you haven't subscribed  already though please subscribe and if you enjoyed   the video please give it a like as always thanks  for watching this is aaron i'll see you next time
Channel: zollotech
Views: 344,623
Rating: 4.925633 out of 5
Keywords: iPadOS 15, iOS 15, iPadOS 15 is out, iPadOS 15 released, iPadOS 15 Public GM, apple beta iOS 15, apple beta, when is iPadOS 15 coming, get iPadOS 15, when is iPadOS 15, apple iOS, when does iPadOS15 come out, how to get iPadOS 15, iPadOS 15 beta profile, iPadOS 15 features, new iPadOS update, iPadOS 15 widgets, iPadOS 15 update, iPadOS 15 developer beta, iOS 15 install, vs iPadOS 14, zollotech, review, 4K, iPadOS 15 new features, iPadOS 15 updates, ipad app library
Id: Rsh44VDfTVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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