IP Adapter and Masks | Comfy UI Tutorial

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check out these amazing animations built using comfy UI and IP adapter today's video I'm going to share with you workflow so you guys can do exactly the same thing before we get started if you are new to comfy UI and don't know what it is check out this video on how to install it it's really quick and easy and then come back to this video I'm following this tutorial it was made by Art on tap he includes the workflow as well but this video will just help you guys if you guys are getting stuck with it we're going to be talking about RPA which is called the RP adapter this RP adapter was Hans com for your ey by guy called Mato so Props to him he's got a YouTube channel I post links to both these guys in the description and you should subscribe to their channels because they are amazing helping out the [Music] community the first thing you want to do is head over to this page and just start following these instructions over here so you can see here on the top right hand corner this is the Json file which we're going to be following in C UI so you can just load it in don't be too scared looks complicated but it actually really is simple the best thing I would recommend is just going in and um I'll share my flow or you can download his flow and just loading it up and then going through each section and downloading all the necessary models to help you art with that obviously art on tap has provided a guard in terms of which which are the requirements so he's mentioned there there are some requirements around the Sam to install what I like to do is just take this and Google it in and just say download that and then go into hugging face and then put it in the right folder sometimes I do get a little bit confused and I need to ask co-pilot for a bit of help uh this is another grinding Dino it's also required by it should automatically download if you do try to just generate the model friends control net models are there as well so you can download that some lores as well as it uses animate obviously for the animation and another thing is it uses RP [Music] adapters this is mat's implementation of the RP adapter plus uh I followed this installation guide over here uh he mentions all the models you need in clip Vision RP adapter as well and face ID I actually downloaded everything on this page and put it into the right folders to get this working and then obviously in comfyi you need the comfyi manager and you can just go in here and install custom node which is called RP adapter right R adapter plus and install [Music] it first thing is it does it does video to video and or it does a an image so in this case you need an IM uh a video to help it track and to to mask it so this is just Tony Hawk skateboarding and then it has I guess eight masks down at the bottom so you can count 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 and these masks over here sort of mimic a certain area so for example this one is referencing so there's a black and white mask and then there's references to the colors based on I guess the prompt so there's skateboard clothes floor and then scar and you can turn these masks on and off over here so you can go white enable black BL and you can enable disable it basically you should get errors over here with all of these clips or the checkpoints there are some additional instructions over here you guys can read um you load in your your MP4 over here take note of the frame capap over here this is basically how long your animation is going to be so obviously if it's going to take longer to generate and you need a higher GPU or vram if you put this at zero I think it uses all the frames skip frame skip every end so this obviously speeds it up as well and then over here you can set whether you want uh image to VD or vid to VD so vid to VD is two and then you can set obviously the number of frame counts as well this only applies to an image mode but if you video you can set a frame load cap over here and then the the resolution is set as well so if you want to post this to Tik Tok obviously you can set get a resolution maybe as 512 512 or by 768 to get that sort of portrait mode and that's basically it guys so I'll share with this this Json file and you can have a go and play with it as I mentioned this is sort of the output you get this is quite a creative mode so you can just play around and see what what images you get at and as as as you've seen there's some amazing footage coming out so RP adapter is a lot more powerful than this I've obviously just touched the surface um have a look and play with it and post the comments down below until next time catch you guys later
Channel: AI Made Simple.
Views: 859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ce6klhiHpWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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