A look at the NEW ComfyUI Samplers & Schedulers!

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loads of new things have just been added to come for UI and first up is a bunch of stuff from here this gives us the gits schedule and a load of new Samplers too links to the papers are available as well should you want all the lovely nerdy stuff and on top of diff sampler we've got another sampler here CFG Plus+ according to the pictures here this should help reduce those problematic artifacts such as extra tals a massive workflow then and just for giggles I'm using pixart Sigma 1K as the model to test the new stuff on up here in the prompt you can see I've made a bunch of happy aliens so you can see what all the things do the first alien the top left there is just your typical example using an existing sampler 20 steps guidance scale 7 and Oiler with sgm uniform he's sort of a baseline St standard image if you like which you can use to compare the new Samplers against to the right there we've got the first of the new sampers Oiler Plus+ and whilst the image does appear to be identical that's only because I've set the guidance scale to half that of our Baseline image so 3.5 in this case if you want to know what happens if you don't do that let's set it to seven and find out oh dear as you can see this will give you a sort of burnt looking output which likely isn't what you're going for but nerdy I read the paper and it shouldn't work like that don't worry we'll cover that in a moment the next alien the one down here in the bottom left looks a little bit different but that's because it's using the ancestral version of Oiler Plus+ image quality is pretty similar but you'll likely see more differences if you change the step count so for example I'll put this one back to 3.5 there we go and if I change the steps on that to 50 and if we do 50 on this one down here as well let's see how that comes out so there we go this one is much the same although the quality has improved his teeth are now very nice whereas this one it's well I mean the eyes are absolutely massive it's it's quite the change isn't it IP NDM is next and this is a strange beast at 20 steps he looks like that however if we put the steps up to 40 then he looks like that okay that's quite different all right but if this is going to be a little bit of a weird one if I change the guidance scale to like 4.3 oh hold on a second now he seems to look a little bit more like our reference picture although we can zoom in well let's have a bit more quality on there as you can see it's pretty decent the bottom row of teeth there quite strange but a reasonable quality image but you do have to change both the steps and the guidance scale scrolling down a bit we've now got the next set of images and here we've got ipnd dmore V so slightly different and here at 20 steps with a guidance scale of 3.5 he does look suspiciously like that alien used to look like and of course if we want to gain change the steps and guidance scale to match then we get our very similar looking alien we'll have a a zoom in there slightly different on the eyes the quality you know fairly fairly similar but the other thing you can do with this as well is use a really low guidance scale so if I drop that down to one and regenerate then I do get a completely different looking image but it's still actually not that bad for guidance scale one the next one here is deis the diffusion exponential integrator sampler seems like an easy win to me cuz this one is only 20 steps so if I put this one up to 4.3 then I think you know what's going to happen here yes indeed it's back once again to our happy alien now the other thing you can do with this one as well is just use 10 steps so same thing again there he is 3.5 10 steps let's put him up to 4.3 and it's still a decent quality image even though it's taking half the time to generate did we get even more stuff yes we did because we got gits as well what's the deal with gits well basically it does things well in 10 steps much like that other sampler we just had a look at but you can also go to 20 as well as you can see from the images here it does change things quite significantly so let's zoom in on all of these and see what the differences are what's this first one here then using a custom sampler well it turns out we've got two different versions of the oiler CFG Plus+ a regular and an alternative one this is for the regular one and you can see once again we've got our familiar face this time however his little nashes are a bit more humanlike and he's missing that third row so we can compare him there to IP NDM at 40 if we zoom in there you can see the teeth of course are a lot better so this is that version it's meant to reduce those artifacts that you see in your Generations so that one there sampler custom sampler Oiler CFG Plus+ regular version whereas this one over here although it looks the same Oiler Plus+ it's it's not that's actually the alternative version and I'll show you that in a second all right so let's scroll over to the next one so this is that same thing again but now I'm using the gets scheduler so you see there I've just got the basic one dm uniform 50 steps so that's another issue with that one is that you have to use a lot more steps and also with the standard regular version um the guidance scale changes so now it's 0.7 so a lot lot lower you wouldn't go up to like 3.5 with that one that would be very very burnt like when we went up to seven with that so there the guidance scale changes a lot more so you probably want about 0. 6 0.7 maybe 0.8 so you just change it very very small amounts at a time and uh hopefully then you shouldn't get all those extra artifacts and it'll look a nice clean image like that so doing that same thing with gits so that's 50 steps and this one is 10 steps that's the same as that one but we've got 10 steps in gits and it looks quite cute doesn't it it's quite a good quite a good picture let's zoom in just so we can have a look at the Old Quality now obviously it's completely different um it is wrong as well because I said I wanted the alleyway at night uh but given that it's 10 steps that's not bad okay this next one then Oiler CFG Plus+ again but this time this is the alternative version with the with the custom sampler there and I'm using sgm uniform and 20 steps so if you remember that's exactly the same as the one over here when we did this at 20 steps let's put in back to 20 steps just so we can see see there he is so once again pretty much the same as the original reference image 3.5 so this version of Oiler PP so you've got Oiler PP and the oiler ancestral that's the alternative not the regular version okay so sticking with that alternative version but this time once again using gits we get a very similar picture to the other gits version although of course this time his smile I don't think is quite as good because it's it's turned into his eyes let's move him into the middle so the picture quality is still fairly decent it's not a bad image but uh yeah compositionally okay so that's covered the two different versions of Oiler CFG Plus+ the alternative and the regular ones both with and without the gits scheduler so let's focus more on the gits ones now we got those two different versions out the way so now we've got IP NDM with gits now this one is a little bit different because when I used 10 steps on this it looked pant so it wasn't quite as good and as we saw earlier of course youve got a slightly different guidance scale so here I'm using CFG 5.8 but nevertheless 16 steps image quality pretty good I I actually prefer that to the other ones cuz it hasn't got that extra line so it doesn't look like he's wearing a funny helmet he's got nostrils little smile the eyes personally I think that one's pretty good for 16 steps and then of course next to it we've got the ipnd dmore V so same thing but we're using theore V version whilst that image might have looked similar when we were zoomed out zooming in here you can see hopefully there are some issues with it there so it's a lot more speckled and not quite as clear as that one so that's nice crisp and clean and this is a little bit blotchy and weird so M yeah the next two then deis s with gits so here it is with 10 steps and 20 steps just to show you the different quality so it looks quite good at 10 steps it is still a decent image there but I found when I put it up to 20 steps it looked more like those other aliens and personally I think that's the best of the bunch so far quick summary then there are all the different aliens but who's this guy down here well for this one I thought okay as all those other ones seem to have a slightly different guidance scale what happens if I add even more dynamic thresholding in there and start playing with a guidance scale more then you get sort of a mix don't you so here at least I've got the alleyway at night uh the composition is sort of more like these other ones but we've got the colors in from this and a little bit of those so it's sort of like a mix between gits and the standard way of doing things if you do a bit of guidance rescaling the other thing you'll see on using here is that ipnd dmore V which looked a bit pant earlier so I'm doing this DDM uniform 20 steps and with you know the guidance scale up at 11 because this one goes to 11 then it does actually look all right so you can sort of use that sampler and get some decent quality images what's going on here why am I looking at it again well for this one I wanted to have a look at it in 2K so this one I'm using pixel Sigma 2K and these resolutions are of course absolutely massive if we crack open that image there he is he's 1792 by 2304 so I was looking to see how do these Samplers work if I sort of pump up that resolution here's a quick summary of the Pix art 2K results then these are all to be cthulu standing over a kitten in an oil painting style and there we've got the reference I was using this because obviously cthulu has tentacles going everywhere so there should be all sorts of different artifacts there then is the summary just using the standard K sampler all of those are pretty good of course my favorite is deis there it is with 20 steps and also with 10 steps we'll open up the 10 step one so that's pretty good isn't it 10 steps very very high resolution quite quick to produce the gits summary then and personally I didn't think gits did very well once I started pushing that resolution a bit higher so let's zoom in here have a quick look at these again so this is that regular Oiler PP CFG one uh DDM 50 and of course this looks very nice this is one of the best Samplers of course you have to use the 50 steps but you do get a very nice output however once you start using gits um I think basically my cthulu falls apart uh so does the kitten there as well and uh that's the the standard one we got another gits there and again no no good same then with the ipn DM and theore V version both of those the cthulu isn't very good the tentacles going everywhere the cat's a bit wonky so whilst GS seem to be okay in those lower resolutions once I start pushing the resolution up a bit personally not so good how about if I do the classifier free guidance trick as well yes I get the color back but I've still got lots of those artifacts so personally I think gits works quite nicely in the lower resolutions but once it gets up to 2K I don't know I'll have to do more tests but it does seem to fall apart a little bit the other Samplers of course are absolutely brilliant that's about it from me for now but do enjoy all the new stuff you've got in comfy UI patreon members of course get the workflows pre-made for them or you can make them yourself at home too using the information from this video that's it from me for now so hopefully see you on the next one nerdy rodent he really makes my day showing us AI in a really British way
Channel: Nerdy Rodent
Views: 13,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ComfyUI updates, DEIS, EulerCFG++, GITS, IPNDM, Linux, stable diffusion, pixart sigma
Id: -GXJDz8i-Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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