IOT Based Weather Station || NodeMCU with OLED & OpenWeatherMap

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[Music] [Music] alexia from how to enough tonics have come and in today's video we will learn how to design an online iot best weather is the Sun using no dams you and oil really discipline in the previous video we learned how to upload the data to internet if that each thing is picked by uploading the data from node MCU but in this video we will learn how to download the data from Internet and display on foil in the display so the process is just three months so here we will be displaying temperatures limited deep pressure wind speed and wind agree and there is no need of any sensor when downloaded will be automatically so this is the block diagram so open weather dot o-r-g is an online service which uploads the data on internet of weather of entire world so this data is on cloud and the node MSU this is the data from the cloud and the local temperature humidity wind speed and pressure this are displayed on 128 into 6000 and it will display so the data from the cloud is described by no damn see you and displayed one for LED display so the communiques and diagram for it is this simply we have connected the pin number d2 and d3 to HB n SP cave-ins and VCC is 3.3 power supply we ground is directly connected to ground you can used I to see LED now how to do this so next learn about the programming section so we need three different library that is RT no json dot h d FX library and when any library so just go to the skates and cocaine managed library now here just search the three different library that i explained now first let's search the library for arduino Jason here you can see you can get the library from here so simply select the person I have already downloaded a library simply now let's get other the library this is SST 1 3 0 6 so are the libraries installed similarly install the GFX library so the dfx libraries installed as well now here you need to modify the program by entering the Wi-Fi SSID so simply enter the Wi-Fi SSID from here and also the password from here now here you need to enter the city name country code and your API key so for uploading or downloading the data whether you need a online service so this is provided by open weather map dot o-r-g some believe this link and just create an account here I have already created so I will just sign in so after you sign in you can see at the bottom portion here is a sectional API key so click here and you will get a default cube by something like this and if you want to create a new key by yourself so inter the year and just 10-gauge now copy this key and open your arduino code and just paste it over here now we need to set the city name and the country code so from where do we get the country code to open here and search for your city for example I will be staying in they put India if you are entering any part of the world like London Washington whatever so enter your city name so here I am saying the city named Jekyll is given and similarly the country code that is India I am is here so copy this and simply paste it over here now go to the tools and select your node MCU board I'm selecting known MCU ESB to le would select the foot and then file the code after you compile upload it so once you uploaded I'm uploading currently so you can see no times un-led is going to the one here so you can see the net wider description location is 18 now it is connecting now it's connected after the server is connected so you can see the current temperature the humidity pressure wind speed and wind agree since wind speed is no thing that is one meter per second wind agrees also nothing so there is no zero degree at all so this is how you can be like keep following the recession using no taps view and I led by retrieving the data from server like a video thanks for watching for more visit my official website
Channel: How To Electronics
Views: 16,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nodemcu weather station openweathermap, nodemcu, iot based weather station, iot weather station using nodemcu, esp8266 weather station code, esp8266, nodemcu based weather station, nodemcu iot weather station, nodemcu weather station oled, weather station with nodemcu, iot weather station, weather station using nodemcu, weather station project using nodemcu, esp8266 based weather station, weather station using iot, esp8266 openweathermap api
Id: M_8swUlABeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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