DIY Weather WiFi Weather Station | ESP8266, OLED display

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[Music] hello everyone today i'll show you guys how we can simply build our own cheap wi-fi weather monitor with the sp1 and oled display module our device will receive weather data from internet and this process will done by the esp module the esp module has a built-in microcontroller in it by the help of this microcontroller we can use the oled display with it these components are required for the project before soldering the components i'll upload the program into the esp module basically esp1 is a wi-fi module that allows microcontrollers access to a wi-fi network and it can also be used as a microcontroller i'm using esb1 programmer to program this board there is a button i've added to the programmer which allows me to connect io0 to the ground pin of the module to put the esp module into programming mode io 0 has to be connected to the ground pin of the module while connecting it to the computer now i'll upload the code but before uploading the code few things has to be set [Music] this module needs to be connected to a wi-fi network so we've to put the wi-fi name and password over here our device will receive the weather data from a website called open weather so we've to get the city name country name and api code from there and past them over here [Music] [Music] to get your own api code you have to open an account to this website [Music] now i'll upload this code to see whether our module is receiving weather data or not don't forget to reconnect the esp module to the computer then open serial monitor at 115 200 baud rate here is the circuit diagram now i'll connect everything by following this diagram but first i'll solder the components like voltage regulator esp and oled display module to the dotted pcb board then i'll solder all the cables by following the diagram [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] finally our device is ready now let's see if it works or not [Music] the device is looking pretty much good though nowadays we have smartphone to see the weather but still we can use this tiny device on our desk or somewhere else to look good i will attach the device to the 9 volts battery using double sided foam tape [Music] i think now it's looking better [Music] that's all for now thanks for watching stay innovative you
Channel: Electronics BD
Views: 17,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esp8266, arduino, weather station, wifi, DIY Weather WiFi Weather Station | ESP8266, OLED display, mini weather station, diy, diy weather station, build your own weather station, how to make weather station, how to create, ESP-01, esp, esp weather station, oled, weather, station, WiFi, wlan, wireless, sensor, BME280, wemos, mini, tutorial, make, project, beginner, beginners, ide, internet, json, openweather, api, API, print, printing, soldering, 5V, local, city, temperature, temp, humidity, display, IoT
Id: E7shs52FqnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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