iOS is Growing! Android is Shrinking... Why?

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Apple has nothing on Android okay yeah we have folding phones we have affordable phones that have 120 HZ displays yeah we have budget phones we have lowbudget phones and we have a stylus that you can fit into the design we have so much Superior camera systems on our phones we've got big camera bumps wide camera bumps we've got customized cameras with bigger sensors with more megapixels than the iPhone you can get the higher USB speed data on the lower end Androids we've Android Straight from Google Samsung is the king of display manufacturing no one can come close to them let me ask you this then why do you think iOS market share is growing while Android is shrinking well you you're all stupid that's why everybody's stupid for buying an iPhone okay I I see that that's the logic just stupidity is why everyone's switching to iOS yeah I mean there there's no other factors that go into the display refresh rate and the price and and the the hardware the cameras okay we've got all of the hardware why does anyone it's because they're sheep like you they're they're in a cult okay they're just being pressured by their friends to buy iPhones you don't think there might be a little bit more to it than that or nope I'm done talking to you sheep okay fair enough let's begin it's a battle as old as time we've been debating the whole iOS versus Android thing for years and the truth is I don't think there's really a right answer everybody just buys the phone that fits their needs best for some things Android is better for other things iOS is better you can do what you want I don't care I've really enjoyed reviewing Android phones in the past and I've even defended them in various circumstances because I know I have a very Apple focused audience on my channel where I can still acknowledge that there's a lot of great Hardware on the other side but it's fun sometimes to take a step back and just look at the data in terms of sales in terms of Revenue or how people are voting individually with their wallets and see what the global trend is you know what are we as a species more moving towards or voting more with in terms of our wallets and the fascinating thing is yes of course Android has been in the lead for a long long time in fact just a couple years ago Android was looking at close to 90% market share yes with the added context of course Android has basically thousands of different manufacturers and the most popular Android phone sold tend to be much much much cheaper than the most popular iPhone sold so there is a bit of a price difference between these markets so you have a lot of people buying Androids simply because they're cheap and iPhones are too expensive but then if you start looking at the market share of iPhone versus Android in the over $800 segment suddenly apple has a pretty massive lead so yes Apple tends to dominate the higher end of the market and then Android dominates the lower end of the market but there's been a shift happening in most recent history and I don't think very many people are talking about it which is why I wanted to dive into it today but for the first first time ever and this is global units by the way Global shipments last year in 2023 Apple occupied not five not six but seven of the slots for top 10 bestselling smartphones in the world okay not just the United States but the entire world has moved to a point where it used to be more half and half or apple would have a third of the top 10 and then Android would kind of compete for the remaining 2/3 or the remaining half but in 2023 Apple reached a point where now they are about 2/3 of the bestselling phones in the world and Samsung is the only Android manufacturer now on that list years ago there used to be several other top selling Android phones but now it's just Galaxy a series actually which is funny because we spend so much time on these channels talking about how the Galaxy foldables are doing or how the Galaxy S Series are doing and neither of those lineups actually broke the top 10 last year it's all iPhones throughout the entire calendar year of 2023 and the most depressing part of course is the fact that number one on that list was the regularized iPhone 14 the phone I told everyone not to buy oh my God it's so similar to the iPhone 13 this crushes my heart it's the same chip it's the same display it's the same cameras stop wasting money people actually I think there's some interpretation up for grabs here in regards to okay the iPhone 14 lineup was pretty great pretty strong I guess more so on the pro side but we'll talk about that another day the truth is the bestselling iPhone of 2023 was of course for 9 months out of the year the newest one that happened to be the cheapest what does that say about the buying behavior for smartphones right we're spending all this time with startup companies trying to figure out how to make AI assistance that can replace the smartphone because they don't need apps anymore so that somehow makes them more futuristic and Apple's even pouring billions of dollars into these big heavy fat expensive headsets that look really really cool and immersive for about 10 minutes and then you go okay never mind I I'm done with this thing we're spending all this money on how do we replace the smartphone what's going to kill the smartphone right then it turns out uh yeah most people just go out to the Apple Store and say what what's the newest one I don't think that many people genuinely bought the iPhone 14 because they believed it was better than the iPhone 13 if you knew anything about the tech specs like I do you're probably just going to pick up the 13 if the 14 is good enough for you I don't think average consumers were going into the Apple Store going well I should buy the 14 cuz that has an extra 2 gig a ram that's going to make it last longer no the average consumer doesn't care about little tech specs like that even Apple store employees rarely bring up the RAM management differences between different iPhone Generations they'll probably just say well the 14 has a better camera and I don't know it's just a little bit easier to repair maybe but I think it shows that the buying behavior of the public is not necessarily to be that informed on the iPhone most people just want to continue using the smartphone they have until it breaks down or stops working and then they'll go into the store kind of like how you go into a car mechanic or when you need a new set of tires you just go okay give me the new tires or my car is not working why don't you just fix it so people don't like maintaining their cars right they don't know how to work on them so they take them to the mechanic and they say you make car run again please and then tell me what the bill is at the end and I'll pay it similarly with smartphones people just kind of go back when they need to buy whatever the newest One is because they assume that the newest one will last longer and then they don't want to have to think about it again they go back to their daily lives they're not thinking about the extra Ram they got with their iPhone 14 they don't care about the 60 HZ display no they just know new iPhone will last me a few more years until that breaks and then I'll go back to the store and get a new one no idea what the new one's going to have going for me but again it's just like getting your tires or your car worked on but simultaneously we're noticing that Android was at about 87% market share a few years ago now it's Fallen to about 70% so the trend is is despite all of these boring upgrades we all complain about oh there's not enough differences between the iPhone 13 and 14 look I'm mocking myself from 5 minutes ago now yeah we're all wondering when the iPhone's going to get more interesting is Apple going to do a foldable is Apple going to do a periscope lens or make the iPhone more interesting by burying the selfie camera underneath the display then we can truly get rid of the not sure Dynamic Island thing everyone's wondering when there's going to be this big step change or big leap in improvements and yet over time more and more people are going with the iPhone over the Android You could argue that well maybe as smartphones become more widespread they're shipping in more countries reaching more developing nations that weren't quite at the same level of wealth as other nations so they're now able to afford smartphones but again we all know that iPhones cost way more than most Androids so if your argument is well just technology is you know trickling down to other parts of the world that didn't have access to these phones before shouldn't the Android market share be growing not the iOS it might be a little bit more of the opposite there's more developed Nations now that are capable of you know watching YouTube videos or watching reviews getting a little bit more informed on their purchase decisions or Tim Cook being the supply chain Mastermind that he is is getting better and better at moving inventory or getting better at marketing to different nations and that could result in a lot more people being aware of iPhones but then we come back to this whole thing about options and decisions and how people are deciding which phone to get that was the whole skit for this video Android usually has all the specs usually you can find a cheaper phone from an Android manufacturer whatever one you want that has a bigger battery than the iPhone that probably has a higher megapixel camera that could have faster charging that could have a bigger display or a higher refresh rate even in blind smartphone camera comparisons now we're seeing Android phones that are cheaper than iPhones consistantly come out ahead I'm not even trying to make the argument that I think iPhones have better cameras because spoiler even as an Apple sheep I think Androids have better cameras so what's this all coming back to why is IOS market share growing while Android is shrinking I personally think the missing link the hidden variable that people aren't considering is software it all comes down to the operating system and the App Store and that's what people seem to be more attracted to right like the iPhone's not winning over people because of any particular Hardware feature right just a few months ago we got type- C for the first time which is infinitely better than lightning in every way and up until that point lightning was kind of a deterrent it was like oh you got to have a different cable from everything else you got to have special headphones or adapters just for your lightning iPhone while everything else including your MacBook and iPad were relying on typ-c now the iPhone is finally reaching feature parody with Androids to okay now we have the same type-c port now we have great camera systems just like the Android phones do and we have decent battery lives but still usually physically smaller batteries than most Androids have so people are buying them for the software I think in the end the animations of iOS just being a lot more smooth and responsive it's a hard thing to articulate but I think people keep coming back to this there's this natural fluidity feeling that both is found in the first party apps and the third party apps that you just can't get on Android which is often why despite against all the science saying otherwise we still run into these situations where people feel like the iPhone with 60 HZ is a bit smoother than the Android with 120 HZ even though I know scientifically it's not true of course but the Android because of its less optimized user interface because of the inconsistency with thirdparty apps not being as optimized as they tend to be on iOS because when you develop an Android app you got to optimize it for thousands of different phones whereas if you bring an app to iOS it only has to optimize for a dozen different iPhone screen sizes so that Simplicity inconvenience and familiarity that a lot of people have with iOS I think keeps bringing them over and of course there's a lot of simple OS features like iMessage and that's definitely a huge factor in the United States less so overseas where most people are using Whatsapp anyway but I can understand how a lot of people in my country don't want to fuss around with having to deactivate iMessage and switch over to a thirdparty messaging platform on an Android phone so if they have an iPhone you might have an iOS user for life no matter how crappy the iPhone gets or how buggy iOS gets people just don't want to mess around with the Simplicity of iMessage and FaceTime just being built in natively and working reliably and I think the other help definitely comes into the resale Market because of iPhones holding their value so much better than most Android phones do there's a lot of different reasons that may be it could be because iPhones tend to have longer software support but I also think that looking at the price difference between you know a lot of Android phones selling better when they're cheaper and iPhones still selling great even when they're much more expensive that proves that if we ignore the price the iPhones are are just more desirable by the public so whenever you have that demand for it that affects the pricing of the resale Market it's another way of saying iPhones hold the resale value better because people want more iPhones especially in the used Market there's more demand for buying one used whereas an Android phone they get refresh so often and less people are seeking them out used because they have so many different options to choose from so there's an over Supply and that affects the pricing which is honestly why I think a lot of people choose to buy and flip iPhones because they know they're going to get a better return on their investment but Android slowly should be catching up to iOS in terms of software support as well so I really think it comes down to the OS I don't think it's necessarily just about the Silicon on the inside Qualcomm still has some fairly powerful chips that are pretty efficient nowadays I don't think it comes down to iOS cameras or the iPhone Hardware design I think a lot of it could be brand power sure but Brand Power doesn't come from nothing right I can't just start up my own clothing company and take on Gucci because of a special amount of brand power or just getting a handful of celebrities to wear a particular brand no I don't think that affects the masses as something major is like Global smartphone buying behavior and it's just fascinating to watch even though Apple hasn't really worked that hard to make iPhones cheaper if anything the opposite iPhones are still going up in price and yet we're seeing the market share grow so Apple's doing something right here so to all the fandroids out there that despise Apple I ask you what do you think is the reason behind growing market share for iOS versus shrinking market share for Android if it's not the operating system if it's not the stability of the app store then what is it I haven't heard a compelling argument for the alternative and that may just be why apple is so defensive and protective over how consistent and reliable the whole IOS app store experience is because that might just be their greatest advantage and we don't necessarily know it because it's hard to articulate doesn't sound like a big feature to just say well the scrolling and you you know the home screen and the Simplicity of apps is the reason people choose iPhone over Android it doesn't sound like a big technical feature but it might be something that simple it might be something that basic that's just hard to replicate on a non- iPhone and that's what keeps people coming back but what do you guys think feel free to let me know down in the comments below and thank you to everybody supporting this channel directly seriously helps us out a ton as does just watching these videos so thanks again this is your Apple here and I will see you on the next one
Channel: Tailosive Tech
Views: 92,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tailosive, Tech, Technology, Apple, iOS, Android, iOS vs Android, iOS Growth, iPhone Sales, Android Sales, iphone 15, iphone 15 pro, iphone 15 Pro Max, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, Android Market Share, iOS Market Share
Id: 4XxHiL_paao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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