iOS 17.5 Brings This Back! iOS 18 Leaks, iPhone 16, & More!

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we have fresh new details on iOS 18 along with Apple's brand new AI system there's even more new features and changes found in the latest IOS 17.5 betas we have some insight into the future of the mac and yes of course it includes AI we have a crazy air tag story and much more all in today's episode of Apple weekly and if you want to stay out of the loop on Apple news just stay unsubscribed otherwise hit that subscribe button down below so you know about the latest Apple news before any of your friends okay so let's talk about fet y this is Apple's latest AI advancement and this comes from a research paper that was just recently released and published by Apple and this is called feret UI this is a new multimodal large language model or M llm and keep in mind an m llm is different from an llm because it goes beyond text an llm which is what you know chat GPT runs off of is only able to understand text or mostly able to understand just textt but an mllm goes beyond that and can understand you know multimodal elements such as images video and even audio so fet UI is trained to recognize the different elements of a user's home screen such as app icons and small text and in this research paper Apple says that they compared faret UI to GPT 4V which is open AI mllm in public benchmarks and It quotes excels not only Beyond most open-source UI mlms but also surpasses GP p p4v on all of the elementary UI tasks and they show a couple of examples of the feret UI model in action and it shows kind of you know reminders right here it shows everything that the model can read and understand without the need of any type of text inputs or voice inputs it's just reading the tasks from the screen and you can see the description of everything here now they do say that specifically faret UI is able to not only discuss visual elements in detail description and perception conversation but also propose goal oriented actions in interaction conversation and deduce the overall function of the screen via function interface and of course this is a research paper so it's going to be very specific and very sophisticated in terms of the language used and a lot of this stuff goes over my head even but basically Apple doesn't really specify exactly how this is going to be used like we know how faret UI works now we have you know a research paper here showing how faret UI is going to be implemented into iOS but we don't know the specifics just yet these research papers are always somewhat vague for a good reason because it's before the feature actually comes to the iPhone but nonetheless this is very exciting to see because this is different from every previous Apple research paper we've seen because every previous research paper has been based on an llm where it's just text based it can read text and things like that but since this is a multimodal llm that means that it's going to be able to understand things just based on the screen screen that you're currently on and that opens up a world of possibilities on the iPhone so hopefully we see that with iOS 18 but it's not you know said if that's going to be coming in iOS 18 or a future version of iOS however we did just recently get details on something that is coming in iOS 18 based on the code that has been you know floating around out there so it looks like iOS 18 might add a new AI powered browsing assistant for Safari and then also something found in the code was encrypted visual search so this is a feature that could potentially be an upgraded version of the existing visual lookup feature where you can search for like cat and it shows you cats but of course this could be a lot more advanced now that apple is really focusing on AI and implementing a lot of these M llms and llms into their software so it'll be interesting to see what we get in June okay so now I want to talk about game emulators and why you might actually be able to download those in the app store sooner than you think so if you guys remember back in the day game emulators were like one of the top reasons to jailbreak your iPhone or download a third party app store but soon you're not going to need to do that because the EU just you know basically forced Apple into allowing these game emulators on the App Store globally however Apple does warn that the developers are responsible for the software offered in the emulator application so that means that you're not going to be able to have any pirated games or ROMs or anything like that it seems so this could be limited unless the actual publisher or developer like Nintendo releases their own emulator for like you know the Pokemon and and The Game Boy which would be awesome but I don't know this this is good news but it's also you know we have to kind of see how this plays out if you can't have ROMs in the App Store and the developer of the PSP open source emulator said this since we don't own the rights to PSP games we can't offer them as inapp downloads users must still obtain the games on their own so for PSP to be useful Beyond running a small set of free Homebrew games it all depends on how Apple interprets their own rules if it turns out that the rules now allow emulators with ISO ROM Pickers PSP will come to the app store later this year if not well it won't so this is great news for game emulators potentially coming to the App Store but like I said this is still highly dependent on what apple is going to actually allow inside of the emulators and also Apple did announce that music streaming applications like Spotify are now able to include a link or a buy button that leads to an exter website with information about alternative music purchasing options in the EU that was one big thing that Spotify was fighting Apple over so before we talk about the future of the mac and some other important news let's talk about iOS 17.5 I want to give an update on iOS 17.5 which is currently in its beta stages but we just learned of a couple of other additional features coming to iOS 17.5 and the first one has to do with puzzles so if you go into the News application and go to to the following Tab and then go to puzzles right here there are some new changes here so you can see right off that it's connected to game center now so we have Game Center uh tracking so you can track your stats in these different puzzles there's a new share image but most importantly there's a brand new game up top so you can see before it was just crossword and crossword mini but now we have this one which is cor tiles so this is a brand new game that's actually really fun I've played it and you can see it's kind of like Wordle where every day there's a new puzzle and this is big for those you know that are into word games and we saw that the revenue for the New York Times has been crazy with these word games so apple is trying to get in get a piece of that pie from The New York Times also I don't think I've ever mentioned this and I've never realized it myself but if you go to subscribe to an Apple service and you look down at the bottom it shows after adding this subscription your combined subscriptions will total to $40 a month so it'll show you the amount that you're actually paying on a month if you add this service to you know your Apple ID to your subscriptions which is really cool and that might be new I've never noticed that before now something else that's coming in iOS 17.5 is a much bigger deal and this has to do with Google who just introduced their find my device Network for Android devices which does exactly what Apple's fine my network does but with 17.5 what's changing is that the found moving with you alert that you get with air tags appears to be coming to third party item trackers in light of Google's official launch of their find my device Network so now if somebody is trying to track you with a thirdparty item tracker such as a yui Tracker a Google tracker a chipolo any other thirdparty item Tracker out there you will now get an alert if an unknown thirdparty air tag is following you thanks to this big you know agreement and partnership with Apple and Google now this is not available on the betas but this will be rolling out by the time the final release of iOS 17.5 comes out which is great news and as far as the performance goes on iOS 17.5 beta 1 performance has been fine there's really been no change going from last week to this week so we have been on a two-e cycle going from beta 1 to Beta 2 so the performance here on beta 1 is still the same as it was last week however I did run a fresh geekbench 6 CPU test and you can see we scored a 2955 and a 7126 if we compare that to previous runs of 17.5 beta 1 it is higher on both single core and multicore but it's about the same it's actually a little bit lower than the initial run of iOS 17.4 the final release but nonetheless pretty good numbers there for the geekbench test on 17.5 beta 1 now as far as battery life goes battery life has been fine for me however I have been seeing a lot of people report battery drain on 17.5 beta 1 and also 17.4.55 Pro Max I've had no issues with battery life no issues whatsoever I have had some heat issues but I think that's mainly related to just me using my phone too much and also having a case on it which is why I've been rocking it caseless for the past I don't know month or so uh but I did have some heat issues early on this is before 17.5 beta 1 came out but battery life has been fine for me so far we do still have the bug there where it shows charging title and short optimized so that's annoying we should see that fix with beta 2 but uh yeah the battery so far has been just fine for me and then as far as what to expect next from Apple in terms of software we should be seeing iOS 17.5 beta 2 next week on the week of April 15th so I would expect to see that second Beta release to developers on the 16th so we should see that on Tuesday and then after that we should see 17.5 betas continue on a weekly basis so we should be getting beta 3 on the week of the 22nd most likely on the 23rd all the way until the final release of iOS 17.5 at some point in early May which is also when we're expecting to see the announcement or even the release date of the new iPad Pro and iPad Airs I've also had a couple of people ask me if we're going to see a 17.4.55 [Music] the final release but there is a possibility of that if Apple finds something critical in the code you know that's causing issues or most importantly most likely is a security issue so if a security issue comes to light if it's being actively exploited then of course apple is going to push out an update but if they don't find any major bugs or security you know vulnerabilities that are being exploited out there don't expect a 17.4.55 as the next public release okay so now let's talk about the Noto distant future of the mac and this is related to the M4 chip which is on the way now just months after the M3 chip was first released on the MacBook Pro that was in November but apparently apple is now nearing production of the M4 equipped machines and apple plans to equip every Mac in the lineup with this new M4 chip and this report from Bloomberg says that M4 is going to be focused on AI processing capabilities and there's going to be at least three variants of the M4 chip so thank M4 M4 Pro maybe M4 Max M4 Ultra something like that and for the highest end desktop Mac which is is most likely the Mac Pro Apple might increase the ram ceiling from 192 GB to 512 gigs of RAM however there is no word on increasing the base storage from 256 to 512 or increasing the base Ram from 8 to 16 gab I I don't think that's happening even this year with M4 and German says apple is aiming to release the updated computers beginning late this year and extending into early next year there will be new IMAX a lowend 14-in MacBook Pro high-end 14 and 16in MacBook Pros and Mac minis all with M4 chips but the company's plans could change of course and then he says apple is then planning to follow up with more M4 Max throughout 2025 that includes updates to the 13in and 15-in MacBook Air by the spring the Mac Studio around the middle of the year and the Mac Pro later in 2025 so that's very exciting news if you are in the market for a Mac or considering upgrading to a Mac around this time it's just best to wait because if every single Mac is going to be upgraded with M4 you might as well just wait at this point especially because these AI capabilities could be important for the future of the Mac we don't really know what that entails at this point I'm sure we're going to find out a lot more in June at the worldwide developers conference but to to see AI you know combined with the new Max and the new M4 chip that's pretty exciting and has me excited to see what Apple can do especially with big machines like the max studio and the Mac Pro and then speaking of German and Bloomberg we also got a new report this week about a new Apple TV that might have a built-in camera for FaceTime and other video calling applications and this report says that this new Apple TV could support gesture-based controls and work seamlessly with both the iPhone and The Vision Pro and he continues by saying that Apple has also considered a lightweight smart display that could be used around the house than a low-end iPad that could be quote shuttled from room to room as needed and hooked into charging hubs stationed around the house and this is interesting to me because I'm assuming that not everybody has the Apple TV just you know in front of their TV eye level you know and perfectly there now I'm sure it would have Center Stage so it may not need to be right there but I know a lot of people that put their Apple TV inside of a coverboard or you know way down low where it's just out of uh you know out of the space so this would be interesting you know what do you think about a camera being built in to a future Apple TV also this week Apple announced that later this year they're going to begin allowing used parts for repair so they say in the fall apple calibration for both new and used genuine Apple parts will happen on device after the part is installed so if you go into your settings General about it's going to say whether a new or used part was used on your iPhone and what's interesting is that activation lock is going to be extended to iPhone Parts as well not just the iPhone itself so this is going to deter thieves from stealing phones and disassembling them to sell and then another week another new iPhone 16 rumor this one has to do with the colors of the iPhone and I don't like putting a lot of stock into these early rumors about the iPhone 16 especially when it comes to Colors so take this with a grain of salt but this did come from a webo post and it says that the iPhone 16 could come in seven different color options so we have pink yellow blue green black white and purple so that is a lot of colors and it's hard to see apple doing that however I would like to see Apple offer more colors than just the five options that we got for the previous iPhone the iPhone 15 and 15 plus and then finally let's talk about another crazy air tag story and this one is very ironic because a trio of Thieves in California were in a Target store when they decided that it was a good idea to steal a pack of Apple Air tags They removed the security sensors and were able to make it out of the store without being caught but it wasn't long until the police were able to find them by using the find my application so after they got caught and arrested police found more stolen air tags in the car which were believed to be stolen from another retail heist in a neighboring City all three of the men were arrested and charged with burglary false information to an officer and organized retail theft Pro tip if you're going to steal something make sure it doesn't have location tracking built into to the product I mean come on that's just as dumb as it gets but anyways guys there you have it that is the latest on iOS 18 the future of the Mac iOS 17.5 and everything else so I hope you enjoyed this episode of Apple weekly if you did let me know with a comment down below also give this video a thumbs up and if you want to stay in the loop of everything going on in the world of Apple be sure to hit that subscribe button down below and check out the Apple Den newsletter but anyways guys thanks again for watching and I'll see you soon
Channel: Brandon Butch
Views: 77,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon butch, iphone, ios, apple, iOS 17, iPhone 15, iPhone 16, iOS 18
Id: yJglaA314xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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