iOS 17 Public Beta 3 - Remarkable! - Features, Battery and Follow Up Review

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hi everyone Aaron here for zollotech and iOS 17 beta 5 and iOS 17 public beta 3 have been out for a few days and there's even more new features to talk about since the iOS 17 beta 5 is out what's new video was released so we'll go over that we'll also talk about the overall experience since I've been using it full time on my 14 pro Max and iPad Pro and we'll also talk about your experience based off the YouTube Community poll where at the time of this video there's over 19 000 votes and 260 comments so we'll talk about all of that the overall experience and more toward the end of the video first though we need to talk about a couple news items the first one has to do with the upcoming Apple event many have been asking about this I had a video earlier last week about it but we're expecting the iPhone 15 event on September 12th or 13th the 12th seems more likely as it's a Tuesday that's when they typically do that they send out the invites many have been asking me about that as well in my DMs on Twitter and other places when that will be they'll send out those invites typically the week 4 so normally we'll see them probably in the first week of September with the event the second week of September so hopefully we'll see that very very soon also there's been a lot of people that have been trying to update to iOS 17 beta 5 or public beta 3 and they keep getting an error when they go into their settings General and then software update this will pop up with an error I'm updated here and if we look for the update on iOS 17 beta 4 or public beta 2 you'll see it's acting a little odd but it does seem to be working this time but it's just sort of refreshing on its own for some reason so there's definitely some issues going on there also one thing I wanted to mention is Mac OS Ventura 13.5 apparently has an issue where you can't change any location services settings so this is another bug we're seeing which makes me think maybe we'll see iOS 16.6.1 or 16.7 sooner than we expect with maybe an update to Mac OS 13.5.1 or 13.6 we'll talk more about that a little bit later but let's first talk about new features now the first thing is as far as new features is airdrop has a new sound I actually forgot to check this in the initial what's new video and had that on my notes but if we go to airdrop something so we'll go from the right device on beta 5 to Beta 4 here on the left and maybe we'll airdrop this particular thing here just go in airdrop and then we'll bring it close and we'll bring it in like this and you'll see the animation is the same but let me turn on the sound here we'll turn it up and do that again and I'll move my microphone you have a bit of a new sound if you just go and bring them together like I showed you without going into airdrop itself we have a share button now now they've actually added name drop to Apple watch it's in the code but not active yet and you can see that here on Twitter Aaron p613 posted what the animation looks like where you can bring an iPhone and an Apple Watch together or two apple watches together so this is something that doesn't appear to be active yet but should be in the future Shazam gets an update with a new animation so if we scroll down tap on Shazam in the control center and then play a song from a different phone you can see the new animation there it pops in and has a nice look to it overall and then just goes away into the top we can go into it and then go right to the song within Apple music so it's a really nice update here and then of course we could send that to our homepod or whatever we have nearby there's some updates with the phone as well and many have been asking about this so if I place a call to myself with a different phone here I'll use a pixel fold and if we answer the call we'll tap accept and you'll see that the end button is in the bottom right now this is not a departure from previous iOS 17 betas but it is something that is new here that people didn't expect so I just wanted to clarify that that it's here also there's some updates as far as voicemail goes if you're using the live voicemail feature so if I call from my other phone and you'll see it's actually transcribing live voicemail however the default live voicemail message has been updated where it says your call has been forwarded to voicemail the person you're trying to reach is not available at the tone please record your message when you finish recording you may hang up so it's a gen General generic default message but you'll see again it's working to live transcribe my voicemail in real time as well FaceTime gets an update as well some people are seeing an all new splash screen I'm actually not seeing that however they've changed some of the gestures so if I make a call to myself and my 13 Pro Max that I made the call with to my 14 pro Max is actually showing that little message that I said before where it says touch and hold your image to send a reaction like thumbs up or heart you can also use hand gestures like a thumbs up so if I press and hold on my image here we have the option for heart and thumbs up and more and the thumbs up has changed the overall icon used to have blue behind it if I give a heart here you'll see them in the screen thumbs down again it's changed we've got some balloons we've got fireworks the laser light show all the things you get in messages work here so storm clouds and again thumbs up so if you want to use those just press and hold or you can use gestures like thumbs up and more another change is within messages if you're using voice to text you'll see a blue line behind the text but it's more prominent than it was before before this it wasn't as noticeable and it sort of elongates and then shrinks behind what you're speaking about so you'll see it actually keeping up and then if I stop speaking the line shrinks behind it and then continues to highlight so it's just a nice little visual update also within messages if you're texting someone that's using Android or doesn't have iMessage enabled you won't have the option for checking anymore and when you go into the check-in options within messages you have limited in full but now it has sample data where it says sample data here and if you switch between limited and full it changes giving you an idea of how it works now if we lock the phone and then take a look at the previous beta you'll see that the shortcut widget has been updated so it's a nice visual update not a huge deal but it's easier to see now within the shortcuts app if you create an action for Safari and then scroll down to where it says web they've updated the icons to better represent what you're creating so search web has the little search icon there get details of article filter article open URLs and get article using Safari reader those have all been updated with new icons maybe we'll see this in the future with additional actions as well within settings under your name and then iCloud Cloud we now have a little pop-up that says do more with iCloud free Up Storage review recommended settings and learn more about iCloud so it's not a huge change but it pops up there to let you know you have different options and then of course you can go into that and then free up some of your storage on the home screen where we have widgets the clock widget calendar and even reminders sometimes doesn't show as pure black so this may be changed over time as we used to have a translucent clock and we don't any longer so hopefully they update this a little bit as this isn't great if they're a little bit gray instead of pure black for maybe when you're using dark mode it will actually use more power under privacy and security if we go to location services Apple has removed Safari from here if we look at the previous beta we have Safari websites and instead they've kept it completely under the Safari options so we don't have it here as we scroll down they've just removed it all together and it can be found under your Safari settings that was in previous betas but they hadn't removed it from the other location so you'll see down at the bottom of safari we have locations and then we can remove it individually if we go into Maps tap our account and under offline maps under optimized storage we now have a description which says automatically remove downloaded maps you haven't used in a while also only use offline maps as use downloaded maps even when you have an internet connection so that's similar to before but they've changed it around and given their own descriptors there were a couple of Splash screens I wanted to mention one I mentioned before with apple music the first time you go into it you may see welcome to Apple music and also what's new in apple music so these popped up for me on a different device not on my main device also the first time you open books there's a new splash screen in beta 5 where it says welcome to Apple Books find great books and audio books you can read or listen to anywhere on all your Apple devices also within screen time if you're using screen distance where you turn this on and if your phone's too close it will notify you it used to just say your phone was too close now it actually says iPhone may be too close also on iPad there was a new arrow that you can see right there that popped up to show me that I'm covering the face ID sensor if I take my finger off of it it disappears and then I can unlock the iPad but again if I cover it and then unlock it will give me a little arrow that's in a new box Now on iPad OS now as far as the overall camera let's go ahead and take a look at it since we have beta 5 on this device beta 4 re-release on the other device both 14 pro Maxes I'll take a few photos so you can take a look here and see if the processing has changed some people have actually said it's improved quite a bit this time around so let me know what you think with these few different photos does it look better with beta 5 compared to Beta 4 it definitely seems apple is working on this a little bit though as far as the overall experience it's pretty remarkable that it's great for some and terrible for others for me in particular it hasn't been great others have said it's the best beta ever so I haven't seen a whole lot of bugs that have been fixed and looking online I haven't seen many people report that they're fixed either for example the magic keyboard stops working still on the iPad for for some people I've had a lot of lock-ups and freeze-ups completely freezing the phone where I had to hard reboot it I've also had issues with private relay just yesterday where it just stopped all of the sudden and I couldn't get to enter any website I had to disable it then it worked so definitely some issues there I've heard quite a few people say there's issues with third-party apps with things like WhatsApp freezing and locking up or crashing I've heard shortcuts crashing quite a bit for some people in particular I'm seeing issues where voicemail just shows up and it says I have two of them but it doesn't show in my voicemail at all I'm seeing that over and over and hearing that from others of course there's still that notification bug where it just sort of Pops in so that's definitely an issue and then also there's definitely some issues for some people with carplay not working however it works fine for me wirelessly but sometimes music will crash on it you can't clear the cache anymore by doing volume up volume down pressing and holding the power sleep wake button that doesn't clear the cash out or the ram that's an issue for some people and additionally I've heard of people's alarms failing whether it's sleep alarms or just alarms in general which is a major issue if you're using it on your main phone there's still bugs here and there I've seen some weird bugs with connectivity on iPad and overall connectivity it actually has been better for me on beta 5 but still is an issue so there's definitely some odd things going on as far as the release notes I talked a little bit about this in the initial what's new video there's some good things in here but definitely even more known issues so still quite a few things they need to fix before it's released to the public so again make sure you're reporting feedback if you're having issues but there's definitely some bugs in this one as far as overall performance performance is okay when it's not freezing up so promotion seems to be fine some people have reported it's better than ever but in general I've had a lot of weird freeze-ups lock-ups swiping out of apps sometimes stutters lots of weird issues I've even had to hard reset my phone the other day I've noticed this on every device I'm actually running this on so maybe I'll do a full reset on this device soon as it's really acting poorly and we'll talk about that with battery life in a moment it's also unbelievably hot when wireless charging in my car in fact I stopped doing it because it's so hot I can barely touch the phone there's definitely something odd going on with this phone and it may just be Hardware related it's also quite warm just filming this video right now so if we take a look in the thermal camera over the hottest part of the phone we're at about 38 degrees Celsius or 102 degrees Fahrenheit that's incredibly warm compared to what I've seen before so for some reason it's getting overly warm and just not really lasting throughout the day as far as battery life you'll see my batteries down to 53 percent in fact yesterday at 5 PM I took this off the charger at about 10 30 a.m or 10 AM and at 5 PM I had to recharge it again I barely used it so if we go to battery battery health and charging I'm at 90 percent with 267 Cycles according to Coconut battery according to Coconut battery I'm at 91 but it's still pretty terrible battery life if we take a look at yesterday and you'll see it's giving me a suggestion of auto lock which I turned off for the video but I typically have on yesterday I had three hours and 42 minutes of screen active time at 3 hours and 55 minutes of screen idle time that's including recharging it so it was way down I had to recharge it the day before I used over 100 battery life it only had about one hour and 53 minutes of screen active time it's been pretty terrible and Twitter's using a ton of power and it shouldn't be I have background activity turned off so there's some weird issues for me other people have sent in their battery life as well and thanks to Abhishek for sending this in this is on an iPhone 11 Pro Max with 95 battery health he had two hours and 17 minutes of screen on time one hour and 23 minutes of screen off time and used about 55 of this battery so battery life overall in this fate at least for most people I've talked to is pretty terrible hopefully it will get better in the future Apple of course is going to refine that before it's released to the public if they don't they're going to hear from a lot of different people so if you're wondering if you should install iOS 17 beta 5 well if you're already a beta tester absolutely update as you'll get more features and you're testing it anyway that sort of comes with what you're doing however if you haven't installed the beta yet I'd probably wait till the next version at this point just to see if it improves as it's pretty poor as far as battery and if you're concerned about heat and performance I would probably wait a little bit however many people say it's pretty great as far as iOS 17 beta 6 and iOS 17 public beta 4 I would expect that as soon as this coming week on the 15th typically Apple releases them weekly at this point past beta 5 will get beta 6 the next week maybe seven and eight with a release candidate and then a final release probably around the 18th of September if that Apple event is on the 12th so that's what I would expect we could also see IOS 16.6.1 as I mentioned earlier in the video or iOS 16.7 normally we would have the last version of iOS 16.7 RC in September but if there are issues they could maybe issue an iOS 16.6.1 so that seems likely if they're having major issues if not we'll see 16.7 in September probably now as far as the YouTube Community poll let's take a look at some of your comments Tech Pro 985 says worst beta so far developer beta 5 worse than beta 1 extremely slow Safari and shortcuts crashing and iPhone 13 overheating like crazy also took forever to update after running into issues with unable to check for update and then saying iOS is up to date when it wasn't friends zero said my sleep alarm is completely broken I thought no alarm was going to go off last night but I always set an extra alarm for redundancy and this was the only alarm that went off when sleep mode was on there was the button with no alarm in it and after pressing it and changing the schedule it still didn't change yes the button alarm was on I then used my redundancy alarm and this showed on the home screen I tried rebooting both of my devices but nothing as the result iPhone 13 with Apple Watch series 7 beta 5 Zomboy 4313 says I'm using iOS 17 beta 5 and it's going well battery life and heat has improved but I do wish the notification bug gets fixed the lock screen Spotlight bug has now been fixed which is nice but the keyboard's behavior has been reverted causing the lock screen password to not show when powering on my iPhone Scott Olmsted said iOS 17 beta 5 on iPhone 14 pro Max most things seem to be better notifications bug is still there but now I'm having tons of crashes with the shortcut app almost any automation I try to make will crashes some point in the process of making it Maximus Prime said I'm actually of the opinion that the iOS 17 betas have been more stable than the launch of iOS 16. I even noticed a better battery life on the betas over iOS 16. and so that's everything with iOS 17 beta 5 and iOS 17 public beta 3. if you found anything more I'd love to hear from you in the comments below as far as features or your overall experience and of course I'll link this wallpaper in the description like I normally do if you haven't subscribed already though please subscribe and if you enjoyed the video please give it a like as always thanks for watching this is Aaron I'll see you next time [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: zollotech
Views: 172,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M7soOG8egi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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