iOS 15 - 40+ Tips to Improve Battery Life!

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what's up guys my name is Brandon and another iOS  release means another battery saving tips video   here on the channel. So in this one, we're going  to be sharing over 40 tips and tricks to get the   most out of your battery life and have you never  complaining about battery drain again here in   iOS 15. Now if you want to see more privacy-oriented settings and more just ease of use   settings to change in iOS 15, I made a separate  video about that, and that can be found up in the   cards and down in the description below, but again  this one is all about saving battery life here on   ios 15. And if you guys find yourself changing any  setting throughout this video i would appreciate   if you gave this one a thumbs up all right so  let's go ahead and jump right in and we're going   to start off with installing an ad blocker in ios  15. now bear with me because there is something   new here in ios 15 related to this but first let  me explain why this drains battery life because   every time you go to a web page with ads obviously  that website has to you know pull in data from   the advertiser to show the ad sometimes you'll  get pop-ups it just really makes the browsing   experience not only just not user friendly and  annoying but it also drains battery so in ios 15   there's actually a really easy way to install an  ad blocker and apple is practically just telling   us to do it because if we go down to our settings  and then go to safari and then if we go down to   extensions if we go into more extensions right  here you will see in the app store pretty much   everything in here is related to content blockers  i mean it's even right here a whole section   dedicated to content blocker so apple is  practically telling us to block ads in   safari so i would go through here and just find  the one you like i mean they all pretty much do   the same thing i have one of the first ones that  was ever in there called kublock and it works   great just enable that and you're pretty much  good to go you don't have to have a separate   app anymore you don't have to have any type of  vpn connection like you had to in the past it's   much easier now in ios 15 with safari extensions  the next one has to do with live text and this is   of course one of the best new features in ios 15  that will allow you to scan text in real time when   the camera notices it and of course you can copy  it from here paste it translate it all of that but   if this is not useful to you and you don't see  yourself using this very often then disable it   otherwise your camera is going to always be  looking for text and that could eat away at your   battery life so go into your settings and then go  to the camera section and then down here you will   see it either say live text or show detected text  and you want to turn that off if that's not going   to be a useful feature for you now keep in mind  this is only going to disable this feature when   you're actually in the camera application it's not  going to remove it from actual photos because you   can see right here live text is so active and you  can still copy from screenshots and if you take   an actual picture this just disables it from the  actual camera view when you go into your camera   and it views it in real time the next thing  you need to check on is inside of your icloud   settings so if you go into your icloud then to  the icloud section right here and then to icloud   backup there is a new section here in ios 15  called backup over cellular so if you have wi-fi   disable this because you don't want your data  being backed up over cellular cellular in general   eats up more battery life than just being on  wi-fi so you especially do not want your phone   backing up all of your icloud data over 5g so i  would disable that if you have wi-fi so one of   the biggest culprits of battery drain in ios in  general especially in ios 15 is geofencing so if   you go to our settings here and then go to privacy  location services then all the way down to system   services you want to pay attention to the arrows  with the outline right there and if you go down   it will explain what each of these means but  basically this one right here with the outline   means that it uses your location based on a  certain trigger so for me it's on homekit which   means that i have something where homekit uses  my location based on another variable which in   this case i have my homepod play music when  i arrive home so that means that my phone   is always tracking my location and waiting on me  to get home so they can trigger my home kit to   play my home pod in the kitchen this is something  that i like so i'm going to continue using it but   you know i know that it comes at the expense of  draining some battery so just keep an eye on these   and just know what these purple arrows mean right  here especially the ones that are geo-fencing and   just always tracking your location and basically  just waiting on you to arrive home or arrive at   a certain location and since we're in here we may  as well go ahead and turn off some of these other   toggles under system services that we just simply  do not need to be on so things like apple pay   merchant identification i don't know why i  have that on i can go ahead and turn that off   things like compass calibration i mean how often  are you really calibrating your compass i would   go ahead and disable location based alerts i  would disable setting time zone unless you just   constantly are traveling and your time zone is  constantly changing otherwise you don't need that   to be on system customization things like that you  just simply do not need to be using your location   now obviously things like you know find my iphone  things like share my location and maybe things   like emergency calls and sos those are things you  want to leave this on for but all the other ones   you probably don't need to be on i mean even if  we go down iphone analytics routing and traffic   you can turn those off there's really no reason  for those to be on it's just going to drain your   battery now we also have significant locations and  this is something that i personally have turned   off just because it tracks you everywhere you go  and learns how you use your device you know when   and where so there is one con with this and the  big con is that it does disable optimized battery   charging so if we go back all the way back to  our settings and then to battery battery health   optimize battery charging it will still show up as  enabled like it's working but it will not work if   you have significant locations turned off so just  keep that in mind and if we head back into the   privacy section here i did just want to cover one  last thing in this section so if we go to location   services right here you want to take a look at  your individual apps and keep a look out again   for the geo fencing so you can see there i have it  for so that is something important that   is something that i need it for but if you spot  anything that is not showing wow using you want   to make sure pretty much every application shows  either while using or never so things like always   need to be things that are important so for me  whether i have this on always just because i have   notifications for when it's about to rain that is  important for me but if it's not important for you   you know you don't want to have that enabled  so most of these should be on while using   or never and then also when you're in here take  a look at the precise location this is something   you might want to disable so like for me home kit  and home that does need my precise location but   something like instagram probably doesn't i don't  really want instagram knowing my exact location i   just want knowing my roundabouts so that is also  one thing i would go ahead and disable for certain   applications now one of the big new features in  ios 15 is called icloud private relay so if you go   into our settings and then go to icloud and then  to private relay you will see this feature right   here now this is part of apple's icloud plus which  is basically just a rebranded version of icloud if   you bought storage before you get icloud plus  for free and that comes with private relay and   hide my email but private relay is something that  you might want to consider disabling now don't get   me wrong this feature is great but you do need to  know that it is going to impact your battery life   it's also going to impact your speeds like when  you're actually browsing in a safari because   it's taking your data and sending it through two  relays so it's going to slow down your speeds and   it's also going to eat away at your battery life  especially here in beta so it loses connection   pretty often that each way of battery life it  just is one thing you want to consider disabling   if you want to have the best battery life possible  and at the best internet speeds possible as well   now if you guys have been watching my battery  saving videos for the past couple of years   you would know that one of my biggest things  that i really stress is that you need to keep   an eye on what applications are sending you push  notifications notifications are one of the biggest   battery drainers if you have notifications  coming through for like 20 different people's   tweets all throughout the day that's going to  eat away at your battery life big time so what   you want to do in ios 15 it's really easier  than ever now to you know kind of disable   those incoming notifications thanks to focus  modes so i would take advantage of focus modes   to limit your push notifications and the reason  i say to just take advantage of the focus modes   is because this way you don't have to go into  notifications individually and just individually   turn off notifications for each application like  i had to in previous battery saving tips videos if   you go into a focus mode it makes it really easy  because when you go in here all you have to do is   enable just certain applications that you want to  be able to send you notifications when you're in   this focus mode but just take advantage of focus  modes to limit your push notifications and the   next tip is kind of just a piggyback off of the  previous one but that is to consider making custom   home screens based on when you're in a focus  mode so if you go into your focus mode right here   then go to home screen and custom pages you may  want to consider only enabling certain pages   of your home screen when you're in that focus  mode that way it limits your distractions and   limits the amount you use your phone which of  course is one of the biggest ways to drain battery   is by using your phone when you don't need to and  getting caught up in social media and things like   that so if you select a certain page and that  focus mode is on you will notice that you can   only go in to these applications which will limit  the distractions and in turn limit the usage which   is something that will save you some battery life  now the next thing that could be causing some   minor battery drain is if you go to your settings  and then to sirian search and then down to these   suggestions right here so this is going to show  content from apple and suggestions from apple and   i honestly would just turn all of these off i mean  unless you want apple sending you things that they   think you will like then i would just disable this  because what it's doing is apple is just learning   your behaviors it's constantly tracking what you  do on your device and it tries to serve you things   that it thinks you will want to see so i have all  these turned off you can go through and read this   if you tap on this little link right here you can  read through it if you want to but i have all of   these disabled because when i search for something  i know what i want to search for and i don't need   any type of suggestions or anything like that so  that's one thing i would also consider disabling   now the next tip has to do with music so if you  go to our settings and then go to music and then   down to audio quality and if you have lossless  audio enabled go to cellular streaming right here   and you want to make sure that this is not turned  on high-res lossless and even lossless sometimes   is going to eat away at your battery life and  the reason being is because these are really   high quality codecs i mean the audio sounds great  the music sounds great you know i'm not going to   say it doesn't sound good but on cellular what's  going to happen is especially if you go through   places with spotty connection your device is going  to constantly be buffering and trying to load up   these really high quality songs that take up a  lot of space i mean you can see right here a three   minute song will be approximately 145 megabytes  with high res lossless turned on so just keep   that in mind i would honestly have this at high  quality or even none for cellular streaming if   you're really trying to save battery life like if  you're on a road trip and you don't have a charger   i would turn this completely off if i were you  just because you know this is going to load songs   and play songs at a much higher quality and not  to mention lossless audio in general is going   to consume a lot of data so if you're not on an  unlimited plan definitely do not put on lossless   when you are on cellular now me personally  as you guys saw i keep mine on high quality   i feel like that's a good medium but you know if  you're really trying to save the most battery life   possible just turn that off but when you get back  to wi-fi just go ahead and turn that on lossless   or high-res losses because when you're on wi-fi  obviously things are not going to consume as much   battery life and there's probably not going to be  near as much buffer as there was with cellular or   5g now speaking of music one thing that i would  definitely not do is play your music at max or   near max volume so this is not only going to  strain your speakers and you're probably going   to end up with busted speakers after a while but  it's also going to strain your phone's battery   life because it's pushing a lot of energy to the  speakers to play that music at near max volume so   i would not do that ever i would put in headphones  or connect to a bluetooth speaker something never   play your music at max volume now the next tip to  save battery life is to disable hey siri so if you   go into your settings and go to sirian search  right here i would just go ahead and turn off   listen for hey siri unless you use it all the time  and the reason i say that is because if you have   that turned on not only is your phone going to  always be listening for that in the background   but also you know it's probably going to pick up  on some false triggers every once in a while and   that also will eat away at your battery life in  the long run so if you don't use hey siri at all   just go ahead and disable it that way your phone  is not constantly listening in the background for   somebody to say that trigger word and then also  down here in siri responses i would turn this   to when silent mode is off and then also disable  both of these that's what i personally have set up   and what i think is the best now if you always do  want siri to respond you could put that on always   but me personally i only want spoken responses  when silent mode is off when my silent mode is   on that means i probably just don't want to  hear siri talking to me when i ask something   or you know just to confirm anything now the  next tip is something that might seem obvious   but pretty much nobody does it so that is to study  your battery chart so if you go into your settings   right here and then go to battery you just want  to take a couple of minutes i mean this only takes   maybe a minute or two to look at this chart right  here and see if you see any sharp declines and   match it up with what application was doing that  and just keep that in your head to know that was   eating up your battery life just so you maybe  don't do it again especially when in a pinch so   if i look at my battery chart right here i really  only see one thing that sticks out and that's   about right here i see that sharp decline if i go  down here it looks like something i was doing in   youtube and safari was leading to that and maybe  tesla so maybe i was driving around that time   as well and maybe that's what was eating up some  of my battery life so you could take that and use   that and just kind of piece together what was  using the most your battery life right there   that way you can kind of avoid doing whatever you  did when you're in a pinch or just to keep in your   head just to know what causes battery drain on  your device specifically because of course it's   going to be different for every single person the  next thing you guys want to do is go into your   settings and then go down to accessibility and  then down to sound recognition and you want this   to be disabled unless you are hard of hearing or  you know you have a disability i would have sound   recognition turned off because otherwise your  phone is going to be listening for the specific   sounds in the background and that is going to eat  away at your battery life another feature that's   going to eat away at your battery life is screen  time now unless you actually use screen time   for maybe things like app limits if you set app  limits or if you have a kid and you block certain   websites then you don't need screen time to be  turned on i mean all this is doing is tracking   every single thing you do on your phone every  app you open every app you get notifications from   all of that that's going to cause severe battery  drain you know and if you don't use this there's   really no point in having it on so for me i'm  going to turn this off because i really don't use   it that much anymore now the next one has to do  with icloud drive and cell connectivity so if you   go into your settings and then to cellular then  all the way down to the bottom you will see icloud   drive so you want to disable this because you  don't really need documents and data being   transferred while on cellular again i'm going to  stress this multiple times when you're on cell   connectivity when you're on 5g or lte it's going  to eat away at battery life a lot more than if you   were on wi-fi so leave things like transferring  data and icloud backups leave all of that to be   done on wi-fi not on cellular and while we're in  here you may as well go ahead and disable wi-fi   assist as well and you can see mine's actually  been working so that means it was probably eating   up some battery life for 292 megabytes of data so  what this does is it automatically uses cellular   data when wi-fi connectivity is poor so again  anytime you use cellular it's going to use up   more battery life especially when it's kind of  just constantly checking back and forth between   cellular and wi-fi so i would probably turn that  off and while we're on the subject of cellular   data you want to go down to your settings and then  down to photos and then you want to go to cellular   data and you want this to be turned off especially  unlimited updates i mean it disables when you   disable cellular data but still this is something  again that you want to be done on wi-fi when you   have icloud photos and you have shared albums  anytime you take a photo or a screenshot it's   going to constantly be updating in the background  and updating that in your library on all your   devices so i would turn this off for cellular data  keep that to wi-fi now the next battery saving tip   is probably the only one on this list that does  not have to do with the software and that is to   avoid heat so heat is the worst thing you can do  to a lithium-ion battery aside from taking it out   and hammering it the worst thing you could do  is literally having it in the heat constantly   so you know some things that could cause heat on  your phone i mean you guys know when your phone   gets hot you want to avoid that if you ever see  that temperature warning on your screen that is   a very very bad sign you never want to have that  especially not more than a couple of times so if   you're out at the beach if you're out of the pool  put your phone in a bag or put your shirt over it   or you know do something don't have it out in the  heat especially don't have the brightness turned   all the way up when you're in direct sunlight  there's really nothing worse for the battery   than doing that than having your brightness  all the way up and being in the direct sun   while your phone is just baking now the next few  settings have to do with your display and kind of   just some settings to save some battery life so  if you go into our settings into accessibility   display and text size if we go all the way down to  reduce white point this is something that is going   to reduce the intensity of bright colors like  this white so you could take this anywhere from 25   all the way to 100 and if you put it on 100 and  then turn your actual brightness all the way down   you won't be able to see your screen like at all  so this is something you might want to consider   doing if you don't want those intense whites so  maybe somewhere around the 30 to 50 range seems   about like the sweet spot and if we go back to our  main settings right here and then to display and   brightness and then down to auto lock i would  turn this on two to three minutes now i have   mine on never just because i record videos on  this phone but on my main device i have my auto   lock set to three minutes and i used to have  this always on never but there would be times   where i would fall asleep with my device on my  screen would be on and that would lead to battery   drain because my phone was on for you know six  seven hours straight while i was asleep so this is   something i would turn on and of course it could  be kind of annoying because it dims but that's   why i put it up high to like three minutes so i  would just consider changing this from never to   something like two to three minutes and then right  below that is raise to wick and this is definitely   something i would recommend turning off and the  reason being is because you know it is a very   convenient thing to be able to pull your phone  up and it wakes up like if i do this real quick   if i just go like this you can see it wakes up you  guys probably know the future it's convenient but   how many times has that happened when you don't  want it to you know i remember turning this on for   the first time when it first came out and i would  always get false triggers you know it would always   turn on or my phone would always wake up when i  didn't want it to and that of course is going to   lead to battery drain so i would just go ahead and  turn that off unless you really love the feature   and really just don't want to tap your phone one  time then i would just go ahead and turn that off   the next battery saving tip in ios 15 is to avoid  or at least limit third-party widget usage so if   you have third-party widgets they're probably  eating up some of your battery life more than   you know so i would just avoid those and just  stick to the ones that apple gives you i know   it's cool to customize it and everything but it  is going to eat away at your battery and for the   next two battery saving tips we're going to go  to my main phone here and we're gonna go to the   cellular section and then to cellular data options  and then to voice and data and for this you do not   want to have 5g always on i would always put  this on either 5g auto or just stick to lte   so if you don't have 5g in your area and you  really never see your phone saying 5g i would   keep this on lte and don't you know even think  about 5g but if you get 5g around you like i do   just have it on auto that way it goes back and  forth between lte and 5g whenever it needs to so   i would have that on and then also if we go back  right here to data mode i would have this set to   either standard or low data mode you do not need  allow more data on 5g again these are things   right here that it mentions like you know  software updates automatic icloud backups and   higher quality media those are all things that you  just need to do on wi-fi there's really no reason   to do that on 5g because that's going to eat away  at your battery life so keep that on standard now   the next tip is something that is revolutionary  something you've never heard of before and that is   to delete applications you don't use yes you heard  me right just delete apps that you don't use it   seems so simple but so many of you guys right now  are like oh man i'm overwhelmed i don't want to   go in and delete all those apps i don't use now's  the time you know just just go into the app store   right here go to your little profile right here  refresh your updates and then from in here you   could delete these applications by swiping over  and this makes deleting them very very simple so   now you have no excuse delete the apps you don't  use otherwise they're going to take up space   in your app library over here which could lead  to battery life drainage as well as you know when   you're searching for something anytime you search  in spotlight search or anywhere on your device   it's going to search through every single  application you have which means the more apps   you have the more battery drain long term you're  going to face so now's the time to delete those   applications that you don't use and don't need now  the next battery saving tip is to use dark mode as   much as possible when you're on an oled display  so if you have an lcd display just skip this step   just look at the time codes and go to the next one  but if you have an oled display i would turn on   dark mode and keep that on as much as possible and  the reason being is because oled pixels are shut   off when you're in dark mode like when i go right  here most of the pixels are shut off i mean most   of this black section right here are just pixels  completely off and they don't use any power now of   course when you have an lcd display you know those  dark pixels are on and they emit a small amount of   light which of course takes power it takes battery  consumption to do so you know it's not going to   save a ton of battery life but if you combine  it with all the other tips in this video it   will make a difference being in dark mode a lot of  people just like the look of it but there are some   battery saving benefits to it as well now the next  tip is going to be one of the best battery saving   tips in this video and this is something i've  been preaching for many years on the channel and   also one of the first things i tell family members  when they come to me asking why is their battery   draining so much this is one of the first things  i tell them if you go into your settings and then   go to mail and then to accounts let's go on into  fetch new data and you want push to be disabled   and you want fetch to be turned to manually so the  reason for this is because you don't need your new   emails being pushed to your device every single  time they come in i mean when one email comes in   you're gonna get it you're gonna be notified  you don't need that i mean most people don't   now if you have a business account and you need  to be notified of every single email then sure   you know have this turned on to push and have it  come through automatically but for most people   i would have this set to manually that way that  the only time you get new emails is when you go   into the mail application and refresh it that's  going to be the best way to save battery life   on your device when it comes to emails just to  disable push and set fetch to manually and you can   also change it on a per account basis if you want  to as well like if you have a business account   then of course set that up to be different than  your regular email where you might get marketing   emails the next tip is another classic and that  is to disable vibration throughout your device   so if you go to your settings into sounds and  haptics you will see vibration up top right here   i would go ahead and disable that anytime you have  you know your phone working extra hard to vibrate   the device especially for every single call every  single text i mean that's going to strain your   battery life and it's kind of just unnecessary  in my opinion so just turn the vibrations off   and another one that seems very simple is to just  simply turn on airplane mode when you do not have   signal so if you're on a road trip if you're out  somewhere where you just simply don't have signal   turn on airplane mode i mean you're gonna waste  tons of battery life by searching for sell signal   when your device just says no signal or if you  have one bar just turn on airplane mode and you   will save yourself a lot of battery life and i  say this from experience it's happened several   times on trips like with hikes and just traveling  through the deserts and things like that you want   to have airplane mode turned on to reduce the  amount of stream from looking for cell towers   and just cell connectivity in general now the  next tip was a hit in my ios 14 battery saving   tips video so i figured i'd bring it back for ios  15 and that is to set low power mode to turn on   automatically at a specific battery percentage  so to do this all you need to do is go into   the shortcuts application go to automation tap on  the plus and the top right tap on create personal   automation then go down to the bottom until  you see battery level so tap on battery level   and then in here you have the option to select  your slider from anything from zero percent   to 100 so i think that anywhere between maybe  like 30 and 50 is the sweet spot so i'll go to 40   right here and i want this to be falls below 40  and then tap on next then we're going to add an   action and we're gonna do low power mode so just  search for low power mode set low power mode right   there and then tap on next and then you can see  it says when battery level falls below 40 percent   do is set low power mode then we want to disable  this right here we don't want it to ask before   running tap on done and then boom now every time  my battery hits 40 percent or lower i'm going to   go into low power mode and that will help me save  battery life now the next tip is to simply disable   this home kit section inside of the control center  if you don't use it or if you don't have any home   kit devices and the reason i say that this could  save battery life is because there have been   several times where i accidentally tap on one of  my home pods or i tap on this section right here   and it will start playing the music from my phone  and transferring it over to a homepod which will   take up some battery life and some energy from my  phone so if you don't use this section at all just   disable it if you go into your settings right  here then to control center show home controls   boom it's gone just like that and you don't have  to worry about fat fingering and touching one of   those home kit devices the next one has to do with  the camera application if we go into our settings   and go to camera and then to preserve settings you  want to make sure that your settings are preserved   in here for whatever you want so specifically  for camera mode so this is going to remember the   mode you were in last so if you go back into  your camera right here you don't want to be   you know over in like pano and have to go all the  way over here to time lapse you know think about   how many things you go through you go through  slow-mo you go through video you go through   photo your phone is sitting there thinking about  these different modes and getting you prepared   to enter that mode which is going to take  battery life it's not going to take a ton   but it will take battery life especially for photo  and video right here so you want to make sure   that your preserved settings is turned on so  that you always open up to the section you were   in last next up are a couple of simple app store  settings so if you go to the app store section and   then go under cellular data you want to make sure  that automatic downloads is turned off you don't   want applications updating or just downloading  automatically over cellular you want that to   be on wi-fi only and then also for video audio  play i would turn this on wi-fi only you don't   need videos auto-playing every time you go into  the app store when you're on cellular again these   are really small things that really don't seem  like they're going to take up a lot of battery   life but when you combine everything together it  will at the end of the day and if not at the end   of the day at the end of the week or at the end  of the month or at the end of the year you're   going to notice a difference next up is a minor  setting inside a podcast if you go to podcast   block downloads over cellular is going to just do  what it says it's going to block downloads over   sailor which could of course eat up some battery  life now i like to keep the main cellular data   toggle turned on just because i like listening to  podcasts when i'm out and about but you don't want   these podcasts being downloaded over cellular  and if we go back into our main settings page   right here and then go to privacy and then down  to motion and fitness you might want to consider   turning this off so me personally i like  tracking my step count so i do not turn this off   but if you don't care about your step counts then  i would go ahead and disable this and the reason   being is because this uses your accelerometer  your gyroscope and just other things throughout   the day to basically track how fast your iphone's  going or how much it's moving throughout the day   so if you don't use this for a specific reason  i would just go ahead and turn this off and then   back on the main privacy page right here if  you go into bluetooth you want to disable any   application in here that does not need to use  bluetooth so some applications may request it   and you may have given it to them in the past  but you can revoke that right here so like nest   and waze they don't need bluetooth so i disable  those tesla is the only one that actually needs it   because it uses the bluetooth as the car key but  just check for different applications in here   that might not need to use bluetooth the next  tip is one that i mentioned earlier and that is   to turn on optimized battery charging so if  you go into your settings and then to battery   battery health you will see optimized battery  charging right there so that's basically just   going to learn from your daily charging habits  so that you know you only charge up to 80   and then it starts trickle charging so you do need  significant locations turned on for this to work   but that is something i would consider doing for  the longevity of your iphone's battery the next   tip is another classic that i always recommend  and that is to go into your settings and then into   general and to background app refresh and he wants  to turn off any application in here that does not   need to be refreshed in the background constantly  so you know things like social media apps are   going to be the biggest contributors to battery  drain so things like snapchat things like twitter   things like youtube things like that do not need  to be updated and refreshed in the background   every time you go into the application just  refresh it it's very simple you don't need   it to be refreshing in the background otherwise  that will be taking up your battery life things   like pubg most of these really do not need to  be enabled most people will probably only have   a handful of applications on here that they  actually need background app refresh turned   on for and the next two tips have nothing  to do with software so the first one   is to simply turn off your phone every once in a  while so i turn off my phone maybe once every two   weeks so i would maybe try turning off your phone  at least once every two weeks maybe twice a month   you should turn your phone off just because it's  good for the battery it's good for the operating   system it's good for the software so i would just  turn your phone off periodically not all the time   not every night but just periodically and then  the final one is to get your battery replaced   if you are under 80 in your battery capacity so  if you go to your settings and then to battery   battery health and if this shows a figure  under eighty percent i would strongly consider   getting a new battery from apple so don't go to  another place just get it straight from apple   and you know you may want to even consider getting  a new phone if it's really bad and if you have an   old phone you've been wanting to upgrade you  may not want to spend the money on a battery   you may as well just go ahead and upgrade to a  new phone so that's something to keep an eye on   if nothing else is working in this video it's  probably because you have a bad battery that   needs replacing but anyways guys there you  have it those are over 40 tips and tricks   to get the most out of your battery life here  on ios 15. so hope you guys enjoyed this video   if you did i would really appreciate if you  gave this a thumbs up and of course make sure   you subscribe for a lot more ios 15 coverage  coming very very soon along with a lot of iphone   13 coverage here on the channel but anyways guys  thanks again for watching and i'll see you soon you
Channel: Brandon Butch
Views: 762,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ios 15 battery, ios 15 battery life, ios 15 battery test, ios 15 battery tips, improve battery ios 15, improve iphone battery, battery life, brandon butch, improve ios 15 battery, ios 15 battery drain, stop ios 15 battery drain, save battery ios 15, ios 15 review, battery life ios 15, ios 15 update, ios 15, ios 15 iphone 6s, battery saving tips 2021, iphone 13 battery life, ios 15 features, ios 15 what's new, iphone 13 battery
Id: qHf-Xm3TTbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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