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so I have this piece of furniture that has been in my booth for I don't know a couple months I do not feel like painting it I think the natural wood is beautiful it's bleached it's natural it is a newer piece it's not old but I think the IOD transfers the new summer release will be perfect for that glass to give it the bling that it needs so new for the summer release is this gilded curated signature sheets now when you open it up it's a little bit intimidating because you think you're going to get the whole gold sheet but it's it reads that it's going to apply just like a transfer is just on the gold paper so I got to make sure that I keep the back paper on it when I'm cut cutting it to get that little this is the Half Point okay I'm going to line it up right on the line right on the line okay I got my okay Chris is helping me I'm going to use a rotary blade that way it's just smooth and it just goes Tada so I want to make sure the glass is nice and clean before putting it on so I'm going to go ahead and clean the glass so I feel like this is going to be a little deceiving only be because of the the the overall gold of it all so I need to make sure that we are lined up are the same is put it down I know where to start at okay now I got to start so I'm going take that off I'm G to move my paper down a little bit going to match it back up to that tape bring it over think I got it and while I'm doing it I'm just going to go ahead and do the other side start off the other side also CU once you remove this backing it'll be sticky it's hard because I need to get it underneath the lip a little bit too look good yes the nervous of nerves of transfers so let's see how this oh is that the wrong way is that supposed to go no why is that coming off like that that was weird I bet you this upside down sh woohoo it's funny because if you take your fingernail I know we have the fan on that top word comes off like the lettering so that flakiness kind of throws you off but I guess you know you're um rubbing hard enough okay we got it on I don't know it's not perfect I don't think but that's okay because it's supposed to look old some of those little letters did not want to transfer down so now I need to seal it in with some home stead clear wax and I'm not going to try to blow any of that little the little I don't want little specks that were coming off the paper because I don't want this to I don't want to do anything to disturb this transfer I'll work I'll work on that later so I'm sealing it and I'm trying to be careful okay there it is just slightly not perfect gave a little bling to that window that was a hard transfer because like you can see like when I went to wax some of the little lines came off not the wording luckily those lines are little though so but gives it a little something something so it's not just so plain yes I am testing out trying out the Gilded transfers from the new IOD summer release oh y'all I love the gold the antiquey look that it gives an item oh yes so I have two of them that I'm going to be sharing with you which look at shiny picks up everything so this one is the curated signature look at that Shiny Gold it has some amazing Graphics it looks like the old advertisement is what it reminds me of which you all know if you watch my channel you know I'm an antique freak and I love that old tiny look and then we're also going to be using Ed quits which is some smaller little transfers for your smaller items not always do you have a large item to be able to put a huge transfer so this is awesome do you all see the fox though I love testing out this one the graphics on that cabinet but I didn't want to split my fox in in half I thought that one was perfect for the cabinet but I have something special for that fox I am an animal lover so you send me something with animals I'm going to find a way to use it I love the look of glass on these transfers to give them that old advertising type of look so I just happened to have been able to pick up this little $ five window at an antique store I know they were always on the fence about thrifting and an antiquing should be two different things but it not y'all it's not so I thought this is perfect it's a great size for that five so but I do need to get it painted up so that you can see it and I don't want you to see all the way through I want that image to pop so like the cabinet I ju I did at the first that was just glass on glass it has that old timey look but I want to make this image pop so I'm going to paint the back of this black to really get that box showing some Hardware on the back of these that we don't need it actually causes it not to lay flat so that's the first thing I'm going to do is get that removed and the interesting fact is that I won't throw these little flat nails out these are awesome when you're doing um Restorations these are awesome when you're doing Restorations if you want to have that I know my nails done but if you want to have that true look so these go in a little pile over in my husband Chris's stash of Flathead screws this would be the back I'm thinking this is going to be your flat part and I could do it either way um because they're both a nice finished this has a lip that would have sat inside so I think I'm going to use this as my back side and then this as my front side so it doesn't have so it doesn't have that lip around it so Dawn dish soap get it cleaned up I'm going to get a little scraping tool take any white paint off there that has been painted on because that will show through the front the black is not going to get around that and paint over it so the more work I do at prep the better my finished product hopefully will look there's some kind of overspray on here leaving bubbles so I guess I need to take the scraping tool I don't know if it's showing up on camera maybe a little bit um so there's some kind of residue that got sprayed on here that might Pro prevent my transfer from sticking so I guess I will scrape it off so I have it all cleaned I got the whatever those spots were off now we're going to use some rum spray enamel in the black it's a matte black you can paint it but it takes like brush strokes and many of coats like four coats to cover so the spray paint usually will do one coat maybe two so yeah I like it because it has like a 15 minute dry time mask on TR so I want to back my picture my window first with some of this heavy card stock I'm just cutting the excess off that way I don't accidentally touch the black while I'm finishing this up so I got it cut to the general size I just recently had a beautiful bar mirror framed at Hobby Lobby for my husband if you did not see that on our journey Channel you need to go check how wonderful job Hobby Lobby and Jackson did on that antique mirror well vintage not antique vintage mirror um but I got some tips on how to back an item I loved how they were so professional and how they backed everything so I bought a couple of the items that they had used to do their professional framing so let's see how it works for me this is the first time me this is the first time of me using them so I haven't used a atg gun since my scrapbooking days so you to get the tape roll you push the button I had to remember that and then it's going to stick some double stick tape down they were a lot faster than than me at it but that's okay oops it's it's been a while since I've used one of these guns so remembering how to use something the edge take the excess off here again I didn't get this towards the edge y'all get to be a newbie with me REM reminding it's been a while since I scra books since my son graduated so I was I was done with scrapbooking after he graduated so now I'm going to take the piece of heavy card stock and then I couldn't find the I couldn't find the trimmer that they were using on Amazon I mean it might be an old you know they might have had it for a while so this is an edge trimmer so now I'm not having any luck getting this to work for me um so I might return it and start and do another search for something else cuz it it's it's not working for me at all maybe I need a directions for dummies so I'll try something blade I know this is really heavy card stock or I think I might have actually picked up flooring paper the last time I was at Menard's so it could be that too but I really like the thickness of it and plus it has that lip so I'm not doing just a flat frame I'm trying to get it to touch that's so I have that part that it had to do so it's I mean I tried I'm not looking for a Cris paint job on that frame so I'm going to go with some Black Lantern the lantern by sweet pickings which is a milk paint so hopefully for some crackling and crazing maybe showing some of that white through it to let it have some age you haven't used milk paint milk paint is powder um so you do equal parts Powder to equal parts water so and then you stir it for two minutes I just use a plastic knife you can use whatever you want to Stir It make sure you're smooshing it on the sides getting any of the powdery clumps get it off the bottom I don't find that whether I put the water in first or put the powder in first it doesn't matter the powder always sinks to the bottom so so you want to aate it get it all mixed into those yummies and then sit it off the side for a few minutes to let it thicken out how clean do I have this glass that you can see my reflection reflection in it I love it um I'm not I'm going to have to clean the edges of the window anyway and I don't want to chance like the tape coming off so I'll just clean the edges I'm not filling in any holes I want it to look old and I know the spray paint got up on the side but I'm still going to go over with the milk paint I want to do a little bit of distressing on this piece so I'm just going to take 220 sandpaper some of that gray is g to come back through I'm going to seal my chalk paint in with some aging wax yep Brown kind of haven't cleaned the paint off my glass yet cuz I knew I needed to wax at first now I got to go back through get my paint off my window okay I'll work upside down so yall can see see what I'm doing this is what we're putting on this window I'm just looking to kind of measure and put some tape down okay got that so I know where my measurements are we'll remove the backing I'm going to set the backing back down that way I can lay this down put it up to my tape stick some of it down and then here we go well these are much bigger so for [Music] oh the light the light's right on there isn't it I can't like off the light it's the above headl so if you lift it up and you didn't get it all the way down just you're all in place so just put it back down because that seems to be happening a lot with this because they're little they're so little and maybe the gold is pretty de delicate compared to other colors and stuff so there I thought maybe you'd want a closer look if I can get my NE camera to to work right so yeah there's speckles in it that don't come up but like if you pull it up and it's not but here just lay it back down see how that's not that needs to go down so I just lay it back down rub rub duub duub duub duub so far [Applause] [Applause] again I'm going to take this sheet over it so I see pieces and parts like I tried to put that back on but that didn't even out um darn it one of those little specs um this is missing but I don't even see it on there so it it went somewhere but anyway I think you could totally use that probably again and put it underneath something since I didn't cut it off um yeah I mean I I see some Speckles that I might not have gotten but other than that it it looks pretty it looks old which is the whole point it looks old so I have to use so I got to go in again and seal it so just some clear wax CU I can't spray glass I don't mind that it's not perfect it's by any means because y all know I like it chippy and crackled and crazed would I buy them again yes I definitely would purchase these again every time you work with something you get a little bit better on it the next time you learn from your Stakes or tweak the way you're process I absolutely love this look I just wish I could figure out the gold Flex of taking the wax off because it definitely does come off when I'm waxing it so my last thing is to put a hanging system on 20 of course some weird number the window's not very heavy so don't need a massive hanger on it or anything [Music] for [Music] so antiquing when I was antiquing the other day I found this mailbox that is a nice metal mailbox it just has a lot of age on it um still workable we can you can use it as a mailbox or you can use it for Decor um but but in the new transfers by IOD in the etiquette section there is this beautiful post hello post box post with a horse yeah a match match made in heaven so I of course if I put gold on gold you wouldn't really notice it so we are going to get this cleaned up and we're going to give it a new color what a nice I'm not going to this has got some texture to it which is what I think makes it will make it look old and feel old I love the little nails the little ribbets that are on that top um maybe somebody used it for decor and they hung it that way but I'm going to go ahead and snip that zip tie off so it maybe it was a gold brassy painted um but it's got some beautiful egg AG to it going to go ahead and get it washed up so to spray this up I'm going to be using the rum spray enamel um it aderes wonderful to metal it has like a 15 minute dry time that I'll be able to flip it maybe maybe probably it would be best to wait at least an hour before flipping it so I don't Mar up any of the paint e so there's no top coat to this spray paint so before trying to do any kind of transfer rub on all my fingerprints will show up on this black paint so we're going to get it sealed in with some wether defense now I know that my what I'm doing this is too large um so I'm really just going to emphasize on this right here and I know I have to cut into it but my box is [Music] dry yeah I can add these later if I want so I've got the post so did you see my lights did you see my lights turn off so Michigan is getting like the rains from the hurricane right now and I know I I can't complain at all but that's twice now during this project I've been in the studio and the lights have yeah just don't do it when I'm doing something like that's critical yes I want to work on a project without the lights going off so I'm just going to eyeball it here and then we'll start rubbing I love all the little detail so let's see if I can do better than I did on the first one sometimes better control so I didn't want to start pulling this up yet until I was ready for it there it is now I'm going to take my paper back over and try to make sure that everything is kind of laid down before I wax maybe that's what I did do with the the the cabinet making sure it's all y'all know that I love numbers so where can I put that number I love [Music] numbers I think I'm just going to put it right between here I'm just going to eyeball it so so tiny so tiny I have to seal it in so I'm going to just use my finger and a little bit of the homestead clear wax very gingerly [Music] [Music] [Music] so what did you think y'all I love gold and black there's just something rich about gold and black and then just putting a trans transer a gold transfer on a window of a cupboard just takes it to the next level there's something about that advertisement there's something about that wording on a window so that was my first attempt using it on glass um I had a little bit of problems but I'm not perfect I you know you have to that's why we're a test Market we're testing them out and seeing how they work for us all but I absolutely loved it on the window and the black and slowing it down not using so much wax um yeah just making sure that it was really adhere especially those little bitty details they were so awesome and then that mailbox oh that was like when I found that mailbox and that post it was they were meant to be together so give me a quick comment Down Below have I spiked your interest you know I try to work through trials and errors of things that go wrong um to help you all when you get them in your hands and you want to create with them that you don't have to make my mistake so again thank you so much for thank you so much for thank you to IOD for always trusting me to test out their new lines it's heartwarming you all I feel like I'm somebody special when I get that email um but I love sharing the new releases with you all so give me a quick comment down below are you an I are you an IOD transfer fan and pop over to the painted the heirloom and get these why they're why they're still available because I just feel like they're going to be hot sellers this is just an amazing product so again thanks so much for watching as always if you're part of our YouTube family thank you so much and if you're new and you're checking out the channel for the first time and you liked what you saw please smash that subscription button along with the notification Bell so you know I've uploaded a new video and we will see you next time guys and you can see what we're up to bye [Music]
Channel: GingerChickRehab
Views: 13,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, TRASH TO TREASURE, FARMHOUSE DECOR, UPCYLING, Thrifting, secondhand shopping, shop with me, makeovers, salvaged, repurposed, yard sales, garage sales, estate sale, haul, diy, home decor, home decorating
Id: uTjrmDavt5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 40sec (2500 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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