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yep that's me you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation Christy going out to the Garden as is I just like the Salvage look of it all it might be like a tumble weed tumble all around [Music] but you may not even notice it I notice it that's all that counts so this is our sad little front porch that I really haven't done anything with so the ferns were purchased to go here now at our old house I had a bench and the ups and the drop off delivery people put the packages on the bench but since they are so busy and there's three steps that they usually just it just goes right here so I really don't need the bench up here and it's a nice bench so it's something I could resell and I bought these and I like these I should redo them so I probably will go ahead and um do something with them they've been out here actually for a couple years but I think both of the ferns will fit on both that side side of the door I'm NE I've never never been a fan of the gray of the door I'd like to paint it black and I'd probably paint this black too as you can see it's chipping off um doors are expensive I really rather it not have a window but it's one of those features it's that's what it is so yeah I'm not sure if I'll get to painting it cuz as you see like the little fake Stone that was put on the house is gray yeah I don't know maybe maybe I can get to it it's not a huge door so yeah at least we'll get this changed out and that'll make me feel better just give a pop of green our house is very long so Original House entryway and then this was the old barn which is now the garage it's just really long so I want to do a little decor in this space because it just makes it even look longer I I would like to be working on this area also to put some Decor so it doesn't look so bare especially now that you can see that side with my my junk find so yeah just to make it look like it's a little bit more lived so part of the little front porch it's not a very big front porch upgrade is one it's going to get cleaned and then two I bought some new rugs from Amazon and then Chris is going to install a couple new lights just just to fit in with our style the lights are not bad on here but we just have a look that we're going for and we want all our outside all our outside lights to match so so these are what they look like and there's completely nothing wrong with them but we just want like our little Farmhouse barn style lights that we love so bought a few packs off Amazon need a little bit need a bucket of soapy water luckily it's cooled off these ferns are doing wonderful they are beautiful so yeah so yep just going to get new mat door painted I really would I know I really would like that to be black that but I'm not going to De that cuz that wraps almost the entire house so that's the project for another day so just the front porch in this video so this is what we purchased it's a pack of two doesn't give you a very big picture but it matches the other exterior lights that Chris has already put up in the back and plans on doing in the on the barn and the pole barn so the electrical box oh look it you can see through me the electrical box is not marked at this house so we have no idea what where which Outlet which switch which breaker it turns off so I'm up here waiting for Chris to call to tell and so I can say hey yes the lights are off that's that's the one that's how you figure it out so after going into the basement we had to come out too don't look at the electrical in here it's a little bit crazy but this is the garage so the front porch got tied in with the garage rods so when I turn this off shuts off all the lights here and also all the power along that wall there but then it also shuts off the lights to the front porch yes so hold on he'll I'll go back out here if you're changing out a light yes you have you have to turn off your breaker the car out take off these nuts that are holding it on maybe always got to be one difficult one there's the second one okay ooh why' you say ooh no just how cored it is oh O's usually not a good word oh how about that was that a better word yeah needs a tool belt when you have a pocket Tater you're inside Kitty no Tater sorry the road's way too busy to have him being outside as a car goes flying by [Applause] so if you notice something different about these at the top of it kind of looks like an alien it's because they're motion censored they'll turn on when somebody walks up to the door and they're an LED so there's no light bulb changing which should be very nice the LEDs are bright so they're on so we have this other one he's going to change out this one's kind of finicky it's supposed to be motion sensored and you can see that the plastic is faded doesn't look very doesn't look very nice so hopefully I don't know what that'll look like underneath that our road is so busy y um so he's going to go ahead and change that one out it's we have a bigger one that he's going to put there that like he put in the back side of the house so we bought enough for the whole full Barn propert yeah okay the whole property when we purchased this so that they would all match kind of like what we're doing with the smaller outdoor lights also so we've had these for a little while they're the same ones yeah that I had hooked up out back for uh the wood burner so he can see it he's got one more that he wants to put out in that new Garden area that I just did but he's got he's got some other plans this afternoon so so these are the same kind they're the LED so we shouldn't have to worry about changing that out oh it's not too sun paded behind there it's just dirty I'll probably hand him a put this back up oh don't put that back up well let me see the hand me the or I'm going to have to hand me the light then or I'm have the covers and then I'm like no y need this piece just cover up the sensor so we know it works this one is Dust to Dawn so it will turn on not motion censored it'll turn on at night [Music] [Music] [Music] t so this job's not necessarily going to be very easy because I have a very nosy cat who knows that I'm working on the front porch and wants out I'm gonna have to actually lock him up in a room because it's it's just it's not going to work because I have to have I've got to have the door open and he wants to come out so I have to have the door open to get the sides and he wants to come out and remember I told you about T he doesn't sleep and I was hoping like this time around noon would be his Betty byy time but it's not so unfortunately he's not going to be a very happy cat that I'm going to have to lock him up in a room so I can paint the front door oh my goodness I'll show you I'm going to open the door and who are we going to see we are going to see Tater who knows he knows but if I open the door too far Tater do you hear how busy that road is that road is too busy for you to play on the front porch so see yes oh yes he's a very inquisitive Kitty oh I hate that I have to lock him up but it's just gonna have to be done because yeah what's going on out there we talked about getting a screen door storm door for the front so he can look out but he just cannot go out it's just too dangerous so I I locked them up not necessarily locked them up but I put him in my computer room SL bathroom there's a there's a door back here and then when they're working on a furnace there's a litter box there's food there's open window he will be fine why do they pull out our heartstrings so bad so if I get if I get the outer ring done I am going to paint over this I don't really care for this would like a whole new door because I don't really like the window but doors are expensive holy cow doors are expensive so I'm going to do what I can why he's locked up and he's not a happy kitty and yet again I forgot to get a paint tray but it'll be fine it will be fine the gray won't take isn't going to take too much to cut cover up it'll be that white that will so I'm not going to worry about taping off this oval look it's already kind of a hot mess around it anyway so I'm just going to go ahead and paint it and then I'll worry about cleaning it off anyway it's going to take a few coats to cover White okay coat one I think I'll I personally will like it with that inner detail being black it' be more my style I thought I'd share with you why waiting for coats of paint to dry on the front door and I have to have my front door open so I kind of like want to hang out in this area I am feeding my annals my plants so I do a mixture of Miracle Grow and epson salt so of course the Miracle Grow for the root the plant and the Epson Salt's going to help the plant bloom more have more flowers on it this is something I've done for years and it's always worked all I do is mix it up in a I have a little Dollar General um picture just stir it with my hands it's not going to hurt me at all and then yeah finally um it's finally cooled down it's like 69 degrees today it was like on Saturday it was like 93 100 million per humidity that you as soon as you stepped outside you were sweating so it feels so good to be outside right now being able to do this usually I'm doing this like at late at night early in the morning but look at how awesome this chicken feeder that I did is filling out exactly how I wanted it to I'm feeling in the back part of it I didn't want to pour it over the plants themselves to smush them especially In the Heat of the day even though it's not hot today it's a beautiful beautiful temperature day when I feed my P plants I do it just like I'm watering I keep going with the liquid until it's running out of the bottom so I know that it's good and it absorbed all into that soil and it's going to stay moist [Music] [Music] [Music] okay time to get the window clean three coats on the white two coats on the door I used Wise Owl enamel paint in the color Raven so it's not necessarily like that deep dark like inyou face black it's the same color I used on my shop Studio door that I just I like that subtle like it's not gray but it's not that very dark black so just using a little bit of window cleaner and then a scraping tool just to get that paint off the window now in this light it probably looks kind of gray still but it it is a black he I can finally shut my front door I can let the kitties kitties out of course tater running I'm trying to see where Peach is to let him know hey Peach you can come out from hiding and you can come out baby boy oh he's so sad back there like I had to hide never fear Here Comes Tater to let him know it's all clear the do's open we can come out and play now [Music] I ordered a couple new rugs from Amazon I actually just I the rug that we have right now is the one that the loan officer at the bank gave us so I like the layered look and I'm I'm not ready to paint the like the small liven porch area so this is the one that I got I just got some B Bas T's trying to get out of the front porch so basic kind of looks like you know drop cloth core mat I like the stripes at my old house I had the Buffalo check black and white so I wanted something different now when I was picking up the cor mat I was like a I like this one I like this one but a lot of them were seasonal so I I know me and I I probably won't remember to change the I might I Chang it for Christmas cuz I'm decorating for Christmas cuz I have a Christmas one that I made but I'll forget to change change it for the season so I'm just happy to have a cute little mat and I figured it probably needed to be un rolled out a little bit since it came it came in this nice roll package so it probably needs to yes I went completely black which is a welcome there was a very pretty dandelion one but it was all this color and then the writing was in the black so it really kind of Blended um I really liked it but for the money I wasn't going to buy like two separate mat two separate mats so so now the core mat just needs to kind of air out and get kind of push the sides down a little bit now I feel like this space in the middle I'm kind of working tweaking moving things around he hung the new light love it but that's such a Stark Area I have a little Decor that I moved over here I'm not positive about it quite yet you know how we are Tweakers we move it we're like H let me take it all in do I love it do I want to add more do I want to take anything away but then I remembered about a flag at a antique mall and I'm like okay maybe that would work in that space so we saw these yesterday we were talking about get in a flag for the front area yes we could make one but sometimes it's just convenient to support other people's small businesses Chris loves this box the advertising on the old it's old um cheese boxes cheese boxes are you curious $80 it's cool though on our way out we spy this one and it's actually made out of Salvage pieces and we'd actually hang it the other way because of the space we have this one's 30 and this one's 50 so I want it to hang a different way so we took the Hang Systems off and now he's just adding a different kind of wire to hang it it was just picture frame I don't even know he probably threw out already throw them in there oh is it just these yeah this it's it's pretty heavy for just those made out of old Barnwood Barn which is right up our alley we saw it we knew we had to rethink where we were going with the other one I don't know if the other one would have survived outside so well I'm not the only one that happens to yeah so there's just a lot of space right there yeah fills it up nice so I'm heading out to our barn this is we call the barn um to look for one more item I feel like I need a little bit like under the flag I need a need something else in that space probably see if I can find some more flowers but yeah let's see what's in the barn this is the barn just some storage that's going into the booth I'm not keeping that piece um oh maybe a wagon maybe a rusty crusty wagon um I think I take the radio fire one maybe which one which one so the neighbors's doing some weed whacking but I'm pulling a little wagon let's see how this looks underneath here so I had this but this doesn't really necessarily match then I did find a birdh house [Music] I know it's behind there who knows so I had that geranium over here but I wasn't in love with it so I brought it over to the wagon I love the little bit of L labing that's left on here maybe again it's got a little bit of labeling left we don't use this is where my eBay boxes are so need to bring the vacuum shop back I don't mind that and I go I think I'm going to grab this one [Music] they're not fast Sellers and I could paint them but you really don't get out what you put in I moved this milk can up here maybe find one more plant maybe the things that we do [Music] so I may have added a few new things to the Garden beside the studio the flowers are really taken off I thought maybe yall would like to see a little bit of an update since I was doing some watering and feeding the plants they filled out so [Music] well the morning glories are going crazy we might have had a lot of seeds in there added these little containers because I thought it needed a little bit more color but yeah turned out nice very happy with the space hard to get all into one frame though that's I tweak this not terribly no not really I do love this little space I love that nesting box and I get to share it with all of you guys I might have hung that sign differently and then hung up the little basket but haven't painted this door yet not yet out how the wild flowers are growing oh they have really popped we got some very tall ones that may be sunflowers I don't know I really can't remember what any really was that I planted I have the packet still but they've definitely taken off so hopefully they're not looking so much like weeds and eventually they will be flowers do have we do have a few plants up here that she planted the original the person that we bought it from so I love how the front porch turned out it's just simple I'm not going I don't want to like Overstock it the Simplicity of the door and I know there goes that busy road again it's funny how the door does not really look black because I know I have a label I need to take off I know I should get that label off with some lemon oil but um yeah the door doesn't look black because uh I think because of the the door mat but I like it I like that I don't I didn't really care for the white around the inside happy little spaces that just you know look inviting when you walk up to our door and then we'll walk over here to our very long house just a little $2 chair from an auction with a simple plant on it and then the little red wagon with a derium in it with the flag and the new light back it up here so we can get all in the picture and then we'll come over here I got one more little plant um and then just milk cans and some rusty crusties and a little birdhouse and then hung the star but as I told you our house is really it's really long can you tell how long long it is oh especially with the edit of the garage but at least now when you pull in the driveway you see pretties and you can see the pretties over here and now the barn just needs some needs some pretties so I hope you enjoyed hanging out with me while I was doing the like the front of our house area our house is so long it's so long so it was finally nice to finally get some inspiration of using some of my junk finds and my rusty crusties and putting little areas to fill it in yes I could have made a flag and actually the metal flag that I had made on ginger chick um I put in the booth and it like sold that week so I'm like oh I should have known that I wanted I didn't know at the time that I wanted to put a flag there so I hope you enjoyed just a little bit of extra content just doing some Decor on the outside why it is still summer we have tater here it's still summer here in Michigan so with that being said yes I'm ready to kind of tell my story of what is going on with me why you're like oh my gosh why are you taking a shots and anyway so I have a autoimmune kind of um it is autoimmune it is a syndrome it is something that I was born with it's not anything that happened to me it just waited till I was older to um come out I they don't know why um I I it's a very big word and if you watch my channel you know I st struggle with words so it is anti I have I have cheat cheet anti anti lipid syndrome also known as APS so I'll give you the description so that I don't get it wrong syndrome is a condition which the immune system mistakenly creates antibod to attack the tissue in the body these antibodies can cause blood clots to the artery and the vein blood clots can form in the legs the lung and other organs such as the kidneys and the spings the clots can lead to a heart attack stroke or other conditions hence why I'm taking shots in my stomach and a lot of times this comes out when since you were born with it and something that you have a lot of women miscarriage or have miscarriages I did not so I had two normal pregnancies I I mean I did like when I had my daughter Zoe I hemorrhaged but the doctor just kind of played that off as a redhead thing um so I don't think that had anything to do with this the syndrome at all so so what we're doing right now is I'm having um like every 4 day blood test pin prick on my finger because I need to get my levels my clotting levels or my blood thinner um and it has to be like between a 2.5 and a 3.5 range and when I started this journey of finally going to the hematologist and him finding out what I had and then he sending me to an take kol Clinic which there's the big word again I cuz that's why I told the doctors I'm like I am not a medical person I don't understand everything that's going on can you dummy it down for me I really I did you know they're big words and write it in them on paper is not going to help me even even more so anyway so the doctor found that out sent me to this Clinic where they do tests um and they monitor your medication and because I'm not between that 2.5 and 3.5 level that's why I have to take shots so we're working on getting me to in between that level and so my first checkup I was a 1.1 I just had a check up on Monday I was a 1.3 but my problem if it's a problem um is the food that you eat I did not realize that a lot of I am a salad junkie I am a veggie junkie I know you would look at me and think really um but I also have thyroid last year i' had gotten um diagnosed with hasimoto disease which then of course slowed everything down and and then my age and then even though I'm an active person and I eat healthy some of us just struggle with weight gain and it there there's it just is it's what I've been given so so yeah so but I love salads my body craves salads so I have to um every day for lunch that's what I would eat would be a salad so I have to learn how to change my salads because The Greener the lettuce or The Greener the greens the more they have vitamin K which then drops down my level broccoli coliflower asparagus like all the yummies that I love brussels sprouts I know not everybody likes brussel sprouts but unfortunately yes I'm going to they told me not to change my diet that just will just work through this but it's kind of hard when you see your numbers not getting up and you're having to take shots in your stomach area which bless God for giving me a wonderful man because I have a huge fear of needles I pass out in the side of needles I have been on the floor many of times during during medical visits latest was the dermatologist when they had to scrap check for some skin cancer but anyway oh yeah yeah yeah yeah little did you know about me that yeah I'm weak I'm very weak it is what it is when you have a fear you just have a fear and there's nothing you can do about it it just it's there so luckily Chris is brave and he gives me my shots I have to have them twice a day every 12 hours in the stomach my stomach is oh my gosh if I wasn't flabby I'd show you how my bruises but it would probably scare you so with that being said yes so the Journey of lots of doctor's appointments between and of course there's nothing close where I live everything's an hour plus away so since my levels haven't increased I got the closer in Battle Creek but my levels didn't increase so now they're sending me to back to cazo to meet with the specialist because I don't know was I supposed to be off the shots by now everybody everybody's different but getting back to the salad thing it's kind of hard to eat a salad when you're watching your blood levels um not rise the way that they should because I really don't want to take the shots so I just have to figure out what to to take away from my salads um how to change them and it really just kind of sucks because you know I did that when I had my gallbladder out like the healthy food hurt me but the junk food didn't hurt me and I had to learn to reat um and take other supplements to help build back from not having a gallbladder you guys are knowing way too much about me and I I never wanted to be that type of Channel but I understand that everybody's curious what is going on and I know there's such a huge portion of the world that has things going on with their life too so I don't want to be a big crybaby it's just what I've been given it's just what I'm going to have to live through um I don't want to have a stroke or a heart attack I want to keep on doing what I'm doing I'm not going to sit around thinking about it all day long I'm just going to take my shots take my pills because I have pills in tops top of the shots to take um and keep doing what I'm doing I mean I feel good I mean I had the time I was in the hospital but that was just a combination of a whole bunch of stuff that was going on I've always considered myself was a healthy person so anyway that being said that's what's going on you can research it I appreciate everybody's prayers we all in this world need prayers for one one reason or another are just cuz we're still here and we're putting our feet on the ground every day when we wake up so anyway thank you so much for watching today's video I hope I didn't want to be a Debbie Downer or de be Downer or however they say that um you know I just I know that I've gotten a lot of messages and a lot and I don't I don't want to do one by one and try to explain it to everybody because it is a lot so and I'm truly not completely understand understanding it myself and I'm just learning each doctor visit I'm taking more in and I'm learning how to live live with this syndrome so again thank you so much for watching today's video we love each and every one of you it means the world to us and I know we started this channel for Chris to come home um and work with me full time but unfortunately like I just it's slow grow growing um with it being a lot of hauls and auctions and um there you know like home projects cost money but insurance is a huge thing Chris has really good insurance where he works so as of right now I mean if I wouldn't have had insurance or just like a regular like we bought insurance I don't know if my bills would have been as covered as they were because there's you know when you spend four days in the hospital and you have all these doctor visits insurance is a humongous thing so as of right now he's going to stay right where he is um until we get this all figured out yes that is still Our Hope and Dreams that sometime he can come home and work full-time but we have to figure out how to manage this all so I know I had that I've had those questions also so thanks again for watching if you're not subscribed to the channel man hit that subscription button so you know we can get our numbers up and I can get into the algorithm of YouTube there that YouTube so anyway thanks again we will see you next time guys and you can see what Chris and I are up to bye [Music]
Channel: GingerChickRehab The Journey
Views: 20,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SpbYJ4M9Ez8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 9sec (2649 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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