Invideo AI - Full Tutorial 2024: Best AI Video Generator

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In this video, we'll look at how you can use AI  to generate videos in any language. First off,   you'll need an idea for a video, and it can really  be anything. Then, type in a prompt describing the   video that you want to make. The AI generates  a script, finds matching stock footage, and it   even generates a voiceover using your voice. And  your voice can be in any one of these languages.   That's me speaking in German. Then, you can  publish your video in just a matter of minutes.   I partnered with invideo to show you how you can  do this. So, let's check it out. To get started,   head to the following website. You can click  on the card in the top right-hand corner,   and I've also included a link down below in the  description. Once you land on this website, set up   a free account. Once you finish signing up, you'll  land on a page where you can type in a prompt for   the video that you would like to make. If you want  to make a video in a different language, and if   you want to unlock some additional functionality,  first we'll need to turn on Beta Mode. Up in the   top right-hand corner, let's click on the profile  icon. And in this list, let's click on the option   that says Settings. On the Settings page, here  we see an option for Beta Features. Let's make   sure to toggle this on. Then, click on Back, and  make sure to refresh this page. I'll press F5,   and that'll refresh the page. Now, at the top,  you'll see this drop down. Currently, it's set to   Model V1, but if we click on this, we can shift  it to Model V2. Let's do that. Now that we have   the latest and greatest model enabled, down below  we have a text field where you can describe to   the AI what type of video you would like to make.  As with all AI tools, the more detailed and also   specific you can be, the better. For example, is  the video for YouTube or TikTok? Do you want it to   be vertical or horizontal? What type of music do  you want to feature? And what type of voiceover?   British English or maybe American English or even  Hindi? How long do you want it to be? 60 seconds   or 10 minutes? You can specify all of that. Now,  once you enter in all these details, don't feel   like you're locked in. You could always generate a  video, and then you could come back and modify the   prompt again. But again, you likely get a better  result when you're more specific upfront. If   you're struggling to write a really good prompt,  down below you can also rely on one of these   workflows. I'll click on Explore All. For example,  maybe you already have a script and you would like   to turn it into a video, you could click on this  option. Or maybe you're pulling together a YouTube   explainer. You could click on this, and this  will walk you through all the different items   that will help pull together your video. And this  will help you write your prompt. So, you also have   that option. For my video, I'd like to use my very  own voice for the voiceover. So down at the very   bottom, let's click on Explore All again, and we  also have a category for plugins. And here you   have the option to clone your voice. The AI will  generate a script, and then it'll use your cloned   voice to read that script. Let's click on this.  This now drops us on a page where you can clone   your voice. If you decide not to clone your voice,  the AI generated video will just use a generic AI   generated voice. And to be fair, they sound really  good. And you have lots of different options for   different voices. But you also have other people  using this tool and other videos will also use   those voices. If you want your video to be unique,  you can just clone your voice. One thing to call   out this does require a paid plan. To clone your  voice right at the above, click on this plus icon,   and you'll have to walk through these different  instructions. For example, you need your recording   to be at least 30 seconds long, and you also have  to give permission to be able to clone your voice.   Down below, simply speak like you normally would,  and ideally use high quality recording equipment,   but you can also use your phone. You can simply  drag and drop your file in here. Now I've already   done that. I've already added my voice here. To  use my voice, I'll simply click on Use. This now   drops us back on the prompt page. And here I  can see that it's included instructions to use   my voice as the voice over. Right up on top, I now  want to type in what type of video I want. I want   a YouTube short about how far humankind has come  with space travel. And I'd like it to be cheeky.   I think that'll be fun. And I also want it to  include inspiring and epic music. I think that   goes well with a space theme. Now I could also  type my prompt in any other language, and it'll   then generate the video in that language. I've  typed it in English, and so this way I'll get   an English video back. However, I can always go in  and I can modify the language later on as well. To   generate the video, down here, let's click on this  button to generate. This now drops us on a page   where you can define the audience, the look and  feel, and also the platform. But this all looks   good to me, so I'll click on Continue. And look at  that. It's now generated a video. Right up on top,   we can preview it. Let's have a quick listen.  We've been pushing the cosmic envelope. We've   walked on the moon, sent rovers to Mars, and even  threw a golden record into the void with Voyager,   just in case aliens want to jam to some Earth  tunes. So next time you're lying on the grass,   gazing at the star. So, what do you think?  Does that sound like me? I thought it was   fairly close. Let me know in the comments. With  this video, the AI pulls together the script. It   also finds all of the matching stock footage. And  with a premium plan, you can use all of the stock   footage commercially. You get a license to it. If  you're unhappy with the way the video turned out,   in the bottom left-hand corner, you can click on  regenerate, and then you could have the AI attempt   to make the video again. But before doing that,  you probably want to give the AI a little bit more   direction if you were unhappy with it for whatever  reason. Up on top, you click on this plus icon,   and here you can reselect the audience, look and  feel on the platform, and you can even go back and   edit the prompt. But I think I can work with this,  so let's stick with this. Now that I have the base   video down, I would like to make a few additional  refinements to it. Here, for example, looking at   the subtitles, it currently shows a few words at  a time, but I would like to have it highlight the   word that I'm currently saying. I think that helps  make a short more engaging. I can use the AI to   continue editing this video. Right down here we  see a text field that says, "Give me a command   to edit the video." So, let's give it a command.  I'll type in, "Change subtitles to highlight each   word as it's spoken." Let's see if it can make  that change. Let's click on generate, and right   there it looks like it's made the change. Let's  check it out. Looking at the stars, remember,   we're not just tiny specs on a blue dot. We're  tiny specs on a blue dot that have visited up. I   like that. Let's also try making the background  music a little bit louder. Down here, I'll type   in, "Make background music louder," and let's  try that. Let's check it out. Visited other dots. It's a little bit too loud. Right over here, I  can undo that change by clicking on this icon. Q inspiring. Great. And we're back to where  we were. This video is currently in English,   and that's because I did not specify another  language up front when I originally prompted the   AI. However, I do have a fairly large audience in  Germany, and I want to make sure that this video   is accessible to all of them. And one of the  nice things is I can change the language even   for an existing video. Right down here in the  command box, let's try changing the language.   I'll type in change the language to German, and  then let's click on generate. It's now updated   the video to be in German. Let's go a little  earlier, and let's preview how it turned out. Look at that. It changes all of the script and  the associated subtitles into German, and then   it also narrates in German using my voice. That is  incredible. My high school German teacher would be   so proud. Although we've been using the AI  commands prompts to make all of our edits to this   video, you can also manually edit all of the media  and text used throughout this video. Right here,   click on the edit button. This now shows us all  of the media used throughout this video and the   associated script down below. If I click on any  of the media, this highlights the portion of   the script when that media is shown. So here  I could click on a few of them, and then you   see the sentence that's highlighted. If I want to  change the media that's shown while this portion   of the script is read, down below I can upload  media from my computer. Let's say, for example,   that maybe you've generated an image using AI, and  you'd like to incorporate that into your video,   simply click on upload media, and then you can  upload that. Over here, you could also search for   stock footage. So here it says search, and maybe  an image of, let's say, the Mars rover. Maybe   that would work better for this line of text.  Right over here, I could also filter my search.   Currently, it's set to all, but you could also  filter to just images or just video. I'll select   video, and let's hit enter to search. Right down  below, I see all of the Mars rover stock footage,   and I like this one right here. I'll click on  replace, and right up above, I now see that   it'll use this clip in place of the clip that was  previously there. I think I'm satisfied with this,   so in the bottom right-hand corner, I'll click  on apply changes. Along with editing the media,   I can also edit the entire script. Up on top,  let's click back on the edit button, and we have   two tabs up on top. This time, let's click on edit  script, and here I see the entire script used for   this video. Now, down here at the very bottom,  there's a little section that says short pause,   but I don't want this to be narrated. So over  here, I'll remove that text, and down below, I'll   apply changes. invideo has now gone through, and  it's updated the talk track or the voiceover along   with the subtitles. If you want even more control  when editing your video, right over here, there's   a button that says export. You can click on this,  and in beta, you currently have the option to   export your project to timeline. This opens up a  more traditional video editor. Let's have a quick   look. This opens up a video editor, and here you  can see all the different components that come   together to make your video. With any of these  tracks on your timeline, in the top right-hand   corner when you select it, you can also adjust  all the different individual properties. Over on   the left-hand side, you can also upload additional  assets. So, let's say you want to bring additional   video in, or maybe additional images in, or  even additional text in, you have that control.   Overall, though, I'm satisfied with the way the  video is coming together, so I don't have a need   to make edits here. Let's jump back into the  main interface. Back here in the main interface,   I think I'm now ready to export the video. Over  here, let's click on the button that says export,   and right here, the first option in the list  is export video. Let's click on that. This now   drops us on the publish video screen, and you  can publish your AI video entirely for free. To   do that, you'll have to select stock watermarks,  normal, and then you can also choose the quality   level down below. With a free account, it includes  watermarks and also branding. If you would instead   like to license the stock footage and remove the  branding, you'll need to go with a premium plan,   and those start at $20 per month. Now, personally,  if you were to try to license all of that footage   just on your own, you'd probably end up spending  more money. So, this is a fairly good deal. Now,   I'm currently using the premium plan,  so I’ll select no watermarks, none,   and also go with the highest quality level here.  Right down below, let's now click on continue. And   it's now finished rendering my video. Over here,  I can preview how it turned out. That looks so   good. Right down below, here, I could share the  video with others, and I could also download a   copy directly to my PC. And once I download it, I  can upload it to, say, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok,   or any other social platform. And there you have  it. Making a video has never been easier. And   one of the neat things is there's also an iOS  app that has all the same capabilities. Again,   you can use invideo AI entirely for free, but if  you're serious about video editing, you can get   a paid plan that starts at $20 per month, and  that's the one that I used in this video. That   removes the watermark, gives you access to voice  cloning, and also gives you a license to use the   high-quality stock footage. I've included a  link in the description, and if you use the   code KEVINSTRATVERT, you get twice the number of  video generation credits in your first month. To   watch more videos like this one, please consider  subscribing, and I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 75,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin stratvert
Id: yOu0PYVmYbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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