Intuition, Creativity, Auras & Chakras: Are You an Indigo Child?

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there are features of particular children who then grow into adults that are known as indigo children and these are often kids who don't fit the norm they're often kids who are particularly sensitive um sometimes they are sensitive in ways that look like they're just being disobedient because they're so sensitive and I came to understand this term in a little bit of a broader context here are the signs that you're an indigo child and Jonathan I'd like you to answer if these describe you let's see if you're an indigo child let's do it as an indigo child you know that your destiny is to be a paradigm changer or Destroyer yes Destroyer um yes I don't know that I want to destroy as much as change but sometimes change comes with destroying what exists to make room for something else I mean Jonathan you're so Indigo right now I'm not trying to diagnose you Jonathan but I think you're an indigo child this feels like a setup I walked in to to an analysis today you you walked in one man you walked out an indigo child maybe this is the divine intervention I needed to understand myself better the emanation coming through the window is now distracting to your visuals can you please is that how your Indigo child would like to be seen you know what yes I would like to be seen like this and the note from the man in the corporation to conform my visual appearance to regular standards doesn't uh feel comfortable for me so I'm going to continue I'm honoring that you look like you're coming to us through a danelon wish weed which is where I live all the time it's break down she's going to break it down for you because you know she knows a thing or two and now it hi I'm my be Alec and I'm Jonathan Cohen and if you're watching on video I have fantastic sun coming in through the window you can't even plan that that's just divine intervention right there you have a a glowing countenance about you as we would say that's the word countenance welcome to a special Thursday breakdown this is going to be a fun one Jonathan do you know why it's going to be a fun one because it's filled with divine intervention well possibly are we getting spiritual Mayan are we getting spiritual we're getting spiritual but we're getting spiritual today in a way that when I first learned about this concept it was not in a spiritual Arena I was first introduced to the concept of indigo children when my kids were little which was over a decade ago let me guess let me take a wild stab indigo children are children who have turned blue from drinking colloidal silver am I close you're not close at all okay tell us what it is I'm gonna introduce the concept of indigo child the way that I learned about it and I'm GNA just preface this this is a warning this is a warning I'm not going to say something positive right now because this was the first time that I heard about this concept someone had a child that didn't want to listen to any rules that wanted to make a Ruckus that didn't listen when the teacher spoke to them that didn't listen when I spoke to them and the defense that this particular parent which is not representative of all parents the defense that this parent had was like well he's an indigo child and I was like what are you you talking about that sounds like you have a child that doesn't listen to instructions and you've decided to call it an indigo child but what I what I went on to do a little research on back in the old days of the internet when you could look things up and you weren't flooded with all sorts of things that you didn't want to look at I I looked up what an indigo child was and there are there are features um of particular children who then grow into adults that are known as indigo children and these are often kids who don't fit the norm they're often kids who are particularly sensitive um sometimes they are sensitive in ways that look like they're just being disobedient because they're so sensitive and I came to understand this term in a little bit of a broader context um I will say that I don't believe that my children children or indigo children I think they're special in other ways but the other negative thing that I would often hear when people would talk about indigo children was it was like in that era of parenting it was like let me make my child the most special child on the planet now we have these children who hang out at aroan and they have fashionable cowboy hats and you know dogs that attack people all right Jonathan if I were to tell you that I have X number of signs that you might have or be an indigo child how many signs do you think I have it's on a website called loner wolf well before I answer that question there was like like indigo children are like Generations right like there's like there was something before indigo children and then there was something after what do you know what the uh progression is because you know if I have to pick one for myself I'd like to know what my options are I think you could be like a dawning of the age of Aquarius child or an indigo child I don't know uh here it is it's hippies indigos crystal children and Beyond um do you belong to one of the five Indigo Generations there's multiple generations of IND what there's the beta generation the gamma generation the Delta Generation The Omega Generation The Awakening of the Indigo uh and that's where it ends so Jonathan if I were to tell you that this website has an article entitled blank number of signs of an indigo child how many signs do you think there might be Are there 25 characteristics of indigo children there are 17 and we're going to go through them right now break it down here are the signs that you're an indigo child and Jonathan I'd like you to answer if these describe you let's see if you're an indigo child let's do it you are a passionate person who will do anything at takes to accomplish your goals or dreams even if other people criticize or don't support you you still keep going no matter what are you strong willed I am that also translates to slightly antisocial because I don't like rules keep going we'll get there well we'll get there so far you're an indigo child if I had a nickel for every time someone told me this when I was a child so maybe I am an indigo Child Number Two you're an old soul you either feel as though you've lived many lifetimes or you have a wisdom that others your age don't yet have also known as you were raised in a home with a lot of strife and you've had to negotiate everyone's problems that'll do it too yeah I'd say that's accurate I don't think I had it necessarily when I was young young but I don't know number three you're a free thinker no idea or belief is too holy for you to dissect or reject you prefer to think for yourself rather than blindly following the crowd this is the kid who doesn't follow directions it's because they're a free thinker because they know everyone is a little bit full of nonsense yeah I would say that's accurate let's go to number four you're a headstrong non-conformist as a child or teenager you may have been thought of as naughty obnoxious disobedient or contrarian as an adult you cannot stand being boxed in or controlled by others guilty is charged number five you're a passionate truth Seeker truth to you is of primary importance you're always seeking to distinguish truth and reality from lies and deception you can tell when someone's lying or hiding something you'd prefer to suffer from the truth than be happy believing lies that is accurate big time we're only five in and I think you're an indigo child I'm five for five how many do you need out of the 17 I want you to have all of them number six you're perceptive and intelligent I mean I don't even need to read the description Jonathan you're perceptive and intelligent because I'm always trying to see if someone's up to no good number seven you are highly intuitive your Keen perception makes you highly intuitive you can often intu the best course of action and know things about others that are secret or hidden I think that's fairly accurate what do you think yes I I absolutely think one of the things about you is how intuitive you are number eight you want to change the world deep in your heart you feel a driving force to create positive change on this planet as an indigo child you know that your destiny is to be a paradigm changer or Destroyer yes Destroyer um yes I don't know that I want to destroy as much as change but sometimes change comes with destroying what exists to make room for something else I mean Jonathan you're so Indigo right now number nine you're empathetic and compassionate you care so much about this planet and other people that it often hurts your high level of empathy and compassion means you may struggle with anxiety or depression I'm not trying to diagnose you Jonathan but I think you're an indigo child this feels like a setup I walked in to to an analysis today you you walked in one man you walked out an indigo child maybe this is the divine intervention I needed to understand myself better number 10 you're a change making leader Jonathan would you say that you're a leader um out of necessity because I don't like current establishments so I start my own you find it difficult to obey Authority particularly when that Authority is corrupt illogical or outdated you want to offer better wiser and healthier ways to live life making you destined to be a spiritual Elder I'll just just for the record I've never had a dog that was part wolf and I was always very well behaved in public in [Music] public if you're a longtime listener thank you and also if you're a longtime listener you might know that I've been drinking ag1 for a few years now I started drinking ag1 in the morning cuz I want to start my day right and I also want better gut health and more energy when I started drinking ag1 it did more than just actually taste good it made a real difference in my daily Focus that's 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what they need to inspire them to learn more about a topic they love is what we call Priceless unwrap inspiration with super fun science technology and art projects for kids with kiwi Co there are nine different subscription options for different ages and different subjects they's something for every kid and when you give the gift of kiwi Co it is so much more than a box of toys it's the gift of Discovery through Hands-On experiences giving kids tools to learn about topics that they love like like dinosaurs I love dinosaurs to rocket ships I love rocket ships kiwo projects Aid in developing kids natural creativity and curiosity and it all uses stem principles so like there's a tinker crate they come in crates it's cute and that teaches critical thinking problem solving it's also a pipeline to Innovation for all types of Learners and it comes with all the materials and inspiration for Science and Engineering projects you can build awesome things like a walking robot I want to do that 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first month free at [Music] break number 11 you're idealistic you have high expectations for yourself and other people while idealism can be a positive trait it can also carry disadvantages I'm not saying you're critical or demanding but number 11 says you might be I have been known to like things a certain way and have quite a standard for how they get achieved so I am so into where this is going number 12 you have a loner or autonomous personality you don't like to be held down by anyone or anything you find it difficult to be around too many people at once again this is that child who wouldn't listen to directions and kept running off often you prefer to spend time in your own company also applicable to me um again I've never run off except for the two times that I ran away from home as a child uh otherwise I was not the child that you describe at everyone but yes that Rings true I do like you know more relaxed environments with fewer people um so so far am am I 12 for 12 you're 12 for 12 number 13 I mean you're highly creative you're exceptionally creative I mean look at the light shining in through the window if that's not creative I don't know what is your non-conformist brain loves to express itself through ART and creativity again the bad version of this was that child who's like I won't do your assignment Miss biic I'm just going to doodle in the corner that feels different that feels like oh he's just an indigo child no but you know when you have personality traits and like they can become toxic personality traits but it depends on how healthy you are I feel like I'm a healthy expression so far of the 13 characteristics if I do say so myself the emanation coming through the window is now distracting to your visuals can you please is that how your Indigo child would like to be seen you know what yes I would like to be seen like this and the note from the man in the corporation to conform my visual appearance to regular standards doesn't uh feel comfortable for me so I'm G to continue I'm honoring that you look like you're coming to us through a danelon wish weed which is where I live all the time okay fine number 14 you have a strong connection with nature and animals that's so true especially dandelion wish weeds yes that's correct TR true story you you prefer to spend your time really celebrating nature you like to bookend your day with a sunrise and a sunset you're a huge hugely connected to dogs like if I can't find you when we're somewhere I just listen for the nearest dog and there you are hugging it in a park I can't deny that also I do like to bridge science and spirituality and my HRV which is heart rate variability for people who are just tuning in increases drastically when I spend the whole day outside number 15 you're drawn towards spirituality over religion to you spirituality is falling in love with the message religion is the messenger as an indigo child you're drawn towards truth in its purest form not diluted by Dogma or fundamentalist teachings I mean 15 for 15 here this is is uh two more number 16 you struggle with boredom because of your sharp and inquisitive mind you tend to struggle with routine and conventional structures as a result of your tendency to get bored easily this is just it's this episode is recording itself you may have been misdiagnosed with ADD or ADHD as a child I was misdiagnosed I was just an indigo child and uh also school was very boring okay well this leads us to number 17 you are prone to experiencing existential unst existential anxiety and depression go far beyond usual anxiety and depression this is because it's more concerned with life itself than the self as an indigo child you tend to ask questions such as why do we suffer what's the meaning of life why was I born such deep philosophical questions cause you to lose interest in meaningless Pursuits carried out by the major majority of humanity friends Jonathan Michael Cohen is an indigo grownup I mean the last one is so spoton it's unbelievable you know I wonder who doesn't question why they're on this rock spinning through the Galaxy uh and what does it all mean indigo children were first described in the 1970s by a San Diego parapsychologist Nancy an tap who noticed the emergence of children with an Indigo Ora a vibrational color she had never seen before what is happening Jonathan what do does this mean she saw children with like a physical Aura parapsychology is the study of alleged psychic phenomenon and other paranormal claims for example those related to near-death experiences synchronicity Clairvoyance uh and telekinesis do you have an indigo Aura around you if if anyone's watching this clearly I do although that is the sun technically not my aura um if anyone's an aura reader out there DM us on Instagram let me know how my aura is on a normal basis if you see it as blue also I put on a blue shirt today for this episode I didn't know what the subject of this episode was going to be I never wear blue if you look back through all the episodes that we've done maybe a hundred and 20 plus episodes maybe I'm wearing blue one other time I could be wrong but mostly I'm in black or gray sometimes white um my question to you though Dr bik yes tell us more about where this came from and why it matters and what people should gain from this by knowing more about it so there was a book that was written um about children who share traits like high IQ uh acute intuition self-confidence resistance to Authority and disruptive Tendencies and many are you know Miss diagnosed as having add or ADHD the book The indigo children the new kids have arrived was published by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober and it was um published in the late 90s and um what this book talks about is it's it's a guide for quote parents of unusually bright and active children again I'm still thinking of that kid who didn't follow directions um and this book talks about you know that many children are overmedicated schools are not creative enough um especially for for bright students and children need more time and attention from their parents and this is a a trend that I guess is being seen in kind of these these indigo children um to Skeptics the concept of indigo children belongs in the realm of wishful thinking and New Age credulity quote all of us would prefer not to have our kids labeled with a psychiatric disorder but in this case it's a sham diagnosis says a research professor of Psychiatry at um Sunni Syracuse um but I think that you know this is one of those things in its original iteration in the 70s that came from a very different time in our culture when we were kind of more open to these kinds of things but Jonathan um you know I know you don't hold a doctorate in this but can you explain just so like we can know what does it mean to say that someone has any Aura at all much less an indigo one what's an aura you know the Skeptics listening are going to say what are you freaking talking about there's no such thing as Aura but if we take a step back and we think about the hardcore scientists that have been on our podcast so that it's not coming from me uh Jonathan Cohen the creative who likes to write and you know do art and doesn't have a doctorate and anything Indigo child sure now I'm going to add that to my email signature if we go back to uh than Dr Neil th episode where he describes to us in detail that everything around us everything that we are is a collection of energy and if we think about the Michael Singer episode even if we think about Andrew huberman there's a kinetic energy in our bodies that takes many form and forms you know our brain is produces and functions on energy we know that our thoughts for example impact how we feel and even the functioning of our immune system and it goes a step further than that Chinese medicine knows that there are energy Pathways in the body they call them meridians and outside of the body there is a there is a presence around us there are our energy that our body creates doesn't stop at the boundary of our skin if you hold your hands next to someone's or next to each other there is a vibration that happens there's something that happens uh when you know we anticipate things or when you sit next to someone and your shoulders are almost touching there's a vibration that happens between our bodies and so what it's described as is our external body just as as we have an internal body we have an external energy body and that is also impacted by our health the Vitality of our physical body and our immune system and the KB cycle and how we're generating energy and it doesn't stop inside there's a mirrored system that is outside some people claim to be able to see this some people be claim to be able to sense it and some people claim that it has a variety of different colors textures or uh qualities to it my Alex breakdown is supported by better help there apparently Jonathan are people who look forward to end of your season holiday Gatherings I'm not really one of them because I like many of you out there struggle with seasonal blues and the stress that comes with preparing for the holiday season how about you Jonathan I mean I'm not a drinker so getting through those parties sometimes is a is a little hard well it's natural to feel some sadness or anxiety around this time of year but guess what adding something new and positive like therapy can help counteract some of those feelings it can make you feel more grounded and give you tools to manage everything going on I think my therapist knows every secret to how to survive a holiday party cuz she's shared them with me over the years if you're thinking of starting therapy why not give better help a try it's entirely online and it's designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule you just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with the licensed therapist and you can switch therapists at any time for no additional charge find your bright spot this even season with betterhelp visit break today to get 10% off your first month that's betterhelp [Music] break my understanding is that so just like there's a chakra system right we good with this conversation there's a chakra system and there's there's seven of them right and they have colors that are associated with them so it goes like red from your anus red orange yellow green blue typically indigo is Third Eye correct and then the seventh usually is the crown they usually talk about it as white so my understanding is that for there's a corresponding what's called an oric body that corresponds to each of those colors and they come off of you in that in those colors so it goes like like red is the closest and it goes like red orange yellow green blue or you know Indigo purple and they have different names there's the etheric body there's the emotional body there's the mental body the astral body the etheric template the celestial body and the causal body this is fascinating to me so to talk about an indigo aura that would be in theory that there are people who believe that they can perceive something that is & surrounding Clarity and that third that that sixth chakra that's what the indigo people are they resonate there well what it so let's take a step back to all the people who are you know not even open to the idea of chakra systems let's bring people along who are maybe are more hardcore science fans and if you are one of those people and you're like what did Dr m b Alik just talk about chakras for go back and listen to The Neil th episode I think think you will be blown away especially by the later half of that conversation where he does talk about energy um but do you want to speak at all about this notion of chakra systems to those people who are maybe um being like I don't know that sounds a little woo for me you know the Meridian system is one of the most scientifically understandable ways to to think about what Chinese medicine has has understood for thousands of years um and that is that there are um you know there are places in the body where essentially things come together and they're they're kind of superhighways of um of cellular movement of oxygen movement you know oxygen isn't just like a thing it's carried in molecules and it's transported throughout your body and what we know from from people who work in the Meridian system which mirrors the fascist system that Dr Neil th uh identified uh we know that there are essentially intersection points in the body and they often correspond to organ systems or emotional systems so the chakra system you know the the first one is the it's at the the root it's your anus and you know look to Freud for discussion of anal retentiveness and um you know that is a it's a powerful center it's a center that a a child sort of is first understanding how to control literally like the the things that come out of them and the things that they keep in right so that's that system the second system is is your your genital region um that's the color orange and when you meditate you can meditate all the way up and you can focus on certain ones and and we all it doesn't take any one of any spiritual or religious leanings to know that the genital system has power um it has a lot of nerves in that region that mean a lot of things um the the third chakra up is your um your kind of solar plexus it's your gut if anyone's ever gotten an upset tummy uh from being nervous about something it's because you hold in your stomach meaning you hold emotion there we we know that um next going up is your heart and again you don't need to be a religious person you don't need to be an indigo child to know that when you feel pain in your heart it's a real thing you know we've we've heard about broken heart syndrome um as is actually something that that literally you know science is starting to acknowledge um as a thing um but the notion of opening up your heart that's associated with the color green um the next system is your throat chakra which again think of how every culture talks about finding your voice uh what what role singing has historically you know for for all human cultures um it's also where your thyroid is which again is an inovation of a tremendous amount of of importance and and um a really really important you know gland that is your throat there's a lot of science also showing that humming chanting singing has a huge positive effect it's stimulates the vagal nerve and it has a huge a positive physical impact on the rest of our body and and the reduction of our stress hormones for each of these systems there's absolutely legitimate science that supports how to strengthen that part of you um how to support that part of you and yeah the the throat chakra is one of the the most interesting because it has um significance you know you can vibrate literally like you're vibrating um this this aspect of you um that does stimulate you know um uh uh the parasympathetic nervous system and the the the sixth chakra like the third eye you know this has been the place that that yogis and Mystics have have meditated and focused on you know for thousands and thousands of years and in Kundalini Yoga even when our eyes are closed we are gazing up towards that place um the notion is that is it's your brain I mean like in in simple terms in Lay persons terms it's your brain it's Clarity it's where we we hope to get clarity from and then the the most you know I think obscure um chakra you know the crown chakra the one that you know is closest to the heavens as it were um which you know also has there all of these things have cabalistic connections you know and in cabala it is it's called The Crown is the highest emanation um of you know a divine presence um you know that one is sort of your connection to everything that you can't explain everything that you can't know everything that is not necessarily linked to an organ system a Meridian system um so that's the one that's kind of like woo woo like who knows it's white light it's sparkly like I don't know it's also a connection to something Beyond ourselves and as Neil talks about that we are a part of a larger system um Dr Gabor mate also talks about how we are part of a larger system and to think about ourselves only as the you know skin and bones that surround us is is naive because it removes our interconnection to the environment around us and what I know to be true to bring this kind of back to the topic of this episode what I know to be true is I don't need to believe in auras or know if you have an indigo Aura coming off of you I think this is a really interesting designation for a lot of people and I also love that it opens up this possibility of gosh there's so many things that let's say the 1970s brought us that maybe didn't make sense to a lot of people but this aspect was a little bit of foresight in terms of saying what if there are certain types of people who maybe weren't allowed to even be themselves this way but maybe they're not just people that we need to diagnose box in you know try and make listen to miss bolic when she's trying to you know tell you to put your shoes on it's time to come inside um but but maybe there is something something to you know really expanding our our Consciousness and our awareness and you know it honestly it it makes me you know think of people like you Jonathan with more compassion and understanding because I didn't know how many of the 17 signs of indigo child you were going to have I did not know you'd have all 17 so it makes me feel like gosh whoever's doing their research on this website they've kind of they got your number they've got your Indigo number they've been following me around I don't know that my aura for example is all blue versus maybe I'm blue forward when you talked about the different characteristics of the external energy bodies maybe it's like oh just like you're someone is Left-Handed right-handed or they have a tendency to be more introverted or extroverted maybe I have a tendency to be more blue uh blue Centric huh is that like conceptual well I don't know that anyone for example if you know we're saying oras are real and they have uh multiple Fields I don't know that any one's entire Aura system if there are multiple parts of it becomes all blue versus their blue dominant as a tendency what do you think these characteristics mean you know when the psychiatrist said oh you know these are an inaccurate diagnosis I don't think these are diagnosis that's why I talk about Tendencies you know because for me it's like oh do I understand myself differently by the list of those 17 characteristics I mean they all wrap together nicely as as a collection of things that I I experience I think that a lot of you know a lot of people who maybe are diagnosed as highly sensitive people would probably also relate to a lot of the aspects of being an indigo child um I think that um people who may be in touch with things from other realms people who have um either psychic experiences or intuition you know in many cultures those people would be shamans historically and in our culture you know it's obviously you know cause for for worry you know especially in conventional circles I don't know you know I'm not that kind of um expert or doctor but uh the notion that there may be people who have access to different things and that it is it it's an element of of Personality that deserves a a place and not a correction I think is really important and you know I think we needed the 1970s to sort of start that expansion but um I just I don't know I think you should only wear blue from now on I will only wear blue from now on except for when I wear gray and black and I also think that there you know some of these terms come up and they're like an evolution of these terms and they you know some of these types of psychologists uh talk about the evolution of the types of children that are arriving and they believe that there's a larger plan in place to help the evolution of Consciousness on the planet um I don't know about all of that I do like to believe that we're here for some sort of purpose and that we're collectively working together and if some of these ideas are a part of how we do that for the betterment of everyone uh that's spinning on this rock then um maybe that's okay absolutely and you know there's a lot of challenging features to indigo children meaning can be very challenging for for them or for their parents but when I think about all of the incredible signs um that you in particular resonated with I think that you know people who are spiritually inclined outside of dogmatic religious structure I think people who are in touch with nature I think people who are in touch with themselves I think people who you know paint outside of the lines people who are creative and intuitive I think those are really incredible qualities and I think if you can get through your childhood without being misdiagnosed or maybe medicated for something you don't need I think you're going to turn out to be a really awesome Indigo adult like Jonathan all right well if nothing else Jonathan we discovered that you are a Bonafide Indigo adult and you are very special if anyone listening was following along and uh diagnoses themselves as an indigo adult or child uh let us know tag us on Instagram appic breakdown I especially want to hear from people who were 17 out of 17 I want to know who you are and are you forming a cult with Jonathan not a cult a group by uh volunteer only there's no coercion it was just a an affinity of Awesome from our Thursday breakdown to the one we hope you never have we'll see you next time it's breakdown is going to break it down for you she's got a neuroscience PhD or two fiction and now she's going to break down a break down she's going to break it down
Channel: Mayim Bialik
Views: 220,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mayim bialik, big bang theory, amy farrah fowler, mayim, celebrity news
Id: zHSZCtx5jxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 9sec (2349 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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