Jack Osbourne: Ego is Not My Amigo

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suicide is a a permanent solution you know to to what is often a temporary problem what would you say to people what would you offer and from this perspective I think what do what would you think might be helpful there's two different lenses that I come at it from yeah if I'm with my recovery lens if I'm communicating with someone in recovery my my answer would be go to a meeting mhm raise your hand tell the room what's going on hang out with people after the meeting go to bed call me in the morning and it's it's for me the the solution in that is let's just shrink everything down let's not okay a day at a time sure that might be tough but how about this a meal at a time yeah get to breakfast call me at breakfast and we'll talk about getting to lunch and that's what it takes that's an hour at a time we say a minute at a time yeah um for me though like the hour the minute sometimes I I need more of a goal I need like okay but like lunch all right well where am I going for lunch or what am I eating for lunch I can make a plan to get that right whereas a minute I'm like I don't know what I'm going to do for the next minute I might just like pick my nose I'm going like go on Instagram like whatever um so that you know that's what my kind of where I would go recoverywise now if I'm just talking to like a you know a man in the street where there's where I don't know what kind of you know if they are engaged in any kind of program anything like that I think if anything it's listening like I'm not going to say it like if you ask for my advice in the moment but just I would just say hey like what's up like where where are you at what are you thinking I'm not going to get into the why I'm not going to try and share my why I don't think you should this that and the other cuz it's not my like what what in I know from my own experience when I'm in utter desperation unless I'm asking for advice or help or anything I'm not going to be open to receiving it so I'm like I would just say hey cool vomit on me MH dump it all and and then if you if you want to pick it a pot we can it's break she's going to break it down for you because you know she knows a thing or two and now she's going to break down a break down she's going to break it down hi I'm my Amic and welcome to my breakdown this is the place where you break things down so that you don't have to just making it easy on you today I'm flying solo and we're going to talk to Jack Osborne that's what we're going to break down today you probably know Jack Osborne from MTV's emmy-winning reality series the Osborne um he's also done so many other things he was on Dancing With the Stars um he has a new podcast ghosts and grit he has so many production Ventures um he portrayed his father's life in the documentary God bless Aussie Osborne um he also Al overseas production of National Geographic shows so many things that he does and he's going to talk about all things sobriety he's going to talk about being a dad he's going to talk about growing up and Osborne um he talks all about gosh he talks about both of his parents in some pretty good detail I learned so much about Jack Osborne's journey and I'm sure you will really enjoy um I think a different side of Jack Osborne if you don't mind my saying so so um that's it let's talk to Jack Osborne Jack welcome to the breakdown break it down I mean I literally want to talk to you about all the things okay I want to talk I want to start with ghosts and grit sure yeah because I feel like we should all right um so that's a new podcast new podcast yeah it starts uh on Friday the 13th oh spooky yeah you know it t the season yes and it is you having disc just correct me if I'm wrong it's you talking with celebrity friends maybe I'll be one of them one day about various to topics from thrilling Adventures Paranormal Activity and more I already have chill the word paranormal makes like the hair on the back of my neck stand up so you a Believer um so you are yes okay you are a learned doctor so most learned doctors are uh you know well I'm also I'm a person of Faith so I feel like that already puts me on the the strange side of doctors um okay I do I want to know about it so um have you always been into the Paranormal sort of yeah I I grew up watching xfiles like that was my jam when I was a kid okay and it just spared my interest and so I would read a bunch of books about UFOs big for you know whatever ghosts and uh and it was just always kind of a a hobby in on the back burner right and then in like 2011 I got a call from one you from my agent he's like hey do you like Paranormal stuff I was like sure huh and he uh sent me off to go meet with these producers and they I went and did this show where I filmed all myself kind of like BL witch yeah yeah and uh it was really well received and it kind of just plugged me into the Paranormal world so do you have um I'm not asking this for you know sensationalistic reason I'm just I'm curious do you I'm already starting to cry I cry when I talk about this stuff because it freaks me out majorly do you have any personal experience I'm so nervous to have you're gonna be like yes there's a ghost do you have like did you have any personal experiences with this stuff sure absolutely let's not talk about it that was Jack Osborne thanks for joining curiousity how how come you get emotional about it so I don't I mean I'm a neuroscientist I should know these things um there is something about talking about this stuff that um never used to give me this reaction like I know that I never like scary stuff like I um I think I saw like a little bit of The Exorcist and like was like I will never sleep again and that's pretty much been true since I'm like six years old but um when it comes to like Paranormal stuff and I don't just mean like oh it's funny to think about but when I hear about people who have experiences I'm currently reading this book about a woman who gained all these abilities after being struck by lightning and like it makes me that's my reaction it makes me cry like some people cry when they're nervous I think there's something something got crossed I'm going to blame it after I had kids when everything gets messed up but it makes me cry but I would like to know about your personal experiences I've had many had many like I I had a few before I started doing go shows and then since I've you're you're tuned into it now maybe but I don't think I am I'm not one of those people that can like walk into a place and be like oh there's an old lady standing above your shoulder and so okay so like like ghost feelings concrete things I've had everything and and it's a constantly evolving experience for me I went in being like there's no negative stuff that's all just uh like a that's that's looking at at this from like a a purely judeo-christian belief system dealing with Heaven and Hell good and evil God the devil G all that and I and so I often thought that that wasn't I just thought it was a human element to it um but I've seen things I've experienced things that would make me believe that they're actually that I was wrong like I I have and there's no way and it's I was fun I was at dinner with my my wife last night and we were kind of going deep into it because it has affected me so much over the last couple years that it's kind of shaken my Foundation of like of what my belief system was and is right uh and it's it's very odd it's very odd I mean i' I've had I've seen things move across tables I've seen doors fly open you know i' I've seen people like looking down a dark hallway and I've seen like a head pop out look at me and dip back in no one was there not and you weren't on the drugs wasn't on on the drugs no no was not on the drugs it would probably be cooler if I was but well but then I would have to discount it like that was a hallucination yeah um so in terms of this podcast then um this is are you specifically talking to people who have also had these kind of access points it's kind of a loose format I I tend to get more excited about people's Journeys necessarily than the specific ghost story we do touch on ghost story everyone's kind of had an experience or know someone who has an experience even it's funny even people that I know oh you don't believe in that do you and you don't really take it seriously and as soon as the conversation opens up it always diverts to well you know this one time not everyone can be crazy there's certainly something going on with with this phenomena well so this is this this book that I'm reading um which is called change in Flash just for anyone who's curious um good title yeah well cuz she was struck by lightting I get it um it was 1988 if you want to know it she was going to synagogue like the whole thing is is it was in like the in Texas okay but what was interesting is exactly what you said is like she was like this was an anomalous thing but then she's like but now that I think about it she's like my mom always had this like different perspective and wrote an essay about the Paranormal in like the 1950s and all her friends were like you're crazy and her mom was like I don't know so she talks about also like how her dad just like was this like normal guy that you wouldn't think has these kind of beliefs but what she was talking about and kind of what I wanted to ask you about you know she believes that there are certain people because like you said not everybody can be crazy I mean you don't know the people I know but um what she was talking about in this book is that perhaps there is just like there's different genetic variations right certain people have more of a propensity to believe in God for example and like is that coded in the brain and so the notion that there are some people who have more access and it could be because of I don't want to say gullibility but it could be more open-mindedness it could be um you know I mean depending on like how out there you want to get it could be that certain people pick up on different I'm going to use the word energies because that exists um is anyone else in your family I mean it's also funny because I I feel like in some ways I know more about your I'm old I feel more like I know more about like your dad than than you just because I just you know um you know I can't help but think about like some of the stuff in your family has resonated especially in you know kind of the music world for your dad you know around um Darkness you know dark and I I wonder I mean that also could be completely like a stage presence like I also like remember the day we talked about the bat like it I was in elementary school and it was like oh my God the bat happened but I just wonder if you think of like gosh is there something to that or does that have nothing to do with it I think it for me as far as things went with my dad and the theatrics of that cuz that's just what it was it was theatrics I didn't want to think that but you know I was a kid I mean my dad goes home and he like puts on the History Channel he's not like reading you know the the seven circles of hell like this chap to beob did this it's like no he's like watching History Channel doing a or he's like your dad yeah he's just and if anything my dad would probably lean towards being more of a God-fearing man than people would be you know would ever think what about your mom my mom was raised my mom was raised Jewish right yeah she still is as far as I'm concerned she Technically she's her mother wasn't so technically I count you know what I [ __ ] count your mother as a Jew and you too while we're at it yeah well my according to 23 and me I'm I'm 30 something percent enough for me yeah right well it's enough for birth right do do you know do you know anything about her Heritage because I do where is her family from Georgia Russian Georgia yeah I figured you know you have to clar I okay because also certain Eastern European communities my grandmother was from the Czech Hungary border and there was a ton of spooky stuff that was just like part of like oh the women in our family on this side they feel they but like they feel things they see things like they have powers like my mom is convinced she could feel when her mom had a stroke like all these like all these things sometimes happen you know the story of the Gollum in uh in Prague yes for sure I mean that's the spookiest story we have is that like a man was formed from the clay and like haunted you know people who were killing Jews um but in addition to ghosts and grit there is also an Osborne podcast yes so um this was something that had a break yes yeah five years ago we did it okay without it was just early early podcast days you were just a child then just a we we man you know kind of wandering the world trying to find my find my way uh and it was so hot to do because everyone was so busy at the time and it was it was just too difficult to lock down uh and we did 10 episodes I'm like yeah we're done uh and then being the way the world is now with entertainment and how right everything's just screwed we just thought well let's let's let's bring it back and let's be let's let's remove the possibility that anyone can ever get fired again from a job so what we doing why do you think people are so fascinated with your family ah man obviously it it for me it stems from the Curiosity of my father I think that was the initial inroad you know we did the osbornes in 2002 yeah it was very it was still the era where if you were a celebrity you had to be private right you couldn't let anyone know about what you know you know it was you had to have the walls up and well you got to have the walls up yeah and uh we tore the walls down and people were like oh wait and I think I think there's a few reasons why the osbornes were successful I think one was families saw that oh it doesn't matter if you're famous or whatever you're still a family you're still doing the same stuff you guys still argue you still you know the dog still craps on the carpet like it's normal stuff that one component and oddly enough and I've had this debate a few times with people I think 911 was a a huge reason why the show was successful we we premiered in March of 2002 and so it was such a weird time I think psychologically for people that everyone was just kind of grasping for something that kind of a took their mind off of like the fact that we all just experience like a a global trauma and you know two it I think it gave people Comfort to know that oh even celebrities in Hollywood or whatever are still normal like [Music] us if you're a longtime listener you might know that I've been drinking ag1 for a few years now I started drinking ag1 in the morning before starting my day because I wanted better gut health and more energy and I wanted to get it out of the way when I started drinking ag1 it did more than just actually taste good it made a 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you know your life you know I mean you were on display I mean all of you were sure yeah it was uh you know it's funny cuz you I I look back at it now and I go that was kind of a wild that was that was a tornado uh and it was kind of fun and what have you but in the moment it sucked it was it was really invasive it was really stressful I didn't really know what uh I just I didn't know what I didn't know obviously um and so it was difficult uh I think it kind of it derailed a lot of uh it really well der derailed the family dynamic as it was until that point and it took a minute to kind of refind itself um you know found the Glorious uh you know uh I found the glory of drugs and alcohol at a very young age yeah um you know as most kind of I think a lot of it seems to be the the the symptom of a lot of that kind of Fame um and also just The Human Experience like we will all numb if you give us a computer uh anything like we'll we'll numb with anything but yeah and so it was uh it was really difficult and then I ended up getting sober and then the show we ended the show about six months after that when did so you started the show when you were 15 you had uh discovered drugs and alcohol I think when a couple years before yeah um and then when did you when did when did you get sober and the show ended I got sober at 17 and and the show ended I think it was around Christmas of wow 2005 yeah 2005 you have maintained that sobriety I oh my God that's unbelievable I mean stories of people who get sober as teenagers are fascinating to me um also also few and Fa yeah well mosha Casher who um wrote A Memoir about you know being a drug addict a you know a mental health um you know um um a patient Al institution and a drug dealer all before he turned 16 um is one of my my favorite um stories of this but yeah sounds like the Feelgood hit of the summer I mean you know people like reading about it um um so okay so you then were on and I'm reminding everyone I did not watch this show but you were then on this show while you were also dealing with like an enormous emotional spiritual crisis oh yeah it was it was that's not why you did drugs man I don't know it was yeah it was it was difficult it was really difficult and but ultimately it was the reason why we collectively decided to hey let's let's end this got it um and I think it was a it was a good move right you know we kind of your sister is older than you yes got it those are some really formative years to have to be you know on that kind of the great thing about it is that if my kids ever tell me you don't know what it's like I could literally sit them down I've got I've got about 50 hours of really well-edited MTV episodes of The Worst Years of a teenager's life this is a question I have a technical question because I'm not a reality show person you're not are the I'm not are the cameras there like kind of all the time they were like on the weekends it don't get Shabbat off no uh so we had and they just see what they get yeah and back then anyway today is very different it uh back then we filmed from about 900 in the morning to 3: in the morning six days a week no they gave us Sunday Sunday that was the day when we could chill but otherwise just like whatever was going on in your life was going on in your life and they would everyone always would always ask us oh are you is it produced do you guys have script this that and the other and back then the only thing that they would ever produce would be hey can you guys do a family dinner or can we do a vacation or what's going on this week that we can just tag along to that was the extent of it okay the next thing I just like I haven't watched reality TV so I'm just very interested you don't watch any reality TV you don't watch 90day fiance no 90day I think you're wrong no I think you would I think you would purely no purely from like you just made me start sweating a a case study of like wow these people are crazy so well okay so there's thing my my my mother watches I think all the things okay I mean the reason I say that I think she watches all the things because she texts me about all the things there are certain aspects like from a like sociological perspective that I'd be interested like who are these people and like what are their decisions the thing that is hard for me it's the same thing that's hard for me about watching sitcoms it's the format you know it's like the music and the edits and the like that's what's hard for me like raw I love documentaries you know like I that's it's more like the polished shiny like the that the lighting I just why because there's something wrong with me is it like a control thing cuz me control never um um okay one more thing I want to ask is there another sibling who was not on the show yes I have an oldest sister Amy the oldest yes she did not want to be part of no is she like a librarian like I want that to be the story no she's not she a nun she's not a nun she's neither a librarian nor a nun uh she at the time was pursuing a music career and didn't want to feel like she was writing a a show on MTV's coat Tales to that music career right she forgot the fact that her last name was Osborne she could reinvent the wheel and no matter what it would still be because she didn't change her name she I don't I don't know if back then she went by I think she just I think she went by her middle name like Amy Rachel at the time okay yeah so did she like know what was going it's not like you didn't see her for all those years no yeah we she moved out she moved out pretty young okay um and she kind of pursued her own kind of thing got it but it was do I know a song that she sang did she release songs she did release songs uh you I actually more recently okay yeah she kind of okay got it yeah she I think she like axle rosed it a little bit and spent a long time that could mean so many things you know it took like 15 years to release an album kind of thing okay you know what that's a little judgy well I'm just saying you know Chinese Democracy took a very long time to come out um I wonder if you can talk a little bit because you know as much as there's this fascination with your dad yeah um you know I think that people fell in love with all of you you know they they fell in love with this story um and a lot of that is you know your mom mhm and um you know she in many ways I feel like I know more about her than your dad and also you know your dad's Fame was at a time when like there was no computers that we had there was no internet there you know like it was a very different world that was a time when you didn't even know what musicians looked like you know like I used to listen to to like you know that kind of music on AM radio in Southern California that's where you would get you know that kind of music I had no idea what anybody looked like but you know your your mom and and and you guys you know really be became like this entity um I obviously your parents have been public about sort of what their marriage was like and and all those things and I wonder you know where that kind of factored in to sort of not only your life um but also having to be public about that did you feel like there was a period of your teen years where you know you almost weren't functioning as your you know your mom's kid and your dad's kid because you were so public yeah it it's um like I said in the time when the osbornes was really booming it my mom got diagnosed with cancer so it kind of took her out of the parental role my dad kind of went down into a j jar of Shadows with that and started drinking and doing drugs again my sister had she was on like a tour she released an album was touring with like Robbie Williams all over the world so I was just kind of like hanging out at a club in La like right I was a teenager so it uh it definitely like I said fractured a lot of things as far as family went um and it it was it was def it was difficult there's no way to kind of put around it I don't want to sit here and be like oh it was so rough cuz it was also really fun and Al had some really amazing experiences and and I don't regret it at all cuz it set me on a path that I never in a million years ever thought I would go down um I want to ask a little bit you know we we talked to a lot of people here um you know many more people are affected by the family disease of alcoholism than I think any of us ever thought to think about um in the same way many people have trauma both capital T and lowercase T that we didn't call that we called it just like suck it up like sucks to be you um but you know one of the things that kind of comes up over and over again and this comes directly from the big book of Alcoholic Anonymous which you don't have to read if you don't want to um but the notion that you know alcohol is not the problem sobriety is the problem meaning you know we all have a god-shaped we all have a god-shaped hole and we'll fill it with whatever and for people who you know have a a spiritual allergy you know as it were to alcohol um that's what goes in that you know god-shaped hole and like you know one is not enough and or one is too many and um you know there's not enough in the world to kind of satisfy that that thirst um so when you think about you at at at 12 at 13 what what felt like the the problem that needed the Sol ution I think it was I think it was probably insecurity the youngest of three father who he was not really knowing I was never particularly good at school uh you were dyslexic dyslexic got it but did they call it that then they did they did but there wasn't a great solution for it that's actually one of the main reasons we moved to Los Angeles because it was a school that's specialized and figuring out okay this is how these kids learn yeah um and so it was uh it was very difficult and then I think I mossed it with well I'll just like pump myself into like the music scene and I can kind of like make my own way a little bit there's some obviously do some inroads there and um but like what you were saying earlier I I I purposefully robbed myself of being a child because I could I was accepted more with adults than I was with kids so I purposefully sort that out and um probably to as I tell my kids um I always say enjoy being a kid you only get 18 years of it like burn it down do everything you want to do as a kid because the moment you turn 18 it's it's it starts to become really unfair yeah so um when when your mom was diagnosed that it actually I mean that was an extra stressor obviously to the whole family um your your problems also must have felt much bigger is that was that a progression that happened then I could just hide them because there was so much focus on my mom's health I just kind of hom Simpson into the bushes and just proceeded to find every pharmaceutical I could and and it was at a time when it didn't matter if you were under the under 21 and you could get into nightclubs and he get away with murder um you you've talked about you know prescription medication in particular and um you know I I find the way that the lack of understanding and conversation about um in particular the the corporate role in um the administration and you know and release of this kind of medication you know I I feel like we should be like Marching In the Streets about it it's like a thing that makes me it makes my blood boil um and you know I have a 15 and 18yearold and I'll be honest like it breaks my heart to think of you as a kid you know needing that level of Escape you know um what is getting sober from that kind of addiction like because it's like every cell in your body yeah has to basically die so that a new one can replace it and it is I mean what what do you remember of that I mean you were still a kid yeah I so I had to get detox at a child psychiatric facility because back then they they couldn't legally give me the detox medications at like a a proper drug and alcohol rehab facil facility because I was under 18 wow uh so I remember being in a full lockdown Ward where it was kids that were in there for being 5150 or were dealing with significant psychiatric disorders ranging the whole the whole Spectrum um and I just the amount of me meds they had me on was really it was strange I can remember feeling everything was in slow motion but I remember sat I was laying in a bed just watching a clock and but the clock looked like it was moving at like like cartoon speed like just flying around but yet I would lift up my arm and it felt like it was moving real slow uh I was lucky to where I didn't have too many too much A lot of people experience like flu like symptoms when they come off opiates I was okay it wasn't that bad for me but I I did have a lot of shakes I was you know pretty nauseous pretty you know there was um a bit of vomiting but it wasn't like like full flu type Vibe uhhuh um but it was how long were you there I was there for 10 days and then I got transferred to actual child rehabilitation center right you know under 18 place also that must have been really hard because even though you were technically under 18 you were almost 18 meaning you probably felt like a man inside and you the life of a man I i' I've been living an adult life for two two plus years at that point so when I'm being put in a place of okay now I have to ask if I can go to the toilet like like can I get a whole pass kind of thing and I'm being put in a classroom I dropped I dropped out of school and so I was put in a classroom you have to do your you know four hour five hours a day of school work I'm like what school work I've haven't been in school and they're like just here's a workbook do something and I'm like okay wow um yeah were you I mean I'm assuming you were recognizable was there was there privacy like around that or sort of for for a couple days and then back then the Press being what it was the they started calling the pay phone at at the treatment center and then they were like photographing me like just like in the in the yard um that's disgusting isn't it horrible I mean it's like really bad yeah and you you it's so funny whenever you see like things to whenever I see things today and they're like the Press is so mean I'm like what they just said they didn't like her shoes I was like there was like radio DJs telling me I should kill myself [Music] like Mi be Alex breakdown is supported by Squarespace Squarespace is the all-in-one platform for building your brand and growing your business online how about you stand out with a beautiful website engage with your audience and sell anything your products content you create even your time Squarespace makes it easy for creators and Educators to monetize their content and expertise in a way that fits their brand with member areas you can unlock a new Revenue stream for your business and free up time in your schedule by selling access to gated 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too go to squarespace.com breakdown for a free trial and when you're ready to launch use offer code breakdown to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or [Music] domain it's rare that people can talk about what it's like to be suicidal yeah and what that experience is like and um you know there's a lot of talk um a lot of talk about it and I think that's positive that we are talking about it sure but um you know um we we need to take very seriously when people are talking about suicide absolutely um and also we need to be really careful that um a lot of times when people talk about I'm like I felt suicidal like we we need to be careful to be clinically descriptive so that we can know what help you to get people when and um you know when when I sort of try to make these distinctions just you know in sort of the way that we do here on the breakdown it's like um many people and this is also something we never talked about many people experience a feeling of not wanting to be alive that's um many teenagers and we're it's a you know an epidemic um and there is a a distinction also clinically between people who talk about it and people who start making plans and people who have access you know to those things and um you know there's a notion um of not being sure you can not kill yourself meaning the voices being so strong the desire being so strong um you know I believe that it is your business how you experience that the the only thing I would like to ask you is um you know if there were people listening or watching yeah um who feel hopeless and who feel scared um and who are not sure if they would be able to stop themselves if it came to that um I I would love for you you know to however you feel comfortable like what would you what would you say to people what would you offer and from this perspective I think what do what would you think might be helpful so I have to there's there's there's two different lenses that I come at it from yeah if I'm with my recovery lens if I'm communicating with someone in recovery my my answer would be go to a meeting M raise your hand yeah yeah tell the room what's going on hang out with people after the meeting go to bed call me in the morning and it's it's for me the the solution in that is let's just shrink everything down let's not okay a day at a time sure that might be tough but how about this a meal at a time yeah get to breakfast call me at breakfast and we'll talk about getting to lunch and that's what it takes an hour at a time we say a minute at a time yeah um for me though for like the hour the minute sometimes I need more of a goal I need like okay but like lunch all right well where am I going for lunch or what am I eating for lunch I can make a plan to get that right whereas a minute I'm like I don't know what I'm going to do for the next minute I might just like might pick my nose I'm G like go on Instagram like whatever um so that you know that's what my kind of where I would go recoverywise now if I'm just talking to like a you know a man in the street where there's where I don't know what kind of you know if they are engaged in any kind of program anything like that I think if anything it's listening like I'm not going to say it like if you ask for my advice in the moment but just I would just say hey like what's up like where where are you at what are you thinking I'm not going to get into the why I'm not going to try and share my why I don't think you should this that and the other because it's not my PL like what what in I know from my own experience when I'm in utter desperation unless I'm asking for advice or help or anything I'm not going to be open to receiving it so I'm like I would just say hey cool vomit on me MH dump it all and and then if you if you want to pick it a pot we can and is the notion especially from where you're at now in your life you know looking back you know suicide is a a permanent solution you know to to what is often a temporary problem um what do you see sort of now that you wish you know 16-year-old you could have seen my someone very close to me in recovery said this to me when my first two weeks when I I was sharing with him about you know I'd made suicide attempts this that and the other and he looked at me and he said well how do you know the pain how do you know that would be a solution for the pain how do you know that wouldn't make the pain get worse and I was like oh [ __ ] like what we don't know it we we're you know there's the Assumption of oh I'm gonna stop this pain I'm gonna you know I'm going to do away with myself well we don't we don't know what's next definitively we have some theories and I know I I'm not willing to take that risk can't come back from that and that that stuck with me it really stuck with me and then he followed it up with there's got to be a reason you're here because the stuff I was doing and the way that I was abusing drugs and alcohol I'm not sitting here like patting my touting my you know touting my accomplishments in the barro but they were were by all accounts pretty deadly you know I was I was drinking heavily while doing an awful lot of oxycotton and that combination doesn't really no your body doesn't like that yeah it likes to take the long sleep on that combo why do you have a sense of humor where does it come from um I I think a part of it's a defense mechanism but I always I I don't know I just have to find I I have to laugh at it that's another thing I always have to have the most screwed up Darkest weirdest sense of humor you know it's I I just I have to find a way to laugh you chose to write a book yeah um it's years ago me you know almost yeah almost 15 years ago yeah 20 yeah almost 20 years ago um you chose to write an autobiography what was that like did you want to write that did it feel do you feel compelled to write it yes and no like it was a truth be told it was like someone like offered me a huge check and I was like I'm 21 like what am I going to like but at that point i' I'd experienc some pretty cool things um i' I was I was sober at that point I began doing some pretty intense adventuring um and I just figured like well you know if one person reads this and they it gives them any kind of hope to change or try and change where they're at like great then that's that's worth it so that was kind of the reason behind it did bringing more attention to everything that happened and kind of bringing attention to yourself in a new way did that put extra stress on you that felt in any way like a threat to sobriety uh I mean I don't know what triggers you know your sobriety I'm I'm yeah it to me it was a way to be more accountable it was like hey if I'm going out there and I'm wearing this on my sleeve I'm there's like a fad now of all this young Hollywood folk being like I'm California sober all this it's like okay that's we just call that not sober yeah like I'm sorry sobri like sobriety is pretty freaking binary okay a little bit one or the other like you don't get to apply the whole like we're out of the binary in society now so I'm a they when it comes to recovery I'm recovery fluid um I don't mean to laugh at people like you do you but I age no we can laugh at people it's okay to laugh at people it's okay no but I I also it's a little bit like being a little bit pregnant yeah it's a little bit like sort of having sex yeah like that's at least I mean look also I I know for me you know I sit name a room besides the beverage one and I've probably sat in it and belong there so for me there is no either or yeah you know on is the only room you know if you know someone or love someone who's an alcoholic you cannot stop nagging managing and controlling people places and things like I couldn't keep sobriety if they gave out chips I'd last about two minutes on average a day but for every other program it's uh it is pretty binary like I know I know when I'm binging I know when I'm restricting like it's for me um your family besides your mom you know being diagnosed with cancer um you were diagnosed with Ms yeah which is multiple sclerosis um and that was um over 10 years ago um you were diagnosed when you were 26 is that right yeah 26 or 2 uh wait hold on do the math here uh I was 26 yeah okay do you like to describe what multiple sclerosis is for your friends at home or would you like me to go ahead um well how about this I'll give my explanation you tell me how wait I don't I don't but you've had edication I've had the internet and hourong conversations every year with a doctor that's it I'd like to ask two things I'd like for you to explain to people what multiple sclerosis is um it's one of those things we kind of didn't talk about you know and and many people have it um it tends to to um it tends to happen in women a lot um but also happens in men um please tell us uh what multiple sclerosis is and also can you talk about the years before that you had symptoms but didn't put it together because that's often what happens with multiple sclerosis so multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease uh that uh in which your body attacks your nervous system uh there is myelin around your nerve endings he talking a fatty tissue which essentially is the insulation very nice to your nerves uh and multiple sclerosis will eat away the milin thus exposing the nerve and uh eroding it over time and then you will get calcification over that nerve and it will cease to fire efficiently and then eventually it will shut down and this is one of those things that um when people often present with symptoms and in particular women they were often told like it's in your head you're fine like you're take some Advil like you're just sleepy drink some caffeine like maybe you need to masturbate like the dumb things well like the dumb things that doctors tell women when they come in with things um but for for people who have symptoms it's often not pinpointed so looking back what what were some of the things that you started noticing so I was having things like the the first the primary one was my legs went numb for like three months uh and it was a really weird kind of numb what does that mean like explain it to us so if I would touch my legs it would feel like even if I just had I was not didn't have any clothing on so I don't want to think about it I touched my leg and it would feel like I had like clothing on like if you touch you can kind of feel pressure but you can't feel skin to skin Oh and then if cold water touched my legs it felt burning hot and if hot water touched my legs it felt icy cold and it was really odd like I and it what got me going like what the hell was that I I was getting in the shower my belt buckle touched my leg and it was it was a cold belt buckle and I was like Ow like what the hell is that I I'd been at a festival and You' undressed twice in the last 30 seconds for me sorry so there I was slowly unbuttoning my pants the steam of the shower filling the space the metal of the belt buckle sorry I'm very serious right now there was some smooth jazz playing um I anyhow I uh I thought I'd just pinch it over my back I was at a festival and I twinged my back at one point that weekend and I just thought that's what it was uh then I started having weird like bladder issues I was like peeing every 30 seconds and and I was like oh my God am I getting diabetes like is that what this is or like it could be a UTI or like who knows something yeah and so I just thought and so between the numb legs and then that a couple months later but I had this weird inkling and I don't know why and I have no reason to I remember I was in my garage like putting about and I was like wow like everyone I know has got some kind of like ailment and is on some kind of medication I'm not on any medication and then I had the thought of but there's something wrong and I don't know what it is have no idea why it just like it was like a blip into my head wow uh and then my daughter was born uh in April of 2012 and I had to go I was doing a ghost show and I was up in Utah and I went to go see Avengers I just of all movies and when I was coming home from the movie theater we stopped at a gas station I was talking to the I was paying at the register and this little black doch that appeared in the center of my vision it was like in you know movie when they changed the fil you see the little it was like and it just stayed I was like what the [ __ ] and I was like okay so I got some I bought some Advil at the gas station I was like maybe I'm having a migraine cuz I used to get like ocular migraines yeah and the next morning the The Little Dot was like a cigar shape holy moly and then by the end of the day it was like um a Tetris piece like the L sideways yeah and then within you went to the doctor then 48 hours later I was I lost 95% of my central vision in my right eye what were you doing for two days still thinking it's going to go away taking Advil taking Advil giving yourself an ulcer because you really shouldn't take that much ABY drinking tons of water drinking coffee like it's a migraine it's a migraine I fly home my ex-wife picked me up we go to the eye doctor cuz it was my eye and he knew what it was but he couldn't say it because he's not a neurologist yeah so he he was running all these tests and he's like hey calling over to seed is you need to go and get an MRI immediately and he couldn't say why he's like I there's something else going on here and so I went over there and they put me in the scan machine and uh you know hey I won the lottery um that's a really I mean a very interesting obviously very interesting description and you know vision is often vision and bladder are often you know um some of those first signs and you know there's not all the nerves in your nervous system are the same and so certain are more susceptible um to this this demyelination yeah so um so that's why you often see those um that's really that's fascinating and um you know in terms of of autoimmune conditions you know um this is one you have relapsing remitting is that there's different you know types of multiple sclerosis so um are you on a regimen like what do you do for IT autoimmune conditions have a lot of different ways to like treat them do some people like cut out gluten you know I mean like there's things what is your like what's your life like with I'm the world's worst MS patient terrible I am do not follow or do whatever I do got it I'm the guy that like well you can't do like high endurance things you shouldn't overexert yourself you shouldn't have too much stress you shouldn't have d d du I I mean I'm I stopped taking my medication about 5 years ago huh how do you feel I feel great I mean you do you I don't you to know why this is like the and it frustrates my wife to Kingdom Come I stopped doing it because I I wanted to do an experiment on myself to see how long I could go without having a flare up how's that going I'm going five years strong I'm fine with that touchwood wow um but I I went to Germany and did a bunch of stem cell about two years after my diagnosis and whose stem cell somebody else's they were yours they regenerated yeah yeah they took them out of my blood um Harvest them over 10 days wow and then pluged them back in so many jokes about German stem cells but I won't make them I mean believe me I made them all to their face they looked at me at one point and they're like oh you know we where we are we send them off to the oldest Stem Cell clinic in Germany stop it and I'm like oh cool thinking oh 1970s 1947 and I'm just and then the Nazi jokes just started flying I just did can't I'm like wow okay that's when you pull out your your your mother's father's card oh yeah fully absolutely you're like I will benefit from these stem cells it is the least you can do will yep I mean I've I've had to know about stem cells at some point in my life so they take your blood like walk us through it they take your blood out and then there's these plur poent like amazing magic cells great yes and then they put them back in yes anywhere they just they come out with like a supera and they just squirt you you bathe in them yep uh no what they did was an infusion no actually so while they're harvesting them over 10 days drink it they injected them back in but um I I'll get to kind of where why and where they did what they did so over the 10 days I had like chilation therapy OZO therapy like crazy detox pull out all this craziness in my blood and body and kind of purify myself yeah cuz the way that they explained it was stem cells will go off to things that are broken and heal so let's try and get you healed inside as much as poss will get your gut health dialed in um so after the 10 days they were like okay here's what we're going to do here's your little vial of like it came in yeah um we uh we think we can inject it into your optic nve and it can heal your eyesight and I'm like okay so what does that look like they're like we take a needle and it goes under your eyeball into your I'm like so you want to stick a freaking needle under my eyeball into my do you want to live or don't you jack my response was nope uh and so they injected the stem cells into my lymphatic system wow they did that to how do they do that they just kind of feel around for my lymph nodes and they just stop pluging them into my lymph nodes and uh it was there their mindset was you have an autoimmune disease so let's get your immune system as bright and shiny new as we possibly can right so do you do anything else I have an autoimmune condition that is thyroid because that's where God decided to punish me um wait that's the only thing God you're lucky no and what I meant was not that God was punishing you I meant that God was like let's take her thyroid out um so I'm you don't need that it's not important at all um so there are certain do do you do other things I know you do a lot of advocacy and also um I should say you're not a spokesperson for people going off their medication for Ms like I have you know I I have friends who get chemo for Ms like there are many many many ways to treat many different kinds of Ms and everybody's Ms is different depends on the lesions and where the lesions are and so like this is not you know jack it depends on how stupid you are I'm pretty stupid not gonna say that but what what I do believe is is true is that you are responsible for your decisions and so many times in the medical world and also you've been through the medical ringer like you've had people poking and prodding you even in the name of helping you you've been Pok and proded so you also get like the dignity to you know to live your life um but are there other things that you do I mean you're very active and that's really awesome um but yeah are there other things you do I do a ton of active things exercise CrossFit jiujitsu I Sur I rock climb my whole thing is I have a disease that wants to stop my body from moving so don't let it just keep moving no matter what right um if I have if something happens I'll just figure out a way to walk around it that's kind of been my my my mindset with it um so yeah that's kind of and but I do believe in diet and exercise for this I think that gut health has a huge uh is a huge component to any autoimmune um that's just my theory no it's it's a thing I mean inflammatory foods you know all the hippies I knew who were like I don't eat night shades I was like you're ridiculous and then like I got an autoimmune condition they're like are you eating night shades like yes so yeah those those things are you don't eat night Shad I just it's like tomato um your your dad has Parkinson's which is you know a a neurological um disorder of of a a different variety but also you know when you talked about kind of slowing down and um my father had a Parkinson's related disease that he died of he had multistem atrophy um which looks a lot like Parkinson's but also looks kind of like L garg's um what what have you learned sort of in your you know you are a young man he is an older man um what have you learned when you sort of think about the movement of your body and your abilities versus that of your parents I've learned that I can't say [ __ ] to my dad because he just won't listen is he also a bad patient terrible well actually no no he's not if a doctor would to be like okay Mr Osborne you're going to paint your head purple and dip it in feathers and run through the street naked and you'll be cured my dad would be like okay doctor he if a doctor says it that's what it is right which is great but there's a lot of things which can benefit which aren't in a textbook and doctors have to per you know they can only tell you what's in the textbook or what they have been taught from said manuscript and I yes that's a wealth of knowledge like do you want him to do cryotherapy I'm curious what you want him to do uh no I like food and food like Oh you mean like actually eating things that help your body and not eating things that don't totally got it my dad is my like my dad just will I mean he gets locked in on certain things and that's all he'll eat uh or celebrity dads they're just like the rest of dads right they're just like us um it's uh you know and stuff like hey go do yoga go go do p go do low impact stuff that's going to strengthen your body because your body wants to not your body wants to just essentially kill you right now so fight that um they don't listen no parents don't listen they really don't no do you think we're GNA be like that when we're old with our kids I mean look I'm already such a hippie that like I I don't know what's going to happen you know my my parents were uh documentary filmmakers and they like got tear gassed you know at like the mall in Washington like they protested Vietnam qu bragging and no but you know they they got I mean my father passed away um almost a decade ago but you know they became a little more like socially conservative as they got older and you know they were like should we have been in Vietnam like I don't maybe we shouldn't have like you know it got a little bit like murky there but for me like I'm like this like Marxist like total like granola like crystals and like maybe oras are a thing kind of scientist wait can you be a Marxist and like crystals cuz I'm pretty sure Marxism they would have like literally marched you out field shot you for being a witch my my thing is that only women get asked those questions the way that I the reason I know that you can be a Marxist and believe in crystals is that I am and I believe in crystals you think that for you are I think therefore I am I'm allowed to be all the things but anyway so my kids you know I I wonder what Jewish Marxism wasn't that favorable he was well I mean okay don't have to get into like communism and socialism here no but the the the I should say I'm more of a Democratic Socialist you know I'll back off on Marxism um I'm more of a Democratic Socialist which is you know the structure of like also like the cood system was originally founded on like socialist Democratic principles anyway what I wonder is like are my kids going to become like staunch conservatives like just to be different from me yeah fully 100% everyone really likes a conservative haircut oh fully yeah you're gonna see him wearing a Blazer and a red tie no he's already got his Maga hat on order and I'm like let's learn about iasa and he's like Mom um um I'd like to talk about Jiu-Jitsu yeah I did um I did Jiu-Jitsu in college awesome so ahead of the game you know what I it's funny because I um eat that Rogan I you got like 20 years on him a little bit um I did Brazilian jiu-jitsu like the Gracie school you know I used to watch I used to watch um that that style of fighting and I um since I had kids it's very hard to watch aggress like even football it's like oh is Someone's Child and I used to love football that's how I became how the mother Lady Lady hormones yeah it happened it's a thing anyway um but um I love Jiu-Jitsu um I now do Taekwondo which is a little gentler on the joints and and parts um but so you don't want to get wrist locked wow no but I do want to AR armar my children okay I do still try still tryangle them um now that they're older they're like ew but um it's a very creative sport in that you really are like if you want to get philosophical about it which I do you know that's a sport where you're literally working with whatever works yeah meaning you are using all leverage points and you know amazing principles of your body mechanics and physics but there's kind of no rules you know like taekwondo and and those kind of disciplines have a lot of discipline and form and we do you know very specific things and you know there's like a you know a way that you move your elbow and your hand so that it's perfect and we also do self-defense but can you talk a little bit about sort of the like what Jiu-Jitsu does for you in particular for me I love it because it's a game and I love I love video games I grew up playing them I love that my my my brain was pre-tuned to like oh I have a mission I have to figure out how to complete that mission puzzle yeah and uh and I just love it it's it's I'm using my body to try and submit you with only you know my two arms two legs your two arms two legs your neck mhm know your wrist your ankles so it's a um yeah it's just a and it's it's brutal and it's fun and it's an amazing way to just get out everything and it's kind of like meditation because you have you are if you're I find if I'm doing Jiu-Jitsu and my mind is elsewhere I'm I'm useless you have to be so present and in the now and experiencing that second every second you have for four daughters I do you make girls I do as it were yes only are they athletically inclined uh so my eldest showed a bit of interest in Jiu-Jitsu she was doing really well and then she got a little butt H from a boy there he like shoved her and she was like you I don't like that she she got but hurt yeah he was a little too rough with her and yeah she didn't like it um and I don't blame her what he was it was a little like hey you know she's that's like you're much bigger than her um it doesn't matter it was a boy or girl but still you know um Size Matters in Jiu-Jitsu uh and then my my eight-year-old was a phenomenal gymnast and I say was because she quit because she was so damn good and it that's what like you liked it too much if you give it too much attention they give up on us well that's actually what I think it was but she she went to this amazing gym but she was training 20 something hours a week oh wow it was a proper like they'd had Olympians come through there and it was like the real deal she did one tournament complet cleaned up placed EV in every and it was she was like she was she was winning at it wow and so she did what what every kid does and being like I'm just gonna like I don't know do something else that's your so that's number two that's number two uh number three she's just like this's little happy bubbly you know third child we'll find out we'll see yeah exactly she's pretty chill she wants to do dance and then Maple she doesn't know yet she's just crawling yes I was going to say no one knows yet um you were recently married so congratulations thank you much um and how you were married before it also happens um how are you enjoying it this goor round uh much better yeah like I mean you're different well yeah and it's there's so and I think I actually saw your divorce and then your follow-up divorce thing and I I appreciate the honesty from that because there's so much like I I'm saying it twice now you you don't know what you don't know when you go through a divorce it Al for me I it was like okay this is what I need I never thought about what life would look like with a new partner I never realized the emotional impact only having 50% of my kids it's Terri I'm like oh my God by the time they're 18 I would have only had them for nine years I don't get the full 18 years I can speak to them I can go see them if I want at my ex-wife's house but like I don't I don't get to put them in bed every I don't get to it sucks it's and especially with girls and it's uh that's something that has been as of late you mean girls cuz they actually like you for longer yeah my girls love me like I'm I'm like the man my and it's so funny my eldest she'll she'll come in and she be like so there's this boy have a crush she tells me everything it's like yeah and but she's at that age now where she's becoming a woman but she's such like a bro she walks through the house like drying her head naked and I'm like put some freaking clothes on like no um kids are gross yeah well you know it's their job um I wonder especially as you're older is you know nearing the age that you were then when kind of like your life became public and also complicated in different ways um how do you not freak out how do you frame it so that you're not that person who's you know overcompensating for what you're afraid might happen um how does that work for you I try to remove shame as much as I can because shame breeds secrets and I always tell my old my eldest because she's getting to that kind of Dipping into some mischief and starting to play games in not cool ways and my my thing to her is just don't lie to me I don't care what you're doing it if you can't be truthful we have nothing so that's my approach to it and I from and from my own experience I felt so much shame and I felt so much uh you know my sisters would always like make fun of me for stuff I just felt just pushed down a lot and I I try and do the opposite for them because that that to me is you because if she's going to come and be like hey Dad I want to try weed when she's whatever age I would be like okay if that's what you want to do mhm do it here I'll create a safe environment for you you can try it you want to watch her be Stones I'm not going to watch you I'm just going to create an environment and then go in the other room yeah I don't want to think about it yeah but it's they're going to do it and here's the weird thing I'm sure you're you're you're realizing this now um everyone I know who's got teenagers it's like they're not really doing any the hot stuff it's mushrooms and weed now like that's just the norm I mean I couldn't get them to leave the house for years like because Co was such a strange you know the best years of my life as a parent of teenagers I was like I know where everyone is and I know what they're doing cuz they don't leave right there's nothing coming in and there's nothing going out yeah that's weird I was like I know no one's pregnant because of my child that's what I said um yeah the I mean look I I've been um I've talked a lot um with my kids and I don't know you know my ex-husband we don't compare notes on We compare notes on a lot of things but um you know I've decided to to not have secrets from my kids either you know while many aspects of my life weren't on television or you know like kind of um in the news like that way of course like I had experiences and life um and I do make sure to like be that person to remind them how different the quality of drugs is meaning um you know like the the pot that you would get in the 80s and 90s was a bit of like black mush yeah that like came from somewhere far away like you know that was brought over many borders um and you know it it it definitely was was potent and it you know had an impact as it were it did its job it did its job but like usually you got hungry and sleepy you know and um you know the notion of things being cut with other things is an experience that many of us have experienced which is very very bad and can make you go to the hospital um and yes when you talk about like let's experiment with things that are like pills that come and we don't know where they're from like those are different conversations um and so um I definitely am am that person and also um you know the ubiquitousness of alcohol and of weed in particular I make sure to be that per this is just my choice I make sure to tell my children that while those things may not land you you know in an overdose situation in the hospital they are the most Insidious things because our literally our our media tells us that they're good smart wives and okay um and we are given every excuse to num that's that's really what it is and if you can do that in moderation God bless you but if you have any family history of any ISM and I I'll throw in like gambling food porn like sex relationships codependency or alcohol you probably want to assume that there's something in your genes that's going to really like yeah being numb yeah and that's what I say like I don't care if you tell me weed's not addictive not feeling pain is addictive yeah not feeling emotional pain is addictive yeah that's so yeah the excuse of weed not being addictive I'm like it's like yeah yeah okay then why I'm a lot more fun when I'm stoned and drunk I I mean I'm not drunk but I always say after a glass and a half I'm a much more social person I can go places I would never go I just at this point choose to stay home and not drink like the cockpit of the plane over here that's I'm coming in that's right um I would like to ask do you believe in therapy like are you a therapy person like Psychotherapy uh meaning like talk therapy yes talk therapy okay because some people like cognitive behavioral therapy or like whatever I I think that it all can do you like do you go to are you a therapy person I go therapy you go like you talk about your feelings and what happens in the week yeah yeah I go I have like a monthly check-in right now my current therapist and you know me and my wife have a therapist we go to and yeah it's I mean it's been part of my life since I was very very young actually preg getting soba huh do your are your parents therapy people uh by therapy people meaning that they send all their kids to therapy yes but they themselves going [ __ ] no why would they ever want to examine anything about themselves they are perfect I mean I know a bit about your mom she she seems like a person who might like to talk about her feelings okay maybe not okay no my mom does not they're they're very British very old school and they came up in a time where it's like no we don't talk about feelings ah this is kind of a funny question you're a very nice person yeah like am I I don't know you you're a very nice person and um and and that's what I had heard from people you know like like oh he's like really nice um I'm not going to ask you like why you're nice because like that's a dumb question but um I guess what I'm curious about um you know for me like so much of my life has been making other people feel comfortable good happy whatever like I'm a performer it's my job you know like literally it's my job um I wonder do you do you feel like you have to be nice no or do okay but like do but do you just feel like you just seem like a very positive person like you're you have a good sense of humor you seem to any security that you talked about you know I'm not saying I'm sure you have your insecure moments but like you seem pretty comfortable with on the drive home I'm probably going to cut myself and SMI [ __ ] on my window um no but like like and I don't mean to like it's hard to it's kind of like asking someone are you sincere meaning I don't want to be like is this really you but are there parts of you that feel like I have a good integration of my public self and who Jack actually is in my adult life I don't put a lot of EMP empis in my P in my public like oh this is this is the constructed me I think at home I'm probably a little more probably a little more bossy with my kids than I would be with you right I'm going to I'm going to Jonathan were here he'd be like she likes being bossed around you should boss her around did you brush your [ __ ] teeth today right yes I did getting sober and working the steps for me it it's it's an ego deflating process and I know from that cliche ego is not my amigo and I uh I was I was talking about it with my wife today because we were listening to a podcast and they were talking about kind of um popularity versus success and I have no desire to be popular I just want to succeed and my and my reason for succeeding is to provide for my family that's it I don't want to succeed to get a billboard or a star on the street or I don't care about that I just want to know that my family's good that's it it's really funny you chose those words because when I asked you why are people so fascinated with your family eight hours ago when we started talking your response was here's why I think the osbornes were successful and my mind started kind of like I don't know if you saw smoke coming out of my ears because I was like do people are people being interested in you the same as you being successful people can be interested and you're not successful but because you were successful because people were interested so it's kind of interesting that you just talked about that um it's a different measure of success yeah yeah and I uh and I but I think that that was popularity right because we I wasn't succeeding at anything I was just living at I was living at home as a teenager and getting paid to do that right um as an adult very different with kids even more so it's it kind of puts that into hyperdrive because if I fail now I fail to family uh as far as career goes and I I don't I just I I me you've been doing this longer than I have but like just like I just don't care I don't like I'm I don't want to go to a party I don't want to go to an award show I don't want to because it doesn't you have to go J you do but it doesn't matter right my journey has always been in pursuit of in my adult life life has been in the pursuit of things which uh nourish me more than just financially you you have an interesting smattering of tattoos and some are um you know more what we would call more of like the traditional style and then some are what what the kids do which is I call them like stamps they just look like someone put a bunch of stamps on you there's one that's a little ladder it's like a slide yeah what what is it I'd like to know the significance of it so there was a tattoo Po in Hollywood that did Friday the 13th $133 tattoos wow and it was it's a 13 going down a slide because it's funny and then I have a uh I have another one I have a few 13s I have a 13 anchor yeah and yeah I'm done tattoos's hurt though I'm done with it well like really yeah where can people find out all the things that they should know about where to see you where to look at your podcast all the things so uh the osbornes podcast yes just go to YouTube Instagram just look up the osbornes podcast ghost and grit you can find it on my Instagram which is Jack Osborne or there's a I think we're going to do a ghost and grit Instagram uh and then yeah my TV shows are on Discovery plus Max and Travel Channel amazing because it's all one big giant monster now well thank you so much for being here it's really been a pleasure to talk to you and I I learned a lot and I hope you did too from our breakdown to the one we hope you never have we'll see you next time it's my breakdown she's going to break it down for you she's got a neuroscience PhD or two and now she's going to break down it's a break down she's going to break it down
Channel: Mayim Bialik
Views: 84,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mayim bialik, big bang theory, amy farrah fowler, mayim, celebrity news
Id: SwbfoehV3RY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 39sec (4659 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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