Introduction to UNIX (OS) | UNIX Tutorial | Mr. Subba Raju

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welcome to nourish high technologies video sessions my name is Subaru I am the UNIX faculty let's will see today at least what is an operating system in this session before we are going to operating system discussion first we must know what is software collection of specialized programs is called a software again it is classified into mainly two types one is application software second one is system software what is an application software which is going to meet all end-user requirements like word processors browsers databases all these are comes under applications of press what is a system software system software again classified into two types one is operating system another one is a system utilities before we are going to operating system let me share with you what is system utilities utilities are nothing but the main functions which are doing in the operating system like for example we can say disk cleanup disk Defragmenter spotters these are comes under mainly system utilities and next our topic operating system what is an operating system simple definition operating system is a software which operates all hardware components or our operating system is an interface between a human being and computer if you see diagrammatically this picture how available we can try to observe that let me design a small picture there is a kind of user and user user is nothing but who is operating our system then you can take a kind of computer once a user need to interact and directly a user unable to interact with this one there is a middle component is compulsory that is nothing but operating system that is simply we can say OS in this scenario what exactly wise is doing observe a man is picking two operating system in high-level language again operating system converting this one into low level language then again it is talking computer in low level language again it is converting into high level language it is what exactly a perfect definition of operating system so operating system is an interface between a user and the computer right we can try to see what are the main functions of operating system generally operating system has several functions first one memory management second one file management third one security fourth one and we can say that one is a disk management like this various various functions available with our operating system at least one or two words we can try to observe what is the meaning of file management for example you created a file once you created a file and you are giving some name that one and you are saving some data and whenever you need that one editing and editing also you are doing with the help of some kind of right click or double click whatever it is but all these operations we is operating really operating system operating so file management the capacity of the file the storage of the file number of characters number of words how many lines available all these kind of information available with operating and if you come to another scenario memory management primary memory saying and main memory say and here roam available as well as a ramp this complete control is only under operating system so finally here functions of operating system another one is very important one is we are saying security security in the sense I am NOT speaking about any kind of hacking technologies I am speaking security related to process whatever the security required whenever one process is running without disturbing this process another one we are taking a kind of my costly that is operating system taking if you open another job if without disturbing the job another one it is taking pricker these picasa terry action is nothing but security and after that main one is a job scheduling job scheduling is the main function in the operating system for example you open one task and another task another task like these three jobs for example you can say and these three jobs is under control of operating system one after another another after another one so this is about the main functions of the operating system then we can try to observe what are the services of the operating system and services also viable here first service is nothing but program execution generally you are related to any kind of technology any kind of related to you are a java or a kind of dotnet PHP c c++ all these technology can who is really executing the program who is taking about that one who is actually acting as a interpretation is a mediator so this is this is a main thing you need to remember so in a simple word let me show about that how it is interacting actually with hardware devices for example if you take an operating system operating system is this one and here there is a keyboard available now I want to press a key here and this is going to first there is a driver available this is we are calling as device driver this is a device driver taking a input from the keyboard is the software again and it is converting into operating system that is a reason device a driver is the most important component and operating system without a device driver there is no device will be operate so that is what exactly the meaning of the device driver every device you can take mouse you can take a pendrive like USB any kind of new component device driver is a mandate so once it is a hardware it is a hardware required device rivet that is talking to operating system this is what exactly the communication happens and program execution I said same kind of program execution also we are loading if you want to run a Java program you are installing Java means some kind of software again acting so it is giving input like that so finally so services operating system is first I said program execution next one ivo operation input/output operations that is nothing but either keyboard or mouse are etcetera whatever the devices it is they may be may be touch pen touch pad whatever you are going to be take all these are comes under services finally what are the types of operating systems in IT industry right now there are the number of operating systems available but operating systems mainly divided into three types one is single user single tasking that is sussed we are calling second one is single user multitask and third one is multi user multitasking is a latest generation operating system Mamta mu empty will try to see what is a single user single tasking for example one operating system one person at a time can able to operate best example you are typing some job you are typing something on the notepad you cannot print simultaneously through printer it is not possible these are called single user single tasking and second one is nothing but I said already multi user single tasking means what multiple users can share one task but a multiple tasks not possible here that means one user is going to be type but simultaneously print also but another user cannot print one user only can able to print and third one is multi multitasking what exactly that so any number of users can provide any number of tasks this is latest generation operating systems including smartphone operating systems we can say so finally operating system majorly pipe divided into three types one is just single user single tasking another one is multi user single tasking must third one is multi user multi tasking these are the three types of operating systems available let's we'll try to see through these some kind of screenshots and some kind of presentation also indeed software refers a program set of instructions and applications used to manage and control various functions of a computer any definition we can say various various definitions available as I said types of software many and here mainly majorly two types one is application software another one is a system software right application software we can see performs information processing past for end-users like for example word processors spreadsheets presentations databases browsers all these are comes under application software if you are going to system software it manages and controls operations of computer it is basically two types again one first one is operating system second one is system utilities what is an operating system we'll discuss that one first we can see utility kind of utilities software is based on basic performance and maintenance of the computer and we can sigh to observe disk cleanup is a best utility to clean the disk and to scan that and it is giving and deleting extra and temporary files unnecessary files all the things like two keys also and it is giving more boost to the system and another one is disk Defragmenter it is another kind of defragmentation is resemble and reassemble and fragmented files it is also increasing and accessing speed of rearranging and another one is nothing but dis compressors and arcades and r is nothing but dis compression is a type of function that allows for a program to search your hard drive and compress files and another one is System Restore is nothing but restoring whatever the fixing problems like wireless kind of files available and any kind of temporary files or valve it is also removing and it is out of Maur we're and registries is a cleaners it is every time is going to be check the history errors and deleting and putting more functionality of the performance or repairs and the needed and finally file spotters and these we are calling as a program allows a break a file smaller pieces order to store send files and these are the different different kind of disk utilities and we can see another one is operating system as I said operating system is an interface is how it is going to be work and functions already explained to you memory management processor management device management file management security job scheduling all the things available here types of operating systems as I said mainly three but we can say many and we can say single user single tasking is nothing but these are the simple operating system designed to manage one task at a time and next one is some single user multitasking operating one user can perform simultaneous tasks you can give a print you can listen a music and you can do anything and multi-user operating systems like this various various kind of operating systems available and once we are coming to that information about our detail in in the form of PPT we can observe and this is a simple and detailed information about your operating system and once you are observing that the huge collection of operating systems available I am discussing this this session this main video session is concentrated and every kind of so operating system windows separately unique separately line except rightly not available operating system is only one buzzword it is related to total software industry and once you are coming to these kind of operating systems our main UNIX operating system is here available and if you are coming to this operating system duty as I said already there is a device driver available in between and the device driver is doing here and device driver completely information is passing to the world so operating system controlling then once you are going to be the functions of operating system file management memory management iowa system management networking like this different different kind of functions and operating system to e listen guys here whatever in detail information available with you and all these are completely related to functions of an operating system and mainly you need to remember file system manipulation generally fat file system available NTFS file system available this is completely under control of operating system and come to and as I said types of operating systems already shown to you and different different types of available but remember three main operating systems single user single tasking multi user single tasking multi user multitasking so these are the types of operating systems guys catch you for more video sessions related to UNIX and operating system mewtwo in the next
Channel: Naresh i Technologies
Views: 471,014
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Keywords: UNIX, OS, Subba Raju, Naresh IT, Hands on UNIX Training, UNIX Demo, Online UNIX Training, UNIX Tutorial Videos, UNIX Overview, UNIX Interview Questions, unix tutorial, basic unix commands, basic unix shell scripting, basic unix tutorial for beginners, unix and linux, unix linux tutorial, unix lectures, unix linux commands, linux
Id: _OHi608AbeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2016
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