Introduction to Qt / QML (Part 16) - Searching the Qt Source Code

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hi my name is Jesper Pedersen. I work with KDAB. I'm a man that stands by my word I promised you that I would show you how in Qt Creator to be able or setup Qt Creator to be able to navigate the sources of Qt. Obviously if you have the source code installed with Qt you can always just in Qt Creator press ctrl o and then navigate to wherever your source codes are. But you also saw me in a previous video do this little trick where I went down here and I just print q and then I was already searching through the source code of Qt. I'll show you how to set that up it's pretty simple. so you need to go to tools and options environment and there we have the locator. That's what this control key area down here is called that's the locator. Then you need to say add and this could be QML files. You need to specify a directory where you're searching for your QML files. here we are the sources and I just want them to navigate through the QML file not all of Qt. If you want all of Qt you would just select this folder here but you're gonna also say it I just want this pattern to only search through the QML files. And for that you need to go back to video number 2 where we talked about history of Qt back then in the early days it was called Qt declarative which is what this one here is called but I can find Qt declarative. There we are: Qt declarative source. So select this folder and you can see it's being selected here. Now this folder and every folder underneath it will be searched when I type my magic keystroke here for that. I could add more folders I wanted to. File pattern: which files am I looking at looks good. Some patterns to include looking good. A prefix let's just call it QML and here's a very important one to uncheck this checkbox otherwise whenever you are navigating your own source code using the navigator you will see all the source files from QML systems set up here which is a lot of files that would just be noise for you. So okay? And you can see it says QML files here. And now I can press ctrl K and type qml and what we're looking at that's just a Qt quick item ... Qt quick item whatever do you get the idea so that's basically it. I cannot encourage you enough to set this up right away on your computer because sometimes it is actually rather useful to go to the source code and see what are they really doing behind the scene with this element and navigate your way of it around the qml source code it's not rocket science to understand it of course if you want a complete picture with the JavaScript engine and just-in-time by compiling and whatnot then it's gonna be much more complicated. But just to see how does one of the existing element work it's doable. thank you for this time until next time have a great day
Channel: KDAB
Views: 4,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Qt, QML, KDAB, Software, User Interface, UI Development, UI Programming
Id: woMJYwhzc_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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