Introduction to Power Automate Child Flows

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hey everyone this is daniel and today's video is introduction to power automated child flows now before we go into child flows i do have to spend a little bit of time on talking about solutions because child flows option is only available in the solutions and then after that i'll deep dive in first building a solution then i'll build two child flows and how both of them are called from a parent flow and this will start giving you examples of how you can plan this in your own environments so stick around this is a very important video but first here's my intro video [Music] [Applause] so let's talk a little bit about solutions now solutions for an overview is a great way to package all your content over so that you can actually move it from one environment to the other now packaging content includes everything includes power apps it could include flows it could include chat bots it could include your database tables it could include your lookup or choice type columns all of those can be packaged together as a solution and this really helps in the whole application lifecycle management or the alm process for the solutions now that's just an overview and there's a lot more about solutions if you are interested i put that link in the below and i might even create a whole separate video on that topic but there's one more important thing that i want to talk about from solutions solutions are of two types there is managed and unmanaged now as the name suggests once it is managed which means you've done working you've done managing the solution that's the one that you want to package together and move it to your production environment or your production tenant and the reason for that is that right in the production you don't want to be messing with all those apps and flows you don't want to make changes on the fly and therefore a managed solution cannot be edited or modified the only one that you can modify or edit is the unmanaged solutions and therefore your non-production environments that's the place where you want to create a unmanaged solution and that's what i'll be building over here so now that we've talked about solutions let's switch over to the key item of this video which is about child flows and as the name suggests this is going to be the whole parent child type of a relationship and the most important thing is that child flows can only be created inside a solution which means that you cannot go outside your regular solution like the ones you've always gone and created a flow into different environments you can't create one over there in fact i'll prove it to you that those child flows actions are not even available they are only available in a solution so the examples that i'm going to show you is of two types one is we'll go ahead and actually sign in as different accounts so i'm actually going to sign in as what i call as a do not reply account and the do not reply account will be used to create a very general outlook mail it'll already have the header that'll already have the footer the only thing that we'll be sending from the parent is the body that way you can always use that same template again and again and it can be reusable hence the child flow the second example is a child flow which is always making the exact same http connection again and again the only thing we're gonna do is we're going from the parent side is send that little bit of little information like hey what is the http connection going to send and what is the information that's going to be written returned that will be sent by the parent so i'll show you these two examples and we'll go and make all these flow together so just as a quick recap we talked about solutions we talked about the difference between the child flow and the parent flow and how this can be done only in a solution now let's start building it from scratch now there are two prerequisites to building a solution one is you need dataverse so that's the important one and second one is that you need to have a version of your dataverse tables basically an environment has to be of a certain version so it's that's the one that you need so most of environment should already be of that version but if not just make sure it is that because otherwise you'll have to create a new environment make sure it is either that or newer and that's where you can go and start building these solutions over here so just keep that in mind so one of the things that said is it needs dataverse so what i am doing as a precaution and just as a good practice also is creation of the solution i'm logging in as myself because i have the powerapps per user license and that's just a good practice because if a database table had to be generated which it requires i've already got the correct license to do all of this so kind of keep that in mind now like i said i've logged in into an environment i've logged in as myself i've got the power apps per user i have signed into power automate and for power automatically automatically on or default in home just scroll to the bottom scroll to the bottom slide to the bottom and you can see solutions over here so we are going to now create a new solution so i'm going to call this as a new solution and i'm going to call this as my child flows all right so remember when you start typing in from a display the name automatically will remove that space and that's required all right so don't go ahead and start changing in the name and putting in some spaces over there because it will start giving you an error that hey your name needs to be changed now here is something you can select publisher is basically as the name suggests who is the one who is publishing this solution it also kind of names who's the owner of the solution that's where the publisher comes so there are some defaults already created over here and you could use any of these defaults however i'm going to go and actually create one of my own so i'm going to now come to new publisher and this is what the new publisher looks like it's got a couple of important things so i'm going to actually first call this as a publisher for dc that's going to be daniel christian underscore and i'll call that as child flows and the moment i click in the description site see the name doesn't get automatically updated like it did for the solution so in this one i can do a control c i can do a control v and i can leave that as this description i can go and put it whatever i want and then the prefix is completely up to you so if you see some examples over here for msdn that's for microsoft dynamics so you could take some examples over here and come up with your own prefix like for example i have a company name and the company name has a prefix so that's what i do is cfcs underscore and i can just leave it at the fact i don't need to put the underscore because you see right over there it gives you this option that this is what it's going to look like is your preview so you could put in your company name prefix the abbreviation of a company or you could even follow the same protocol as microsoft does just come up with a plan for that so now i'm going to click on save and if you've done everything okay we've not put any spaces before followed through it it'll go ahead and now create this publisher option for us and then we can come over here and now we'll be able to see it so there you go dc flows we got that selected and you can also go and click on more options to see is there anything else that i want to do yeah one more thing you've got to check is what is the package type it is unmanaged which is what i said because we are still building it we are still developing this i'm going to leave that as unmanaged and now my solution is good so i'm just going to go and create it and here is where it goes ahead and creates the entire solution for us and then there you go the whole thing is created this is the solutions the name when it was created and all of it is done so now i can go and click inside the child flows this is where i am and we can start building this example that i have over here so the first child flow does one thing and it does that very well is it sends what i call as the do not reply email and you guessed it this is using the microsoft 365 outlook connector so emails from here will always go from this do not reply mailbox and it will have something very specific its body will always have that header saying that hey this is a automated response system do not reply to it and second it will have like a footer which means it'll always have some important links and it will have a signature what we're going to send to this child flow which is from the parent flow are three important things two which means who these emails are going to the subject and the body and the body will just have that little section because remember it already has the header and little foot area so that's the first childhood we're going to build so let's go and do that one now because i want that to go from a very specific account i can't go ahead and sign in as myself i got to sign in as the account from which the floors are going to go so here's what i've done i've actually gone ahead and signed in as an account so here you go i've signed in as what i call as the do not reply account of mine and when i sign in over here just to show you i sign in as power automate and i make sure that i'm in the correct environment i go to solutions in my solutions i should see the new solution that we just created so i'm clicking on the solutions it loaded there's the child flows and now when i come into the flow this is where i can start building that flow and this is the do not reply so we're going to use it office 365 connector so let's do that i'm going to click on the plus new i'm going to click on automation in automation i'm going to go to the cloudflow and i'm going to click on instant and i click on the instant over here it'll go ahead and actually start creating the same process and we are familiar with this the whole flow one so this is going to be the manually trigger flow i'll go and click on create and then i'll go in and actually start naming the process over here so when i come in on drop it the flow section is loading and i'll go ahead and now name the flow and i'll say this send email using do not reply and then in the manual trigger i want three things so the first and they're all going to be of type text so i'll click on the text one and this is going to be two that's the email addresses that are coming through next one is going to be subject the actual subject of that email that goes through and then finally the body and so there you go this is going to be the body so these are the three things that i'm going to get now i'll click on new step in a new step i'm going to search for the outlook the outlook is going to be specifically the outlook 365 outlook and over there we are going to go and send an email that's the simple one now this is the first time that i've actually gone ahead and created this outlook action or step inside using this account so it's also going and creating the connection in your case you might have already used this connector with that account so you don't have to go through this that's just happening for only my situation right now and as you can see the step has been added and i have to go ahead and fill out some of these required ones so for two i'm going to click on that and i'll go and make sure that i actually get the two from the ones that we put the triggers over here so in the manually section over here manual trigger flow i'll go and grab this two for the subject i'll go ahead and actually get that subject again from here it'll be right over there this subject now in the body i want to do it something very different this is where it's going to be the main deciding one is what is the body that we are sending so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to put a header first of all the header is going to come over here subject body and i'm just doing a lot of copying and pasting but this is what it's going to be is first there'll be a header because this is coming from a do not reply mailbox so i'll put this header over here the text and i'll go and make it a little bigger bold and this is pretty much normally what you see from an automated mail system sometimes you see you know this is an automated appliance do not automated response do not reply to it you see such things over there now that in between i'll go ahead and actually grab the body itself i'll go and put in the body right here right then i'll go ahead and put in another paste and then after that i'm going to put in some other information so a great example again i'll go ahead and copy and paste and we'll read it together it's right over here i'm going to say since this is coming from an automated system i want to put in some information is that for you know things such as for more information go ahead and you know either chat with an automated bot or post a message on the yammer community which is the official yammer committee or call the support to go ahead and actually ask for power platform support so i'm just going to make sure i change that spelling over here but all in all you understand what i'm doing is that the in the body i'm already putting the header of the body i'm already putting the footer of the body the main body content the actual meat and potatoes of the body content is something that will be sent from the parent flows and honestly from here section the last piece that is always required for any child flows is we've got to put a response to it so for the response i'm going to search for power apps right here and in the powerapps there is this response to a powerapp that's the one that i'm going to put in and for now just to make sure that the flow can actually be completed successfully go ahead and type in something like this i put in response and i go and put it as successful that's basically it and because you've gone ahead and completed this way it will now allow you to save it if you don't go and put in the final response it's actually going to ask you for that that hey i need some kind of response so it'll go ahead and save it now once it's done saving there's something very interesting that i want to show you so let's actually go outside a little bit right so i'm going to go out over here and now the flow is actually created this is actually the flow that's created now did you notice something that even though this was a brand new solution that we created this was the first actually object that we added which was the cloud one why are there two over here let's go take a look at it so when i go and take a look at the two over here what it did is it actually went ahead and i created um the office 365 child flows connector section so let's go take a look at what that is it automatically picked up that hey you are making a connection to an office 365 so it's going to factor that connection in this is very important from a solution standpoint as you package the solution and you're moving it to another environment it will go ahead and move this connector with you this is awesome from what solutions does because it's factoring in whatever connections that you have and how those connections also will have to be managed together so when you manage it or migrate from one environment to another you don't miss anything this is very awesome from a solution standpoint so thought i'll call that out next thing that i want to call out is the flow itself so we click on the flow the flow goes ahead and opens up it looks very much something like the same however this is the new piece that you will see you will only see this solution section or the solution little category over there in flows that have been built from a solution standpoint this is what it is it comes ahead and actually says that hey this is a solution and the solution name is called channel flows and by the way this is not managed this is the little additional piece that you see for all the flows that are building in solutions same thing from the power app standpoint as well it's just that this is the look and feel that you get from the flow standpoint all right cool so let's go and now actually create now the second one is that one i'm going to create a child flow as how i'm going to go and make that http call so for that second child flow i'm going to come back over here to my new i'm going to go ahead and click on the automation i'm going to click on cloudflow and i'm going to click on the instant now in the instant for this one i'm going to call that again it's going to be from the manually trigger flow so that's going to be the same and then the manually trigger the flow once we're coming in we'll actually go and name it so one of the fun things i do is i actually always make an http connection to a website called it's to do with legos so it's got an api and in that api i can send it the lego part number and i can get all the information back about the lego part number including a link to the image of the lego part number and so that's what i'm going to do is i'm making an http call to and along the http call i'm going to send the lego part number and that is going to be where the parent child information happens because in this child one it does one job and it does it really well as it takes the lego part number it sends it to it gets the the url for the image and it sends it back to the parent and we'll do this again and again and again because that's the whole problem of the use for the child flow so this one i'm going to go and call this as the http call for lego part number in the lego part number itself the trigger or the input actually is going to be what's called as a lego part no for number and that's basically it that's the only one that i need over here next i'll also go and create a variable of type string so i'll click on variable click on the variables over here and i'm going to go and initialize the variable my initializer variable i'm actually just going to call that as a var lego part no for number this will be of a type string and then i'm just going to go and select that i'll go over here to the ellipsis i'll go and actually rename it and i'll just put in this one over here initialize the lego var variable number variable now that i've got something i can actually go and save it that way i'm not losing all of my information and there we go we've done with at least the initial piece of it now let's go and actually do that http so i'm going to click on http this is going to be an http over here and all we're going to do is use this http connection ignore the swagger ignore the web hook we're going the primary one which is the http now this http is of a type get because i'm getting information so i'm going to go and get a type get and then here is my uri my uri is of a concat one because i'm going to do it this way watch what i'm doing because here's what i need to do is i need to be able to send this request type url so i'll open up another tab so you can actually see what that is is i should be able to send this type of url moment i hit it this is the data that i want to get back and specifically this is the url for the image so when i actually go and see this image i'll go into a control c open up another tab paste it this is the type of image that i want to return this is how i'm going to do an api and that's why i'm building this as a child flow because it'll do this one thing and it'll do it really well and therefore i need to be able to make this http call and i'm going to do it as a concat so watch how i'm going to do this concat i'm going to put this as a concat and in the concat i'm going to go ahead and open the brackets open it and go to the right you know outside the closing brackets get back in and i'm going to go and now put in the first url basically and i'll actually put this in the chat over here i mean in the onenote so you can actually see what's going on and i'll actually put this in this notepad so you can actually see what i'm doing like here this is the first section i want to go and copy so i'm going to make sure i select the correct highlight the correct one which is right here i'll go and do a control c that's this first one oops i mean done missed that one let's go and get that back again over here expressions let's do a concat right over there in the concat click on that open the brackets it also closes it and then the first one is right here this is my first concat after that i'm going to go and put a comma and i'm going to go and grab that variable this variable should be somewhere at the bottom this is it that's the variable and then finally at the end i'm going to go ahead and put in another comma open and close single brackets and i'll go ahead and grab the last item over here this is it so that is basically how i'm going to go ahead and put in my entire uri which is basically your url and that's it that's all i have to do i don't have to put anything else this is going to send me that information so good point right now is i'll go and click on save and then afterwards it's always a good one to go ahead and just put in compose just so that you see the composed one i go and grab the compose and in the compose i can actually go and select what is the body the body that is coming from here and then after that i'll be able to go ahead and do a run now once i've already done some of these runs before so i know one thing is that it sends me a whole bunch of information but the only one that i want to go ahead and do is i want to parse a certain amount which is parse the json so all that i see is basically the link for that image and to do that i actually going to go ahead and now put in the compose again but in the compose i want to go ahead and do the parse json in the parse json and in the parse json again i'm going to put in the body which is right over here that body but in the body i'm going to click on that and i'll go and up paste this link over here now you can do the same thing over there go ahead and run this flow then see actually the output that you get from this http you can actually see either the body directly from this action or you can go ahead and see it in the compose and that is how i go ahead and get this section code over here again this is just an example all right you will have your own scenarios of what http call is but to prove the point this is the example that i want to show you now the final step is i've got to send this back into the parent and so for that i'll come into the next i'll go in and now click type in power apps in my powerapps i click on this powerapp and i'll say respond to powerapps now the output one that is going back i'm going to type that in as img url and right over there is going to be the parse json one and if i scroll down if everything is correct that's the one i want to get the part image url that images url so i got that i'll click on save everything should be good we're directly going ahead and saving it it is saved and now we've got two child flows already created just to make sure if i go outside over here we should now see two child flows created all right so now i'm gonna go and do my parent one and for that i can sign in myself i don't have to be through this service account i'll go and sign it myself and just to make sure i can prove that i'm right over here and this is me i am the one who's actually signed in so now i'll come back over here and i'm going to go ahead and i'll create another flow and this one doesn't have to be you know the instant one i'm just doing it for the demo the trigger could be anything it could be a new adam added to a sharepoint list or a sql table or a database whatever that you think a new form that is submitted just you know i'm just doing it for this demo sake all right okay it's not a requirement for these child flows type of a scenario so what i'm going to do is now i'm just going to call this flow as i'm going to get the lego part number and in the manual trigger i'll actually put in the place where i'm going to put that text in so i'm going to say lego part number and that's because i'll submit the lego part number over there and then after that i'm actually going to be sending out some emails to both the sub and submitting and i'll show an example of how i can send it to somebody else so what i'll do is i'll actually go and make an office get my profile because i want to get the user who's triggering this i want to get that user's profile so there you go i'm gonna go and get my profile and that's all i need to do is again this is the first time i'm using this account i mean this connector so it's actually signing in in your case it might already be in and that's the only step that i need from the get my profile really nothing else now let's go ahead and now call that child flow now this is the proof that you are doing it inside solution so i'm going to come to the plus new step and i'm going to call this as a run a child and because you are in a solution you see this run a child flow if you were not in a solution you would not find when you did a search you would just not find a run a child like guarantee you go ahead try it it would not show up it only works in solutions and so the first one i'm going to do is i'm going to make that http call to the site and so i'm going to click over there and these are the only two child flows that i have in the solution right now and so the first one is going to be http call to lego part number since i'm calling that child flow it knows that in that child flow it actually needs that request information over here and so that one is going to come in from this manual trigger so i'm going to scroll down over here a little bit even go further further and that is where i'll go ahead and get this lego part number this lego part number is coming in from that initial trigger so that will actually get done successfully all right we'll see then after that i'm going to run no second child flow my second child flow is now to send that email from the do not reply account so same thing i'm going to call this as a run a child flow because i got to get the second one again this is my proof that i'm in the solutions because i'll do that run hr flow and over here i'm going to go in and i'll say send an email using do not reply now send an email using do not reply i gotta give three things first i gotta give in to who the email is going to and then the subject and then the body so watch this in the two i'll go ahead and get the mail the mail of actually the person who has triggered this so right away here i'm going to go ahead and select mail now here you can also put in some text information so here's my example i'm going to go and now type in my email address for this account i went and actually just typed that in i didn't have to go and make any connections something just type it in did that to show that how this works next i'll go ahead and put in subject i'll just go and paste this text over here this is going to be that body just that middle section of that body and over there i want to put in some text and i'll put in some dynamic content as well so i'm going to start by saying hi and in that hi let's go and get that display name from office 365 for my get my profile so i'll go and get this display name right then after that i'll put in some verbage i'm just going to go and paste it right here and i'm going to say below is the image of the lego part number that lego part number is actually the one that we're going to type in so i'll go and grab that in from right over here the lego part number that is it and here is the image below is the image of the lego part number you requested so i'll close that in put enter and then now i'm going to put in a little bit of html code and that html code will embed the image directly in that reply so watch this i'm going to come over here and i'm going to paste this by the way this is something i use and w3schools go to html and that's basically where i got this information and all i need is that in the image the src that's where i got to put in the actual link so the link is going to come from a response to this run flow so let's go and take a look at the run flows and that what i'm getting is a run a child floor and it'll be in the correct place every once in a while you just got to go through you know a few times here and there and you'll get the link perfect but that is where the link needs to be all right so now i think i'm done but it's giving me an error it's saying that hey update the child flow for action run if flow 2 to not use run only connection ah so there's a change that we've got to do over here so what i'm going to do first is i'm going to go and remove this one delete that for now and then i'll go and click on save because we've got to make sure that we don't lose the work that we've got to do also i'll do a little bit of renaming i'm going to uh click on rename over here and i'll say run a child flow to get image of the lego part number right so i'll go and do that and i'll save it now i got to go ahead and change the second child flow i gotta go and manipulate that a little bit well let's go take a look at that so i'm gonna click on outside over here and the second one which is send in email using do not reply click on it i gotta go in over there once you are here go to the bottom right it says run only users click on edit and that one it says currently it's a child flow but the connection is provided by run only user well the child flow doesn't know who the user is because it's been triggered by the parent one therefore in this child flow scenario for this connector you got to come over here and select it using this connection and it gives you this warning so say users with only access will not control or have access to these connections outside the flow this is more of an f5 hey it's okay you're not going and you know sharing this with the world but it's giving you an fi over here okay giving it okay now let's go and click on save and now once you've saved it let's go and add that last action back into the original flow here so i'm going to click on my flows if i when you click on the flows it takes you directly outside over here what you could do is always go into your solutions in your solutions go to your solution which is child flows and in your child flows let's go to that final parent one that we're building and that's where we'll go and add the last step so this was the one the last one so i'm going to click on that get the image and then over there i'll go and click on edit we'll come back in and we'll run the last child flow so i'm going to click back on the plus new step and over here i'm going to say run a child flow goes ahead and gives me the option that's run a child flow in this one i'm going to rename that a little bit i'm going to rename that to run a child flow to send email on behalf of do not reply and so that's exactly what i'm going to select the child flow is uh send email using do not reply i'm going to pause over here though the child flow is not smart enough it doesn't know what you're thinking all right so it's going to go and give you all the flows you and i know that hey in this one it's only the http call for lego part information and send email using do not apply those are the only two child flows power automate doesn't know that so when you're putting these names all of these names in your solution you might want to come up with the naming conventions or anything within the child maybe do it as a pre order post fix like this is a child dash http call to something something else start thinking that because that'll really help you understand our mind which one is the child flow over here something to think about all right so now we this one is going to be send in email with the do not reply and then after that it will tell me the three things that it needs so the ones we initially did was we actually go and get the mail from here so i'm going to go and say mail which is the same as email and as the test that i did i'm going to go and type in that other email address all right this is just to prove a point that it can take both things because at the end of the day you are sending the information so you can go and get this dynamic content and as long as you put the semicolon which is how outlook emails work you can also type in an email and multiple of these emails will go through in the subject i'm just going to paste a simple text over here and then in the body we're going to also go in combination of text dynamic content and some html so i'm going to start by saying hi and in the hi i'm going to just get in the display name the display name is actually the name of the person so it's a hide you know in this case the display name then after that i'll go and put in some text which is hey below is the image of the part number what was that part number well we get the part number now from the actual trigger that we put in which is right over here the part number uh which is the part number you requested i'll put in as you requested and then afterwards i'm going to put in some html now for the html it's actually very easy to go ahead and actually first put in the html so here's the one i'm going to paste it in and by the way this html is something i got from it's a very simple very nice website to learn and i went and actually got the html code now here is the final thing that we need to work on and this sometimes gets a little tricky in this code in this line i want that the return of the first child flow to be posted over here so let me show you what that means i think it's on the top let me scroll all the way to the top there it is the image url that we got from the first child flow that image url needs to be right over here between the double quotes and so what i do is i come in and i click on the double quotes and i click on here and it will work now sometimes for whatever reason you might actually have your command prompt at the end and this thing shows up at the end if that happens that's fine delete it make sure you've actually clicked over there in between the double quotes so your cursor is actually blinking there then come to the dynamic content and click it that is basically how it should work so now i'm going to click on save and because we've gone ahead and now manipulated the actual child flow this time we don't get that alert this time it says everything is ready but you know what actually proves it let's go ahead and run the flow the first parent one manually let's put in a lego part number and then see what happens so i'm out in the same parent flow that we just created i'm going to click on run and in my run it's going to go into the first sign in that only happens once that's correct i'll click on continue and i'm going to put in a lego part number the part number that i know one of them which is correct is three zero three one so i'll click on that click on run flow now when the flow is running it is going and running it so when you're gonna click on it let's see what happens because it's interesting to see all these different flows that are happening so the first one it went under the my profile get great it went and ran that over there next one is it's actually going and doing from that http call to get the information so that's the flow that's running let's see if it works it's taking a bit too long so let me go into my solutions area i'm going to click on done and that's the child flow so let's click on it and see what's going on while it's going on i'm saying hey there's actually a bunch of failures happening so the child flow is failing this is good let's go and troubleshoot so what i'll do first on the original one i'm going to go and cancel this this is the parent one so let me go and cancel it all right and i think i know what's going on we'll double check so we'll come in now to the first one and i'll click on edit and when i click on the edit we will actually you know what i did that too soon let's go outside again let's click on this failed flow see where it is failing ah it is failing in our http i bet you it's failing is because over here we didn't complete the url so let me do that let me go into http and in my lego part number i need to actually put in this important step right over here that is where we are actually sending in the lego part number there you go see because we went ahead and put in in the concatenate the actual formula i mean that was i mean the actual variable i went and put in the variable see right there i put in the variable but i didn't assign a value to the variable that was a rookie mistake but anyway let's click on the save i'll click on the save i like this troubleshooting it live over there so you know that this is a very realistic real world scenario all right so i'm going to go out over here and then now i'll go back to our parent one if i can close i'll keep this open go back over here let's go back to the parent one and let's go and do another run so i'll do the run and in my run i'm going to put in that same lego part number three zero three one one and i'll click run flow the flow triggers go and click on that one let's go see what's happening section away from the channel section over here and the whole thing just finished that fast well let's go see what happens i'm clicking on this side and it went ahead and got me the image url which means the first child flow ran successfully the second child flow also ran successfully because it sent out an image well i want to see what these emails look like so the first email actually went directly to my account because i went and triggered it so i'll click on this one and here it is this is what that looks like now watch we only went ahead and worked on this body part over here right because the initial was the header and then there was also this information over here these are the only two things that we worked on but overall the header worked that's one user the second user was also to rosanna christian see right over here this rosanna christian is the one we actually typed in so if i go and now see over here she also gets that so that child float took care of both of them for them you will send the data to the child flow successfully and there you can see it works right over here so well this proves that the flow that we created this parent one worked so well because this is the parent one all it had was four simple actions but there were multiple actions inside the first channel inside the second channel they all triggered off correctly well after we troubleshoot them and they send the information and it works and it works really well so as a quick recap we went and actually learned what a solution is i was able to walk you through that then we've created two child flows and both of them are very unique scenarios one was sending out an outlook email but using the do not reply account second one was using an http call and this will be constantly done on a repetitive way but we send it the dynamic information which was in this case the lego part number and then finally both of the child flows were in the parent floor sure we had to do a little bit of troubleshooting but i did that on the fly and now the parent and the child flows just worked and did you notice how fast the child flows run well it works so hopefully this was helpful to you and as always keep using power automate hey everyone hopefully you found this video useful and if you did can you help me help you can you subscribe to this youtube channel because remember i provide fresh content on a weekly basis and it's 100 free so 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Channel: Daniel Christian
Views: 6,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Introduction to Power Automate Child Flows, Daniel Christian MVP, power automate, microsoft flow, power automate tutorial, power automate tutorial advanced, Parent Child workflows, Power Automate Do Not Reply emails, Power Automate HTTP connection, child flows, microsoft flow send email, microsoft power automate examples, power automate api call, power automate api integration, power automate email body html, power automate email flow, power automate troubleshooting
Id: Cw2vOF-er8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 49sec (2089 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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