Introduction to Parametric and Instance SysML Simulation and Analysis

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hello in this video we will do introduction to parametric diagram with instance modeling and simulation we will show how to use instance tables and manage instances with variance modeling and instance configurations for the system alternative variants so we'll start from this block diagram we see very simple model here vehicle he has total mass mass limit engine as a part and body as a part engine has mass and body has mass now if we want to create a parametric diagram here inside of the vehicle we can do it by right clicking and creating parametric diagram we can also use equation wizard so right click on block vehicle click on the tools and then parametric equation wizard and we'll type total mass equal mass one plus mass to parson map here we have constraint created and here we have system properties and we will map mass 1 to mass of the body mass 2 of mass of the engine and click ok we get parametric diagram created now second part of the parametric diagram could compare the total mass to mass limit right so i will take this parametric diagram and we'll click on this equation wizard again but now in parametric diagram i will click it without selecting anything because if i will select this one i will see the equation wizard for the same constraint but now i will click without selecting it so i can add another one so total mass should be less than mass limit and parsing map i get recognized names of the properties and i click ok a parametric diagram updated now i can run this it doesn't matter will run in context of without it always runs in context right and i see the result here so in simulation dialogue i see that the mass limit is 5 000 total mass is 3 000 this comes from the body mass and engine mass if i will update any of them parametric diagram immediately recalculates and if the constraint is not satisfied i see that the red color and constraint is not satisfied if constraint is satisfied i see green color now this configuration is taking properties from the default values of the block value properties here we see this coming from those properties but it's not always good because i might have alternative configurations and i want to save them within the native configuration simulation results so for that we use instance so i will right click on the vehicle we'll click we'll click on this second button export a new instance and then we'll create package system model configuration disk package and we'll create instance in that package so i created new instance in the package let's see what's what's happening here i have instance of this in this package of the system model with all the properties as it was at that moment so i will go now here and if i will simulate this instance what will happen is that it will run this block simulation and will load the properties from that instance whatever was saved in this model you can also update here in the instance directly you can update here let's say that i want to update the engine to 7 800 right and then select the top and save as the instance and you see that now i got engine updated mass of data to 800 and this is not the default value of the engine right this is that instance which i can always invoke by simulating this so to work with instances there is really convenient with the instance table because it allows to show compact instances plus it allows you to see what only properties you you care about so i will create instance table as a diagram in the same package here we see two fields classify and scope i will set classifier as the vehicle this is the block which instance you want to show and that's which instance we created so the vehicle block and then scope is the package where my instances and here you can see some properties already visible but i will go to columns and select columns and pick the properties which i want to see so that would be mass and body mass engine mass and body mass okay so now i have here configurations mass of the engine mass of the body mass limit and total mass if i will want to create another instance i will create click here create with parts which will create another instance of the vehicle with the all the properties inside and the parts inside and now i could say that okay this will be like 700 here and the body mass will be 3000 and if i will select just this line and simulate i will run this this line if i will just simulate without selection i will get uh both lines executed and valid calculated and results compared to total mass okay so that's uh how instance table works so it's very convenient there's another common uh situation when we have in the block diagram alternatives for example for the engine we have engine one and engine two and those are variants of the engine they inherit from the engine right and they redefine the property mass right so we'll let's go to engine one go to properties in standard mode properties select this property and redefine refine means change in context so i will change it for the engine one it will be 700 default mass and for engine 2 it will be properties select redefine will be 1000 default mass those are alternative architectures for the engine and you can have you know separate structures for each of them the properties behaviors and so on and the extra properties for example now because this property is connected in parametric diagram when you choose one another variant you will get that input from this engine or this engine to the equation right and the same you could do for the board and any other part in their system model so how now to speak the variant configuration and for that instance table is actually perfect so now to select the engine we will select the part here in cell columns select columns engine okay so here we have this engine and here you see engine default one was selected so i can't go here remove the old one double click again click and pick engine one here so you immediately see 700 as the default mass for the engine and then remove that one plus engine two and they say thousand and again rerun the simulation for both variants now if you want to create another variant you can do it again with parts and with custom engine characteristics for example thousands 500 and run all of them or just one three thousand for example 600 run level 8. and now you see that the validation even if this one fails does not color code so this is the last thing i want to show in this video is actually that you need to create at least one simulation configuration diagram which is very technical thing here you just need to load a profile which has validation rule which will color code those validation rules based on the the constraints in the parametric diagram so now i will execute again all that three variants and now i will see color coded this one is a red and i see the constraint is mass total mass less than mass limit is failing so what's happening with the instance when you run the simulation from the instance is that instance is executed which you select all of them one by one and it runs this classifier of that instance of the vehicle in this case loads that structure and allows you to simulate that structure with the values coming from the instance so it could be historical values configuration values including what part was selected engine 102 what values were selected and also results of that configuration so which could be you know specific for that configuration which as we can see here depending on configuration we have total mass so it is better to keep that in instance instead of the default value of the vehicle or here in the block diagram because it is only one default value and it depends on the configuration so that was introduction to the instance instance table parametric analysis with instances and how to create variants and to manage those variants in instance table so thank you
Channel: MBSE Execution
Views: 4,193
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: SysML, Parametric Diagram, Instances, SysML simulation, System Simulation, MagicDraw, Cameo Systems Modeler, Cameo Simulation Toolkit
Id: uLaKUOlgDjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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