From Concept to Design Making MBSE Real Time

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welcome everyone to the first of our getting practical with M BSC presentations in June from concept to design making NB C real-time presented by Ron Kraske my name is Donna long and I will be your host during today's webinar our lead presenter today is Ron Kratz key principle systems engineer at vitek he is a retired United States Navy officer with over 20 years of engineering experience managing nuclear engineering and combat systems on surface ships ron was introduced to the systems engineering practice near the end of his naval career while conducting mission and capability analysis for the Navy staff for the last 15 years he has worked as a systems engineer supporting advanced systems development for a number of federal government agencies he was introduced to Corps in 2007 and utilized core to manage system development tasks on three different projects in the five years before he joined Vitek he is now a provider of professional services in Genesis and core as well as a central part of the vitek training team before Ron get started I have a few housekeeping items we will be answering questions at the end of the webinar please send your questions in as soon as you think of them through the question tab on the webinar control panel Ron will answer as many questions as you can today but if we do not get to your questions we will reach out to you after the webinar the webinar is being recorded if you experience connection problems during the live presentation a recording will be available within one business day the recording will be published to vitex webinar archives located on our website at the conclusion of this webinar a survey will open on your screen please take a moment to give us feedback on today's presentation or on what topics you'd like to see covered in future webinars now I'm going to turn the presentation over to Ron welcome and thank you for joining us Thank You Donna and good morning to everyone out there listening to this webinar today I'm going to this is the first in our series as Donna has mentioned today I'm going to talk about starting a project starting a project a system design project so when we think of systems engineering we start into a project many times we get overwhelmed by the amount of information and I have to provide stakeholders demand a certain level of understanding in order to approve the design that we're going to put together at the beginning of a project you immediately start thinking about you have visions of all the documentation I have to provide and how is that how is that going to work the pass through approval with the stakeholders is often arduous and and requires a just an enormous number of views and presentations and things that you have to do looking at all this particularly the start of the project people get easily overwhelmed and on top of that we think of all that information and we think of how how am I going to get all that information how I'm going to manage it all we look through the artifacts and we realize it's just an inordinate number of elements that we have to we have to produce to create all the different views and documents that we have some of the elements go beyond just the basic specification of the system because stakeholders want to understand risks concerns and rationale for how we do in this how why did you do that and there's their mount of scope the things they want to know is ever-increasing the mere fact that stakeholders require so many views with so many perspectives with varied information means that we're obligated to build and contain all that information and we have to have a certain number and kinds of data the extent of this information demanded leads us to needing a way to handle more than just the system spec we have to handle all those views so model-based systems engineering it was developed and it's meant to help us handle all that but how do we begin we have this huge this huge number of views and this mountain of data that we have to we have to look at so what I want to focus on today is taking a step back I want us to think about not the amount in the burden of all that information but just take a little look at some systems engineering basics and figure out how we can start a start a project we want to let the model-based systems engineering environment handle many of the details we want that we want the model basis in your environment to look at the complex and that's brought out by though by the prior slides that I talked about that I just showed so what I'm going to show you over the next series of slides is how to look at some of the basic things and systems engineering and to put those basic elements into the design model in a very simple straightforward graphical way to do that and let the model handle all the data structure issues so we want to be able to do a design and free ourselves to do the design into thinking and let the model take care of all of the pay all of the bookkeeping all the relationships all that all those things behind behind the scene so again focus here is let the model do the work and let us do the thinking so taking a step back if we think about the very fundamental things in systems engineering we think about requirements functions and components right we know we have a set of requirements that's generally how a customer communicates to us they're probably needs at the very beginning but they but eventually those needs become the basic requirements for the system within those requirements then we have to figure out what functions what do we want the system to do and then we have to figure out if I have to do all these things and how am I going to allocate those to some component or physical architecture so let's just think about these things at the beginning of the project not all of those other things that occur those are there all those other data elements the verification requirements the risk those things will come out of the analysis of these three basic fundamental things and if you think about it there's naturally some sort of relationship between them requirements give us some definition some of those requirements are going to define for us a series of functions that we have to perform and as I said those functions end up having to be related or assigned to what we call allocated to components in our architecture a component the architecture exists there because it does something for us and those functions have to be allocated to a component so there's this natural relationship going on here we Intuit understand all this all these all these things again what I want to do focus on is not the relations but let the model do those relations for us let's think about the requirements we have the functions we have and then and then look at how those functions would be allocated to some components so in order to do this we're going to start with a very basic model so let's start with basic with a basic understanding of something that a customer might need and let's work from that point out into doing the actual design so we're going to assume now for the first part of this process seminar that we have a very basic project we talk to a customer the customer wants us or wants to be able to request images from some central library they want to receive the images want to get some images back once they make the request and they want to basically task the library to say if you don't have the image go find it and go get me one that'll meet my needs and so the customer has given us these basic couple of requirements here they've given us this little diagram that you see on the right-hand side of the slide so it's basically and what I'm going to call it geospatial libraries I'm going to do it a beginning model for the geospatial library so in order to do this I'm going to make a transition over into core where we can actually start doing some some model development so let me escape out of this presentation mode here and now you'll see that I have a very basic I've opened a blank project actually in the geospatial lot in in core it's a geospatial library module what I'm calling way up here what I'm calling the geospatial library the GL concept model now in core the very first thing you notice in in core is and many of the things we show you in core exactly are very similar in Genesis we have a on the left-hand side we have a project pain this project pane allows us to navigate into the model so all right over on this far left hand side here you'll see things that allow us to keep into the model and now I mean I'm in this facility here called essentials so essentials here is giving me a basic set of things I would want to look at at the very start of a project the essential elements of any engineering project there's different facilities here those facilities expand upon this essentials list based upon the role that we might be playing in a project so if I was a systems engineer I might also look at this is an engineering thing which which assistant engineering facility which will also cover all of these classes here but it will include a series more but I'm going to stick right here in the essentials class we can do most all of the work we're going to do today we're going to be able to do it right out of this essentials area the next thing you'll notice in the center here or one over from the left is an element pane the element pane allows us to see all of the particular elements or items of whatever class we've picked over here in the project pane and then when I select a class that class provides that then once I select that I get a whole bunch of details over here so now I have more more information on this these panes are movable so I'll slide this over to give us some more room so here we have system context and when we start in the model we generally start with the system context to say this is the environment or the context in which our system will be operating okay so if you if you remember here we were we had some requirements on that slide let me see if I can bring that slide back up momentarily here just so we can all refresh our memory here with what's on that slide so this is the slide right we have some request images receive images getting the image in the data bank so here's some basic requirements what we want to do is try to capture those requirements in our model and then look at next we'll look at this graphic and see if we can capture the intent of this graphic okay so in requirements here I'm going to start and create a new requirement and if I just right-click on requirements here I can get a new element in the requirements folder first thing I want to do is I'm just going to call I'm just going to create something called overall system requirements so we'll use that as a placeholder if you will for the three requirements we need to make so here I have overall systems requirements I can look at these requirements very graphically up here we have a series of buttons that allow us to look at things in a graphical format instead of this very textual format so I'm going to go to this graphical format I'm going to open up what this hover here a requirements diagram in the system's modeling language so here's the very basics of that diagram okay and what happened here is I opened up I opened up the overall systems requirements and now I have some requirements I want to make so I'm I have a new requirement my model the first requirement to handle the exception request I'm going to call this requirement accept requests and you'll see that as soon as I did that when I brought that drag-and-drop that over I can make that requirement accepts requests now the symbology here basically means that this requirement accept requests is a decomposition of the overall system that the upper-level element which is the overall systems requirements well I have two more requirements that I need to add here and one of those is to provide products and the next one is again dragging and dropping these new requirements I have one more which I'm going to say get product from inventory all right so very simply there we we've created a basic understanding of all of these requirements just by doing this graphically okay now there's another there is another diagram that is used in in requirements management I'm just going to shrink this down a little bit that diagram is a hierarchy diagram well I can navigate to that hierarchy diagram by clicking up here you'll see the button is up in the upper right hand side over here so I'm going to take that I'm going to open this and you'll see here but I could open up we took karmic diagram or a hierarchy diagram called requirements I click OK I'll see a very similar diagram ok so one of the things the model does for us is it allows us to keep track of these diagrams if I'm diagramming in one model the other model automatically will be the other views will automatically be generated in the background ready for me to look at whenever I want so I have to do is click on em and open them and when I make a change to any of the diagrams that change will be reflected throughout the other diagram so if I was to just take I'll just add a new requirement here on overall systems and I'll call it requirement 1 as soon as I add that requirement 1 here on this particular model on this particular view this is the system's modeling language view that requirement also shows up here ok and just so you can see this actually in the database that requirement is also there too ok now an interesting thing is if I was to take and number these requirements like a number from here I can number them from the diagram so I'm going to go back to my diagram here go back to the systems modeling language diagram and that now that I'm on this diagram you'll see that there is no numbering this diagram because of the way those users shown but over here I can I can use the number so I'm going to take over all systems requirements we're going to select that and then in the diagram mode I can just right click renumber the element and let me give it the number I'm just going to say r4 requirements and when I do that you'll see that all these things are numbered down here now this particular view shows numbers this particular view doesn't and that's because of the rules for the different views this particular view here is written to the systems modeling language standard so in the systems modeling language standard we don't we don't put any unique numbering into those blocks we just keep the requirements they're over here in the hierarchy diagram we do have the numbering part and then if you look here in the model these are all numbered here in the model for us to see so what I'm going to do here is this was just an added requirement I don't really know that I want to keep it so I'm just going to right click on this and delete the element to get out of my database and we take it out of the database and then I'm going to go back to my to my to my two diagrams so I'm back here around this overall systems requirement diagram okay so if I look at these accepts requests get product from inventory provide products these are all functional requirements so these are all going to have some sort of function associated with them so again from here I can start looking at this and I can just look at one of the functions so I'm going to take a new thing over the XS request is going to have some function associated with it I'm sorry I pick tomorrow one I want to go to Jeff's request has a function associated with it I'm going to call the function accept requests okay so this this requirement accepts requests is going to be satisfied by this fun called excess requests and I'm going to do that again for get product from inventory and provide product so again I'm going to have a function here let's call get product from inventory ok and then I'm going to have some function in my system that says provide the product ok so now I have series of functions down here so down here is where I have my functions because I just highlighted and these are the requirements that are providing the need to give those functions so going back to my model here going back to the what I had here I've got a I've got these requirements and these functions of my model I want to look at this what they have this diagram here the customer has this diagram and this is indicating that the thing I'm trying to design is geospatial library is going to have some interfaces here to customers and collectors so well how would I do that this is a requirements diagram let's just leave this a moment I'm going to close the others requirements diagram but by the way before I leave here notice that I changed the first diagram to put the requirements in here and now I have these requirements on here so this requirement is the basis of this function and here we're showing the actual relationship whereas in the systems modeling language diagram we had the dotted line with the satisfy label on it so two different ways of seeing the same information advantage to that is on your team you may have some people that are well-versed in the systems modeling language other people that are not so so so steeped in that in understanding that standard so that you can design and either either one of these diagrams you're all going to have the same information available to you so again this this this picture that we have has customers and collectors and in the geospatial library on it and we on stand those two B components in our architecture so let's switch to the component class which is up here we have this thing called system context alright that's there that's fine but I really need a customer collector in geospatial library in order to to show to show what my system are the things my system has to interact with so let's make some elements here we can we can start by right-clicking and saying new element and we could say customers for example or we could go in to grab system context and we could look at the structure block definition diagram for system context and we have this now so I have this big model here let's go to I'm going to create a new I'm going to create a new I'm going to drag-and-drop I want the system context to be built from this customer so I'm going to add the customer there so I have system context that's being built from the customer but I also need a geospatial library and a collector because that's what the diagram shows me so I'm going to go over here and drag and drop another node on here that I'm going to call the collectors and I'm going to drag and drop one more note on there for the geospatial library alright so I have my system context being built from these these three elements that's what this little diamond this little notation on the systems on the system awning language diagrams indicates so let's just uh we can clean up the model just a little bit I I just wanted to show you a little feature here so if I wanted all these to be this size once I size this one I can hold the shift key down select the other one the other elements and then I can go to make them set equal height so now I have a much cleaner looking diagram and this particular one is my system of interest right so so this gives me the basic contextual diagram of this is this is how my system is broken down physical hierarchy well there must there's probably a hierarchy diagram that goes along with this so if I go over here to this corner here again and I click here and I see this I can look at this time instead of a requirement hierarchy I want to look at a physical hierarchy because these are components right and I'll get this view now remember what we did before I want to put some want to organize this data so I can understand it a little more right from here I could say remember the element I'm going to put the number C in there capital C like these capital C's for numbers capital letters for numbers and I get this now so I have this as an external component this is an extra component while I'm on my system of interest most geospatial library to be to be special here and what this is where I'm going to design this is one designing in the context of these two externals so I'm going to select this I'm going to I'm going to renumber this I'm going to give this the number sys now the reason I like to do it this way is because this indicates my system of interest and as I start building the system I go deeper and deeper in the levels the sys dot X numbers would be subsystems and as we go down further it'll make a nice little hierarchy of elements within the system so I have a system context diagram I figured out how to get all these to be to be organized and when I go back here you're going to see that these are nice and ordered here but I have the context diagram this is the structure of Loctite fish diagram again just to show you this is where that diagram resides where that button resides now the next thing I want to do is I'd like to show the interfaces so because my diagram showed that I had interfaces between customers and collectors so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to switch to an interface diagram and now I have an interface diagram here are the beginnings of an interface diagram and I have collectors and customers in geospatial library so let's organize these things a little bit and let's think about how I want to connect these just like I did before there was a sizing button but I can also take and select do this shift to do this select the other second one and then I can align the just I can align the nodes with this button so what do I want to online I want to align the top bottom middle of these so they're now they're perfectly aligned there okay so I know that I need an interface between the customers and geospatial library I don't know exactly how that interface is going to work but I know I need an interface because somehow the customers have to give me some information and somehow I have to be able to communicate with the collectors so there's a couple of different ways to do this I can start here by saying oh I need an interface with the customers so I'm going to take this I'm going to say new connection drag and drop it on here because I know I needed to interface with the customers so I'm just going to call this the customer interface and I like to put the I slash out there so they know it's an interface so this is a customer we call this a customer interface okay well what I've done here is I connected the customer interface to the customers but now I need to collect the geospatial library and I have this this interface already in my architecture so what I'm going to do is I'm going to want to excuse that connection and connect it to the geospatial library so now I'll just do this when I do this I want to add this to the to my to my geospatial library element and when I do that it makes that connection for me now I want to move this connection around the block there we go so we do the same thing here with collectors I need I need a new interface for collector so I'm going to go new connection I'm just going to call this collector interface now I have a collect collector interface now I want to connect that connector interface that this collector interface with geospatial library so what I want to do is make that connection geospatial library this is the collector interface well say I can add it over here say okay so here's the collector interface alright so now I have this diagram and this diagram here looks remarkably like the diagram that I have here I have customers geospatial library and collectors so I have these guys in this diagram and I've represented that in my model here and again I did this graphically pretty pretty simple pretty easy for me to understand and you can see here that I have the interfaces in the model and these interfaces are connecting the appropriate components okay so I've got the interface diagram I've got these some of these requirements but I want to understand the functionality I'm gonna switch to the function class for a moment and I have these three functions except requests get product from inventory provide products ok so these are all part of the system right so I'm going to start by I'm going to create something called I'm looking at system performance so I'm going to start here by making a new element and I'm going to call it system performance or system function diagram whatever you want to call it ok so I want to open this diagram and I'm going to use something called the EF FBD enhanced functional flow block definition diagram ok so I have these these three functions so let's do take those functions if I grab notes here and I drag and drop on here I want to put those three functions that I have into my diagram so let's put accepts requests give product from inventory and provide product you'll notice that those go in there exactly the way that I select them well in order to accept requests we have to have something that's going to give us the request and in order to provide a product I got to give it to somebody on the other side so here's where now I need to start thinking about this a little more so if I'm going to do this to begin with somebody has to make a request listen call us make requests all right and if I'm going to provide the product I have to give it to somebody so someone's going to at the end of this thing receive the product ok now if I think about this the three things I have in the middle here are what my system needs to do somebody outside the system the customer is going to have to make a request and once I get all done I have to give him this thing back because or receive whatever this product is back so how am I going to do that well what I want to do is these two things are going to concurrent if you will there's things the customer does and things that I do I react to the customer and I give something back to the customer so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to drag and drop a parallel branch on here okay so that's right there what I'm going to do here is I'm going to grab the make request I'm going to hold the shift key now grab the receive the product and I'm going to cut them I'm going to put them in like on my clipboard through the cut function and I'm just going to paste them at the top branch and then I'm going to take the three down here and I'm going to cut them I'm going to put them on the bottom branch okay so now I'm starting to understand the customers going to do something I'm going to receive and I'm going to do something gives him something back when I want to make a little more spacing in here so I can have more room to do some design some more thinking okay so I'm going to take expanded place in the placement here that gives me some more room in my diagram so if I think about this on sequence needs a little bit I got to do something here and then I want to come down here and do something well the way that that works is and you see the ease with which I'm moving things around it help graphically organize stuff so and I think about this make request has to send me they have to send me a message to say hey somehow they got to communicate with me say get go get me an image so I'm just going to so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select make requests I'm going to hold the shift key down and and well into accept requests what I'm going to do it a different way here I'll do it a very simple way I know that I have two that make requests has to give me so they have to make some sort of message so I'm going to say that they have make requests as a new output then output is going to call it the information request so I have this thing called information requests I did this wrong way this is an output I drug-drug and input in here so but that's okay so let's look at how easy it is to correct things here graphically also so when I made a mistake here and rather than making this coming out of here I actually made it into an input so what I'm going to do here is I'm just gonna I'm just going to write I'm just going to cut this off of here so now it's no longer there but I want to make it an output from the make request so I've got in my model I can just go like this and I can switch it around just that easy so now I have an information request here that's coming out and I want this to come in to accept requests but what I really want to do is it is it to be able to control or or trigger accepts requests so I'm going to I'm going to look at accepts requests and I want to select this information requests I'm only going to do this in only going to do this processing when make requests sends me a message so that's going to be a trigger so I'm going to put accept requests and I'm going to grab this add it and say ok so now you see one make one either when a customer decides to make a request it'll it'll trigger us or tell us to go do something and in the end here I'm going to do a provide product back to the to this side to the customer side so I'm going to take this this time I'll do it in a split of a shortcut I can grab this and I can hold the shift key down and select receive product then there's a little button up here that says connect the nodes with an output from one and the trigger to the other so I could do it this way and I can make a new one which I'm going to call the product and say ok so now I have the product here ok and now it just makes things a little clearer I'm going to grab this so I'm going to right click and I'm going to say edit annotation and I'm going to make this the customer side and I'm going to make this one here the when they get the geospatial library okay while that handles the things that are at the custom that are interfacing with a customer right so these are the things we have to do to work with a customer what about the collector so what this thing is I'm thinking here you know this is great if the product is in inventory but if it's not in inventory then I've got a little few more things I have to consider I have to find I have to figure out what else do I need to what else do I need to provide or how do i interface with the collector so I guess that's going to require another branch well I know it's going to require another branch I don't guess and we're going to do something here with a collector so I could easily just take this and say okay this is my collector branch okay but somehow in here if what's missing here is I'm thinking about it if it's not in my library it's none of my inventory I have to go task the collector to do something and put it in the inventory so I got to add I need a something here that says checked-in the library so let's make a new node right here so I'm going to put a new node in there and I'm going to call this node let's say check database inventory inventory okay so I'm going to check the inventory but I'm still so it's when I check the inventory it's either going to be in inventory or not in inventory so that means I'm going to have two ways to exit this function so the I'm going to make a new one called in inventory and then I'll make another one that says not in inventory so if it's not an inventory I'm going to have to task the collector and get something back from the collector right so I'm just going to make a couple more things here so it's not an inventory I'm going to task the collector or I'm going in then when I task the collector he's going to go do something for me let's think about this a little more task the collector so when the when I task the collector I want the collector to receive the tasking and then I just move this over a little bit once he receives the tasking he's going to go do something what he does how he gets that is not really my main concern because I'm I'm engineering the geospatial library line but eventually the collector will send me back will provide me some new some new data and once I get that data then I'm going to receive to receive the air I'm going to provide a new data I'm going to put that data in inventory up here so let's just clean this up a little bit it's very easy to do this graphically just move things around so tasks and collector they're going to have to send a message to say tell the collector to do something right so when I task the collector if I look at this I'm going to send out a new message now arm I can do the drag-and-drop thing again I'm going to take an output out of the collector or out of the from the system and I'm going to send a message that I'm going to call collector tasking and that's going to go into the collector so the collector is going to be is going to receive the collector tasking and then I'm going to when I get to the new image I'm going to take this and send this I'm going to use the the two node method again this time and it's going to be a new image data and resize that a little bit we see at all so if I think about this the collector is going to make a request accept the request we check the inventory send inventory I just need to go get the product to put it in the India and give it to him if it's if I check the inventory and it's not in inventory then I'll task the collector and then I'll place the product in inventory so that seems to make a lot of sense to me um we do have a feature in core which we're going to talk in some detail about in later lessons but or in later webinars but if I open the simulator here you'll see that I can do an actual simulation okay in this case the provide product tasking but the bottom line didn't didn't didn't work because it took me an inventory pass so these two never never responded and there's ways to fix that in the simulator there's a couple different things you need to do this diagram but at least I have a diagram here that I can talk to arm I can talk to the customer about and see if this is what he wants me to do so between this this is the functionality he's asked me to provide between this and the component diagrams that I showed you is my interface diagram and then here is my requirements diagram I have a way to start talking to the customer so I can look at this I can go to back to the customer the stakeholder and say let's look at this we look at that we look at this diagram we look at this diagram are these the things you wanted me to do or these the things you've tasked me to do and so we have a great way to do this and we did all this by doing a graph ethical model and we allowed the model to handle all of the required information things behind the scenes all this functionality here if you look at this here if I was to put this if I gave this a number I just said function and then if I just remembered this you'll see all these things become numbered so I have I have all this functionality here that's shown by this diagram and I also have the physical architecture the physical hierarchy here in this and also the interface diagram so just with this basic bit of information allowing to do the drawing and drag-and-drop fashion we ended up providing a lot of information and did some design work and we let the model handle all all the particulars we just did the drag-and-drop and made the drawings the way we would like to see them so what I'm going to do next is just to bring this point home a little further I just want to show you briefly a model that's built out and when you get when you look at our our solution set in Genesis you'll see the geospatial library sample model and this is a this is that model extended a little bit to do some additional things but this is the model and you'll see here you have a bunch of requirements here here's requirements models this models just has more information in it than the other model and so what we now had now what we now see here is a whole series of requirements that have been built out excuse me we'll also see a whole series of components here's the physical context and here we have the geospatial library the customer the collectors a certification authority and when we go through the class we talk about how that certification Authority comes about let me look at that model in a physical hierarchy format and so once you start building this you can get more replete more in models with more detail so now we understand this to be our system interesting you understand these to be the external systems we have to have to interface with and I can look at you'll see a diagram here now in this particular interface diagram you notice I have a geospatial library here and I have the customers customers here and the collectors but through the design process we also determine as a certification Authority then this diagram is also showing the workstation and how the workstation interfaces with these externals and the command center and how it interfaces with these externals and all I did here to put these graphics in here was to switch from a the icon bubble to a graphical image it's one of the things we do and a lot of diagrams to help us communicate with the stakeholders again they probably resonate with the diagram the graphics more than they do the the icons with technical detail when those icons requirements diagram that requirements diagram gets up can get really lengthy so here is the requirements diagram in the system modeling language you'll see here that in the requirements diagram now I've got several more requirements but I have the top-level requirement here system specific requirements and then I go back over here you'll see this request from customers in the accept requests we certify the customer here's some verification requirements in there ok and that's the way that particular view looks if I switch to the hierarchy view you'll see the requirement hierarchy so this view is a little bit different in the way that I have it constructed because now I have a an organizational drop down here so rather than having the continuous tree I do this vertical part of the tree so you can see through so this requirement accepts requests from customers is refined by is this one requirement here called access requests and then another one for certify customers and here's the verification requirement for it okay here's the functions for some of these maximum staff control multiple collectors control multiple collector types some refinement of those those requirements and then finally in the big model of the more detailed model I'm going to switch to functions here and if you look at thread two for a moment when open e FF BDA thread 2 that looks remarkably like the model that we had that we had just done so we have an information requests coming in we looked we if it's not an inventory we determine all things we have to do and then we send it send it back to the customer we task the collectors down here and then send it back so you can see that you just by doing the few things that we did we got a jumpstart on the model and how to create various things in the model not worrying about the diagrams not worrying about what was how to get all this textual information in we merely focused on taking some simple things the requirements that we were given the components that we were given the drawings we were given and just by dragging dropping and doing things graphically we're able to put put some output some elements together now one interesting thing about this big model is now that I have some more data in here I want to start looking at you know how do I control this does a model help me so the first thing I want to do is I want to look at some diagnostic checks I'm going to go to I'm going to go and run a couple of reports here for you so again for this model right we have the ability to look at things and see what's happening in in in any particular property page we have a tab here Diagnostics what I'm going to do is run a script here to look through a series of elements so I'm going to do this on requirements I'm going to select requirements here I'm going to run this diagnostic report and requirements it wants to know if I want to open it up and so here I have a report and this report is highlighting two requirements that are not complete so the report here tells me that these two requirements don't have an origin set they don't have a type set the element is a leaf level but doesn't have a verified by relationship the element is leaf level but isn't related to the architecture basically with the same there's no specified by our basis of relationship and some other things with this one so this is a diagnostic report in a textual form if I go back up here you can also see the same report in a table form I'll do the same thing on requirements here so this give me a table sometimes the table is easier to understand so I see that these are the types of things I have to fill and I don't have any other errors in there besides these that are listed here and so you can do this report on more parts of the model or different things but if I just trying to get my requirement straightened out that's what I could do the other thing is because I have all this information in the model I can also write some other textual reports so if I go back up here to all reports and I want to run a report on the whole system so I can go to system description document primary component yet I want to run it on my system of interest right and these are all the sections I want to add all all the sections of the report so there's various sections in this report that get populated and I can I can choose which diagrams I want so I'm just going to leave these diagrams here as a diagrams of choice and when I open it it's going to say when you want to save at some place you have to have to mark I have to mark some place to put it I have a demo folder here so I look at this MOT this die this document here excuse me not diagram document you'll notice that it comes out as an RTF document so what I can do here is if I go to select all and then select f9 this will build the table of contents for me and the list of figures and things because it's an RTF tag document and you go in here you we have a very all the information for the design is now in a very much textual form here that gives you that document that you can deliver to the stakeholder so they can really look at and examine all the work that you have put into it okay and this doctor this document ends up being so complete that we actually look at terms and different things but you can see here different parts of it here's this function this item called collection products it goes between two components it goes between components as shown here output transferred by what link what actual interface link it uses to do that it solves extracts of information from the model from all the data that we've put in I want all the way to the bottom here and show you they also pick up acronyms and definitions that are used in the model and I think I got time I'm going to run one more and then I'll I'll I'll conclude the presentation here okay so I ran the STD and now many times people just want the spec give me the spec so there's a thing called the system segment specification right here I'm going to run down on geospatial library model again at all and it's gonna say where you want to save it and save it there so it's running that spec for me I'm going to select all f9 and again all that's doing is just building the table of contents and things and people contents and list of figures and all that because everything in our as we pull things out we give them our GF tags so a lot of the same information is in here we start looking at requirements and diagrams and pictures and stuff like that systems capabilities here's the different requirements that are listed here in the inter interfaces and links and things like that but the unique thing about this is at the very back here because I have verifications every specs has that verification so here are some of the verification requirements that I have and so this is a particular verification requirements Q's me this is the description of the requirement from the verification class and these are the exact requirements in this document that this test is going to verify so whenever you write a verification requirement you have this verification cross-reference matrix and you'll see here that there's a couple you know one well many times I run these up these um these products I'll see things that I miss so here you can say that you missed the you missed completing how am I going to verify these two functions and you also have this here and I wanted to show you one other thing here and then we have a requirements traceability so these are the requirements that I have in my in my document here is their products unique identifier and where they trace to these these particular requirements are coming from this particular document that was given to us so we have a requirements traceability as part of this document also but I'm not building that from hand I'm letting the model keep track of all that and then we just run the script to allow the script to handle putting all those things in don't say okay so let me go back to my presentation here for a moment so to kind of bring this all back together here what we did is we took a step back you know we need all these things we know we have to provide things to all the different stakeholders rather than trying to construct an individual tailored view for each of these for each of the needs for all the stakeholders in something like Visio or PowerPoint or whatever we allowed the model to draw the views for us we we looked at the information we were given we started to think about it we put it together the way we wanted to do the way we wanted our designed to to occur and then we're able to communicate with the customers by doing our work in the model based environment we allowed the model to do some of that bookkeeping for us the model helped us to keep the design integrity the Diagnostics told us where we had errors the model helps us see the design in many ways I showed you two different views for requirements diagrams I showed you two different views for the physical architecture though the physical hierarchy and um in the interface diagram so just by creating those we added elements to the to the model and the model kept track of those the models helped keep the vehicle model working in the background kept the views consistent so when I change one I change the other they kept everything consistent I didn't have to open two different files and change it in two different places I changed it once and saw it in several places and I showed you and then in the new um in the more replete model we changed the way some of these diagrams look if I putting some graphics in there so we tailored the view to the to meet the needs of a particular audience but well the model also allows us to present things in a textual way provides us tables and written documents the artifacts are representation of the data again in the model and it's not really it's not an interpretation of a Visio diagram it's actually bringing the information out that's part of the elements that are of that diagram so in essence what we're doing is we're designing in a very easy and efficient way and allowing the model to handle a lot of that back to the background work for us are keeping the the views complete and showing us where we have to continue to do work to to finish to UM to finish out parts of the model so with that Donna I'll turn it over to you and see if you have any questions thank you Ron we do have a few questions thanks to all our participants I encourage you to join the discussion now and submit your questions using the webinar control panel if you do need to leave the webinar please take a moment before you go to respond to the quick survey that will pop up on your screen our first question comes from Amy how do I find requirements that do not have verifications written for them well that's a good question Amy I showed you some verification requirements so this particular class here certification requirements so we have a number of verification requirements written but what we want to make sure is and when you look at some of these so we have a verification requirement and if I particularly so what what I like to do is I'll go back up to requirements we have a thing here called filters so right now this is an unfiltered view it has all elements in there so I can select this filter I can select various different filters and these are the ones that are provided in the model by default but I can look at unverified requirements so I can filter for all unverified requirements notice that when I do this when I a filter this particular pane is changing color to green okay that tells me I have a filtered view and I have a list of unverified requirements here if I click on one of these you'll see that there's no verified by relationship so I really need to look at these elements and create that verified by relationship to make sure it has a verification requirement now one more thing about these is I have all of these elements in here and I have those filters I can also go to data edit filter and this is the way to change the filter so let's look at that verified requirements filter for a moment and so what it did what the unverified requirement filter did is it look through requirements and found all of the targets refined by is empty meaning all of the leaf level requirements and then I look to make sure that all those leaf level requirements had at least one verified by verification requirement with it so it's a pretty quick simple way it's a great little little tool to have and you can create your own just just by looking at some of these and and customizing some some new ones to fit to fit your needs ok that sounds like it answered it to me the next question is from Doug how does the activity Dyron look and can you show me one sure so let's look at one here this is in the big model so I can switch back for it to another model but this is the one that let's look at this one here different one very simple way to show this so this is a product in inventory so here they're going to make the information request accepted format request get the product provide the product to customer and accept the products right this is an e FF PD diagram if you look over here I have activity diagrams and some other diagrams which you most people will generally work in an e FF BD or an activity diagram well this is it now I'm going to switch this view to show the activity diagram and this is the activity diagram of the same information so a lot of the the symbology the graphics are the same what we don't have here is the the triggering items are not green they're just they're white and they have a single headed arrow and the things that are optional the data stores that go back and forth between a lot of functions have this optional tag on them so this is the way that and the other the other interesting thing about the activity diagram is the symbology here for the for various constructs is different so this big black bar here is the and construct and that's the same that you see here and so the and being in there you have to know that that black bar represents that symbology represents the and if you look over here on the left hand side you'll see the end or parallel construct to select which would be an or the loop would have a diamond in it so different different ways that those are represented but there are the same diagrams they all represent essentially the same information that's just that the the language that the sin wants a syntax with the symbology that you see there on the diagram is different in the FF BD than it is over the activity diagram but it's the same information just rendered differently in the graphical view and as I change this information they keep the model will keep these two views consistent okay anything else well thanks Ron that wraps up the Q&A for today's presentation if you have any other questions or comments were on don't hesitate to send them an email or you can post your question and comment on our LinkedIn group page visit and search for by tech corporation thank you so much for attending today's webinar the next webinar in the getting practical with M BSC series will be collaborative model-based systems engineering with Fran McCafferty that will occur next week on Wednesday June 14 at 11:00 Eastern the registration link is available on our webinars page now remember that at the conclusion of this webinar survey will open on your screen please take a moment to give us feedback on today's presentation or on what topics you'd like to see covered in future webinars once again thank you for joining us and have a wonderful day
Channel: VitechCorp
Views: 7,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MBSE, Systems Engineering, CORE, GENESYS, SysML, Model-Based Systems Engineering
Id: 9uS7evVCfaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 40sec (3760 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2017
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