Introduction to .NET MAUI Blazor | The Xamarin Show

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>> Tune in to this week's Xamarin Show with my good friend, Eilon on, talking about Blazor plus .NET MAUI. So tune in. [MUSIC] >> Welcome back everyone to the Xamarin Show. I'm your host, James Montemagno. Today, I have one of my best friends in the entire world, Eilon Lipton here. How's it going, buddy? >> Hi, James. How's it going? >> It's absolutely stunning. It's nice and hot in the Pacific Northwest. I'm just enjoying summer so far out there riding bicycles, hiking mountains, doing things. How about you? >> I chopped down a bunch of bushes in my yard. That's my summer project. >> Nice, and put things in boxes behind you, I see. >> Yes. Those boxes are my kids' art projects and instruction manuals for all the stuff that I have. They're neatly organized by category: kitchen appliances, computer hardware, stuff that goes in the garage. It's very organized. >> More organized than me. That's for sure. >> I bought a label maker just so I could label things and organize them, so that's wonderful. >> Well, on this week's Xamarin Show, we wanted to talk about efficient label-making technology. No, I'm just kidding. What are we talking about? >> I can demo by label maker. It's right here. I think it's getting off topic, but the first label that I printed. >> You made it made it official. >> Yeah. That way nobody else is allowed to touch it. >> No. They can't use that, that's yours. >> The first label. >> You know like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups? You see that apostrophe s? That's Reese's. >> Yeah. If your name is not Reese, don't touch. >> All right. What are we talking about? >> I think something about Blazor and .NET MAUI is usually what people ask me to talk about these days. So it's up to you. >> Yes. Maddie was recently on talking about all of the great announcements at Microsoft Build 2021 in and around .NET 6.0 and .NET MAUI. However, there was another big announcement which was about how you as a Web developer, specifically a Blazor Web developer, can combine these two pieces of technology together. They're like one cohesive unit. Is that correct? >> Yeah, absolutely. We built this new BlazorWebView control, part of it is in the .NET MAUI repo, it builds and ships along with the rest of .NET MAUI. It enables people who are Blazor Web developers to take their existing or new Blazor components, so the things that you write in .Razor files in Razor class libraries, and bundle them up into .NET MAUI applications and then wherever .NET MAUI runs, you get all the native platform access with Blazor as well. Well, it's not about existing .NET MAUI users because it's brand new, but of course, there will be many who come from the Xamarin world and they're using .NET MAUI but also WinForms and WPF. You can expand your app by building out parts of it using Blazor and then run those on the Web. You can already run .NET code basically on anything that has a CPU, you can run .NET code, but now you can also build a UI that runs and spans across everything that has a screen basically. >> Very cool. Since your Blazor components and Blazor sites are optimized for Web, then they can bring them over into mobile or desktop. I think there's three use cases that I just heard you saying. The first is, I'm a Blazor Developer already today and I want to take my Blazor app and go over to iOS and Android, Windows, and Mac with .NET MAUI. So you can take your Blazors up, lift-and-shift, optimize for Native Client development, or maybe you're just a Web developer. Maybe you're doing Razor pages. You've been dabbling with Blazor and you're like, "Hey, I want to make a mobile app." Maybe that doesn't even have a website. I can just use my Blazor skills to build a .NET MAUI app with Blazor syntax and all that stuff. Then the third option is, "Hey, I'm a .NET MAUI Developer. I don't even have a Web. I don't know anything about Blazor, but wouldn't it be cool if I could use some of that cool Blazor components from the community, some really cool things that I see Dan and other people demo in all the time?" I can just shove that into my .NET MAUI app. I might even be a Blazor Developer, but because I'm a .NET Developer, I can reuse the component ecosystem of Blazor in my .NET MAUI apps. >> That is very well said and I'm going to later watch the recording and steal that for the next time I'm asked to present about MAUI and Blazor. So thank you. That is totally spot on. >> Very cool. Then also at the same time, if you were just a .NET MAUI Developer and you're like, "Hey, I need to go to the Web." You could take a lot of your logic, a lot of your things, and then create a Blazor front end too, which is cool. Why did we build this thing? People wanted, I assume. I mean, all these use cases sound good. You've been working for a long time on this so I imagine you've been talking to a lot of customers that have been talking and wanting it, right? >> Yeah. I mean, there's literally dozens of us, James, dozens. The project I worked on just prior to this was this experimental project. In fact, it had experimental in the name called Mobile Blazor Bindings where it's the same idea. We made it so that you can take existing parts of your Blazor application and patch them up in Xamarin Forms to which .NET MAUI is the successor to that, and it's been extremely popular. We have people using it. I published some of my own apps to the Apple App Store and it's gotten consistently super positive feedback wherever it's been shown and so that helped us get the green light to talk to our directors here at Microsoft, the .NET directors, and get the okay to productize this. That's why we have real production code that shipped in .NET 6.0 Preview 4. When was that? Two weeks ago, a week ago. So .NET 6.0 Preview 4 has the BlazorWebView and because we got the green light to ship it. We showed that it's popular enough and we think we can build something really cool for customers. >> That's awesome. Yeah, this journey of, "here's a cool idea, here's a prototype, here's people actually validating, and then now it's a product." Like you said, I think that the key difference is that this is an in-the-box supported scenario, supported components for .NET developers, and that's really cool. >> We know that's what people look for and expect, is that they want the supported thing. I mean, we certainly got quite a bit of users using the experimental prototype. It was an official experiment, but not really supported in any meaningful sense. The support was file a bug and maybe include pull requests or maybe, "I'll fix the bug." We had a lot of great contributors to it, but it doesn't have the full force behind it in terms of support and so that's what we're working on doing right now, is this is an official Microsoft product. It's just part of .NET 6.0 the same way we think about any other part of .NET 6.0, whether it's strings and ints or ASP.NET Core or WinForms. This is just another thing that goes in that big bucket. >> Yeah. That's nice because now as a .NET Developer, it really feels like there's that full combination of everything coming together cohesively. It explores that interoperability between the frameworks that you have. Because you also mention that some of this core work that you have can also go into WinForms and WPF, which is also cool. There's other scenarios for even non-.NET MAUI developers, which is cool. Do you want to show what this looks like now that we've been talking about for a little bit? >> Can I? >> Yeah, you can show. You can bring up your screen. >> Hang on a second. Oh, there's my screen. Oh my gosh, I see it. Oh wow, it got no lag. This is great. Thank you, StreamYard. This is a great stuff. Oh, but then my head is sideways so I'll go like this. This is what I did, essentially, a new MAUI Blazor application. Maui comes with two project templates. There's Maui that just has native UI using buttons and labels and the things that you might expect from any platform that does UI. This is the MAUI Blazor project template that has essentially no native UI. If you open the XAML file here, the only control in here is this new BlazorWebView control and we tell it which Blazor component that we want to run. We have a component here called main.razor which really all it does is it navigates to either the index page, the counter page, or fetch data. But I can show you a code or with your permission, James, I'd like to run this application. >> You can do whatever you want. It's your day. >> Whoa. Okay. >> The things that I see with pages and with the setup, it looks like the Blazor app a little bit too. This looks like the Blazor app. >> Of course, I clicked away from it. If you've done a Blazor web before, I just copied the template code from there and so you have your standard Blazor patterns and behaviors for navigation that you would expect. This is a WebView hosted inside a WinUI desktop application. We have exactly the same experience for running on macOS through Mac Catalyst running on iOS and running on Android. You would get exactly the same UI and because it's WebUI, you get all these things you are used to. Let me make this narrower and narrower and narrower. Oh, and it popped. Now we have the menu up top. >> How cool. >> Because it's using CSS to render that. In fact, I can even open up the browser dev tools that you can also use for iOS and everything. We have the browser dev tools and I can navigate the elements and I see here. Where is it? Blazor is loaded, I've got my CSS. I happen to be using Bootstrap and Open Iconic. It's a Blazor application running inside WinUI using .NET MAUI for hosting it. We have the XAML for the frame and you can add other XAML UI here. If you want to add labels and buttons and other bits and pieces of your application, the same goes for WinForms and WPF. You can have part of your UI using the native controls and then wherever you want, you can place a BlazorWebView. You can even have as many BlazorWebViews as you want. Can I go off script, James? I'd like to go off-script. >> You can do whatever you want. >> Let see. Let me see if this is the run. Here, a completely different application. Brace yourself. >> Beautiful. >> This is not. This is a test application just to show I have two BlazorWebViews. I have one up here up top and I have one here down bottom. I just used every bit of CSS I know just to make sure everything loads properly. But as I switch between inbox, we see where there is a second BlazorWebView down here. This is two different BlazorWebViews, two different Blazor applications in here. As I click between different e-mail folders it controls this other WebView. It's fast. it's all running natively on the device. There's no HTTP or web requests. It's not running remotely. If the device has no Internet access, no problem. Everything runs fine unless you need to make an API call for something in which is, of course, you need Internet access. This is what a .NET MAUI Blazor test application looks like. Let me make that go away before somebody cancels us here. >> I want to get this really clear and let's get rid of some misconceptions because you just said it. It is not making web requests with SignalR it's not running WebAssembly .NET MAUI applications. There's a .NET runtime so it's running your .NET code natively. There's no Wasm. There's none of that, correct? >> Yeah. The way I would like to show this is, here, let me turn off my Internet and show you what happens. But it's probably not a good idea. What I can show you is that the web request, if you go to the Network tab and I refresh everything on here, it's making these web requests. I don't know if it's safe for me to zoom. Can I zoom in with Windows? >> Yeah, you can do that. Live your life. Boom. Look at that. >> Boom. Of course, I have to figure out which one to run. All the web requests here are going to That's not really a meaningful IP address. Because we handle all the requests locally, so there's no actual HTTP going on here. All the requests are handled within the application. You don't need any special permission. There's no Internet. That's not going to bomb out because you're running out of metered connection or limited connectivity. Unless your app needs to make a web request at which point, if you need to get data from somewhere, then that's a different matter altogether. That's no different regardless of how you've built your WebUI. All the .NET code, all the Blazor code, all of it runs locally within this process. Whatever the process is, WinUI Desktop App1.exe, that's where it's all running all of it. >> In that counter .Razor, it's all just normal Blazor Razor, right? Like the code method, the increments, that's all the same? >> Yeah. >> It's Blazor Razor code. >> Blazor Razor code. I need to see if it's actually working in my machine right now because we have to run sometimes crazy versions of things. But here, I hit the breakpoint. Here's the counter. I can mark with a counter. Make it 1,000 and then it's going to increment now to 1,001- >> Boom. >> -and then boom. >> Amazing. >> A thousand and one. I can hit the breakpoint again and party on this. This all running as .NET. This is code inside my Razor file but it's not going through somewhere of a request or anything like that. Whoa, that's my ugly Android app. It's not going through any web requests locally. All the .NET code here, every C# file, and Razor ultimately gets compiled into C#. All runs inside the same process. >> Then the big advantage here is that it's running inside of a native app, so I see the Android, iOS, Mac Catalyst, the WinUI project. You can access all of the native features of those device because it's a .NET MAUI app, correct? >> Yeah. If you want P/Invoke, which is for folks who might not be familiar with this feature of .NET, you can call into native platform APIs. So if there's something like Win32 API that doesn't have a .NET equivalent, for example, format hard drive. We've done all this before. We got to know but you can launch the format hard drive dialogue in Windows and if you click "Yes," I hope you have a good backup story. But that's something that you can't do from a web app obviously because you're running inside the web browser sandbox. The only sandbox here is whatever the OS limitations are. You can't format C because Windows is there but you can format the D: drive and the E: drive and the F: drive and whatever else you want. You can access anything and that's a little bit of an odd scenario but if you want to access things like right-click context menus on applications, some applications are like what does, for example, Edge has all kinds of custom right-click context menus and applications, you can do that because those are things that only native applications really get to do. If you wanted to drag and drop in-between applications, all the native behaviors, 100 percent of it that's available in the operating system, you have access to it 100 percent. >> Last question here for you. Let's say here's the file-new project which puts the Razor Pages in this .NET MAUI application but if you had an existing, let's say, .NET 5.0 library that had all your pages and some of that, you could just add that as a dependency and then, boom, you're good to go because I see the Dev [inaudible] folder or things like that. >> Yeah, absolutely. >> You would just share your Razor pages from your Blazor website. >> I don't have anything to demo here, but I could add a new Razor Class Library project here. If I search for Razor Class Library somewhere in here, you could add a Razor Class Library, and then from your MAUI application, you would right-click "Add Project Reference" to that or you might also already have existing NuGet packages that contain Razor Class Library UIC that add it as a NuGet package reference and then you would reference those. Let's say you wanted the index page to reference your other components, using the statements or using my Razor UI Library, and then wherever it is that you want to use that library, you'd say MyExistingRazorComponent and then pass in whatever parameters, Settings=123, whatever it is. That's going to render HTML WebUI as pleasure components typically do and if it has any existing CSS or other static assets, they can also be all imported in here and in your index HTML. You might add a reference to your CSS. That would look like this. You'd say _contents/. What did we call that pretend library that doesn't actually exist? It's MyRazorUILibrary/cool.css and that's how you import the CSS. If you have other JavaScript files, you import it the same way and you'd carry on. It'll import all the static assets, the CSS, the images in HTML that you have and run the components. Even though those components may very well have been designed initially to run in a regular web browser on the web with HTTP, those exact same components with no changes can also run inside a WinUI or Android or macOS or iOS application because it's running inside of a web context. >> Very cool. Eilon, this is amazing. Thank you for taking time to go through it. What I really got out is like, "Hey, it's Blazor but in a native mobile application with .NET MAUI." Very cool, Eilon. Thank you so much for showing this off and having a quick conversation about it. Please everyone, if you have questions at all or you're already trying it out, leave comments below and give this a thumbs-up so other developers over on their YouTube find this and hit that Subscribe button over there. Eilon, thank you so much for showing this off. I really appreciate it. >> Thanks for having me. >> Awesome. Thanks, everyone for tuning in. Like I said, jam on that Like button, hit that Subscribe, and ring that notification bell. Till next time, I'm James, thanks for watching. [MUSIC]
Channel: Xamarin Developers
Views: 14,564
Rating: 4.9648094 out of 5
Keywords: xamarin, xamarin.forms, ios, android, visual studio, visual studio for mac, .net, C#, UWP, .net maui, blazor, .net maui blazor, maui
Id: 5fbzxjUUKUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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