Introduction to Modifiers in 3ds max part 1

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welcome back to period we'll talk about some modifiers which will help it will help a lot in modeling so let's make them shape like box you would give four four segments so that you man just ten for what we are using the modifiers so just click on the modify panel and modify list here are the modifiers which we'll use today and I will let you know these parameters of the model size so just click the first modifier will use this band just click on the band modifier and as you increase the value you will see that your object start pendings here are demanding access in which direction you just want to ban your object x axis y axis z axis which look like a racing state us because okay so you can just tweak the values you this is for the direction in which direction you want to move it okay here is an option for the upper limit okay let's look to spend modifier on a pole and then give it a height okay just give the width height segments mode apply the band modifier on it and as we just increase the angle you will see that the poles starts bending here are the axis in which you just want to move your pole here is a direction and this is called the limit effect limit effect is like if you just on the limit result you will see that the limit really the angle will not be shown up to the upper limit is up side of the pole as soon as you just increase the limit you can see that this rectangle this rectangle we show your front of the limit as soon as you start increasing you will just see that poles starts getting spread state state state so this is for just limit the hand of the poll in which direction you want to move or how much you just need it okay the band value will totally depend the band will also depend on your height segments like if you just please this segment will not give a perfect shape and as you just increase the height segments you will get a smooth band shape okay so now let's move to the another modifier make a box once again click on the modify tab modifier list now we'll just okay let's create it make a box from different direction give it a bit height just click on shaded mode okay and go to the modify panel click on the modify list and just apply lettuce lettuce than the modifier okay so you just you just see that let it gives you a shape of window from just a box simple box okay applying Bock applying lattice on the box we give your window so there are here are some options let us check out joints only from what it says when you just click on joints only from vertices you will get more three options that drop after it causa the another option is only for Maja's here you will get here you do not get any option just you can just decrease and increase the thickness or you can say radius here are the segments option you can just increase this segments of good shape here are these sides for the windows not a perfect window we just take a look over here interests party window okay less the modifier take a box music tide just click on the modify panel click on the modifier list let's move to the another modified like you can just see mad math is not that much useful for us but let's talk about it if you it's like melting your object as you increase your value we'll just see how your object melts it is a percentage elements there are some solid option like eyes eyes sorry eyes glass jelly plastic let's keep it on the eyes now as you increase your amount of melting here are some axis mat ok you can just change out divine news you can just flip the exists you can just think out the values it's like you are just making cream cream and you are just melting into the glass with animation we'll talk about it later now let's make once again a box give us a hide press Z like if you just press that object linear to you now go to the modifier list now we will talk about okay let's let the box let's take a plane okay delete it let's forgot a plane just Imperial in two segments like 25 25 and apply a noise on it here you see that we have just a just because just make the grid off click on your plane you can just leave it than you like x axis y axis and z axis a you see that there is a bit noise on the plane that will change out the color so you can just observe ok just increase the fractal roughness you see that there's a noise in the player it is used for the ground of water you can say you can just increase the segment it was good in higher segments you can see it gives a look of the sand if we just apply a stand texture or score we just give it a color you can see that it gives a look of the sand or you can say soil surface water if you just apply blue color on it will start giving the effect of water and just for making it smooth you can just tweak out the values like this okay next glue toys from it again let's move to the modifier list and let's talk about the push push will push modify will push your up check and give it a you will build a nest like if you just keep on the modifier list move to the move to the push modifier and if you just increase design you you will see that how push just push ur objects from inner side and may give it a floppy loop you can just observe how the value increasing size is getting just over and over just like a fatty person just clear the push modifier from it normal next to like relax relax will just relax object like if it's having sharp edges will just relax it you can just increase the value you can just use equations like you just got a basic shape of the stone okay let's delete related norm let's move to the next modifier shell shell will be okay let's let's take a cylinder let's take a centre for just explaining you let me convert in the poly mode let's leave polygons from it okay apply shell modifier try on it so basically shall modify gives you thickness when you just apply a shell to your object you like just such a visual object modifier you will just get two options either in an amount or amount let's make it zero inner amount will give you thickness on the inner side out of my mouth will give it thickness from out the side there are some segments option okay so let's delete this object shall is basically forgiving thickness clear object you like if you just want to give tignous from pure object from inner side if it's a supply char on it okay so let's move to the another modifier go to the modify panel modifying list let's take a loop over the modifier you know I know it will just move the object like we just click on output would keep ties all to the forty fifty sixty you will just see that change just squeeze you okay let's make it to that okay so you see here a basic object you can just you can just notice that change after times to move it delete it let's move to another modifier another modifier is stretch you can just observe that that what if I just catch your object okay just let's group them walk and just increase some segments so that you're good shape keep it really secure she ate it and you will just observe that stretch will just catch your object amplifier you can make thick and thin with a portion as axes in different natural object in different axes once again you can just limit your effect by increasing upper limit and lower limit okay so it will just get a basic shape of poor if you just mean a bit amplitude or if you can say building he will just get cartoonish effect for you mean just get right sucked off cartoonish building so here is the result of stretch option please catch modifier from the box you can just him so just go to the next modifier next modifiers basically repeal or did poly will make up plane and apply ripple on it ripple effect will give a sort of water add repel and just increase the amplitude so here you see some okay let's increase it more so here you see the wave fact as you see the round wheel fat okay with amplitude now you will see move effect you can just think it will decrease the way of net like its total water effect okay let's make it to the type II draw be exact and you can just increase face value and load and click you the please wave and you can note this a water is fat like how like how it will just go in the water and it will give you the same effect of ripples like the waves the round shape people is basically used for giving some wave shapes or round shapes where you just to an object it's all making just water giving just some variations in the water okay let's leave the ripple effect now move to next modifier next modifier is twist let's delete take a cylinder bracelet twist modifiers or just listing your object 360 like we just applied based on it and you start to give the angle value you will see that your object starts visiting or she there are different axes you can just check out once again the limit effect you can just pick out the value and if you just like you just increase the boost value you will see you start getting it to steady shape it's basically used when you are just making system and common shape unlike in the news lately and much more you can just check out it or you can see sugar cane little bit step sugar cane okay so we'll just leave me effect on you can just make a candle because candles are having little bit of pressure fresh on the corner on this shape okay let's leave that Pacific now next now let's go to the next modifier next modifier is let's take a look stretch stretch we have talked about sorry next mod exciting we have talked about lies okay let's focus please you just squeeze out your up check you can just notice that change lighting was like melting you're observing squeezing ledges this visible objects on the middle and make it large you can just pick out the values all the values changes you can just radius visual object you can just video squeeze your object you can see how you have just an object by computer from the middle side you can just people values pearl how you do you have just made a shape so basically this modifiers help us in making our model is really laying our modeling okay let's leave the is option now modified under another model side is that was smooth turbo smooth is basically like let's leave this option take a box okay let's decrease the segments to the five fiber okay so now you can see that we have some sharp edges you can increase your segment but still you will have some sharp edges so let's make five five five it tests at the keyboard so here you will get the polygons polymer is basically like this 1 2 3 4 5 these are the polygons so the total polygons present in this report or the scene is 300 so when you just apply trouble smooth on this model object you will just multiply your segments four times like it's 300 now you will just applied almost loop and this modifier will make your segments suit 1200 and you can just see now a smooth round shape you are just getting and there is the iterations option as it just increased another iteration it will again multiply your segments into four times that you just include additions so 1200 into four will just increase your segments to 4,800 so it will just increase the segments and make you feel more heavy and it makes Hangul easy just be careful about the pressures don't just suddenly move iteration to the 9 or 10 it will just hang out your PC it is just so amazing it is just amazing the object for the shapes looks smoother look perfectly like if we just reach out the modifier you you will get a look of just hard edges it's looking not it's not really good and if you just make the tablespoons on we'll start getting some smooth edges smooth corners objects basically turbo spooling for making your objects look more smooth okay you can just take a look how your object is you can smooth your boxy looking so much school just leave the modifier let's move to the under the modifier on the modifier is wave wave is basically for making some okay let me let me show you how we can use wave modifier wave wave modifier is used for making some tin this will help in making your making some things like like I said you can like share you can just observe this will help you a lot in making an easily within seconds so like just sorry it's taken a bit time that's okay till we get that thing okay let's just close it I will explain you normally just take a plain give it segments of for 2020 okay just give a 20 segments and apply wave on your plane wave and now you will see as I increase the amplitude value you will start getting the wave in your tab you can just notice how you start getting the waves you can just decrease it just keep to normal okay so here you get a shape of Kane you can just make it more sharp okay you can solve it not decay you can just tweak out the values for more and more and more so here you get effect of key you can just make it more smoothness for new that is now you can see that how their modified hell helped us in making waves in our object like it has just created the waves waves we can use for the tail like the teen on the house or the heart it will help you it will this modifier will help you in making that team so much easily okay let's let the wave modifier knocked a kendo which the next modifier next modifier okay so we are done with all the basic modifiers we'll need in our model need will so we are done with the modifiers which will help us a lot in the modeling and the next modifiers displaced this place is basically used for the mountains creating mountains very easily so about displace we need some displays images so I think we should talk about this place more file later ok so we'll talk about displace modified and the on the compound objects in the next tutorial so just keep watching tutorials don't forget to subscribe like and share our videos thank you
Channel: Sandeep Singh
Views: 183,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: introduction to modifiers in 3ds max, what is use of modifiers in 3ds max, how modifiers make modeling easy, 3ds max modifiers explanation, modifiers in 3ds max, modifiers and their parameters in 3ds max, modifiers tutorial in 3ds max, 3ds max modifiers tutorial, modeling with modifiers
Id: A2nsS6hSX30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2016
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