Introduction to Foam Core Boatbuilding

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welcome to certainly out designs introduction to foam core boat building is our goal with this video to give you an overall understanding of the building of building a boat with foam core using the methods that we specify in our plans from core by building will prove to be one of the easiest methods of constructing an on developable haul or simply one that can't be built by plywood it could be as simple as you want requiring only simple hand tools like a screw gun razor knife jigsaw and sander or you can take it a step further by using the small vacuum bag system to improve quality and finish either way we are here to help you with the wide range of products including our detailed plans and step-by-step construction outline a build book and how-to videos on subjects like fiberglassing and vacuum bagging ok let's get started here we are tracing our full-size patterns onto a half-inch MDF to create our molds after we've cut out all of our molds we align them on a strong back lining them up carefully before we add a ribbons the ribbons then will support the planking which we've started here we'll talk more about planking on the second half of the hall later in the video but here we've continued planking holding them temporarily with screws and yours a whole half haul cleaned up before covering in a layer of fiberglass before adding the bulkheads one of the great things about foam is how easy it is to work with as you can see here this is a bulkhead we just use two pieces edge glued together and it says it's getting covered with fiberglass there's no it's just a core you don't have to worry about scarfs or finger joints or anything when joining panels together so here's our bulkhead with traced out onto the foam blank with the necessary lines design waterline the center line to help us install the bulkhead in the hall later on and here we are now cutting out the the bulkhead with the simple razor knife we cut a little bit large because after it gets fiberglass we'll trim it while we're fitting it to the hall then wet out the foam just like you do with any other material using epoxy it needs to be wet out thoroughly so usually with this foam the closed-cell foam it takes two coats of clear epoxy to together properly wet out before applying the fiberglass now the fiberglass goes on it's a pre-cut traced large over the over the phone so it'll be trimmed trimmed later when fitting to the hall and continuing we just wet out pushing in the epoxy down through the fiberglass making sure that it's well saturated and there's no dry spots using the spatula to push extra epoxy around and to clean off the excess and there's our final bulkhead there's our product before being fit to the hall as you see here with the transom and the other bulk light up in the bow at this point we removed the hall and bulkheads from the strong back setup to get ready to build the second half of the hall to the second half we take off the ribbons and the molds from the strong back and we reverse each mold exactly 180 degrees we put them back down align them before putting the ribbons back down here we've started planking right in the middle just like we did on the first adding planks on either side until we have most of the hull planked planking is is really quite simple cutting each plank with the razor knife we put a bevel on either side of the plank as we fit each one to it to its neighbor marking where to trim them find that most blanks fit in nice and tight to each other every two or three planks what you need to kind of kind of Spile to get it to get the to fit closely with its neighbor after you've cut it to shape and have put the plank you can clamp it down with the clamp or two and then we put screws through the back of the rib and into the plank to temporarily hold it in place for the turn of the village we found that it takes a little bit more than just a screw through the backside so we have a block of wood with the screw in it to help support it so the the plank doesn't snap at that point here we've put a couple plagues in place trimming them to the to the molds before getting ready to glue them all together for gluing the planks we mix up a batch of thickened epoxy and we put it into a ziplock bag a pastry bag whatever works and we slowly push the epoxy grout into the gap created by the bevels any excess will clean up with a putty knife put it back into a bat end of the bag and continue to use it till we've exhausted all the thickened epoxy that we've made up here's the hall all glued up cleaned up before getting its layer of fiberglass just like the first Hall and here's the two halls put together the bulkheads are tabbed together all is glued together before removing it from the molds and then we continue with the build fibreglass the outside continue with the interior etc so I hope you've enjoyed their video and learned a little bit more about foam or boat building if you have any questions please feel free to give us a call or send us an email
Channel: Cerny Yacht Design
Views: 521,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foam, core, boatbuilding, epoxy, fiberglass
Id: OwABZT2pIn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2013
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