first planking layer on the bottom and sides

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in this video i'm going to talk about putting the first layer planking cold molding on the bottom and the sides i want to first show kind of how i did this layering i use four millimeter ply and uh so this is a a cross section of the of the uh how the planking is going to overlap with the chain and so this is of course upside down to the bottom of the boat is here so what i did is i did the first layer of planking i started on the bottom and then i sand sanded it flush the outside of the chine and then i did the first layer of cold molding and on the sides and then sanded it flush with the bottom of this area right here and then i did the second layer of planking on the bottom and then sanded it flush with the outside of this first layer and then just kind of continue that and the reason i did it that way is so my final layer planking on the bottom would then lap over the side that's what i wanted and so that's how i did that and i recommend doing that so your last layer on the bottom laps over the last layer on the side it may not be critical to do that but i think it makes a little stronger so what this video is talking about is this first layer right here on the bottom and then this first layer on the side so here the first here's the first piece of bottom planking and i put on the boat and i did this full piece the boat's flat enough that you can do that in the back back portion so this is basically a 4x8 sheet that's been trimmed so this dimension from here up to here's basically eight feet and then of course it's not four feet wide because the boat is not so it's been trimmed off and you notice it's at an angle you want to do your planking layers alternating angles 45 degrees is ideal but it doesn't have to be exactly that i mine weren't i think my angles were roughly 35 degrees or something like that so so this first piece is put on and uh there's one piece and you can see these shims in the back uh my fairing right at the very back it looked like this was kind of curving which would be down towards the floor just slightly so i put some shims in there and those of course got faired off later so what i did is i put [Music] encapsulating epoxy on the underside of uh these pieces uh at the frames and wherever they would contact actually the batten sorry not the frames where they would contact those and i put encapsulating epoxy on the battens i believe i did that too and then i used a thicker epoxy on all the contact surfaces so there's just a side view of those shims it looks kind of ugly now but once you sand that off it you don't see it and i also did shims on this other side too so you can see i started with these two big pieces and got those on and then you've got to do strips and the width of those strips can vary i tried to do them as wide as i could where i could so in these next areas still relatively flat on the boat so you can have pretty pretty wide planks now again mine's four millimeter four millimeter ply um if you use six millimeter then your your the widths of these um you probably wouldn't be able to be quite as wide and so here you can see i did the same thing with these pieces as i did encapsulating epoxy along everywhere with the contact surfaces and the patents in the keel and the chine and then i put encapsulating epoxy on these pieces and on the chain and bands and so forth so and then use a thicker epoxy actually for the gluing and you can see as i'm moving forward the pieces do get narrower they have to just to conform to the to the curve of the boat so you can see i'm working my way towards the front and here's a picture got it all the way up to the front and if i zoom in a little bit i what what i ended up having to do is actually trim these after they're epoxy down and i i used my dremel tool and it kind of worked it wasn't the cleanest but but it it worked well enough and so here you can see both sides of the bottom planking are done now and this is after i did a little trimming and it's again not not the best but uh once you get the the side plankings on which i'm about to show go through then you can fill in epoxy there and then it's no problem one thing i forgot to mention actually i might have mentioned earlier video is before i did the bottom planking i did use two coats of cpes and then two coats of encapsulating epoxy before i did the planking and let that dry and then then i did my encapsulating epoxy and thickening epoxy when i actually epoxy these boards on i did the same on the sides so two coats of cps on all these contacting surfaces and i went ahead and did all the frames and everything um just to seal them up and then two coats of encapsulating epoxy and so if you remember from that first drawing that diagram i showed you the boat now i'll go back is actually these the planking you can see is all trimmed flush with the sides and so it's ready for these the side planking and so now these can just uh go right lap up up over um they lap the bottom first layer of planking so here i'm i'm just dry fitting my first two pieces of of side planking and i did a similar thing as i uh used encapsulating epoxy as i was epoxying these on and then thicker epoxy also and there you can see i'm just working my way if i did it again i would actually uh trim these and instead of leaving them squared off like that it just makes it easier um for trimming later but but it worked okay i mean i just ran my jigsaw along here half an inch or so above the bottom of the boat and then used my hand belt sander to trim them off and i did the same thing on the bottom so working my way through and here's towards the front um on that port side and you can see up here that you know i the cuts aren't quite as clean but again that fills all in nicely with thick and epoxy it makes a nice surface there and this is just a picture showing as i'm working towards the back and you can see i actually started trimming the angles off as i was working here some of those just made a little easier to work with and one thing to notice you can see the grain even though this is plywood but when you bend along the grain this way it's a little it's stiffer versus when you when you bend these pieces along the screen so i kind of cheated in the back because this is very curved in a compound angle and it was tough i was finding it tough to get pieces to conform so i used these side grain pieces and it helped me fit them in and get them glued in easier and you can see how i was using some clamps and things to get creative and how to hold them and i use my composite brads all you know put a bunch of them in all these pieces you can see some of them here and as i went along so here's um just a close-up after i've done some trimming here and i've done some rough trimming along this top edge and and actually use my hand belt sander to get it to get it closed so it wasn't fully trimmed yet but now it's i'm getting uh you can see where i'm getting again it's not fully sanded down i haven't done the final sanding yet but i was about to here and this picture i believe i did sand off this side actually no i didn't yet i think i waited till i got the other side done before i did the sanding and it's just showing kind of setup i used to cut to cut those planking pieces and i ended up using this battery powered skill saw just lighter and easier to work with and and when i cut uh cut these off because remember i didn't i didn't cut angles i just cut them straight so it made it pretty easy to do and i ripped the pieces in my table saw strips so this is just showing the other side of the boat as i'm working my way this would be the starboard side and as i was going along sometimes i noticed these planking pieces you want the gaps to be nice and tight and but then as you glue them on sometimes they'll you get a a piece that i don't really have a picture of it you get where pieces bow just a little bit in some areas and so i just got creative with holding with these boards and whatever i could do to kind of hold and then i put some epoxy in in the slot in between them and then basically held them in place of boards like this and i did that several times and the other side i noticed too because i didn't necessarily want to fare all that off if if there was if it wasn't smooth in between the two pieces out and you can see evidence like right here is an area where i actually flatten it out and i had held it with boards like this earlier and so that actually worked pretty good because you want to do some uh fairing with each layer before you go on to the next layer and this is just shown on the starboard side how i use the the grain of the plywood these last few pieces of the other direction to help with the bend and here's another example of me trying to flatten out some pieces that were not quite flat so this is just showing that side done now and i still haven't done the final sanding on that top edge because i want it to be flush with the bottom and this is i believe i have done that sanding now so you can see how that's a nice flush edge so then the next layer go on will be the bottom planking later to lap over and i will sand it flush with the side so here's after i've done all of the uh sanding along those edges um and and you can see how i've got kind of weird patterns what i did is i just took my sander i was just sanding things off and trying to do some fairing to get it pretty get it smooth in between these uh planking pieces so there it is and it's at this point ready for the next layer second layer on the bottom of the bottom planking
Channel: Boat Builder Lee
Views: 22,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cAUdoLumGQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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