Introduction to Chemical Engineering | Lecture 1

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I love to hear profs little life stories, gives a perspective that they are still human.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Breeder18 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 01 2010 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I recently got through this entire 23-lecture series on iTunes, and it's completely worth the time. One of the most fascinating courses and professors around. Very funny too.

(YouTube version seems to only have 20 lectures, maybe they skipped over the ones taught by the TA)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Alcorsu ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 01 2010 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That's awesome. I definitely think I should do something like that when my degree is done.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/charredremains ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 01 2010 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this program is brought to you by Stanford University please visit us at you're in for a good ride yeah I've had them all in class before I can't believe they're coming back for more read just what fourth time you've taken this class trying to get through it good ok you're in e 20 and I hope you can find yourself up here somewhere we have I know we have some MS any people Yeah right here see this is where you guys end up not here now the dollars over here in the psych after the burnout so here we have you know what are your interest entering freshman party sociology need no sleep computer science this is this is the your life unfolding before you but if you know if you're interested in sewage you go into see II Sybil interested in dirt I don't know what MSME means but if you're interested in nothing you go into ie of bombs nuclear engineering grease Emmy it all ends up and senior burnout an internship you're still burned out go to psych five six-year program more parties job offers grad school big huge loop here and then maybe some money and I just want to get this out of the way right away this is all about money and just want to let you know here chemical engineering 2007 59,000 the only one that beats us out as petroleum engineering only because nobody goes into that major anymore so they can put any number here they want it's meaningless so I just wanted you to to know that you're in here for all the right reasons so let me tell you a little bit about the class in the interest of full disclosure well first of all my name is is Channing Robertson you probably saw that written somewhere this I first started teaching this class in 1970 about when you guys were born or maybe a little before and I have to tell you that this is going to be a special year because this is the last time I'm teaching the class so you guys got in right under the under the wire so this is why I'm feeling pretty jazzed about this not that it's the last time but it's I want to make sure it's a good experience for for for all of you and we have a syllabus we don't have a textbook and I can tell you when you fill out the course evaluations you will complain that there's no textbook and so I'm telling you there's no textbook so you don't have to complain about the fact that there's a textbook why isn't there any textbook there's never been a textbook written good enough for this class and so I wrote one but it's not good enough to be published Oh you can purchase this for $20 from Babette in the chemical engineering department and that's in Stauffer 3 which is a building you actually walked by to get here unless you came from the mausoleum and so stop by and get your syllabus the nice thing I think about the syllabus is number one everything I put up here is in the syllabus so you don't this is not a copy fest it's not how fast you can copy from the board into your notes you can take notes in this you can read the daily you can read it whatever you want but it's all here now one of the things about not having to text is you really do need to come to class so if you're the kind of person that comes to the first class and then never shows up again you're going to be at a real disadvantage in this class because if if I didn't need to be here to do something for you then I could have actually videotaped this class in 1970 and just turn it on and leave and go sip mint juleps in the Bahamas and so there is a purpose to this and part of the purpose is I like to think of my job is passing on to you not a bunch of content but perhaps some of the intuition about how chemical engineers think and approach problems and solve them you'll have plenty of time to solve problems in this class there's eight problem sets essentially one a week there's two midterm exams and a final and we have all those dates and I'll show you when they are so there's no nothing will sneak up on you you can make all your plans for the for the quarter so bring this to class each time and it's in a nice sort of spiral bound so it works for you and you can use this as a platform to take notes on now we also have mounted on course works some PDF files and just showing you them right now although max I need to make this smaller somebody help me zoom I'm on the right track Theo you're now getting a B in the class and you're not going out let's how about fit visible that's worked in it you know how about full screen mode hey that's not too bad so anyway these are the objectives of the class which you can read but I do want to introduce not only myself has my office in it here in the tech science building but also my office hours Wednesday after class or by appointment I would encourage you to take advantage of and make an appointment you can call that telephone number a lady by the name of Barbara will answer the phone it's up in the School of Engineering dean's office where I hang out most of the time in German you can come up and visit me there most students find come into the dean's office as a horrible experience and so nobody comes but I would encourage you to come we have a head ta max there is max say something about yourself max so Max is the head ta and you can remember his email it's really easy it's the max at Stanford I to you after Mad Max that famous cult movie that maybe some of you have seen now we have teaching assistants we have four well Max doesn't count because we've already counted him so in addition to max there's three four five six seven eight teaching assistants on who are these people these are people that took this class and passed it not necessarily the first time but ultimately they did pass it and they form what is known as the peanut gallery and they sit back up there and this little group they are there to help you as you can see on this handout and by the way this is on the web so you can pull it off of course works we have their emails and you can see that there are office hours being held on Sunday Monday in Tuesdays of every week and where they're held is shown in location and the times they're held there's no excuse on your part not to take advantage of these people go see what it is they have to offer I'm not sure but it's got to be something worthwhile to spend some time with them and they will help you if you have problems on your problem sets go spend time with them the whole purpose of this class is to enable you to be successful this is not a weed out class this is not a class where we try to develop a you know a market for Prozac we want you to have a good time but we do expect a little bit of performance and by the way you'll see these microphones and things around the room I guess for the Smithsonian they're taping this class for the last time that I'm I'm teaching it and so if I say something you know that maybe a joke please laugh because you know this is like these people are gonna be watching this you know from you know in lower Slovakia so take advantage of the TA so what I'd like to do is introduce the TAS to you so one of the time stand up tell them who you are where you're from why you're here Junior Tammy and teaching at school I'm a junior cami and I'm doing this because this class is the reason I chose Kim David Emma see here cami and I guess as a senior that's my last quarter size in time so I went help you guys out I'm sure Sean I'm a sophomore Kimmy and I really enjoyed this class last year so I wanted you to get it though hi I'm Shari I'm a senior Kimmie and I think it's really fun to meet you guys and also I'm a senior so it's not like I have anything better to do hi I'm Rudy and I'm a senior and Kimmy and I'm here because Shannon tells great stories he didn't hear him the first time he didn't get it anyone else so Sasha we need some time and location for you it looks like right sounds like Tuesday night for Sasha well load that in and once she selects it so course reading we've have we have the handouts in the in the syllabus that we given you you have your own lecture notes and there's library references so on the library references you'll see that we actually have a number of references in Swain library the chemistry and chemical engineering library that will be there for you to use and as I'll show you in a few minutes each lecture is keyed to a number of references that you can go look into I have noticed because I asked grace Basinger at the end of the quarter how many times these references have been looked at generally it's it's a number less than zero but it's there for you to use if you so choose now on Mondays after class there's a problem session so one of the issues that have come up in past years is that we don't work enough problems or example problems for you so the Monday session after class is simply one or more of the TAS will come in and work example problems and take you through them so that's a skill building exercise something I would encourage you to do and it will obviate any of you who have the urge to say in the teaching evaluations there were no problems worked because there are problems now worked I'm responding to prior evaluations where I was said the cheesy class because there's no problem so now there are problems special events we have a couple field trips remember in high school I used to like movie day you know you see the projector all set up you probably didn't have projectors when you went to school but projectors I think has film in it and and the teacher would show so I could snooze out so we have field trips in this class you might say well Stanford classes don't have field trips what we do and one of them will be to the Blood Center one of the first things we're going to do is design an a furry suspicion and after having designed it we're going to go over to the Blood Center and see them in action with people hooked up to them you can press on the tubes and see what the people do you like that and you can see all the all the signals they have for when people step on the tubes we ride bikes to the field trips and I have people say I don't have a bike or I have a bike I don't know how to write it I mean I get all kinds of excuses I don't care what your problem is you get there if you can run fast you can get there but it's over in the Stanford industrial park and we go on bikes after class and I'll give you the dates of those have somebody does have a bike right on the back of the bike with them dude you know hire someone to take you there whatever you need everyone knows how much does everything count well here's what it counts 30% for problem sets I'm a real believer in skill building through problem set so you get quite a bit of credit for doing that work there's an exam on April 25th and another on May 16th they each calculate our 20% year grade all the exams in this class are open-book opennotes I prefer you not bring other people with you to help you or bring in you know in cyclopรฆdia sand stuff because it's not going to help you the reason it's open book and open notes is because I'm going to have you think and and synthesize and put things together you're done working the odd problems at the back of the book that's high school okay so I'll give you problems that are probably over specified too much information on one exam I put the mass of the moon some student actually put the mass of the moon in the problem thinking that it was required because I gave them the mass of the moon didn't work out well for that student and is now in MS&E but other than that it's a idea item sorry I just you know I love M s and I love you guys exam three is thirty percent it's really just sort of a glorified midterm although you have three hours to work instead of one hour and it's cumulative people say does it build yes it does build because you learn things at the beginning of the class that you need at the back end of the class so this isn't one of these where you go brain-dead after you've had your first midterm you don't remember any of that anymore for the rest of your life you sort of do have to this is cumulative okay so I told you we have a webpage up under course works and we have grading groups and so when you want to come and complain and sort of scam for one or two more points you'll know who to go see because you'll know who graded your your your your problem set so I do have one thing if you come in scamming for points the TAS have the option to look through the rest of the problem set to take away points in case they felt they were too generous so it's not necessarily a win-win proposition when you come in and by the way don't turn anything late in this class you know unless you've been hit by a bus and you're not conscious that counts but if you been hit by the bus and you are conscious you got to get the problem set in on time so otherwise we start docking you massive points and that's no fun because you need the points all right so let me go to if I can max told me this would be just seamless and of course max doesn't know anything and so right here yes I can see that the windows do make I just uh you know hey another be alright so up on the up on the website you'll find every class what the lectures about and if you look you'll see these super scripts right here one two three four five at the end of this you'll see that those refer to books in the library library that's probably a new word for you Google is not a library it's the largest collection of uncertified information on the face of the earth but it's not a library and so you can go to a real place for real information called a library and look these up if you have some questions about the content of that particular lecture here are the handouts or this is where we're going to be in the syllabus so you know where to turn this is when homework number one is given out that's today this is when it's due this is the field trip their first field trip on Monday the 14th so there won't be a problem session after that class because we're going to be on the field trip our other field trip is on May 19th again on Monday and we're going to go to the artificial kidney center over at the VA hospital so one of things we're doing class is design and artificial kidney and then we're going to go see one and see the people hooked up to the artificial kidney you'll be able to talk to them you'll be it'll surround them you can press the tubes they do the same thing at both places when you press the tubes because all their blood is running out into these machines and coming back and then we have the final which I have no control over it's June 10th Tuesday and we have the last two lectures Friday and Wednesday well not exactly the last two there's one in between but two of the lectures our pre-final problem sessions so we'll work even more problems for you and hopefully by that by the time you arrive at the final everything will be will be cool so here's again the the tas and here's the references 1 through 8 these are the books in the library and the library is the Swain library which is about 50 feet from here ok so any questions about that so this is all on course works so the whole schedules laid out before you you know what your life is going to be like and you should be very happy about that I will now shut this down red you said something about get a real computer wouldn't it ok see do see I that really hurt me yeah that's the idea well it's alright there's still D&F to go so you don't have to worry what's this yeah who said that it's an oil rig anybody have any idea where that oil rig is located and what year this picture was taken Pennsylvania where what city it was like trivia one starts with a T ends in Vil anyone from Pennsylvania they want to admit to being from Pennsylvania Titusville Titusville Pennsylvania and this picture was taken on August 28th 1859 and the person here is Edwin Drake how many have heard of him what do you know about him how did a big oil company and but that's okay at least you had that oh by the way this is a very safe class so when I do the Socratic thing and ask a rhetoric question and there's no answer I just sit here until someone says something which sit here all time so it's a very safe place even if you're not sure and we may laugh at you don't take it personally nothing's personal in this class we're gonna have fun I mean you know do your best and participate and it'll be a lot better we'll have this guy's Peter Wilson he's actually Edwin Drake's druggist and apparently this is also picture one of the first drug deals you're going on you see his pants are full of something here we're not quite sure what what's going on and then there's these three stooges back here and this is a derrick so what what happened in Pennsylvania is people had noticed sort of black stuff coming to the surface of the ground and they also found out if they lit it on fire it would burn and so he went poking around to see where this stuff was coming from and that was the first oil well and of course this was in a sense the beginning of chemical engineering because chemical engineers originated if you will as a species to basically take oil which is a very very complex set of nasty molecules and refine them into liquids and gases that are of use in society could be methane propane ethane butane pentane finally when you get the heptane and on up these things start becoming liquids at room temperature and they found out that if you took this stuff and boiled it you could fraction ate it into gases in liquids the liquids could be used as fuels and the stuff that was really nasty the tar could be put onto roads and this gave rise to this profession of chemical engineering as the people who refine oil now I would have to tell you that probably in the last 20 years not one of our undergraduates has gone into the oil business so this is how it started but we've transcended that it's not that we don't refine oil anymore I mean we do but we've pretty much figured out how to design oil refineries essentially using software and computer programs that have embedded in them the smartness to to handle a variety of Croods and to produce products over the year that meet the market demands and so as you'll learn on Friday during the summer the refineries are making heating oils for the winter and during the winter they're making gasoline's for the summer and so the crude oil stream comes in and it gets changed molecularly into products that meet the market demand now this so that's not to mean that to demean refineries or to say it's a it's a bad idea to go to work for an oil company but few of our graduates tend to do that and I'll talk about some of the other places where they were they where they do go but you know that's for historical purposes so what is Chemical Engineering it really is taking basic sciences physics math chemistry and now biology and applying them to the conversion of raw materials into valuable products so it started out with crude oil into valuable products doing it with a respect for the environment which I can tell you was not in the picture for many many years in fact we're still litigating and I do participate in litigations of people who behave poorly and how they disposed of materials in the night even as late as the 1980s and early 1990s thinking that the world is a waste basket it can stop up anything we throw into it that's just simply not the case anymore and chemical engineers design and manufacture useful products and this is done through chemical reactions making and breaking chemical bonds and usually when I get to this point and talk about catalysis accelerating chemical reactions and separating and purifying things people get scared they asked me is there any chemistry in this class and I answered it as what don't you understand about the word Chemical Engineering I mean it's sort of like taking an English class and learning Spanish I mean yeah we're going to talk about chemistry in here is it deep chemistry no it's not going to be deep chemistry it's something that you can all handle if you've got at least three fully simultaneously functioning neurons at any given point in time so what do I mean by converting raw materials into products give you some example you Doyle there are refineries in the North Bay here up by Martinez if you're familiar with that area there's also a big one along Highway 80 just north of Berkeley these will deal with on the order of about a hundred thousand barrels a day of crude oil coming in running 20 24 hours a day does anybody know how many gallons are in a barrel okay fifty-five in the kind of barrel that you normally see but unfortunately that's not a barrel of oil and don't ask me where this came from but it's 42 gallons so you're looking at a hundred thousand times 42 and turns the number of gallons that a modern refinery will handle some go as high as a quarter of a million barrels a day there's one refinery up in Benicia where the where the ships come in and unload directly into the refinery and they process it they don't even have storage for it that's can you imagine running a business like that what if the boat doesn't come in or it hits something you know you're in bad shape but things like that don't tend to happen very often so they make gasoline and jet fuel and monomers and you might say where does all the jet fuel at San Francisco Airport come from it comes from these refineries but you don't see trucks coming in there's pipelines that go under the bay that carry jet fuel from the refinery directly to the airport puts it into underground tanks and the and the Jets are fueled jet fuel is really nothing more than kerosene basically it's a certain boiling fraction of crude oil that means that it boils at a certain temperature and jet engines are are designed to accept that kind of fuel we can also make monomers and monomers are basically small molecules say like ethylene and if you start attaching them to one another many ethylene molecules what do you think you get poly ethylene you don't get the bottles right away but you get the poly ethylene which you then cast or mold or blow mold into bottles milk cartons or whatever if you take if I take polyethylene which is nothing but carbon carbon carbon carbon carbon with hydrogen's hanging from them and I replace every other hydrogen with a chlorine atom I get polyvinyl chloride if I replace every other one with a benzene ringg I get styrene if I replace all the hydrogen's with fluorine I get Teflon so it's kind of cool isn't it I mean this is how you get all these things that you hear about all come from these monomers which get attached to each other like chains like a railroad in a railroad car so that's how you get I see polyethylenes up there shoot and you got it I can see now why okay so silicon crystals you probably don't realize that it Intel who do you think Intel hires what kind of disciplines ie double leaves right and there's more chemical engineers working at Intel than there are double e's in fact Andy Grove was a classmate of mine and he was president of Intel for many years why on earth I didn't go with him he's living up here big house I live down here in a in a drain gutter I mean it's awful and so but Andy Grove understood things like diffusion and reaction and chemistry and was able to help develop the technologies to grow very large up to now twelve inch pure silicon crystals that are then cut into wafers onto which you impress the architecture that results in the transistors that basically are collected together and that's of course the double e's domain the double e if you will sort of the architect of what gets imprinted the chemical engineer provides the the framework on which this can be drawn and then does all the cooking in other words these things have to be doped and they have to be chemically reacted in order to finally get a chip set out of it inorganic materials which are basically non carbon containing materials result in such things as ceramics and other raw materials such as glucose or sugars can be converted through biological means using microorganisms into things like pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals and this is becoming a very very huge industry particularly since recombinant DNA happened in the early 1970s where we now have control over the genome and we can take microorganisms that are surviving out there in the dirt and we can coax them to make interesting chemicals that they otherwise wouldn't have made because they just didn't evolve to make those things but we can use them as basically little engines little little machines and when you can grow trillions and trillions of them in a test tube you can generate a lot of production capacity many of our students now go into besides refining or petrochemicals which is polymers production of which is still a very robust industry is protecting and improving the environment so one is after you destroy the environment then you come and you fix it up so there's two things you want to do now first of all don't destroy it in the first place but if you happen to chemical engineers are very much involved in what's called remediation and one of the things that we have real problems with is people have over the years sort of just hopped out into the ground or they punch a hole in the ground and they dump everything in it that they don't want and lo and behold it gets mixed up in the groundwater and then someone over here drills it well build a nice little house they drill the well the kids come drink the kids will pay em and what happened well it kid just drilled into this chemical cesspool the kid didn't drill it the kid drank from it and it's bad and so how do you clean up how do you clean up groundwater you've got billions and billions of water flowing in places you can't even see it and there there's there it's chemically contaminated and so it's a real real interesting problem I'll talk about that toward the end of the class degradation of toxic wastes in the in the in the air shed so you all have catalytic converters on your car or you should and these are essentially little chemical reactors that take unburned hydrocarbons change the nitrogen oxides reduce essentially the pollution capacity that's coming out of the back end of a car and zero emission design this is really driving all new design now I was the first one I did was probably 1985 it was about a 140 million dollar a paper processing facility near Centerville Ohio for any of you that are from Ohio's near near Grandville nor Dayton some no one's from Ohio okay so the idea here is you couldn't build this plant unless the only thing that the plant released was water and nitrogen and oxygen so anything that came in had to be converted and any waste product had to be degraded to that to that level that would made a real interesting design problem so we're involved in all kinds of manufactured useful products whether it's biomedical devices we'll talk about artificial kidneys there's artificial hearts there's vessels we'll see some of those probably not so much we used to in the artificial kidney center they would implant vessels under your arm so they could hook the Machine up to it and not have to use your own your own vessels they'd hook your this fake vessel up to your arterial and venous system so that essentially you had a vessel very close to the surface of your arm but kind of bulge look like a little tube here then you could stick needles in it and get the blood out chemical plants whether it's paper big industry plastics refineries we've talked about that pharmaceuticals of course fertilizers pesticides herbicides you name it we're involved in the electronics industry I've spent a big part of my career designing diagnostic devices first one I did was a pregnancy test kit and that was a really interesting engineering problem because I it was really low-hanging fruit because when a woman gets pregnant she puts out approach human chorionic gonadotropin in big amounts start start coming out of literally hours after conception so why not see if that's changed it was so funny because we went into the design team you get all these geeks together and they're saying well how much should we measure how much should we measure I said look it doesn't matter it's biner how pregnant can you be I mean you're either pregnant or you're not pregnant it's a binary thing so it's an easy device to make if it's there it's there if it's not there it's not there hey let's go design it thing was a big market we now have diagnostic devices that actually measure amounts we put one together for seven drugs of abuse it's used in practically every police station in this country you come in and they think you're high on something they'll ask you to pee in a little cup pour it on our little device boom right away we know if you've been smoking marijuana if you're high on coke if you've got methadone you got everything in you it's good we know everything and a lot of fun to make these things and you might say well chemical engineers don't do things like that but in fact we do novel materials polymers biomaterials nano structures composites make batteries and fuel cells a lot of control and monitoring systems the whole food industry some people don't think about what do you do when you cook that's chemistry right you're in there you eating a crap out of something what do you think is happening to it I mean and a lot of its irreversible right you fry an egg does it ever go back to the yolk yeah crawl back in the shell no it doesn't seem to do that you know a lot of the stuff irreversible and but there's a lot of chemistry that goes on there and in pollution control devices as well so there's lots of opportunities as it come in when I was your age way back in the Jurassic Park days I I went into I was a lost soul I started at Berkeley in the early 60s I got accepted the two places I got accepted to Stanford and Berkeley and I had this really good you know tight-knit group of my high school buddies not one of them got into Stanford but we all got into Berkeley and the problem was this SAT you know you ever take the SAT you know I mean in those days your mother would wake you okay what's going on he says it take this number-2 pencil and go up to Eagle Rock College and take this test I don't want to take any test this Saturday you got it it's the SATs you got to get into college I went up there by 11 o'clock in the morning my pencil broke so I left and that was my SAT no Princeton Review no nothing I didn't even complete the frigging exam and I got into Stanford they just shows you things are a little different these days you know and so I I said okay I'll go to Berkeley I'll turn Stanford down and go to Berkeley all my buddies are going to Berkeley and slowly but surely they started flunking out and and the other problem is I didn't realize that Berkeley was a land-grant college so I had to be an ROTC this is a frigging Vietnam War I didn't want to be an ROTC I was an anti-war I was a pacifist so I ended up well what I do I tried to get in the army band and but the only instrument I played was the accordion in the piano and so I wouldn't want a guy with a piano on his back walk on run so that didn't work so then I burned my uniform and then took my m1 gun and shot out all the lights at the gunnery range and then so I actually started shooting at some of the people and so they kicked me out I got four units of F on my transcript and out of eight semesters at Berkley I only a four where I got grades because the other four we were all on strike or in Washington protesting the war it was a great time good music and college I knows a little different these days for you folks but it was it was it was a good where am I going with us when I start out with and so anyway I went to Berkeley and then came to Stanford the war was still going on I was about ready to get drafted a couple profs from Berkeley had been hired into the chemi department here at Stanford the chemi department had just started they called me up and they said you know hey man hey dude what are you thinking about and I said well I'm thinking about staying out of the war and they said once you come down and keep your student deferment I said how do I do that let's go to graduate school I said okay so I went to graduate school and I mean this isn't a wonderful story but you know it me up but then I graduated in the 69 the war still going us and now the draft boards after me again so I moved to Europe and then hung out naked down and Crete for many years it was a lot of fun and then came back and got a job at the Denver Research Center of Marathon Oil Company the only reason I picked them is because they're located in Denver and I love skiing I got fired after four weeks because I never showed up there's a great ski or how do we tell you man is get up every morning I got two choices I go to the Rockies I go into this dump and work and so then I figured I have this problem I can't really work for people I can't work for anybody so I decide to go to med school and be a doctor because in those days doctors you know we're on their own they're not controlled you know as they are today by HMOs and other people and so I got accepted the University Colorado Medical School and sure enough Stanford the department who knew me because I got my PhD I called me up and they said hey we hear you're going to medical school how things going on yeah I'm going to medical school my job didn't work out too good and um they said you know would you come to Stanford and start a bioengineering program what I said sure we're on the way I mean we'd literally packed and drove our 65 Mustang across the country and came right here little did they know I'd never had a clerk course in biology or biochemistry in my life so I had to start reading books and sort of get you know up to speed as it were because I was the bioengineering guru and again things like that don't happen too often much anymore and then I had just happened to start working with Stan Cohen in the medical school because he's the only guy that would talk to me because I was an engineer and our recombinant DNA happened in our lab so how's that sit watching it happen in the bench next to you and then you know that was the end of the game and then somehow they managed to give me tenure well that's a flawed all I can say it's a flawed process we don't always get it right so let's just finish up talking a little bit about the course if you're still interested in it on Friday we're going to talk about process flow diagrams your first problem set happens to be involved with process flow diagrams and it's already mounted on the website you can take a look at it but I'd suggest you I'm going to suggest don't really start working on it tonight because I know how excited you are wait until at least Friday which probably translates into Tuesday night but anyway you'll have the equipment that you need after that so a lot of this class is built around conservation principles we conserve things like mass and we can serve energy teach you how to do that it's going to be a little bit of chemistry there's going to be some physics and there's going to be some biology and I'll try to show you how you can enter link these together and do some cool things as I said the whole class is built around I I think the fun way to teach it I don't know if it's a fun way to learn it but if I have a book and I've got to go through why is that bad well I didn't write the book and then maybe that's not the way I want to do it you know so I have a choice write the books or sort of wrote a book and do it my way and my way is to is to is to build it around design so we're to design things under design a free sistene an artificial kidney we're going to design a high fructose corn syrup plant but all the while you'll be under that you'll actually be learning something it's so blue minimal how do you say blue minimal yeah how do you said so you say it like I do you know you know you've got a mouthful of oatmeal just like me so these case studies that we're going to talk about first one's going to be a platelet donation machine a free suspicion this is the best I can do with the programs I have on my computer ah but but you get it and we're going to talk about high fructose corn syrup that's corn going into a bottle of high fructose corn syrup we're going to talk about pharmacokinetics this is a nicotine patch on this guy's arm and you know I don't know if you've had classes what I call the power point mania classes yet the prof gets up and it's how fast he or she can switch the power points from one of the and you just sit there you know you're sort of blitzed you can see I'm using old technology this is the last overhead projector on the campus and I'm the only one who uses it I asked my assistant to make an overhead for me this morning and she quit so it's a it's just one of those things I ran out of things to talk about look at that five after three the class begins when and when are you going to be in your seat yeah I know if the D so let's just start putting minus F minus F minus minus so we'll make an agreement you get here on time I'll quit on time you like that alright so we'll do that so check out the website and oh by the way there are going to be some times you show up and I'm not here but that means there's nobody here there's about three or four times where actually I have meetings with the National Academy of Sciences in Washington they don't seem to care that those of us on these committees have day jobs so max will come in occasionally when Max comes in I want I don't want you to get up walk away that Max doesn't like that and and Max will will do deliver the lecture on that they there aren't too many of those but there will be a few so don't be don't be surprised other than that take advantage of the of the TAS when you get desperate or even when you're not desperate because they are and and and they they need companionship that's why they're doing this all right see you on Friday the preceding program is copyrighted by Stanford University please visit us at
Channel: Stanford
Views: 669,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science, chemistry, chemical, engineering, biology, history, ChemE, math, syllabus, midterm, final, grading, TA, class, introduction, oil, refinery, tar, crude, environment, barrel, ethylene, silicon, chip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 18 2008
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