Introduction to 5S Methodology Training - Lean Manufacturing Principles

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in ten seconds you're going to see my introduction video to 5's productivity one of many amazing videos at lean smarts comm go check it out I want to introduce you to 5s whoa 5s will change your life and your organization and believe it or not it's been around a lot longer than condo or mr.clean wherever part of the picture and the reason why I say that is because a lot of people think 5s is just about being clean and being organized it was created for the neat freaks but it wasn't actually 5s was created to solve a problem everything we do in Lane solves a problem and the problem is this this is your future it's your future unless you do something about it and the reason why I know your future I'm not just pretending to be prophetic here is because we all live in the same world with this universal law called entropy or the second law of thermodynamics it actually has more to do with heat engines but we still experience something just like it in everyday life it basically says this everything in the universe is moving from a state of order to disorder from clean to dirty from new to old however you want to call it and it's universal every human being everything in existence is experiencing this reality and if you're gonna run a business or in my opinion have an enjoyable life you should be doing something about it the problem is this it goes deeper than just the surface it's this you cannot be efficient when this is your environment when it's messy and disorganized how are you gonna be productive inefficient like that and secondly the problem is that you cannot detect abnormalities and problems when your environment is so cluttered and disorganized you can't tell what's good what's bad what's on schedule what's behind schedule where something belongs where do you find something is it where it belongs you can't know that at a glance with your eyes without solving this problem of entropy you can't detect problems and so 5s was created to do these two things to solve this issue of efficiency and to solve this issue of not being able to detect when things are different than standard now as you may have guessed 5s has five practices and they all start with the same letter s so they are these the first is sorts which means to get rid of the stuff you don't need and only keep the things that you do need to do your work the next is set in order set in order is to perfectly position all of the necessary items and tools and materials you need and the most efficient place is possible the next is shine which appears to be cleaning on the surface pun intended but it goes much deeper than that it actually has to do with inspection because as you clean you notice things that you wouldn't have noticed otherwise after that is standardized standardized has to do with standardizing the first three SS so that sorting set an order and shine all occur with the same best practices everywhere and then lastly is sustained because 5s cannot be just brain cleaning or something you do every once in a while it's got to be something that becomes so normal so intimate with life itself it's like breathing and you do it even without thinking that's the ideal state here now there are certain consequences that happen when you are not practicing 5s you're going to waste time you're gonna waste space you're gonna compromise quality equipment and safety you're gonna hide problems and you're gonna waste a bunny because this is what entropy and chaos and mess and disorder creates but when you do practice 5s and solve these two problems of efficiency and abnormality detection here's what you get you're gonna save time conserve space improve quality preserve equipment promote safety reveal problems and save money now that sounds pretty awesome huh there's a ton of benefits to practicing 5s very well but let me give you two recommendations to requirements for being successful with 5s the first is this you've got to create discipline and daily participation you see everybody has to participate because well I hate to break it to you but we are all waste generators we all participate in this law of entropy and that we all are responsible for the mess and the chaos and you know the things that happen around our environment so everybody has to participate and you've got to be disciplined the second is that it has to be a daily habit it's not enough just to do it once a year or before your next customer audit or inspection or four hours once a month it's better to do 10 minutes a day five minutes a day but just make it daily it has to become a part of you as normal and intimate is breathing so that it's thoughtless that's what sustain is really about there is so much more to tell you about 5s this is only the beginning but to train your organization and take your lean culture full throttle it's time to check out lean smarts comm where I have other videos just like this one that are designed to educate you in lean tools and concepts and to create a world class lean organization [Music]
Channel: Lean Smarts
Views: 80,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5S, five s, 5s training, introduction to 5s, introduction to 5s training, training, lean, manufacturing, lean manufacturing, training for lean manufacturing, lean smarts, daniel crawford, lean manufacturing training, fun, sort, sweep, shine, set in order, straighten, standardize, sustain, 5s methodology, methodology, principles, lean principles, 5s methodology training video, 5s methodology training, 5s kaizen event, 5s kaizen, 5s project
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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