Why I quit my corporate job to start van life.

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[Music] why am I starting a YouTube channel at 6:00 a.m. on a Monday an extremely busy Monday at work and one that is going to change the trajectory of my whole life maybe I'm going crazy there are so many feelings of indecision and self-doubt you want this you want this but what if I fail uh it's too early for this but here it goes [Music] anyways before we get into all of that I should probably introduce myself I'm Emily and for the past 30 years I've called this beautiful Lake Lake Tahoe my home past 21 years I've had an incredibly rewarding career in the Consulting industry today is the day that that all changes and I'll get into what that means a little bit later in this video for now I just wanted to take the morning to reflect be down at the water it always helps ground me and just breathe a couple deep breaths of fresh air today's a big day for me you know I've really enjoyed what I've done for the past two decades I've got awesome co-workers I've worked for a great company but there's been this draw to do something different the past few years and that's been Amplified by some tragic events in my life losing my mom losing my dad and really realizing just how precious life is and how short it is and how no one's guaranteed retirement um um no one's guaranteed tomorrow and life is unpredictable and crazy and beautiful at the same time and my husband and I have decided that we're going to take the ultimate leap and we're going to shake things up a bit and we're going to really start living in the now because we don't know what the future holds for us we want to live a life that is full of Adventure doing the things that we love it's the biggest decision I've ever made and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared but we're willing to go out on a limb and do it going to hang out here a little bit longer before I head back to my home office and give notice to my boss I got this i got [Music] this there's a lot to see a lot to do recently never realize I like doing it all with [Applause] you take my head twil me around hold me one minute 1 minute till I give my notice and I'm already crying probably not probably not a good thing to start this call this way but oh my gosh I have the biggest butterflies right now here goes nothing so that call went about as expected it was emotional and Bittersweet I'm just going to miss my co-workers a lot you know I've worked there for half of my life and they're not just people that I work with but a lot of them I consider friends and family that's the hardest part of all of this you know I can get another job I will get another job at some point uh I don't think that we'll be able to do this forever as much as we would like and if we can that would be great but I fully expect to be back in the workforce at some point I wish I could have kept this job but it wouldn't have been fair to me for what Brian and I want to do it wouldn't have been fair to the company and I really don't think it would have even been possible but since since that call I've really started to get excited about what the future holds so what is next really wherever the open Road's going to take us we're packing up the van and we're going to hit the road and travel to new places there's a lot of places that we've been um or maybe we haven't been but we never got to travel there as long as we wanted because of time off of work and other limitations and we really just want to take time to travel more slowly more intentionally and be connected with the nature something's stuck in this drawer this is how van life is going to go for us a tight space really tight space to be honest we're not sure how long this season of our life is going to last it could be a couple of months or it could be years but we are up for the challenge all I know is we're taking the leap to go out there and see what the universe has in store by going out on this adventure I have to remind myself that my parents would be proud um they wanted to do so much more in life that they never got to because they ran out of time and unfortunately I think that happens all too often I want to know that when we're old and gray hopefully old and gray looking back at this time in our life we're nothing but fulfilled cherishing the times that we had the memories we made and the adventures that we went on thank you so much for being here sincerely if this video resonated it all with you please leave a comment below I'd love to know that you're out there and this is my first video I do plan on posting more from the road um we have another Channel called Adventure out there that you can find on my page but this channel is going to be more of just my perspective looking at it as a wife and a dog mom uh might be a little bit raw more unfiltered but I hope that you'll join along and consider subscribing we'll see you on the open road bye-bye dreaming on this moment for something for something [Music]
Channel: Emily Whitley
Views: 489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n1NObHuxWcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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