Introducing Aximmetry Eye mobile app, a universal tool for virtual production

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All right, we're in the studio and I just  got to try my hands on a really cool new   setup or function or tool from Aximmetry and  it's basically a universal tool for realtime   virtual production in your phone and it's I'm all  skeptical to the iPhone apps Etc doing everything   that we do with all our fancy equipment but  I'm going to show you this is going to be a   game changer this is really awesome and what it  is is a an iPhone app connecting to a symmetry   so it will be send the tracking data and it  will send a video and you will also receive   a video back so you can watch the real time comp  as well so you go on uh your phone download ximer   I app which is completely free you put in your  IP address to your uh ximer computer and just   press connect and then you can choose to if  you want to send camera stream send tracking   data or receive preview preview stream as well  so I have everything checked I will just start   and then you have uh the camera up uh let's see  if we could um see something so I pushed a you   know uh live button it's not a record button  and instantly you should be able to see and   instantly we see the input so now my computer  is a bit overloaded with recording things I   have an aruko marker which will be my basis for  my origin so I go to origin detect origin and it   will be detected and we can go jump over to  the key so now I'm streaming in a bit lower   bit rate uh since my computer can't handle it I  also running this on a laptop which is fantastic   so let's switch over to the studio so here's the  studio setup as well uh let's do the origin once more there you go so now we can see it  instantly merges and it's getting the   you know the delay as well and  it's it's so precise it's quite amazing and I can push here so I have a full  full screen preview on my iPhone which means I   can work around look at that tracking the tracking  is I would probably say it's almost perfect it's great and let's switch over to the final  output and now I'm streaming in a low bit   rate so we could probably get uh more quality out  of this if we are streaming at a higher bit rate   but it's it's quite amazing you know we spend so  much time to just get this working and this just   works out of the box you can you can walk around  you can look at things and really really get in there and the cool thing is  you know since it's tracking   from the iPhone I can you know walk into different rooms I can look look past so here's the makeup table it's quite cool so I quite stunned about how good this  is uh and it just makes me think about all   the complicated stuff we need to do to make this  happen but uh now you can just take your iPhone   and you can use the full force of a symmetry  and that's that's quite amazing uh I also Keen   to try the object tracking and that would be  super cool maybe we do another video on that   I just wanted to show you a bit about how this  works and it's 10 out of 10 I'm quite amazed
Channel: Aximmetry Virtual Production Platform
Views: 10,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: virtualevent, virtualproduction, chromakey, realtimerendering
Id: uGX5SQviUZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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