Into Alaska -10 Days Remote Family Camping in the Northern BC & Alaskan Wilderness (Special Episode)

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[Applause] good morning good morning well here we  are still in Telegraph Creek and we spent a better   part of the afternoon yesterday dialing everything  in for our canoe trip and trying to fit everything   into the canoe before we uh hauled everything  down the hill to the pudding and it looks like   it's going to fit we have you know a a lot of  stuff because we're traveling with four people   and a dog and all the gear we need to be safe out  there um now the good news is that uh there's no   portages on this trip so this is like the only  Portage is portaging from the truck down to the [Music] pudding wrangle like of [Music] [Music] Sandy sure still here taking up we're doing it we're paddling the  Sten we're paddling the Sten [Music] yeah nice [Music] up around this corner we actually have a   proper rapid so we have to like  Scout it I mean we might yeah some bigger stuff over there clear passage right through there right just   keep your eye on the far right  see that yeah a piece of cake right nothing wo very good very nice woohoo good slot I think we're L kind scary nailed [Music] it [Music] wow beautiful sorry buddy got a [Applause] wave t and Fish Camp here go Dodge smoke yay yeah waa look at this look  straight ahead see that raw oh wow [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah nice look at that woo it's  not exactly a tank but that's   a good good amount of food eh good  eater I'd say good job buddy are you fishing here we go he's so happy we're at the campsite we're at the campsite  y yay was that a fun paddle you did good today   Wesley did you like all the scenery yeah did  you like the scenery today I think you did   you yay no more life jacket no more life you can  play with the dirt again aren't you no more life chck brother yeah bu what did Mama do she's not  letting me eat all the click bars for dinner   can't eat only cook bars for dinner but we can  bring e some fish you want to eat some fish we holding up our no no no don't take that  one no no no Hy don't take that one look bu's mama very good play dad dad play dad  dad play dad dad play okay Dad Dad will play here you go [Music] Bud wussy loves it yeah more fast yeah are you drinking a rock tea yeah  yummy Rock tea excited to eat this could use some more rocks was like oh everything is everywhere oh what' you do uh-oh and North why you have a dog right  there the rocks and everything very good   honey I'm just using some fish Cris here  because uh we forgot the Old Bay we left   it in the spice rack I love Old Bay with Fish  And we didn't bring any fish seasoning so we're   going to have to uh do it the oldfashioned  way huh huh fish plenty of time that honey hi I don't care enough no okay this I'm sit on Mama's box completely changed hey  we weird eh going the other   direction completely okay super  windy all of a sudden I just the B [Music] me help me help momy s [Music] not quite like that summer still technically boy over [Music] there [Music] and after all that it is now raining and  the uh uh wind has pretty much stopped we just   guide the crap out of the whole tent Hy was super  scared but Tori went in the tent and calmed him   down and he fell asleep and all is well so um  the tent we have is meant for like Mount ever okay so nighttime of day one and uh it threw a  lot of different things at us from a beautiful   morning to taking time to get on the river to  starting out feeling uncomfortable packed in   gear not in the right place scared that we  were too heavily loaded to all of a sudden   gaining our confidence running a bunch of Rapids  and nailing some technical Maneuvers to hitting   a nice beautiful stretch of river taking in the  scenery and just getting to Camp catching a beauty   fish right off the bat and being like oh man  this is perfect what a nice evening to all of a sudden gale force freaking winds  anyways it is late I'm tired crazy   chain of advents today not to mention the  Big Horn the Great Horn Owl I guess they   have a nest around here that was just  hanging out right over there calling at   us so that was nuts but uh yeah looking  forward to seeing what tomorrow has in store okay serious issue this morning I just woke  up and climbed out of the tent and our canoe is   gone crazy nowhere to be found with the craziness  of trying to get our tent together and just you   know huie being scared and and trying to calm  him down we just never even thought about the   canoe it must have blown from like here into  the creek and then down the creek you know   we're not going to die we have tons of food and  everything like that and we we have an in reach   too so we can get someone to pick us up in the  boat but crazy chain of events here hey Daddy hi well I'm just heading out to find this  canoe can't say anything like this has   ever happened to me before uh you know  I'm good at hauling my canoes up on shore   but and I always go the extra mile uh  even Hudson I see you found the trail mix I'm really just surprised that that  even happened I mean I guess not thinking   back to it yeah the gusts were really really  strong it's um about an 80 lb canoe but it   probably just acted like a sail and the  wind just took it it's a good thing that   it happened last night because we're  still fairly close to the town so it   wouldn't be a super long hike to get back  uh for help uh the other option of course   is for a jet boat to come up and pick  us up which seems excessive oh honey HS in oh man I was hoping it would just be down  here but I don't see anything so this river   is really strong and uh could be Miles and  Miles Away um the good news is that uh we   are still relatively close to the end of the  telegraph Creek Road which actually ends at   Glenora so we can get someone in a a boat to  come and pick us up so it's not the end of the world good news the boat just drove  by saw Jim Jim must have flagged   him down they're probably going  to go look for the canoe in the boat well I don't know if you could see that but  a jet boat just went by and I waved him down um   guy's name is Miles he's from ganora and he's  going to look for the boat for us so he just   said like he's actually on his way down cuz his  parents have a camp down river and all these trees   blew down on their cabin so the storm last night  hit everybody pretty hard if we can't uh find   anything he's going to give us a ride back to uh  uh Telegraph Creek so fingers are freaking crossed man [Music] yeah you did it  holy dude you just saved the [Music] day well that was Miles and uh he  really came by at a good time he   told me that was a once in 50 years freak  Windstorm and it just caused disaster all   over the place so uh good to know that  we're not going to be dealing with that again so we lost we lost two fishing  rods pretty expensive ones too in the   Reel that already broke that I just  repaired two fishing rods two reels a   full tackle box and your nice paddle are  gone but honestly for once in 50 years   freak gusting Windstorm that has just like  caused Havoc everywhere I think we did pretty good there HS and eat a bunch of say looks like it Hy spit it out spit it  out no eat sand yum yucky Yaky [Applause] sand [Music] roll your boat gently down [Music] the you see the big waves we're trying  to miss I didn't even realize there'd be   this much room here oh there's some currents  there yeah so let's pick a line right right here all right just paddle hard nice that's it done so easy hey yeah look at those waves woo you figured it out north good  boy in the boat North go on in the   boat bud oh back of the boat come on good boy good boy is that a goat up there I  think that might be a goat up there B [Music] going cool do you want these [Music] back what are you doing he doesn't like the dirt on the  bottom of the canoe so he's trying to not stand   down there which is very interesting isn't it your  butt is [Music] in is that okay is that what you wanted here good we're [Music] there [Music] I brought slick Penelope with me one of my  subscribers reminded me that I once called   my shotgun slick Penelope and I'd forgotten  so I thought that was funny anyways uh yeah   so uh brought this with me because we're  in grizzly bear country and at this time   of year there's salon so there there's  going to be more bears around but uh yeah   I don't I don't just leave it with the  safety off uh I well I I actually leave   it with the safety off but I leave um a  full magazine but nothing in the pipe so   in order to actually rock around you just  go like that and then boom fire you know so it means you're one shot less but it means  with uh huie running around you know there's   no way he's going to be able to rock around  like that uh so it just makes it a lot safer   at Camp because you don't want the gun  to become more dangerous than a grizzly bear Hy don't hurt North's tail Hy do you want to put some shoes on n-  okay um for dinner tonight we are going   to have another leftover another leftover  dehydrated meal turkey dinner Hy I think   might be eating the dog food so this is  yeah mashed potatoes uh stuffing gravy and turkey oh yes the water is over there  this one's not treated sweetheart and   Daddy has water here how do  you look water just add some   of the boiled water um to this to  rehydrate it it'll be delicious y out get out eat hi a [Music] be [Music] there you go heavy Big Splash Big Splash nice good one okay H so we lost all the fishing rods devastating  um but we brought a backup reel and a bunch of   lme uh no real lures though which is concerning  um and I do have a fly rod but fly fishing it's   it's harder and it's particularly tough In this  River just cuz of the silty water and also it   takes more time so we don't have a lot of time  so and I don't have a fly rod that can handle   salmon and I sure as heck don't think this could  either but buy I'm basically basically trying to   make myself a rod so I have an extra reel and I  cut this like whippy Branch from some Bush and um   I'm basically going to snare wire my spare reel to  this and then use snare wire for guides and then   uh essentially just make a lure hey this is what  I'm going to have for the rest of the trip to uh to cut fish with did you enough okay we got to Camp early  early today which is great but uh   it's hard to find the time to finish  things like making my fishing fixing   my finish fishing rod just cuz uh one of  us has to be watching Hudson at all times   and all that one thing I bring is a lot  of wire brought a lot of snare wire and uh I have my backup real here it's a little wonky up pretty good it is the night of day  two Tori and the kids are   already in bed going to take the food  barrels into the bush now and call a [Music] [Applause] [Music] night [Music] good morning 0:31:57.160,1193:02:47.295 [Music] oh good morning buddy he I managed to finish this sucker off last night  this is my spare reel no no it's a it's a little   wonky yes hold on it's a little wonky the handle's  a little loose but uh um it's a lot better than   nothing I snare wir it to the rod and I just  covered that uh snare wire with a little bit   of tape and then I added uh snare wire for guides  and then in my survival kit I always keep a spare   lure use snare wire there to add them and I  covered up the uh the Twisted wire with with   uh a little piece of tape so the line wouldn't  get stuck on it and we have a makeshift fishing rod well I took a few cast this morning and  couldn't catch anything with the new Rod uh   this tributary comes out in three braids looks  like the U River braid is the one that has a a   bit of a a Backwater Eddy that's holding the clear  water from a tributary so maybe I'm just not in   the best spot but uh yeah the rod casts smoothly  cast far um not exactly the most accurate casting   or responsive but pretty darn good and a heck of  a lot better than nothing uh huie spent the time   majority of the time while I fished throwing  rocks in the river didn't you so North just   trotted briskly out of the woods and turning and  barking back over his shoulder and then was like   defensively blocking this Trail going into the  woods and then went over and was defensively   blocking the other Trail here he notices the  two Trails into the site yeah uh and there   are there are two Trails uh the the bear Banger  is uh an explosive like and it screws into this   pen launcher and I just pull this back and shoot  it the pin hits this it flies 50 ft and blows up   really loudly anyways I'm going to fire this bear  [Applause] Banger big noise yay today should be   fun we're going to try to get caught up a little  bit today we're uh not behind schedule which is   nice so uh got a little bit early of a wake up a  little moved a little faster this morning got a   better sleep um because we got to Camp early today  so how um it's definitely hard to manage huie cuz   he's such an Explorer he'll just walk off and we  don't feel comfortable with him obviously by the   water alone or in the woods or you know anywhere  where there's Cliffs and you know he's pretty   mobile but uh yeah you got to keep a constant  eye on him for sure uh Wes's having a good day   all smiles hanging out how his o me and he's  just enjoying the view of the mountain as we speak he learns a lot of words all on  his own W who whoa whoa whoa whoo whoo whoo I can't he's walking backwards honey what are you doing oh my [Applause] good sure you don't want come on H you can do it Bud two take that one okay all the way to the boat I'm going to get Wesley y want see we're going in the boat yay [Music] yay funny like the the there you go W yes papa no papa no papa papa hone any bites no oh I did it I'm in the boat so what time is it it is 11:28  woohoo remember we did a bit of [Applause] fishing well we uh we thought maybe there'd be um  some coo running up this Creek and um bear prints   wolf prints that kind of shows that there's  a good chance there are but uh the water's so   low in the river this year the mouth of the creek  is blocked by a big Sand and Gravel Bar um and so   we kind of it's hard to judge where the actual  mouth is because it's on the other side of a a   channel uh that we'd have to like wait across  a deep Park of of water to get to or drag our   canoe so we're kind of blocked without uh putting  in a lot of effort and the kids are sleeping um I   wonder how many salmon would be up there with the  water so low too but uh anyways it would just be   cool to see um there might be some Dolly Varden  at the mouth here which is it's not really the   most this is kind of like a side channel of the  stien but it's really really show at the top of   the side Channel and then the creek is feeding  this side Channel at high water they're probably   be none of this behind me would even be here  or even at medium water hopefully we see some   salmon running uh further down river maybe when  we're in Alaska or something the sun's kind of   poking through but we have a a Sprinkle  of rain too wow it's so peaceful well H's asleep let's hope the rainforest is uh not  rainy and it's it's sunny and bright and [Music] dry oh man I will late huh I know what Hy come eat eat yellows Hy   do you want a yellow hello  my new nickname for huie is mowgly um anyways uh yeah we're just stopping  for some lunch it was really miserable and rainy   there for a bit he Tori cold and windy we ran  from scetchy cing but hopefully it's clearing   up um just eating some pmic in here um that really  feels yacht you start to feel weak hungry kind of cold great to scarf some pemin kids are doing  great but um they're kind of tucked down out   of the wind with little um umbrellas on  them completely blocked H you want some   pkin sure I'm I don't I think I brought the  mustard hey bu hey bud War day today is it w [Music] all right paddle hard through this nice beautiful though he like [Music] really [Music] [Music] I am just looking up at cir mountain  right now we just passed through Clan   Canyon in and it is crazy beautiful the  peak is obstructed by clouds but I can   still see the glacier in the middle of it  and the water pouring off the glacier with   many waterfalls and everything rushing  down the mountain but I can't help but   notice how it is a fraction the size that  it was when I paddled this River 15 years [Music] ago it's raining and the bugs are out let all family and kids and some 25% deep  for the adults the black flies are [Applause] [Applause] bad [Applause] nobody don't take you [Music] all right what do we think oh my God that  looks delicious honey what a meal what are   you going to eat today was uh less terrifying  than the previous day because we woke up and   our canoe was still there beautiful sight but  the sand kind of gets in everything so it adds   like an extra element of annoying something yeah  annoyingness or just something to pay attention   to so you don't kick sand and everything and  uh just driving rain and we so under a tarp   but um really beautiful spot in order to get  to Wrangle we have to maintain a pace of 25   km per day um of course it sounds easy when  the current is ripping like this but there's   a lot of things that slow us down but I know  we'll be okay um worse comes to worse we call   a jet boat to come and pick us up at any point  don't get any ideas I've got his number on speed dial yeah up Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy  let's go baby just a black F it's just   annoying here there you go buddy yeah I want  to get Wes's medicine in him so can you just   fill this with water sometimes with the nice  weather comes uh bugs so I'm going to put on a   little uh musall here we have uh 25% de and uh  and uh family and kids muscal which is 10% so   I use sometimes use a bit of both I was not  expecting there to be bugs out here though eh bye way very good singing every day we  uh stand up with Wesley a bit or   let him sit up on his own let him  practice walking a little bit and   this is a wet suit that we're putting  on Wes this will keep him uh warm as well we just got a treat a little burn he got uh  on our C on the overlanding adventure um because   uh he sitting too close close to the fire and a  spark landed on so we're making sure we treat that properly yay Jim is a d to is his mama and  H is little brother they love each other yeah that's he Gooding maybe if we just like stay completely  hard right there it's just kind of sketchy like   there's so many currents you know but maybe  we can just merge with the current and then   get hard left it's probably the best thing to  do so like instead of turn turning down river   exactly okay I like that idea better yeah  I like that idea better you drag the canoe   up there spin it B put the bow pointing down  river and then paddle hard and then merge with   the current and then get hard left you know  and are we back kind of back fairing left or   just just paddling left paddling left yeah  okay yeah yeah we can do it okay okay huie   with your little what are those feet man are  they made out of like junifer bushes steel and sunshine we pulled up to the creek and we're  going to try to merge with this main current   here and avoid the whirl pools it's hard to see  from here but there's major whirl pools right in here it's going to want to try  to flip us up River okay okay so draw okay back paddle sweep sweep sweep yeah that's  it that's it okay forward forward hard hard hard hard draw draw okay  forward hard forward hard hard hard nice we missed it good job when  you're yelling like that yeah it really   makes me try really hard you know cuz I'm  like panicking we're going to jump that's   why he's yelling like that you know so  that's that's why I'm like do what he   says and do it as best as you can yeah  well you you always do though that was   kind of perfect we just didn't do it  like calm with smiles on our faces you [Music] know this is cool eh yeah we've done k [Music] sweet wow [Music] I think I've probably  coming from a glacier I yeah   probably look look how many waterfalls are on it [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] well we're just uh back in the  canoe after a little pit stop for lunch   we bought a bunch of rocks into the canoe  so huy can throw them out of the boat as   we paddle and he seems to be really happy  about that we're passing that waterfall   that's just coming from hundreds and  hundreds of feet up in the mountains   crashing down I can actually hear it really  cool so yeah really awesome spot to stop for [Music] lunch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] water oh yeah [Music] yeah [Music] nice Jump 4 5 you little Trickster good helpful over here no over here over here over [Applause] here get yourself some musical instrument oh you're going to make S castles  yeah I love you forever I love you for all as   long as I'm living my baby will be your  brother playing with you hopefully he be nice you are my sunshine my [Music] only [Music] buddy where you running off to Bud shoulders I don't okay shoulders [Music] look look Mo see you Mo  what did you find Hy what kind of skull is that hey what kind of skull is that [Applause]  Hy uh Hy found this uh Beaver skull on our   walk this morning but uh yeah wolves got it  there's a bunch of wolf scat with uh chunks   of bone in it and Hy wanted to come back and  show his mama which he did very proudly it's [Applause] [Music] cute well here is a new fishing rod  I've made for huie we're on to number   three the first one was lost in the wind  storm then he whipped the next one in so   this will you know couple hours of  entertainment from the front of the boat yeah I got one you got one  yay eat it or you going to throw it back M yummy fish thank  you hoodie I got it you got it well we just passed the uh scud River the  rain's really coming down here not uh ideal move boy can you please sit down sit down yeah you  need to sit down no you can't sit down on my lap turn right yeah so we're just  going to kind of inch up to it I think like sorry I'm really struggling  to hear you believe it or not does he   want to sleep yeah but he wants to sleep on my lap a all right lots of sweepers around  here for sure we're just picking   our way through a bunch of uh snags  and sweepers and stuff but plenty   of room to navigate if we can manage  the varying currents all right paddle hard see that green yeah thing  there get to the right of that   yeah you got to keep that sweep going  and keep keep us on this angle right here [Applause] nice looks like this was a [Music] channel yeah you well it is really coming down here and uh we  think uh we might have a cabin we could stay in   tonight it's marked on uh some River notes we have  so it's probably just a cabin anybody can use um   but you know these River notes that we've had are  probably 30 years old so who knows what's there   if it's still standing uh but we're definitely  going to check it out and we paddled on a little   further because we thought it might be good place  to uh dry out some clothes potentially cuz uh we   starting to get a lot of wet stuff building up if  you can imagine the cabin could be there the cabin   could be out right through here I don't know how  much more of this I can emotionally handle do you   see anything I don't well we pulled over to make  Camp because we had given up on finding the cabin this is a path [Music] wow there's the cabin not easy to find it's not uh exactly the  Taj Mahal but it is a [Music] cabin and a wood stove oh a big old wood stove Co roof doesn't leak much it's good it's really good we found the cin you can get  nice and [Applause] [Music] warm watch out for this stool right it's going to be so nice to have dry things hi here try some don't have to wear  it if you're not if you're okay here no you have to mama's going  to help you cuz it's hot you ready uhoh I have a feeling you're going to spill this  everywh you're going to try eat eat with a spoon   that's not really going to work very well  Hudson is having hot chocolate for the first time insists on eating it from a [Applause] spoon we're going to do some pasas you've been  asking for pizza p so this is the next best thing so proud of you you're such a hard worker  Wesley he really is he's such a hard worker are   you still eating the cheese I think twinkle  twinkle little I I wonder what you are what   the up above the world so high diamond in the  sky little how I wonder what you are yeah high five this one go I'll make another one M uhoh oh  mama yeah I'm going to make more don't [Music] worry oh no now I have a sec that's it down quiet and almost take the one under [Applause] [Music] that [Music] tired what are we making  for breakfast here H uh corn beef [Music] hash M delish [Music] it has been raining for  about 30 over 30 hours straight now a good solid   steady rain which is just crazy we're heading  to Great Glacier today so we're just packing   up um in the dryness and warmth of the cabin uh  still we got to motor cuz we're a little behind schedule I swim the rest of the way this better and we are off it is 11:40 feels good to be on the water even  though it's still dumping [Music] rain almost look like P right [Music] [Music] into uh the clouds are lifting a bit in  some places so I'm really starting to get   a a look at just all the glacier just snow  cap glaciated mountains everywhere amazing   it's just like everywhere you look there's  a beautiful waterfall pouring off of the Mountaintop [Music] [Music] Gage [Music] we just pulled over here on a sand  bar to let huie run around because   he was going bonkers and uh gave West  his lunch now we're pushing on should   be a great Glacier and another 15 clicks  fingers crossed the weather keeps getting better so we see another canoe here the first  people we've really seen since we saw   that motorboat paddle straight paddle  forward so what we're we're going to we   might have to front fairy a bit or something  I just I just don't like that it looks too swirly okay for hard for hard we're going to miss the knew we should have  front car all right paddle hard as hard as we can all right nor lie down North lie down North lie down North lie down bye down boy oh made it nice job hun hey bud look look at the rainbow need things was this be stay home this be today we're having pancakes for breakfast yeah [Music] rley do you like The View are you enjoying the view why don't we sit Hudson down with pancake hey what do you say we get off the table hey what lety do you want  some more pany you want it   yourself maybe your tootsies are little you like that hold come on the hell are you do are you filming yeah you  ready one do a gim bear flp oh gimm bear flp   wait ain't that easy bam oh my god with Grace and  style ready to go ready to go on a hike yeah ready W like ready someone's [Music] tired [Music] what you doing back there [Music] [Music] good [Music] you tired it's [Music] Bur [Music] good job good job buddy keep going come on Hy I Grand yeah okay keep [Music] going good out honey okay  all right wow that's cool cool [Music] hey [Music] oh
Channel: Jim Baird - Adventurer
Views: 58,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: into alaska, jim baird, jim baird adventurer, outdoors, camping, canoeing, dogs, remote river, adventures in alaska, Northern British Columbia, B.C. Adventures, wilderness exploration, family camping, home in the wild family, bald eagle sighting, wind storm camping, heavy rain camping, wilderness cabin, alaska cabin, stikine river, tarp rig, bear near camp, mountain goat sighting, we lost our canoe, special episode, canoe cmping, camping with kids, mountain glaciers, off-grid
Id: MvSSu9FDnnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 29sec (4829 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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