Portaging Deep into Algonquin Park’s Interior for Native Trout Fishing & Camping

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established in 1897 Al gonin Park protects over 3,000 square miles of beautiful Wilderness it stands as one of the top 10 brook trout Fisheries in the vast province of Ontario Canada however these fish only flourish in abundance deep within the back country where arduous portaging and many miles of paddling are required to reach them during the spring when the water temperatures are cold they Venture into the shallows and streams where they can be caught more easily questing after these Majestic wild trout can become an addictive Pursuit for many Wilderness explorers thus my brother Ted and I embarked on a challenging trip to access the remote Waters where these fish lurk aiming to tangle with algonquin's trout and uncover the hidden gems of the Park's rushing rivers and pristine Lakes this is the story of our adventure good morning everybody it is about 730 in the morning and we are jumping off on a five night trip here in the interior of Algonquin Park we're heading for the nipping River we're going to be in some pretty remote back country areas we got my brother Ted with me and we got Shawn James of myself Reliance is going to be joining us at least for day one of this adventure so yeah we're super excited uh to jump jump off and do a little fishing wow what a day all the planning and prep a lot goes into it sometimes you're like why am I even doing this especially for the first trip of the year but then you get on the water and you're just like oh yeah this is awesome this is what it's all about really cool oh we got a move BL your boots froze throw your nuts to the back do it yeah instead of skipping the beginning it's like skip after 2s well we made it to the first Lake here man what a beautiful day probably going to be the warmest day of the trip but no wind in the forecast so we might get hammered by black flies they're already starting to come out just as the day gets nicer but yeah we got to cross this Lake and then we got a long windy Wiggly twily River to follow a couple portages until uh some big portaging starts to happen and then we get into some really good trout water so we're kind of going to push through this section and wait till we get to some better spots before we start fishing yeah just using my uh H2O double blade paddle here if you're going to use a double blade in a canoe especially like a prospector canoe which is wide you need to get one that's quite long that's longer than you know you would ever really need for a kayak uh but I'm loving it this is my first time really using it um I used to use one that was good too but I had quite WI blades uh which just seem to really wear me out honestly on long days of Flat Water paddling that's what me and Ted Ed in Northern Manitoba but this one just has a great feel and it's super lightweight too so yeah loving it [Music] cool so here we are we just did the first stretch and uh making good time really nice beautiful day so we're crossing a height of land from the uh nipping River into the Tim river system and then coming back up to Tim to where we started so pretty awesome route we've actually done it before um not for the faint of heart but it gets us on some good trout Waters we need to paddle about 18 km a day uh with some significant portaging in there as well so yeah not an easy trip but really really awesome trip looks like we're going to have some good weather last time we did this trip the same time of year really really cold and rainy uh hopefully the bite's as good we're not as close after ice out now as last time and there's been more people in the park sort of picking up the good spots before us uh so I don't know if we'll do as well as last time but with any luck we should catch a few trout well I don't typically like to reveal the locations I'm fishing uh but you know if I tell people Al donin park that's probably fine um just cuz I think that if people do the work to figure out maybe where I am if they want to do the same route that means they're going to do the research and they're less likely to get kind of in trouble when they get in here and if they get on the fish I get on in some of these remote spots then they deserve it they're safer and I'm not leading the hordes of people to Natural brook trout Fisheries um so I think that's important but I will give you a tip at what river we're on right now some of you that are a little younger may not know this one but you got time you got time for what are the next words one of the next two words in that slogan will tell you what river we're currently on tell me in the comments if you figure it out well we have the first Portage of the trip other than from the truck to the put it not coming up it's a waterfall okay easy North easy Bud easy Stay Stay Stay Stay oh Jesus how do they not trash themselves okay first Portage here we go short one sh but I should have brought that plus good little warm up yeah next one's 1300 right so no luck here Sean other than one sucker no okay back on the water after the first Portage and a beautiful stretch here but this is kind of a long Wiggly Twiggy stretch of a river we got to get to before we get to a lake but I felt good on the Portage you know it was a good little warm up for sure next one's uh you know getting close to a mile so that'll be much more of a test but uh I was feeling good man this canoe I'm using a Novac craft 15t prospector in their blue steel layup which is a carbon fiber and Arad mix but it's got a layer of ingra uh along the bottom of the hall just to give it a little extra um what's the word a little extra durability and it's a light canoe oh looks like we got a beaver dam to run here holy sh you're that well the single blade definitely feels like canoeing more on our final day of this trip we got to come all the way back up this River if you want to call it a river and it's uh it's going up current actually there's a good amount of current so right now it's hard to see the current but it's definitely helping me move come on North in the boat in the boat good boy should we take a few casts here yeah [Music] remember last time we didn't catch anything in the day sometimes it's bad though if you catch something and it was a fluke you just waste all your time there you know it's just he's just such a sport Fisher how many fish did you catch um quite a few quite a few fish oh didn't even really count rapid some of the holes around the bends but it was uh yeah it was mainly at the bottom of all the Falls you could really catch them yeah put into the like re breather line puts it up picture whips it back in the lake every time that is is what you call a perched birch and it's essentially a birch tree growing out of the stump of a very large what was likely a white pine that was taken down in the logging days chemtrails well we have just been making our way down river for several hours now uh a couple beaver dams and a short Portage short Steep and muddy and it looks like we are getting to Roseberry Lake here so yeah long paddle long windy paddle but uh you know enjoyable really nice day and the bugs weren't bothering us too much so now the hardcore portaging begins and we have a 400 m immediately followed by 1300 M and then an 845 M Portage North is very upset that he's not up with C he wants me to speed up north stay he's considering jumping out of the boat so we can run along the shore to catch up to Cali yeah we're going north we're hurrying we're hurrying up to see C go on North [Music] [Applause] gone would had a cabin belt by now how far is this one 400 yeah [Music] [Applause] the week before that there was snow I think my at the last minute I just was like for double King I don't want to risk not having enough batteries yeah here I brought a lot of like NY Banks and like probably enough for both of us and you enough for both warm very warm day today well this is just like a little puddle hop here there's just this small Lake uh that we got to paddle across until the real Portage starts so that was just a little warm up now we have one that's getting close to a mile long doing everything in two trips uh if we didn't have our camera gear we could be doing it all in one trip but me and Ted brought a lot of camera gear just to be safe you don't want to run out of batteries out here when you're trying to document it and what if we see like something amazing and we just can't film it probably brought more than we needed but it just makes us feel warm and fuzzy on the inside but it definitely slows down your travel Sean for example single carrying he's we just told him to go ahead cuz he doesn't have much time so we wanted him to get into the good fishing water of course he's only coming in for 2 days so he doesn't need as much gear but uh he's probably freaking almost done the next page by now okay Sean is at the next Portage he probably fish big hill big hill here very big [Applause] that was a good hill almost lost the [Applause] boot G bag this is uh really really hard trying to pack lighter than end up just like whipping a bunch of things in cuz I was running out of time and brought extra batteries cuz I scared to run out of batteries and pain for it right now but maybe the video will be better because of it bugs are out here big time so I have some musall 30% deep lotion that is great uh behind the ears around the hairline just on the arms and now how sean using it and Ted both use it then I have the spray to hit my clothes with of 25 % deep muscal you can get 30% I just ran out but uh yeah definitely want to bring your muscle on trips like this the black flies are they're maybe not out in full force yet but uh they will be in the next couple days this like day bag is just terrible like if I had a little knp sock right now yeah what the hell are you doing yeah you better two bag it's just kind of go that was hard that was hard a hard Portage you have another one another doozy nurse likes to for Tes because they're just a fun walk for him hey North yeah [Music] boy looks like a little trout right here what the this thing no we just have to pull over here whoa who North stay crazy how deep it is here look it's fun eh good boy come on pull the leech up cool save them f with that was interesting W just had a little action I wasn't going to put my rod together but it looked like a good spot and I should have had one just didn't set the hook probably because I wasn't expecting to actually get one that was a nice one dude like a solid half pounder no [ __ ] brook trout 100 I saw it right up to the boat I had it on just lost a nice one in this little hole and it's like do I stay here and take a couple more casts or do I try to finish the next Portage in close to camp where I know there's probably more fish on average but that's a really good sign ah darn it okay last cast oh man bummer huge bummer check out this little thingy protects your uh your hook well awesome to get a little action Sean already caught a sucker way back at the beginning but yeah that was a nice little speck uh probably solid half pound the fishing has started yes this this is what it's all about One serious Portage I might hit up a couple more spots it's like4 after 3 in the afternoon which isn't terrible but it's getting on in the day so yeah another little windy stream here this little stream actually meets the other stream I'm going to P Taj into but it just gets so Wiggly twily and so narrow and goes on for so long you better off to Portage from one to the other before the confluence we don't know if it if they're trout for sure we're just looking for some deep holes we still have an 800 met Portage left oh another bite come on come on take it there it is yeah oh it's a throat lost it that's two I've lost now yeah come on come on oh come on man give me a give me a break here fish Gods toying with me that one was pretty small Sean's probably caught one eh another bite come on follow it oh man getting real hungry for a fish oh man last cast here yep yep oh my God are you kidding me God off what is going on around these parts that's three fish I've lost that one was on i i f it came off I was trying to bat it and it fell off the hook I had one on for for like a second what's happening what the hell man oh could have had two I could have had dinner already oh well John's already there maybe he's got a gourmet meal cooked up for us already and massage tables out to rub our backs uh we we lost like between me and Ted I well I lost two one I was you know one was on for a second the other one was on for a bit and it came off so I don't know what the hell's happening lots of bites bummer would have been really making me feel good to have a fish in hand before this last Portage of the day we got an 850 M Portage here though so it won't seem so bad after the last one it was 1,300 M or whatever but still pretty hard uh it's late we're hungry and tired but we're going to bang it off and hopefully that will put us in some even better trout water and we can just load in when we get there um so fingers crossed but uh no time like the president we got to bang this off um because Shawn is only coming in for the night and going back we just said sea don't wait up for us we're double carrying he's got only one day worth of gear so he's single carrying with a light load and we're just like go ahead of us Sean and go catch the fish and uh don't wait up go live your life SE go live your life dreams your dreams so anyways yeah I'm just going to bang off this Portage and uh yeah I'm looking forward to hopefully catching a fish and a nice campfire and uh nice trout sizzling in the pan and all that good stuff so anyways I wish I could just teleport to the end of this Portage Trail but unfortunately Star Wars isn't real I could probably use another power bar before I get out and really far doing this doing this we just don't really feel like it doing this well a good dog on the ground we're three in the saddle no matter what where you're from a been man good dog who been friend to a man but Sam was the greatest one he was a Hound of hounds he was a Wonder of all Walkers he love howling at the moon he love treating that raccoon but most of all he was my best friend then Gone Too Soon he was the run of the litter but a real mean pup put Sam on a scand and'll never never give up and s in the P you went on a bear bone now I'm underground and you all alone let's get this over with okay back for the canoe that wasn't so bad no breaks we go that way that was the last Portage of the day tough going but every day on this trip's going to be pretty tough with portaging and uh some significant uiver travel too on our second last day so better get used to it but to be honest with you you do kind of get used to it a bit and uh first day seems to be the hardest and then I don't know your body just customizes to the work anyways waiting on Ted I think it might be a good place to take a couple casts here [Music] all right last Portage of the day done fairly late in the evening now now we have a couple kilometers to go to get to our campsite so yeah we're in another Creek and the creek we are on actually feeds this but it just it loses water so there's people just Portage between the two and actually there's a lot more water in this one than the in the last one we're just going to basically pick our way down to the campsite at this campsite Ted caught a huge trout probably 4 lbs uh and I caught a really good one too and then Sean caught one Sean caught a big one and I caught a bigger one than Ted caught a tank just one after the other right at kind of dusk oh are you kidding me I want to dink I'll catch I'll take whatever at this point yes I've never lost so many fish in my life before Ted lost another one wow we're doing an amazing job at losing fish out here got one yes on the board that was in a perfect little trouty looking spot I saw that spot him like I bet you there's a trout there look at these how beautiful these fish are look at the colors on the board baby just saw a little current little little small little back Eddie I cast right into it saw what looked like a bigger fish than that hit I passed it so I turned around and cast right back up River I was going through a shallow section and boom nailed one okay doesn't look particular very fishy right here so we'll make her way down a bit further about time manof I lost at least one that was like triple that size real DS through here yeah Superman never made any money saving the world from Solem and Grandy I see our campsite well we've caught up with Sean and cie cuz that's our campsite there tan wasn't a ladies man he was just on sitting around in some jungle scape dumb as an ape doing nothing Well Sean's at Camp he says he's caught a few fish and good Lord he's got a log C built too man this guy's [Music] Advanced oh saw a fish right in here in the shallows oh look at this dude this looks like such a nice little honey hole here look how fing cool Sean looks he we go yeah I bet you that's the one I just saw and landed five I don't you landed five dude that's amazing you guys right here there's one woo look at the dick on this one I guess that's what happens when you're not spending your entire daying hauling goddamn 90 lb bags around day and maybe you just know something about fishing as well this is a nice one dude that's a good little bit of food [Music] e got to fish the place out [Music] noobsters all right time to feed North uh North's got a lot of energy running around having fun while I'm portaging and uh yeah I'm feeding him first made Pet Foods Pacific Ocean Formula Herring sardines wild caught it's like amazing but feeding him good food ever since he's young has definitely helped his muscle and bone development so um issues like you know hip dysplasia and stuff like that are less likely if you feed them a high quality food and he's just got a great code he's a healthy dog and he loves it too so yeah first M Pet Foods uh wild Pacific o Ocean Formula is what I'm feeding North and uh it's good stuff check it out yeah good boy what's [Applause] this so the bugs aren't really that bad you guys noticing this I probably shouldn't have said anything they've had a few moments where you're like oh they're getting kind of bad and then they sort of this is like this could be way worse here's the plat I thought for sure I actually said to Nate 3 weeks ago we went can on the oong river and I I said we're going to get hammered on our trip for sure like well this is what happened to us at lost dog I thought we were going to get killed remember I spped in the tarp and you guys are like you're an idiot like it wasn't even this bad yeah they do actually I don't know Rider oh man it is uh I didn't get that sunscreen around the base of my neck good Lord my Ginger yeah so we just had a really nice fire awesome meal uh Sean cooked up some bare steaks I cooked up a beef steak and we enjoyed a lot of delicious fried brook trout which is just awesome it's always the first one of the year that tastes great uh mine got a little charred there on the skin but uh man was it ever good t actually ended up catching a couple here and ended up out fishing me by the end of the day um butth yeah the fishing's just going to get better from this point on however we're scared because we're feeling fairly fairly broken this is our like first big trip of the year um Ted's you know horribly out of shape with bread stick legs and and uh yeah and um uh I could probably be pumped a little more legs myself too because yeah they're feeling a little tender but I feel good the air smells amazing and I'm excited for tomorrow for sure but uh yeah the day after tomorrow we're going to have over double the amount of portaging we had today which is kind of concerning but really awesome to be at this site again really awesome to just uh hang out around the fire and just uh have a few laughs and super fun day tough day but uh yeah feeling good and uh more awesome stuff to come supposed to get some rain tonight and rain in the morning so yeah uh we're going to say goodbye to Sean tomorrow Ted and I are going to continue on next to the wind right Ted oh sorry that's a frog you hear that what you hear the Frog which one that one yeah anyways yeah so uh I'm going to go to bed 99 yeah well we have some rain this morning it's uh L up a lot but it's still coming down not too cold but yeah definitely you know mornings aren't warm at the this time of year in general so I'm putting on my waiters today uh we have a big day um the way that uh the reservation system works in Alon is you have to book camp sites that way you know you know that you're going to get a site and there's not going to be hundred other people there but um part of the problem was there's not a lot of campsites along the nipping River and uh most of them were booked up so we have uh you know two pretty long days and only one night to camp on the niping um you know we're going to be in some other great trout Waters and even get into some big Lakers as we move South and out of the nipping system [Applause] [Applause] what a brilliant idea that thing is eh [Applause] oh really I was just making Cowboy Coffee [Applause] here making Cowboy coffee and then it turned out that Ted has a French press or a bodm I've never heard of the word bodm before so you learn something new every day hopefully today I don't have to learn how to uh self-repair a snaap spine because we have a lot of pork doing you like some look at that not a grind in sight it's advanc bushcrafting right there ladies and ger one of [Applause] them whichever one is enough for like one O Meal really that thing [Applause] sucks bud man safe travels see you have good luck
Channel: Jim Baird - Adventurer
Views: 60,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brook trout, brook trout fishing, algonquin park, algonquin park fishing, algonquin trout, jim baird, jim baird adventurer, algonquin backcountry, ted baird, shawn james, my self reliance, fishing with shawn james
Id: AjKLjkzW7Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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