Interviewing Examish Linda Shrock. Testimony about her daddy the Bishop

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happy sunday everybody i got linda schrock again here with me today we are doing another interview i wanted to interview her again because uh well for a couple different reasons to kind of get some questions answered people had and also make some corrections that we needed to make uh from the first video uh but to start out with i just want to say that i i felt emotions just like everybody else did during that first video first interview with linda she even asked me are you sure you're ready for this and i said yes i know i'm ready for this but during the video the first one we did just just some of the things that were shared obviously i uh you know i felt anger just like a lot of you did that that watched the video and and heard the things that were happening uh with your dad the sam mullet is his name a lot of you know about the story about the beard cutting and all of that uh we just i just didn't know how deep how gruesome it was going to be so obviously i want to tell everyone that i was never i was never intending to or even asking anybody to do anything and taking it in their own hands uh my my biggest thing is i want a law i want to the law enforcement to do their job and if they're willing to do their job i step back and let them do their job and if i go out and do anything in the flesh and try to take things in my own hand and well i would kind of mess up the investigation for them so i promised the sheriff when i talked to him i would stay out of it and that is exactly what i'm going to do i'm going to let them do their job so if if they got eyeballs on him and watching him that that's a good thing right yeah that's a good thing so we want to let them do their job yes so anyway i just wanted to say that to start out with um like many of you that messaged me after that uh you were very disturbed you wanted to know what you can do uh one thing you can do is do what i've been doing uh today before i got here is go through and pray in the country and pray wherever you're at pray for the situation uh for linda and her family and the community everybody that is under that power and control that god would be able to be there and and set them free there's there's power in prayer that is one thing we can all do uh to be honest with you one thing god showed me was during that whole mess where i feel any emotions and i was like i gotta do something you know god showed me that the most powerful thing is prayer and that's more powerful than my muscles are trying to do something in the flesh to try to act out in some way so power in prayer is obviously more important than to go out and try to do something maybe physically so i wanted to say that first so thank you again linda for wanting to hop on i i did share the link in the top of this video if you guys want to order her book uh this this book you can order and this has the story about what your the beard cutting and all that yes the whole story how that unfolded you got all that in there yep the whole story is in there so if you guys want to order that book i put that link on on this video you can actually click on that it takes you i believe amazon and you can you can buy that buy that book be betrayed and reject it that's what it says so if you guys want to buy that you feel welcome to click on that link and buy that so anyway uh to go back to where this started linda um your dad sam mullet he was you guys were from which community before he ever came to berkeley's uh we were in middle field ohio um until i was 10 years old and then he moved to fredericktown and basically the reason he moved out of middlefield was because he didn't want us children to have the young folks gatherings the way him and mom did he wanted us to have a better life so we moved there and things weren't going the way it was he wanted it to and i can't explain that to but he wanted to help rule the church help fix problems and his way of doing things was not what the church wanted so they would never listen to what he wanted to do so they would he didn't like it so he decided to move down in burkles and the brushes and he said in the brushes where nobody can find him and do his own way of doing things and that's why it came that's why he came to work holes and then well there was no bishop or anything and also to backtrack a little bit i found out from my uncle and aunt through this book that they gave me a backup history from my dad before i knew anything like i guess he wanted to be a minister a pastor or a bishop or something so he can help rule the churches and stuff and he was in the voting group a couple times but it never hit him so he moved down here and now they're going to make bishop again and there was only three men that could be the one and inan valley group helped them out they had a bishop there and they were also just five or six families so he actually ordained my dad to be a bishop and now that dad is a bishop he reached out back to the other communities and we went back a couple times to visit after he was bishop but every time he stood up to preach they would never give him agreement on his preachings okay and it kind of i kind of thought about it but and he did preach out instead of the bible more of other books right outside the bible he would preach about and then he would tell us that it's a new kind of it it's a preaching that people forgot about they don't remember that kind of stuff that's why he wants to bring it in white was different than everybody else so now that he's bishop he wanted to go back and help them fix their problem again and they said they don't want him to help so he said if you don't let me come back i'm going to excommunicate you well then the furby town bishop just turned around and excommunicated him now he's sitting all by himself he can't go anywhere i still remember when word came out one community after another he got notified notified in the mail that they're not gonna communicate with him anymore and he was sick in bed like he it really hurt him but it really put him down so that was a pretty good hard blow for a hard blow for him to to realize what they are actually doing because he's all by himself now so would you say that's one of the main reasons he could not excommunicate other bishops because he was already excommunicated yeah that was the main reason and i also just found this out that i didn't know this whole story so virgo's community started to grow and we had up to like 30 families we were about to divide our community and build up another school everything was going good and all of a sudden dad started picking on double things that people were doing in church like one of them didn't have materials that he wanted there they had mom and dad came up with a really really strict ordinance letter so they had materials and the boys were like putting uh motors on wagons stuff like that and it ended up little by little that detroiter family was put in the bone for six months and he said everybody who agrees with the laverne family or the liver and troyer family everybody who agrees with them is already excommunicated from the church he doesn't even have to go through it and say it again it's already been said so the next time we went to the church half the church stood up and went out with laverne troyers so half the church went against your dad yes and it was a total shock for all of us because we didn't know they felt this way so these excommunication people and our in the burkholz community decided to move out some moved in the night some moved during the day but they were they were not willing to stay there and then the bishops didn't know exactly what to do with these people because they were excommunicated so they got together like it was a big gathering 600 bishops or more and they decided to overturn the excommunication because my diet has already been excommunicated so the bishop cannot excommunicate somebody somebody that's already excommunicated himself so because your dad was excommunicated he had no authority to even excommunicate anybody else right so they were able to then overturn those they overturned it gotcha which then made my dad again sit in the same spot that he wanted these other peoples to sit right if they would not have overturned his excommunication they would be sitting where dad is sitting now alone they wouldn't be able to be with the other communities and wouldn't be able to be down here gotcha so that's amazing how that played out like he really thought he was going to get somewhere with that yeah and he that's why that was such a blow that he got excommunicated because he knew that would take the power and control away from him yes gotcha so that's how that came about why they took that excommunication away from the other people freed them but it locked up my dad and it seemed every time my dad did something like that it always backfired on him yeah always always backfired on him because he wanted to do it his way yes so when my sister and her husband got into their problems this was after that excommunication her husband actually came in the community with the sheriff to take the girls away from her the kids and he got away with it and then my dad said the only reason the sheriff could come into our community like that is because we're not living the life we should it's time we repent so that's where all the chicken coop and all that kind of stuff came in he said we have a sin under our community and that's why they were able to do that and he was going to fight this sin and people believed that that was the reason the sheriff was able to come in well yeah what i mean we did what we didn't know better we didn't know wow so everybody backtracked in their life to see if we can find this sin that's why we went he locked them up he said some people can just talk others can't and then he gave us all the opportunity to write our sins down okay and he told us that if we write our sins down he will be able to forgive us for our sins okay little do we know that he will memorize these sins for later use wow so later and that's where that's also where the hair cuttings came in he he decided to go after the men and cut the hair off because if they know that they get the hairs cut they're going to speak like they're going to tell him what he what they did it was a form of a punishment to get them to talk so the hair cutting and beard cutting was simply something that he did for sin a punishment for sin he was trying yeah but he was trying to find the sin where whoever did it and then uh later we found out that uh he uses those sins he memorized everybody's and if you stand up and go against him or something he decides that needs to be done he uses that sin and throws it to that person's face hey didn't you sin in your life don't you have a women's problem as well well yeah they do and then they can't fight anymore that's where he's got you that's where he's got you and he used those sins as weapons against that same very same person so that way nobody can stand up against him yeah he can do whatever you want thank you for sharing that because that's what that gives me a better understanding how he was able to get to that point where he can control them and shut him up and because he memorized that sin he throws it right at him and now you have no grounds to stand on yeah so that's where when he started sleeping with the women and the and even if one of the men would stand up against him he would say that well didn't you have problems when you were growing up well yeah well then wow and that just advice why sam muller is doing this yeah and it clears the air why he can do whatever he wants to because you dare shut darren speak then there you go wow he used to sin as a weapon yeah and then going back why he went to another community to cut hair that was actually my brother idea okay like time went on and we didn't get the girls back we everybody cleared up their life the best they knew the best they could and still we didn't get the girls back nothing changed so my brother decided [Music] why not go down out there and attack the main bishop that had the final say to overturn our shunning to free those people [Music] so they decided to go to the mount hope auction all of the men knowing what they were going to do but they didn't tell the driver so on the way home from the mount holy boxing they stopped at this man's house and knocked on the door pretending they want to come visit these people didn't know any different and they opened the door and let them in you know amish people are very nice you know they always welcome you in right they don't know they thought well we got some visitors but didn't know they were about to get attacked right and they just went attack attacked him and cut off his hair and his beard and whoever got in the way was pushed like is dan schrock correct what he said here i had heard at the time of the beard cuttings that he did it because bishops in other communities were against him yes that'd be true yeah okay yeah he i i don't understand like why you would think that you could get away with going in there in another bishop's house yeah and doing that and thinking the law is not going to come after you right so they did the the main bishop that uh had the last words to overturn it and then they went down to uh carrollton and got that bishop because he didn't treat my brother right well that was what my dad said i actually don't know the the main reason why but that guy did not open the door and welcomed them in it was late at night and he just stood in the door and didn't let them in he wanted to know what do you want and my brother just up and grabbed him by the beard and started cutting and he fight he fought back so my brother lost just as much hair as the bishop did there they didn't win there win-win situation here it was a win-win situation there they both lost hair but they did not get to shave him because he fought back wow and and when they saw that he's gonna fight back they ran for the trailer and left and i think that was the only two they got that night but they came home at what was it one o'clock in the night something like that my dad was still sitting on the rocking chair waiting on them so he tried to tell us that he didn't know anything what was going on but why was he sitting up that late waiting for the story he probably told him what to do right yeah and at the time my nephews some of my sons and my nephews were living in the and his upstairs shop out in the barn because he had taken them away from us to give them a better life he said yeah and night before they went the boys were down at the barn well he actually told them to come down to the barn and he told them everything what the plan was and then my boys told me later on yeah my dad was trying to tell me that he didn't know anything about it well my voice happened to be there and they told me that he knew everything yeah i'm glad you were able to find out yeah he was he's not innocent but he wanted to look innocent in the whole thing and that's that's another thing that my dad always did although he was the bishop in our community down here we would always sit in circles and he we would always talk about other people that was always the main conversation was talk about other people how they act and then he would say well let's go do this and this and give ideas in our heads and then he said i want you to do this and i want you to do that whoever he picked out and then he would roll his chair back out of the ring and he would say i didn't tell you anything whatever you do is on you that's why in the courts and the trial we were in the courts and the trials everybody said they did this on their own the judge didn't believe it right because i think the judge knew what was going on but we could not say that it was our dad because he told us it wasn't we did it on our own so the judge knew though somehow he he looked through my dad he saw through my dad good good somehow he did yeah because he was the kingpin behind the whole mess yeah i think one of the main reasons the judge knew what was going on is because some of the questions that he asked us we weren't able to answer and we it was too late to go ask that what we were supposed to say you know god so i think the answers that we gave the judge is how he found figured it out that yep it wasn't us god was in control of that yeah yeah yeah so that's where the hair and the beard cutting started mostly was trying to find ours in and then he took that and decided it was a good idea to terrorist the other people and then again the law got involved the fbi said it was a good case we gotta go so did they look at the beard cutting and storming into that house like a terrorist act yes really yeah it was a parasite and that when that happened the the sheriff put four or five of our men in the jail they're in in holmes county and they were being held it was told that it's a warning for us if we keep doing this then there's going to be prison but if we stop then they'll let us go but they held us four of our men just to show us that you better stop yeah so everybody got out of uh jail again we went home and living a normal life just like usual all of a sudden dad comes up with this idea of cutting more people's hair oh he wasn't done yet no he wasn't done yet i did not get that so this continued this was not just a one-time event no wow so after everything was kind of settled he came up with this idea you know they won't do anything again like it was just a one-time deal we'll we'll see if we get away with it again and a lot of us were we did not i was one of them i literally begged them not to i didn't want to get involved myself because the men said when they got arrested that day even though it was just jail all they could see was life in prison they'd never see their family again that was what was in front of their face when they went in yeah and they were scared like they didn't want that to happen but dad started laughing you said you know that's never going to happen that was just a scare that was just something to scare us away from we're good we're all right it's nothing going to happen so then this one of these guys was living at my house at the time he had an anger issue and [Music] his friend from the old community that he come from kept asking him where are you at because my dad punished him a lot you know and sometimes he wouldn't answer the phone calls or something and and this other guy from the other community would uh call down the sheriff and tell him to go out and see if he's all right and it made this other man living at our house it made him mad so he decided to invite him down and see if he comes and cut his hand beard off for punishment for sending the sheriff out to see if he's okay or not so they came to our house and we just thought it was like you knew what was going on in our community why would you trust us and each that guy from the other community came into our house walked in the door sat on the rocking chair he was just as cool his arms were hanging down and he visited as if nothing happened really after lunch they asked you want to go back and see the fields the crops and he was like sure i'd love to go he was a farmer they took him back we all knew what was gonna happen you knew what was coming i knew well we all knew i don't know why they didn't know or why this guy thought that he's gonna get away with it but they they literally cut his hair and beer all they everything shaved it off like yeah he had nothing left wow and they sent him home like that send them home like that they send them home like that that's so bizarre i've never heard of an amish bishop ever doing such a thing that he didn't agree with him and to go literally shave his head and take his beard off wow he said that's a message to that man or any of the other people to leave us alone yet dad kept reaching out in their community starting to fight in the first place he instigated it started it and yet instigated it and then he wanted to send the message back and say let leave us alone well he's the one starting it wow so after this this was now the third case we had with harry and beard cutting two of them from the mount hope trip and then one of them at our place there so now my dad gives these wild ideas that my ex-husband's mom and dad used to live down here in burkholds and they moved out because they agreed with detroiters and they were excommunicated and it's been five years since they came down to visit us we haven't seen them or anything so my dad said to my ex-husband invite them down have a dinner with them and do the same thing really and i i told emmanuel my ex-husband i said don't do it don't do it cause it's not gonna work but he he did did it anyway he did it anyway he never listened to anybody's advice it had to be his way right yeah and even the sheriff the excuse that my ex-husband used to cut his dad's hair was he the sheriff came in the house first and and warned emmanuel to not touch his dad's hair because it from the cases that's already been going and emmanuel told him that my ex-husband he told him that everything's going to be fine nobody's going to get hurt so he left and we visited and just before they were ready to leave my ex-husband says one more thing dad he said you always taught us as kids not to get the sheriff involved in anything of our life we're amish and you sent the sheriff to out to my house to warn me about you and that said it wasn't me it was one of his brothers because his brothers didn't trust my husband at that time they were trying to protect his dad yeah so he said the reason for that i'm going to teach you a lesson to never get the sheriff involved again and that's when he stood up and cut the iron bears off he stood up right then and just cut it he had a scissors ready in the drawers he just reached over in the drawers and got it and started cutting and they didn't fight back he tried to fight back but the boy stood up and helped oh wow he when he saw he was done he just stood there and that's when my mother started screaming and running for the door and my ex said grab her and hold her so i did so she can't go for help and then my daughter also helped me because she was really feisty so we held her and i tried to talk to her and calm her down and i said look just calm down nothing is gonna happen we're not gonna hurt anybody we're just gonna cut the hair that's it so we talked a little bit before they left and they left and they stopped and told the sheriff what happened so that was the fourth case so is that why you were charged linda yes that's the reason why i was charged was conspiracy because i knew about everything and i didn't tell and then because of the first one that i was involved cooking dinner and i talked to his wife and kept her occupied while they were cutting his hair and then the third one was uh kidnapping because i helped my mother against her well they said you held her against her will and that was enough to charge you for kidnapping kidnapping yeah wow so i was and hate crime my dad when he found out about the arrestment that we might get arrested and and all that kind of stuff he went and threw religion in there yeah we're doing it for religious reasons well that put hate crime on it that put hate crime on it so he didn't even know by opening his mouth he was going to tackle on another charge but he thought religion is going to save us i think most you know even even with some of the testimonies i've had you know interviews with sexual abuse and many different kinds of abuse usually they they believe freedom of religion loss is what's going to protect them yeah so i can see why he thought well if i bring up freedom of religion that'll protect yeah i can see what and that's what it took to put hate crime on it so now we were done so they came out one morning early one morning six o'clock our house was surrounded with the police officers and knocking on the door and screaming and yelling they were coming in to get you all right they arrested seven arrested seven seven and a lot of a lot of household house women were alone all because of my dad yeah he didn't take warning yeah he did it his way and therefore he took many men down with him including you and that was there multiple women arrested or was just you there was uh just seven men that day okay but later they were being held until the investigation was completely done okay and then they investigated and found out who was all actually involved and then they like indicted us we didn't actually have to be arrested right away yeah but they allowed us to stay home and take care of the kids until the trial came up okay so that because there weren't enough people left in the community to take care of all the kids by that time really there were seven men and six women that actually were involved and that reminds me there was another case the miller case there was actually five cases uh for some reason my dad has uh revenge on his sister bart children those are the miller boys that are in our community right now actually eli miller and yeah his wife so they they went and cut his dad's hair the same way and mom both because he said that they didn't the parents didn't take care of the kids the way they were supposed to when they were growing up because there were things going on that we shouldn't have been doing so they did the same thing they actually took a driver and went to that community in middleville ohio knocked on the door and kind of put their hats down so they couldn't see who it was and as soon as they opened the door to let them in again it was in the middle of the night they just walked in and went right into the bedroom and dragged their dad out and shaved his hair and beard and did the same demon wow that was men and women on that on that van to help out with men and women yeah wow miller children gotcha wow so that was actually case five yeah yeah thanks for explaining that because it there was a lot of people after the first video with you they they were wanting to know what all transpired in that and just to hear how that unfolded it's just you know he just never it had to be his way and then he talked them into being a part of it yeah it's actually it it runs back to things that happened in dad's life people he uh fought with before he we were even born he was now using us to go back revenge on them instead of doing it himself he would just use us to do it even though we never had anything to do with these people yeah we were under his control he could use us as weapons and that's why yeah so share kind of how many many hundreds of bishops would come to try to talk to him and he just didn't want nothing to do with it that was when the ex-commission communication went on with detroiters uh every now and then they would send down three or four or six bishops to talk to that to see if they can't get him to change his mind or try to come to something he would just shut his mouth and not say anything and not do it he would just throw stuff in their face again like he always does to us too stuffed he remembered he knew these bishops who they were so he would go back and remember stuff that was told when they were younger and throw that in their face then what were they gonna say yeah so he just denied everybody that came and there were lots of them that came down and offered the help with the community but kindness was an enemy yeah kindness was always looked at as an enemy and he would teach that right yes he would teach that stay away from kindness if somebody comes up to you and wants to help you stay away from it because it's the demon that's a demonic person who is to be trying to be loving and kind but yet it's the complete opposite is that's what you want to trust i mean it's just that's what blows my mind more than anything linda is how he was able to set his own little system up you know just and people believed everything the kids believed that somebody that smiles and wants to shake your hand that's danger danger that's evil wow and if you think about it you take it back you think about how dad feels he had to do something because we didn't know why we're sitting down there all by ourself we didn't know why the other people don't want to communicate with us so he had to come up with something to keep us there right so he would say that the teachings he is doing is people just lost the way jesus lives they don't know it anymore so he's coming up and he's doing this so people can go back and connect to jesus which was all a lie but that was the only only thing he had left to say he had to pretty much go down that route to keep all of you yeah in the believing hymn because if you didn't believe him then it wouldn't work no we would all left we all left so when half the church stood up for the split and left he didn't want the rest of you to turn up he didn't want to lose everybody so he had to come up with something wow and then when my sister and her husband when he separated them he drove her husband out to the other community and left him there he didn't even know that we were going to drop him off none of us knew that we were going to drop him off he just dropped him off and went home and later he used that he said if you leave the burkholz community you're same as him your son you're going to hell so he used that rope to keep us all in there and then saying that i'm teaching god's ways so that will keep us all tied up in there and he's still doing that he's still doing that right now i'm doing that right now because i was out visiting my sister's two little girls just recently and they said they talked to mom and she literally said that i would really like to come out and be with you girls again but she said berkelets is going to heaven the community of burples is going to heaven and if i don't stay here i can't go to heaven she literally said that she believes it well there's some serious brainwashing when you actually believe a man that teaches that yeah that's probably it's been it's been over 20 years now yeah that she's been telling herself that wow that's the only thing that keeps her away from her ex-husband which she had divorced and her two daughters is because she believes that she leaves the community she can't go to heaven so therefore you got to stay here to please god she don't want god mad at her right wow so is that also why they believe that part of punishment if they sin they go to the chicken coop they believe that yeah they they do they believe that and another thing that i could clear up or mention this is my ex-husband he knows he did stuff that he wasn't supposed to do so my dad punished him he punished him a lot he got beat up so bad with the axe handle axe handle that one or two more whackings would have killed him what and that just sat there and didn't say anything because my ex stood up and he wanted to show that he has a little strength left which was the wrong thing to do because they beat him up until he didn't have anything left to stand up for himself so i asked him one day why do you let them beat you up like that like you don't have to you you can go home or live a little more carefully so they can't do this to you and he said look this was his way of looking at things he said i've done things wrong in my life and i believe that if i take these beatings then i don't have to go to hell because i already had my punishment and he doesn't repent to anything to this day he has not repented to anything he only told me that he knows he did things that he shouldn't have and if he takes these beatings it will save him wow where he came up with that i have no idea well i tell you what that's what happens when a man sets himself up to be god wow but jesus forgives that's something yeah man doesn't yeah i mean he wasn't he doesn't and he had he had you had to have that kind of punishment because he didn't forgive he was after by the way that's why the beard cuttings happened because he couldn't forgive the people he hated but jesus christ died and forgave us all that's what i tried to tell dad i was like look we all wrote our sins down and you told us you'll forgive us for that yet you keep bringing it up i said if if you forgive us for what we did you won't even remember what we did you're not supposed to right but he did jesus when he forgave us he don't remem remember our sins no more no it's been forgiven it's wiped out washed away yeah but when man can't forget wow see he sets himself up actually this in my book here it starts in saying what happens to how it affects other people's lives if you can never say that you were wrong or you made a mistake yeah you just take it in your hands and do it your way the damage that has been done to others because of this and that's in this book that's in this book folks this is be betrayed and rejected by linda shrop and i put the link in this video before we went live you can click on that and order one of these books and read the whole story and there's book two coming gonna do another book yes i'm doing another book and this was the amish life i had and the other book will be changed and accepted it will be why i changed my life and how my life is out in this world yeah can you kind of touch upon i was really fascinated how i i just love how god sometimes uh does things it's amazing how he does things for people that are just haven't seen the light yet so you're in prison and you got to read a bible english written bible yeah after i changed my life they gave me a bible in there to read i would literally just every morning i got up i would open up the bible and write a verse that popped up just to just to feel it it was such a new feeling a new beginning a new start and i could actually understand what i was reading and these ladies in prison they would like hold my hand and say look you're a strong woman and i said no i'm not i'm not i can't see that they said you are you have something in you that you don't even realize yourself and it just made me feel comfortable and and more relaxed yeah and the amish life i was always on edge and scared always not knowing what's going to happen next are they going to take my children are they going to beat them up too or what are they gonna they cut my hair what are they gonna do and i think the only thing well i know the only thing that saved me and that's in this book when i was seven years old we as children me and my brothers and sisters and cousins took turns riding around a corn crate with ponies and every time i would go around there was a little white mean puppy that would come out and bark at me and i got scared so i asked the others if they see that puppy and they said there's no puppy there so i got even more scared and ran to the house and told mom and mom said the only thing she can think of is i don't listen to dad the way i should but that's not what i was told it went through my mind never sin never say a bad word never drink don't smoke all those things that's what was going around my head when i saw that puppy so that saved me like if i would hear a radio playing somewhere i would purposely not put my finger in my ear but i would purposely shut my earring off so i won't hear the words that's how scared i was of doing a sin wow and later in that and in the years that's the only thing that saved me from dad not cutting my hair he could not find anything against me to hurt me god was doing that he showed you that puppy that resulted in you not wanting to sin right yeah later on because see all god knows everything in the future he knew what was going to transpire with your dad and now he couldn't find no sin to hold against you he could not find anything i was the only one literally the only one from the whole church that didn't have a letter to write to write sins down i didn't have anything and it made me feel very alone different not like myself because i wasn't like anybody else it should have made me happy but i couldn't see that part that thing it made me different but yeah standing here and looking back it saved me yeah he could not and still today he cannot hurt me and that's why can't touch him can't touch me yeah and did you say in the first video when i interviewed you that it at one point he got so angry that i just can't get linda yes he would come over in the mornings a lot of times and talk and i didn't even realize like i thought i was like kind of agreeing with him but my sister she had a chance to come down at my dad's house and visit and my dad didn't know she was there so he came home from visiting me and he walked in the door his face was red and he was having white stuff come out of his mouth he was angry and he was saying no matter what i say or what i do i cannot convert linda and i don't know what to do i'm about beside myself and then he looked up and he saw my sister martha's sitting there wow and she just told me this just before she died me and martha haven't talked well after i left the army she didn't want to see me she did she was afraid she can't take it like this was hard on her because we were really close when we were growing up and she didn't want to see me but then she got cancer and got really sick and she knew she was going to leave the earth so she asked me to come visit her wow so i did i told her i told her she let me come visit her i will respect her and i'll put on a dress we have dresses out here i'll wear a dress and i'll put my hair up in the bun and she says she really appreciates that and she let me come visit that's awesome and we talked a lot of stuff and then she told me that that's when you learned that that's when i learned that wow at least you got some more information before she passed away yeah it was only like i was there like maybe four days after i left she passed so close then so close wow yeah i could i can see standing here today or sitting here today and looking back over my life god was he had his hand in there in every step that i took and a lot of times i'm just now realizing that i'm actually special because i always thought the other way yeah and growing uh my grandma would always say linda she's very quiet she doesn't hardly say anything but if she does say something it's so powerful that it almost makes you go back like that well as a child it didn't make me feel good you know you didn't feel good about that no because i didn't want to be different i didn't want to you know yeah but now i understand what she's saying what she was saying yeah you understand god had god saved you i mean he was intervening he stood me in so many times he did and i didn't even realize the evil spot that i was in i realized something was wrong but i had no idea how deep i was sitting in that evil spot yeah and he was there and he just helped me out no matter which way i turned he was always there and then in you get saved what do you get would you say you got saved when you was in jail yeah that's when you understood the gospel what what it's all about they uh they had church in there okay and it was very wrong for me to go yeah because i was amish but i wanted to see i wanted to know you know what it was all about because we're taught growing up i mean you don't go to an english church that is not amish i was even told that you if you're not amish the bible does you no good yeah because you go through the bishop and the amish church from the traditional things to show you the way yeah that's what they teach so yeah and the ladies there uh talked to me a lot and i knew that i was put in prison longer or for a reason and i was the only woman there were six ladies women and i was the only one that had two years all the others had only one year really yeah you got two years in prison and when the other ladies all got one year and that again was all guys doing because if i would have gotten out at a year i would have never changed he knew you needed that second year to get saved it was in the second year that i got saved it was like wow i had two years and i only had like six months left until things started to happen and it led me to change completely before i go home now linda that's a perfect example of when god allows something bad to happen to someone and turns it into good perfect example it is i've told so many people when they say you know sometimes i've heard i've had people ask for prayer and they're like you know i just don't understand why god allows something bad to happen to a good person because they think they're good but most of the time when something bad happens like that if we just understand that god is still in control of it and if something good can turn out of that and we just fail to realize it sometimes yeah so the hardest part for me there was actually a lieutenant in there that got my attention and the amish attacked me about that too but he got my attention and you're not supposed to look at other men or stuff like that you know that's all sin all wrong but he got me to watch him and he never talked to me in words all he did was just show me an action what what i'm supposed to do there in prison it was like god himself was in there he showed me where to go what to do all i had to do is watch his actions wow and he would a lot of times he would walk around me and then it would say in my mind every time he does that it's another rope around me to pull me out of the evil that's why he would walk around me and if he would walk right by me close by me that was him telling me that i'm right here don't fear and just things like that so that kind of pulled me away from the amish little by little and the hardest part for me to take the last final step was take off my head coloring that would expose everything i if i do that i'm done with the illness that's a big sin in the ambush big sin women do not uncover that head so i was fighting that in my head one side was saying do it the other side was saying don't so one day we sir i worked in the kitchen there in prison and one day we were serving pizza and the pans were just coming out of the oven like they were really hot and this girl walked beside me and she hit my arm with the pan and it burnt and instantly the burn burnt it went through my mind take that covering off now so i did and when i did the next morning i threw it in the trash and i took it off and the different i cannot explain how i felt you were set free finally i was set free god wanted you to know don't do anything man has set up rules all of these traditions that will not save you but if you come to me you are set free by the blood of jesus christ jesus says i came that you may have life more abundantly and at that moment you just was set free and you now have life more abundantly yeah and i was scared because i didn't it was the unknown i didn't know what was gonna happen but when i did that it was so free i started smiling felt relieved yeah i felt relief that's awesome and the girls they instantly saw that i didn't even have to say anything they saw it they said you swam across the river didn't you and i was like yeah i did i did i said it feels good they braided my hair like they do in this world and it was just amazing yeah a very start of a new life linda you would never understand the being set free if you didn't let go of all those traditional things anything someone hangs on to you're never going to be set free you're never going to understand the the peace joy and comfort that is in christ when he said those words on the cross it is finished it really was finished it was yeah it was finished i just wish more people would understand that yeah but you can't get it in everybody's head no because it the unknown is scary it is scary but if if you can talk with somebody that actually did it yeah and you get them to believe you then it's good but it's a hard step to take yeah and if i would not have done that in prison about six months before i came out i would have never done it because they would they would have ate me alive if i would have done that in the community back then yeah oh yeah in your community you could not take that head covering off you'd have been done and when i came down home how they tried to block my house from coming home they put two women in there with my kids and told me that i can't come home i have to find another place to go and i was like look your name is not on that deed it's just me and my husband so you can't block me from my house so they took everything the kids and everybody out and let me come home then after i came home uh i had the kids with me so you got your kids they also when the community saw that i am seriously gonna come home like that like i'm not gonna change back to amish they take all my kids out of school take all your kids out of school and church because they couldn't do anything with me anymore they couldn't control you know they couldn't control me no more so they they did the kids so i wrote back home and told my sister take those children put it back to school it's not their fault don't punish my kids for something that i did and i said i'll give you two weeks if you put the kids back in school then i'll come home and we'll talk about it if not i'm going to put them in english clothes and cut the hairs and they didn't so you cut their hair and they're now they're english three three of my boys had already left the amish before i made the choice so they came back and took care of the kids and yeah they cut their hair and put english clothes on i was that was me telling them i am done but i there's no going back linda i love your boldness thank you for standing up for your rights you knew you were not gonna bow down no under that power and control i felt so free and i knew what that life was about i was not going to go back is your husband still amish he is he's still in the same community he never never ever talked to me he doesn't send the boys birthday cards he doesn't pay attention to them if they do go visit he always condemns them condemns them yeah might as well just stay away yeah so they don't even visit him yeah i wouldn't either if he's that condemning stuff is not that's in the flesh yeah jesus forgives well thank you very much for sharing that's just powerful i i don't think i've ever heard a testimony i've interviewed a lot of ex-amish uh none none quite like yours you've been through hell yeah i i say that a lot it i walk through too many fires to turn around and go back there's there's just no way that i'm gonna be pushed back yeah and one of the ladies in prison actually told me there was a church that i went to she said think about it how boldly the devil stands up and boasts out about his way of life so why can't we do the same and boldly stand up and confront him we have every right that's right just as much as he does yep so that's what i do i i'm not i won't back down come up against the evil one jesus died on the cross he gave his life for me and for so many people that all i have to do is just follow him that's easy he fights the battles for us we just give it to him right darla says uh is your daughter with you or with her her dad did you have a daughter yes i do have a daughter she was actually left with me she was english and my dad saw that he can't control me anymore or my kids because we all were english now and once your english you can't have they can't do anything so he knew he had to move quick so they were still at the stage where they were kind of worried a little bit because it was different so two of the amish went over and took her out on the porch and talked to her and scared her to go back so she went back that was before i came home from the halfway so your daughter is back amish now she went back with them with the amish and there's no way that i can talk to her you can't talk to her at all and they don't let me talk to her because they know if i talk to her i'll get her back but i do write her always and i actually sent her one of my books to read and i told her that maybe one day we can be together again because they are telling her that i don't like her because i don't come back she was they my dad pulled her out for bait he figured i only have one daughter so he figured if if he gets her out then i'll come back he probably thought he could use your daughter against you you did brainwashing her making her believe the lies and the reason i know this is true that he used her for bait is because i was in the kitchen one night doing my evening chores and i look up and i also have one son that's salamish my son and my daughter were standing there at the doorway and my son said as dad said dori said if you come back to the amish you can be with us and i he he will keep my ex out he will take care of my ex really yeah so i knew the message was from dad that i was just using my kids because he knew i wanted my kids right so i told my son tell my dad that i really really want my two kids back but i can take care of my eggs myself i don't need your help yeah and they left but now i still have two back that are amish and they're being told if they leave and follow me they're going to hell and that scares them to stay there scares them to stay there but little do they know that i am chopping down walls i won't give up until i break down that evil wall yeah and get them one day they will know yeah god can do miracles and definitely don't give up that's one that's what's what your daddy wants you to do is give yeah he wants me to give up but god has done so many things in my life already that i can't you know god's real he's real he did it like and he's going to do more he's going to do more and we have faith that he will he will yes it's just and then again i think if they did not take my daughter back and my son if they wouldn't have two of my children still in the community i wouldn't fight so hard to try to release them to try you know it taking two of my kids only motivates me even harder to get that evil out of the community linda after the first interview a lot of people said they were concerned about your safety they were concerned about you and they said is she really still within just my couple miles from that community i said yes and would you say that is because you are not going to give up well yeah i already tried to move out like many believe me many times already i said you know what i'm just going to forget the whole thing the kids they're both in their 20s they're old enough to take care of themselves i trust god in heaven that he will reach down and take care of them so they won't get hurt and i'm just going to leave and i went to look at a couple houses and trying to move out but it never happens the house is either not the one i want or it's too much money or somebody else bought it just before i did you think god's trying to tell you something so the message i get is you stay right here until i tell you to leave yeah and they know where i live my daughter knows where i live so i'm here for a reason even though i don't understand everything yet um i i think i'm supposed to stay here for now yeah well i pray that god puts it on her heart shows her truth in a way he showed you when you were very little yeah and just maybe uh you'll get a knock on that door one day and there she is there was one other thing that i wanted to talk about i said in the other video that i would like my dad to get the same punishment my mom did lock him up and not have communication until he dies but there's also another thing that would be better than that and that is if i could get him to change his life repent repent like i did yeah that would also be nice yeah if uh power of prayer can move mountains having faith and that's that's one of the reasons why i said what i said in the beginning of this video that uh obviously the first interview i did with linda i just you know a lot of us felt emotions with what we were hearing i got angry a righteous anger and it was hard not to go do something but that's the wrong way that's not what christians do we we let the law do their job and if if i go out and do something in the flesh i can also get locked up and all at once he's gonna have the last laugh hahaha everybody's getting locked up because we try to take things in our own hands but if we give it to god and we pray god can move like we power in prayer is way more powerful and stronger than me doing something in the flesh so uh we need to just pray for for this situation and uh what if there would be a day where we see a massive like a revival in this valley here in burkholds and all at once people are repenting and people are coming to the light and they're coming out from under sam's control and and then we can praise god i mean we just that would be better than locking everybody up like i said in the other video that would be even better but i can't see that happening i'm blind to that as of today what we don't see happening yeah god can make happen yeah i mean it looks worthless like there's nothing we can do but god can make it happen and we might even be the ones to lock them up we might still get that chance maybe we'll get the chance to lock him up ourselves huh maybe uh we'll just we need to stay in prayer guys uh is there anything else you want to correct from the first video we did that you think needs to be talked about before we wrap it up or i just want to give you the chance if you think there's something that we we should correct maybe from the first video i think i pretty much covered uh everything that i could think of that didn't sound right i wanted to make it right because i also got a call after the video about three days after saying i put false information on the in the video and i did not everything i said was in here um i also have the manuscripts from the child we went through so there's no false information anywhere folks anybody that doubted anything she said that came up against her she's got a whole pile that she showed me over here of manuscripts of everything that transpired everything that happened it's in her book and it's in the court documents everything that happened she didn't make none of this up she is sharing her testimony and the only thing we're not allowed to share is what the current investigation when there's an open investigation we can't talk about stuff like that so everything she shared is truly nothing but the truth yes i actually went through it i did everything i said it actually happened and this is the new me this is the new linda in christ not in sam muller yes and it feels good like i i really like my life it's really good you wouldn't exchange it for nothing i hope no no no could you say that you're thankful that you went through what you did just in order to come from darkness to the light and you did get one more year in prison than the rest of the women and you now know and understand that was god's will because you would not have gotten saved if it would have only been one year i see that now yes i'm very thankful i was mad at the beginning right very upset and mad but i didn't understand everything yeah but yes i'm very thankful for everything that god took me through not only did i uh experienced a lot i learned a lot yeah i learned a lot god wanted you to learn a lot too yeah and it's not like if i speak to you i'm not just saying a story one one woman actually came up to me and that's in the book too about when i was having an affair i was dating two boys my my school boyfriend and then i met this other one and i was confused i didn't know which one to pick so i actually saw jesus at the end of his driveway and he spoke to me and he told me which one to take he said if i take this one i can have a place in heaven so that's why i chose him and i was talking to this lady about it and she was like i thought that was just a story i said this book is not a story like it happened in real life you went through such bizarre things that it's actually hard for someone to wrap their brain around it and believe it yeah so i can see how someone would question me on that yeah i have to i have to be careful how i word it to the human brain today because what i went through is very deep yeah it's it's not something normal it sounds like something that you would only see and hear in a movie yeah but yeah you lived it i live when i tell you when i tell you something that happened i'm talking of experience like i was there and you didn't just live through a movie it was a horror movie and i was also that's in the book i was literally in hell at one point in time my heart hurt so bad it was so hot that i would stand against the wall and put both hands here and just hold very very very still because i it hurt to move yeah and i could feel every time i move even just move a leg or something i could feel myself drop even deeper so i know how is you will not burn it will just agonizing yeah pain and your brain is just like a broken record it will just say the same thing 24 7. and you can try to run you can try to roll over you can do anything you want to it's right there just stays there you cannot get away from it you're like right there wow i was in there in hell for [Music] it was about three months until it finally started to lift up so i could see daylight you know depression with the more and more people i talk to that come out of some of these religious groups depression has literally made people physically sick and i even talked to an amish man i'm working on interviewing him that once he left and was out of that depression mode and power and control he gained weight and finally broke out in puberty in his twenties but that never happened before that because of deep pain and depression that literally stopped the body from growing and he even grow to several more inches taller i want to just mention that because the the pain and the suffering and the depression you were going through can cause your heart to hurt it can cause physical physically throwing up because of depression yeah it does and standing here at that time i didn't understand what was going on but standing here today and looking back that happened to me god let me go all the way to the deepest parts of hell so that i will never turn back wow never turn back to darkness never turn back because i know how that feels you know how hell already feels yeah why go back so that i i strongly believe that's why he put me through that so that once he knew i was gonna change even though i didn't he didn't put you through that he allowed you i think of job when you said that job was a righteous man god knew his heart he knew his faith it didn't matter what happened god knew that joe wasn't going to curse him even his own wife told him to curse him so he didn't make it happen but he gave satan permission to go ahead and do all of those things but he can't kill him so what you were saying there is god didn't do it to you satan did but god allowed it to strengthen you yeah and teach you that's amazing now that i know what it is i understand yeah because it's and the heart another reason i think why that happened is because i'm the only one from the family yeah i don't have i have a brother that left but i don't never talk to him right but all the other mom died grant i don't even have a grandpa i have nobody out here except my kids yeah so it's hard yeah but every time i even think about going back i think about that pain you think about that pain you don't want to have that keeps me going forward it's amazing how god worked but he knew what he was doing i guess i see naomi says here so nobody has done anything yet after your first interview no and here's why um no we didn't we didn't do anything us that are not part of law enforcement um but we're going to let them do their job uh we don't want to intervene in that if i would have went out and tried to do something or form a group and go in and do something which in the flesh i wanted to uh that would have just messed things up and all at once we would have been locked up ourselves we don't want to break any laws or do any commit any major sins to be honest with you uh because we all felt disturbed we felt angry after the first interview and it made you want to do something but uh we are not to take it in our own hands we're we're going to let law enforcement especially when they're willing to to investigate and do something so i i praise god and i thank god for for even putting it on their heart after the video uh when it went viral it it really did prompt them to open a new investigation so and i'm not going to talk about anything they're doing we're not allowed and i don't even know all they're doing i just know that we have to step back and let them do their job i have personal uh friends that are in law enforcement that even talk to me about it and they said you just simply don't want to go do anything like that to take it in your own hands and that would actually intervene in the investigation so we want to let them do their job especially when they want to do their job so well hey thank you very much again for coming on and doing another video we could probably do 10 of these there's always stuff to say because it like new things are happening still in my life today like things are happening it's it's not done yet my story's not done yet uh naomi says again so is the law doing anything after they seen it because this isn't right save those poor children i agree with you we're working on it they are working on it i mean it's it takes time it really really sucks that it takes that much time but you know how investigations go things take a lot of time and you can't just say he says she said it's got to be proof i mean it is proof is a big thing and when it's a religious setting a religious group it makes it even harder because you have uh you know a lot of secretive things going on yeah freedom of religion you just yeah do i want to go in and do something sure but we just can't i my heart hurts for the women and children the ones that are all under even the men anybody that's under power and control of a cult leader my heart hurts for all of them but we simply can't just go in there and mess things up for what they're already doing because the ball has been rolling and we're going to stay out of the way and let them do their thing well also you have to understand that they don't think they're having a hard life they don't know the children and the kids you know even if they're getting beaten up like that they just think that's how life is yeah we're the ones that see what's actually going on those poor children don't know they're getting punished thinking they deserve it yeah same way with the women that you talked about were going to the chicken coop voluntarily you know that's because they have been brainwashed mentally so screwed up right here that they believe that that is the right thing to do yeah and if i would even get into the walls i get in to talk to them they would be scared of me like it would take time for me to talk to them to know what i'm after but i did meet one of the amish women like they really liked me when i was still amish in the community and i met one of them just recently at the walmart and when she first saw me her face lit up and she started to smile until she remembered where she was at and i was english her face turned hard yeah she's not allowed thank you for sharing that because i had a lot of people after the first interview i did with you that said you know us x amish we just need to go in here and we need to take it in our own hands and get something out and rescue these poor kids i want to explain something to you and and this is my personal experience in my community anybody that's ex amish they're not going to listen to you they're going to believe what they've been brainwashed by your daddy yeah this the minute you leave the community your words don't mean anything you might as well talk to the trees because they don't take anything any advice or anything from you yeah so in my the best thing i'm doing now is i'm just living my life and showing them yeah i don't say anything much to them i show them that i'm happy i'm having a good life i smile when they see me and they can see on my face that i'm doing good yeah and they see the boys every now and then and that talks louder than me when they see the kids and the kids are doing good so that's all that's left for me to do is just show them rather than talk because they are really believing that people like me and you are going to hell yeah they believe that they do believe that and you can't undo that just like a snap of a finger so if i showed up and said well come with me i'm here to rescue you they think i'm from the devil because they were taught that first of all they're taught that kindness and smiles and people that love on you are satanic and if you're working with the mind you have to go slow yeah dee burns she was asking about the name of your book it is the uh betrayed and rejected i know that's gonna show backwards on the video but it's it's betrayed and rejected is the name of her book and i put the link in this video on top part of this video before we went live you can click on that and you can order her book well hey thank you very much yeah you're welcome maybe we'll do another one maybe because i know we could do part one part two part three please keep going all right thanks again and uh god bless all each and every one of you and happy sunday
Channel: Eli Yoder
Views: 5,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b6G39LZ-5Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 2sec (4682 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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