Interview with The Chosen's Jonathan Roumie: Was it hard as an LA actor to say you were Catholic?

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fear not for i have redeemed you it's it's yeah that's actually the phrase that i use to people like when i i kind of this was something that just was sort of put on my heart to do and and i was kind of like really god i'm gonna pray divine mercy yeah that's pretty hard yeah yeah i'm like but people will know i'll be really really outing myself as a catholic and he's like just just do it okay so i started praying and uh it was scary at first and then it became much easier and i did that for about 40 days up until um divine mercy sunday it just happened to time out to be 40 days which ended on divine mercy sunday and again not none of i haven't premeditated any of of that uh and then the the the prayer the daily prayer was minimally just the commitment to praying the chaplain and maybe a couple of other litanies and and that was it and then everything else that came on a daily basis was just inspired because whenever i tried to plan i it just would go it wouldn't go well so i just kind of let the spirit sort of lead me in the direction that i felt that one he wanted me to go and and the things that i communicate to people and um it had a wonderful response i had so many people that were um non-catholics that were uh learning about catholicism in a way that they hadn't uh heard and and just very matter-of-factly very uh you know not dogmatically or theologically but but still incorporating elements of theology and uh really just breaking down the stereotypes of what it means to be catholic um you know the things we believe and the things that are myths you know and the yeah you know like the worshiping mary and those sorts of things so uh many um [Music] many protestants um reached out to me and just said you know i'm a southern baptist all my life but i just got received my first set of rosary beads and i love praying the the the chaplet with you and it's brought me peace and i i started getting messages like you know this one guy he said i i i used to have severe anxiety attacks and then once i started praying the chaplain with you they went away and he's like and i'm a southern baptist i think he was um so it's and then we had i had messages of conversions and people joining rcia and finding faith and really having appreciation for catholicism in a way that they hadn't you know been exposed to before so um in my my very non theologian sort of discourse i i would just share what i knew and the prayers that i uh that meant something to me and and people latched onto it and then i shifted to facebook after i mean uh instagram after 40 days and that to me was more scary going into it because i knew i was going to do it i just needed time to prepare for it and and i did get i felt like i got a little more heat from people on instagram excuse a bit younger um it's not it's not as it doesn't feel as welcoming a place for for live prayer um but i did it anyway and then i just finished that up about a couple weeks ago and then just recently wrapped a nine-day novena to st joseph and and now i think i'm going to take a break for a little while now i'm feeling that i it's i have to discern what the next step of this media apostolic is so you know if that makes sense not for i have redeemed
Channel: Catholic Archdiocese Of Sydney
Views: 73,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GWistVMOIjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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