Interview with Malcolm X after return from Mecca, Hajj in 1964 Complete

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Malcolm X I think a lot of people confused by the new Arabic name el-hajj Malik el-shabazz this is always I've always had the name on my passport Malik el-shabazz only I only used it in the Muslim world will Hajj is a title that is given to any Muslim who makes the pilgrimage to Mecca during the official Hajj season well you will you now use Shabazz and drop X I'll probably continue to use Malcolm X because and I'll probably use it as long as the situation that produced it exists we you don't feel it you don't feel that Shabazz takes the place of X I am I going to Mecca and going into the Muslim world into the African world and being recognized and accepted as a Muslim and as a brother may solve the problem for me personally but I personally feel that my personal problem is never solved as long as the problem is not solved for all of our people in this country so I remain Malcolm X as long as there is a need to protest and struggle and fight against the injustice is that our people are involved in in this country my difficult prepared to go into the United Nations at this point and ask the charges be brought against the United States for its treatment of American Negroes oh yeah oh yeah please the audience will have to be quiet yes the as I pointed out when I was in during my traveling that nations look African nations and Asian nations and Latin American nations look very hypocritical when they stand up in the United Nations condemning the racist practices of South Africa and that which is practiced by Portugal and Angola and saying nothing in the UN about the racist practices that are that are manifest every day against Negroes in this society even in South Africa those Africans aren't faced would be an S and aren't faced with police dogs I would be not a man if I was in a position to bring it in front of the United Nations and didn't do so I wouldn't be a man Malcolm do you intend to lead the charge in the United Nations well I find that to say you're going to lead something creates a lot of hostility division jealousy and envy I hope to to work with any group of leaders or any group of organizations to do whatever is necessary to see if this problem is brought before the United Nations if you had any commitment from any nations in Africa to support I would rather not say at this time but one thing I found in my travels all of them look at upon us as their long-lost brother you realize the implication is that you have had such commitments when you say this is your interpretation of what I said one thing that I found in all of my travels was that all of the Africans not only Africans but the Asians and the Muslims look upon us as their long-lost brothers and America had actually tricked many of them into a hands-off policy by giving them the impression that she was honestly trying to do something to solve the problem my argument over there was designed to prove that it is impossible for the United States government to solve the race problem is impossible Malcolm on your trip abroad you said you sent a feeling of great Brotherhood and that conceivably would be working toward integration in this country now at least this is what you're reported to a cell went on I don't think that I ever mentioned anything about working toward integration they haven't even got integration right here in New York City you have worse integration problems in the north and they have in the south so if it doesn't work in if you can't bring about integration in New York City as international cosmopolitan up to date as it's supposed to be you'll never get integration anywhere else in the country so you're prepared to work with some of the leaders of the other civil rights organizations certain sin certainly we will work with any groups organizations or leaders in any way as long as it's genuinely designed to get results does your new beard have any religious significance no not particularly but I do think that you'll find black people in America as they strive to throw off the shackles of mental colonialism will also probably reflect an effort to show to throw off the shackles of cultural colonialism and they may begin to reflect desires of their own with the standards of their own a malcolm more controversial remarks was called for black people to get rifles and form rifle clubs sometime back do you still favor that for self-defense I don't I don't see why that should be controversial I think that if white people found themselves the victim of the same kind of brutality that black people in this country face and they saw that the government was either unwilling or unable to protect them that the intelligence on the part of the whites would make them get some rifles and shotguns and protect themselves now Negroes are developing some kind of intellectual maturity too and they can see that by having waited upon the government to protect them has been a weight that has been in vain so any of them who live in areas where the government is not able to do its job then we do have to get together and do a job of protecting ourselves no Negro leaders have fought for civil rights
Channel: djamaluddin
Views: 178,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Malcom X, Hajj, Malik Shabazz, Mecca, Civil rights
Id: fdSXtnBqPBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2007
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