INTERNATIONAL 966 Tractor Mowing Hay

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[Laughter] happy tractor power fans this video comes to you from a south central wisconsin alfalfa field where a 95 pto horsepower international 966 tractor is mowing alfalfa with a 9 foot wide new holland 1465 haybine during this video i would like to share with you the tractors production history specifications and original price tag but first let's head out to the field so you can see and hear all this hay mowing action [Applause] [Applause] the 966 tractor was manufactured by international harvester at its pharma works factory from 1971 through 1976 with a total of 21 000 17 units produced during that time period the 66 series lineup of tractors from the company included six different models ranging from 73 to 161 horsepower the 966 was the mid-range model in the lineup it is powered by an international harvester 6.8 liter 414 cubic inch engine rated at 95 pto horsepower this machine was available with three different transmissions the first is a gear drive with eight forward and four reverse speeds the second transmission which was a 740 dollar option featured a torque amplifier shift on the go under drive with 16 forward and 8 reverse speeds the third transmission was the hydrostatic drive transmission with infinite speeds allowing the tractor to drive from zero to 18 miles per hour without shifting the 966 is fitted with a 37 gallon diesel fuel tank and weighed in from the factory at 11 116 pounds and can be field weighted up to 11 700 pounds the original price tag for the 966 when it was new was eighteen thousand eighty four [Applause] dollars [Applause] [Music] i hope you've enjoyed taking in the sights and sounds of hay mowing in the south central wisconsin field with the international 966 tractor and new holland 1465 haybine what does your farming operation use to mow hey i'd like to hear about the tractor and mower in the comment section below this video if you've enjoyed the video consider subscribing to big tractor power youtube where there's over 1 000 videos of farm machines in action if you would like to see additional videos on hay mowing and harvesting continue to watch this video for a few more seconds to the end screen to link to additional big tractor power youtube videos as always thank you for [Music] watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: bigtractorpower
Views: 76,529
Rating: 4.9493351 out of 5
Keywords: bigtractorpower, international harvester, international 966 tractor, mowing merging and harvesting alfalfa, case ih, fs19, fs22, farming simulator, new holland hyaline, mowing hay, tractor, tractor video
Id: -bl1tN8tOMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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