Intermittent Fasting: Why You Should Do It

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intermittent fasting will it help me lose weight okay so it might for sure all right what is it what is intermittent fasting intermittent fasting is a term a generic term that has a bunch of different types of fasting where we limit the amount of time or the time window or the amount of food that we consume in a day thank you Professor from Back to the Future congratulations on the flux capacity I like Christopher intermittent fasting okay is very very similar to a calorie reduced diet which is my favorite of all the diets that are out there and all the different schemes you can do trying to lose weight my favorite is calorie reduction I call it portion reduction because it's the simplest to understand from basic science point of view the first law of thermodynamics basically says energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be converted from one form to another right so if you eat a certain amount of energy and you put out more energy you will lose weight lucky for you the body is not 100 efficient it is a machine so you can eat more calories than you put out because you're losing something of inefficiencies right chemical processes heat Etc however basically calorie reduction means eating less energy then you're putting out which will result in reduction of fat because all your fat is is energy source so that's a bumper sticker you can have I'm not overweight I just have a lot of energy because your fat is your energy literally no one is getting that beverage there I think it would sell so reducing the amount of energy you take in and increasing the amount of energy you put out will reduce will result in weight loss right so when you're talking about fasting you're trying to get into calorie reduced state it serves two versus one produce your weight for health or two if you're someone who's a physique athlete or a bodybuilder you want to get shredded you know you want to don't say shred you want to reduce the amount of fat they have and that's one way to do it eat your shred ease eat your Shreddies so there are three main types yeah don't if your bodybuilding don't get upset don't we're not talking about this video is not for you this is for people who are trying to reduce their weight intermittent fasting now intermittent fasting is different than just a calorie reduced diet right but the sort of elements behind it are very similar and that you're reducing your calories sure and I would say there's a lot of studies about this we've talked before nutritional studies are not perfect but there's there's common benefits to intermittent fasting and calorie reduced diet but they both have benefits for weight loss but there are some unique benefits that Studies have shown to intermittent fasting yeah thank you okay so what are the types of intermittents well that you can intermittent fast in a day or you can intermittent intermittent fast over a few days right you can say I'm going to in the some of the some of the plans say Don't eat for eight hours in the day right so that's time restricted eating or time restricted feeding right or you can do it daily where you want like a 5-2 ratio where you don't eat for two days of the week and you do eat for five days of the week yeah or there are days where you have eat normally and then other days where you have a drastic reduction so say like a 500 calorie per day and which one you do is obviously totally up to you and definitely you should discuss this with your Healthcare practitioner because there are certain people that's right out the gate say it there are certain people that should not look into intermittent fasting these are would be children pregnant breastfeeding mothers people that had a history of Eating Disorders or other metabolic conditions particularly insulin dependent diabetes yes if you're an insulin diabetes this you can't you can't safely do this right and what so there is some scientific evidence to support this again a proper double-blinded randomized controlled trial would be difficult to do in this setting because how are you going to Blind someone there was one but how are you going to Blind the subject to whether they're intermittent fasting why am I so hungry I guess I know which arm I'm in right right so that's not gonna work but there is some evidence and from the evidence we've come up with three theories of why intermittent fasting works okay number one okay the oxidative hypothesis it has to do with how your mitochondria which are the PowerHouse in your cells how they process chemical processes and what they put out and they put out less free radicals but basically it's an oxidative hypothesis that indicates why you lose weight with this number one number two circadian rhythm so even as not very far back even to like the 70s we didn't have unlimited access to food so people had breakfast lunch dinner there was a lot of not a snacking and after dinner we stopped eating so those people already were intermittent fasting so dinner was typically earlier but they didn't eat at 9pm they often ate at six and then they got up at work at six or seven so you're already having a 12 or 13 hour window where you were not fasting so this restored a more normal cycle 24-hour cycle to what it used to be where we didn't have unlimited access to food and this has significant benefits for your health right and it's actually thought that our organs have these rhythms inside them and we're just sort of realigning the Circadian rhythm because a misalignment is bad for you so when you say organs were mostly talking about the liver really right well liver and apparently skeletal muscle in other words thank you very much Uber Eats for messing with our circadian seriously the third hypothesis is that these intermittent fasting procedures protocols they induce your body into a ketogenic State and ketogenic State converts your physiology from fat storage to Fat usage right so fat usage eventually converts it over into ketones so normally when we eat that provides with glucose so then our body releases insulin and then insulin is the driver of sugars into our cells for use as well as later on for storage once the glucose is gone the next kind of source of of energy is our glycogen so glycogen is located in our liver and our muscles this is a short-term store and then once that's exhausted that's when our bodies turn to fat and that's when it turns to ketones and some people say that Ketone generation primarily comes after 24 hour fast but there are lower levels that show up a little bit earlier and some people say that our brains actually preferentially use ketones and this was the philosophy behind the ketogenic diet as a treatment for intractable epilepsy back in the day okay so those are the theories in the medical evidence that we have that support the intermittent fasting diet right many of our viewers will call this the blah blah those people that comment say up to all I heard was blah blah blah that was the blah blah blah what are the benefits okay or the theoretical benefits or observed benefits in various studies of this intermittent so the number the number one benefit is that it improves your ability to lose weight and that has a lot of benefits associated with it right and the reason that they think it helps you lose weight is one because of the calorie deficit that is kind of forced on you the because of this narrower window of eating the trouble is when you have a window of eating you have to make sure that you still do two things one during that window you don't overeat and number two that you don't make bad food choices during that winter you still have to eat healthy food you can't eat garbage during your eight hour window and think that you're going to have the health benefits of intermittent fasting that's really critical right and like we said it's hard to do a study uh looking at all the stuff however they do do some observational studies for example some religions that have fasting as part of the religion they follow those groups of people to to find some of the benefits and these are some of the benefits reduction in way my mom always said if there's a religion and they have like a food sort of restriction or who thinks it came from a place of health or safety or cleanliness way back in the day wasn't it also from a place of like suffering to kind of impose to to be uncomfortable and to suffer she never said that no and I think that's the other thing too is that our society is never uncomfortable yeah we never want to be cool we never want to be hot we never want to be hungry and I think that's bad for us sometimes you make me feel uncomfortable when I make a joke in you obesity okay a reduction a reduction of body weight is one independent of that okay it has benefits uh to lower your blood pressure okay there's some studies that show that yeah your blood pressure can come down up to 10 millimeters of mercury okay uh just from the intermittent fasting dialogue next one some Studies have have shown or hypothesized that it can prove your lipid profile certainly this is variable amongst the different studies but you could improve your cholesterol and with respect to diabetes the literature is sort of mixed whether it does help your diabetes or not I would say from what I read it doesn't look like it's going to help your diabetes however uh that is being exported so those are the main benefits that we could get from the scientific literature of the intermittent fasting diet of course be very very careful because if you fast intermittently and you go through that state you might feel light-headed you may trip you may fall you may Bonk your head so be super careful if you're going to try this diet okay try it intermittently I would say the other thing is is start me with a shorter window yeah don't don't be too hard on yourself if you can't do it too many days you can bail on it if you feel uncomfortable yeah and then just start slowly and then see how it goes yeah maybe start with a one hour fast honestly I think it's funny that we're talking as we were doing more research for this even yesterday between lunch and dinner I decided I'm going to try not to snack because I'm a grazer and I felt that all I could think about was food for like the six hours between lunch and dinner I was actually I was a little bit uncomfortable and shocked at how much I was thinking about it right right very surprised I find if I'm doing something uh and I'm you know my mind is uh busy occupied and busy then I can go longer with a past I've never tried the intermittent fasting diet on purpose um but certainly you know in our training and everything we've been through we've gone through periods where whoa we haven't eaten a couple of meals we've been at the hospital all day yeah that does happen again my favorite is a calorie reduced diet and not an intermittent fasting diet but this is the skinny on the intermittent fasting and if you like this video please like it subscribe to our Channel and remember you are in charge of your own health and you're in charge of what you eat we'll see you next time
Channel: Talking With Docs
Views: 129,719
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Keywords: intermittent fasting, intermittent fasting benefits, intermittent fasting weight loss, fasting, intermittent fasting results, intermittent fasting for beginners, how to do intermittent fasting, intermittent fasting meal plan, intermittent fasting before and after, what is intermittent fasting, benefits of intermittent fasting, intermittent fasting for women, fasting benefits, fasting diet, intermittent fasting diet, intermittent, best intermittent fasting methods
Id: KlwSjoSn_LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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