Intermittent Fasting Secret to Overcoming Hunger

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the secret to overcoming hunger from intermittent fasting is this right here [Music] what you're looking at is a quantitative MRI of a human brain quantitative MRI or qmri is a brand new technology that allows us to see human tissue like never before and what you're looking at in this bluish purple to color area is increased water density of the hypothalamus indicative of something called low-grade hypothalamic inflammation so this patient has metabolic syndrome and because the hypothalamus is mildly inflamed appetite control center becomes affected by that the three hormones that have the greatest impact on your appetite are insulin leptin and ghrelin now if you have low left levels and or the hypothalamus is resistant to that leptin you're going to be hungry if your insulin levels are low and or your hypothalamus is resistant to insulin you're going to be hungry if you have high ghrelin levels you're going to be hungry and what is the biggest obstacle that people have with intermittent fasting it's overcoming that hunger especially during the first few weeks when your body's still making that adjustment to those low leptin and insulin levels and the secret to altering your hypothalamus is to alter what you eat and soon you'll see exactly what I mean when you have have low-grade inflammation here the hypothalamus becomes resistant to leptin and Insulin the very two hormones that make you feel full so you end up feeling hungry so what is it exactly that's causing that inflammation in the first place it's five things in particular too much fructose which generates uric acid and palmitic acid too much long chain even chain fatty acids I'm talking about you palmitic acid and stearic acid too high of an omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio not enough antioxidants not enough fiber especially that insoluble fiber palmatate or palmitic acid is a saturated fatty acid that accumulates in the body in two ways the main way is when fructose is metabolized in the liver pomate is generated as a byproduct which then can be converted to stearic acid as well and the other way is when you eat too much of it and it mostly comes from beef and pork especially when it's processed meat it's also high in cheese butter and palm oil it's not that Palm mate is bad by itself it's that consuming too much of it is bad in fact you really need palmate as a baby which is why the fat in your mother's breast milk was 25 palmitate because it's an important component of cell membranes palmitate levels in the blood for the most part are consistently low we only see them elevated in obese patients which is almost always a reflection of excess fructose consumption it's all about the balance palmate is a 16 carbon chain saturated fatty acid and its brother is the 18 carbon stearic acid excess amounts of these will generate inflammation when they interact with toll like receptor 4 which leads to activation of nuclear Factor KB nfkb sets off this inflammatory Cascade by increasing levels of il1 beta tnf Alpha and il-6 and you end up generating lots of reactive oxygen species in oxidative stress and that's why you see the increased water accumulating in the hypothalamus on the MRI of the brain nfkb also inhibits the effects of insulin and leptin on the hypothalamus so what happens over time the hypothalamus becomes more and more resistant to leptin and Insulin which means in order to feel full you need to eat more which almost always Tails eating more of the bad stuff that is generating that inflammation in the first place it becomes a vicious cycle and for a lot of people it's so hard to break it but it can be done but why is it that excess fructose causes palmitate levels to rise in the body excess sugar does all sorts of nasty stuff to the brain but if I want to get more specific it's really the fructose component of that sugar that does the damage and not so much the glucose component but when you eat sugar no matter where it comes from whether it's natural sugar from honey or agave from juice or even from fruit itself you're eating sucrose which is half glucose half fructose or in the case of high fructose corn syrup instead of sucrose it's actually individual molecules of glucose and fructose in about a 50 50 ratio regardless once you swallow those sugar molecules they make their way to the small intestine where they're rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream by way of the portal vein they go straight to the liver and the liver can handle small amounts of fructose but when it gets to be a big load gets overwhelmed in this diagram you can see fructose entering the hepatocyte aka the liver cell it's metabolized by certain enzymes but excess sugar throws things into chaos the three main reasons for one this process generates palmitic acid AKA palmitate and we just talked about why excess pulmate is bad two it activates pro-inflammatory cytokines which causes inflammation in the body including the brain and three is the formation of uric acid which enters the bloodstream makes its way to the brain causing even more inflammation there as if that's not bad enough if you consume too much fructose liver can't break down all of it so it also makes its way to the brain causing direct damage there now as a side note all of these things can happen regardless of how much you weigh fructose directly causes damage in the brain by means of glycation and oxidative stress not in neurons per se but in the cells that nourish those neurons called astrocytes now glycation is the mired reaction which is when fructose or glucose combined with the amino acid of a protein and you end up getting this damaged protein from glycation and these things are called ages age Advanced glycation and products so the question is not if the mired reaction will occur because as long as you're living it's always occurring in every cell of your body the question is how fast is it occurring faster glycation equals faster aging your skin wrinkles faster and so forth fructose engages in this mild reaction seven times faster compared to glucose and generates 100 times the number of oxygen radicals meaning oxidative stress so too much of this and neurons start dying this happens not just in the hypothalamus but also in the hippocampus of the brain where you store your memories this is the exact reason why the link between fructose and Alzheimer's disease is now being extensively studied so a common question becomes well if all sucrose is the same does that mean that I can't eat too much fruit let me give you a hypothetical example let's say you buy a pineapple you cut it exactly down the middle into two perfect halves let's call this half pineapple a and this half pineapple B let's also say you clone yourself so everything about you is exactly the same we'll call your clone clone and we'll call you you so you eat pineapple a fantastic chew it it tastes delicious especially the nice and ripe ones oh yeah but it takes you a few minutes to eat it and your insulin levels will go up something like this but clone here decides to throw pineapple bee and a juicer what happens the insoluble fiber is removed from that pineapple so clone is loving that pineapple juice and chugs it down in seconds and because that insoluble fiber is gone there's no buffer to slow down its absorption in the small intestine so the liver is hit with a flood of fructose an insulin level Spike like this so even though the insulin spike is bad at least it's not all bad because clone is still getting the polyphenols vitamins and minerals and antioxidants from that fruit which can help counteract the effect of fructose and for this reason the juice is at least better than high fructose corn syrup which is nothing more than a mix of free fructose molecules and free glucose molecules causing huge insulin spikes because they're absorbed faster than the sucrose molecule this is why eating fruit is not considered added sugar so what is the maximum recommended amount of added sugar an adult should consume in one day 25 grams and most people are way over this just know that the higher the spikes and the more spikes you have over time this will slowly lead to more and more insulin resistance especially if you're not counteracting this with things like antioxidants and Omega-3s and speaking of Omega-3s let's talk about fatty acids certain cells in your hypothalamus can sense levels of fatty acids for example butyric acid is a short chain saturated fatty acid that makes you feel full the same can be said for medium chain fatty acids and long chain fatty acids and on a separate but related note the gut absorbs medium chain fatty acids quickly and have been associated with several health benefits including improvements in cognitive function in a more favorable lipid profile compared to the longer chain fatty acids this is another reason why I love putting coconut in my smoothies as they contain mostly medium chain saturated fatty acids like lauric acid what about other fatty acids like the omegas too much omega-6 AKA linoleic acid which is high in soybean oil and corn oil that gen generates inflammation this was proven to cause hypothalic inflammation in mice we know that for people who eat mostly processed food which contains many refined carbohydrates in added sugar as well as being high in soy oil and corn oil it's their omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio is about 20 to 1. the higher the ratio the more inflammation part of the reason for this is that omega-3 fatty acids can counteract some of the harmful effects of fructose ideally you want the omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio to be as close to one to one as possible which is what happens when strictly eating unprocessed food in fact partially swapping lard with flaxseed oil which is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids or olive oil which is monounsaturated fatty acids that reversed diet induced obesity in mice showing a reversal of hypothalamic inflammation systemic insulin resistance and obesity and when they injected Omega-3s and omega-9s into the brain they had improved insulin and leptin signaling with reduced food intake and they lost weight so this is all the more reason to consume plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids this is why I love putting chia seeds flax seeds and hemp seeds in my smoothies because ounce for ounce there's no other foods that can do better plus they're packed with other awesome nutrients by far the worst fat of all that should be avoided at all cost is trans fat as this will cause low-grade hypothalamic inflammation now despite the FDA Banning it several years ago it can sometimes be found in fried foods including Donuts or when you accidentally cook unsaturated oils past their smoking point now on to in my opinion the most underrated nutrient of all and the key to suppressing appetite reducing insulin spikes reducing inflammation and so much more fiber recommended intake for adults 25 to 30 grams per day and most people don't come close now it comes in two forms and you absolutely need both when you eat real food that has both the soluble and insoluble fiber the insoluble fiber which is like the stringy stuff from celery it forms a lattice work type of scaffolding on the inside of the duodenum which is the first part of the small intestine of the soluble fiber which is a gel like cell substance acts like the glue mixed in with that scaffolding why is this important it creates an impermeable barrier along the duo on the wall and the benefits that come from this are astounding but this can only happen if you eat real food that has both types of fiber for example most bread is processed where they remove the brand of the wheat kernel which is where the insoluble fiber is located so most bread does not have insoluble fiber even though it has tons of the soluble fiber having this impermeable barrier along the door on the wall decreases intestinal absorption there up to 30 percent now this is great let's say you eat fruit which has sugar now that Sugar will be absorbed slower with a lower and slower insulin response but that's not all those calories that you would have otherwise absorbed in the duodenum are now pushed further down the intestines into the jejunum and ilium in the gut microbiome there ends up munching on up to 25 percent of those calories you swallowed for example that's what happens when you eat almonds now soluble fiber is metabolized by gut bacteria into short chain fatty acids like the 4 carbon chain but rate they uniquely feed the microbiome of the colon the large intestine and are absorbed into the bloodstream they then exert anti-inflammatory effects including in the brain they also suppress insulin secretion from the pancreas and it's all about keeping those insulin levels down fiber also helps the food you eat to move faster in the gut which is a good thing because that leads to quicker activation of the satiety signal the gut hormone peptide yy3-36 now this hormone is absorbed into the bloodstream then travels to the hypothalamus to let you know that you're full prebiotics meaning soluble fiber is such a vital nutrient to the bacteria in your gut and if you don't give this to them they become angry and start to go cannibalism on you that's right they will literally munch on the mucin layer that protects the epithelial cells of your gut lining and when this happens you start getting little microscopic leaks in your gut wall which allows foreign substances into the bloodstream and then your immune system has to react to those four Invaders by revving up inflammation and it's not a good thing the best sources of fiber come from fruits and vegetables whole intact grains legumes seeds and nuts another reason why I love chia seeds flax seeds lucuma powder cacao dibs for my smoothies absolutely packed with both types of fiber and those other foods that I mentioned like those whole intact grains and legumes those have a type of carbohydrate known as starch right but there's two types of starches the good starch is amylose because it's molecular structure takes longer to digest so you get slower absorption of its glucose molecules as opposed to amylopectin starch that is digested faster generating a higher insulin response any guesses as to which foods have more amylopectin as their starch bread pizza pasta potatoes and so forth antioxidants why are they so important why would anyone beat antioxygen is an oxygen good for you our brain is completely dependent on oxygen without it brain death occurs in five minutes oxygen is also good because of its ability to form oxygen radicals that can kill off Foreign Invaders like bacterial infections but unfortunately these same oxygen radicals are toxic to our own cells oxygen radicals AKA reactive oxygen species are constantly being formed in all of our cells as a byproduct of mitochondrial metabolism and iron metabolism the more inflammation you have the more oxygen radicals are going to be produced so each cell in our body has to deal with these oxygen radicals before they destroy us from the inside out now our cells deal with this problem by unleashing antioxidants from peroxisomes for example the enzyme superoxide Works to convert the oxygen-free radicals into a safe form but if oxygen radicals outnumber the antioxidants this is known as oxidative stress and cells start incurring molecular damage including damage to our DNA lipids and proteins in extreme cases those cells Die For example too many oxygen radicals disrupt the necessary protein folding within a cell and this is what happens to insulin in the cells of the pancreas when people develop type 2 diabetes too many oxygen radicals in the liver leads to insulin resistance and fatty liver disease when this happens in the hypothalamus it throws off your leptin and Insulin signaling when it happens in the hippocampus of the brain you start losing your memories and that's what happens with Alzheimer's disease now there are hundreds if not thousands of different antioxidants that can neutralize those oxygen radicals things like vitamin C vitamin E beta-carotene and other carotenoids glutathione coenzyme Q10 flavonoids polyphenols and many more when it comes to the foods that have the highest concentrations of antioxidants number one on the list is Cacao powder number two cacao nibs number three would be the Maki Berry or Maki powder from the berry and then acai that's why I love them in my smoothies just know that with cacao powder and cacao nibs they have caffeine in them so you don't want to consume that before bedtime both intermittent fasting and eating unprocessed foods will get those insulin levels down and that in turn will get that in excellent and that leptin sensitivity at its best therefore making your appetite control center and your hypothalamus functioning on all cylinders and while there are no shortcuts to metabolic health and eating unprocessed food there is a hack that I employ and it's called making a super smoothie every day for two specific reasons for one it's blending real food that contains lots of fiber both soluble and insoluble as well as lots of healthy fats protein and very low sugar which ultimately means slow digestion and absorption to keep you feeling full and keeping those insulin levels down it also means that by default you naturally end up eating less processed food in your day it's like you don't even have a choice now the second thing about these super smoothies is that they contain a lot of nutrient-dense superfoods with lots of antioxidants and some of them also have adaptogens and other things like lignins to help balance out our hormones and that's exactly what you want to do to help improve that leptin and the insulin so one thing that you could do is drink one of these smoothies right before your fasting window starts this way you can feel full for as long as possible and if you like this video I highly recommend that you check out this video called intermittent fastings
Channel: Doctor Mike Hansen
Views: 136,678
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Keywords: intermittent fasting, how to lose weight fast, how to lose weight, fasting, intermittent fasting weight loss, alternate day fasting, fasting weight loss, intermittent fasting meal plan, benefits of fasting, fasting benefits, intermittent fasting results, intermittent fasting for beginners, benefits of intermittent fasting, intermittent fasting benefits, how to do intermittent fasting, what is intermittent fasting, intermediate fasting, intermittent fasting before and after
Id: jzSbcUeaD0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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