Doctor Shares 3 Surprising Benefits to Intermittent Fasting That You Did Not Know About

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three benefits to intermittent fasting that you did not know about intermittent fasting is any fasting done for more than 12 hours because at this Mark your body runs out of glycogen and starts burning fat so the first benefit is decrease insulin resistance when your body gets rid of fat that fat is actually what is causing insulin resistance and later diabetes heart disease and hypertension second is autophagy autophagy is the process of your body burning your old cells for fuel because it doesn't have anything else to burn once that happens your body gets rid of the old cells and newer cells proliferate more than the older cells so that causes you to look younger and live longer third benefit of fasting is turns on ketosis your body starts using Ketone bodies instead of glucose as fuel and Ketone bodies are much less inflammatory than glucose itself this state produces more focus and is a highly beneficial anti-inflammatory state
Channel: Manik Madaan
Views: 233,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fasting, ramdan, intermittent fasting, fast, health, medicine, med, doctor, doctors, doc, healthtips, food
Id: PoIeZfpWM0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 46sec (46 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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