Interlocking 3D Rings in Inkscape - Path Operations or Clipping?

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in this video I'll show you how to make interlocking 3D rings and Escape let's start by going to the circle as an ellipsis tool clicking and dragging in the canvas and holding Ctrl to create a circle next we'll turn the circle into a ring by cutting out the center to do this we can go to the select tool duplicate the circle by right-clicking it and choosing duplicate change the color of the duplicate so we'll be able to see it then just grab one of the scale handles and scale it down while holding shift and control to keep it centered now we can select both circles and cut the small one out of the big one by going to path difference all right now we'll give the ring a 3D look by adding some drop Shadows for the oscopptive filters then shadows and glows and choose drop shadow first we want to go to the blur color Tab and make sure the color is on black with about 70 opacity and make sure they use object's color option here is turned off okay now let's go back to the options tab let's make this one an inner drop shadow by making sure shadow type here is set to enter all right now we can go ahead and check live preview down here to put the shadow on the bottom left I have the horizontal offset set to a positive value and the vertical offset set to a negative value and we can adjust the blur radius to make the shadow more or less blurry alright that looks good so I'll click apply next we can add some Rim light along the edge of the Shadow for this let's go to the blur color Tab and change the color to white by dragging the value slider all the way to the right let's lower the opacity a bit more okay let's go back to the options Tab and check live preview we'll need to lower the blur radius of this as well as lower the values of the offsets okay let's click apply finally we can add an outer drop shadow coming from the bottom left of the Ring to do this let's first change the color back to black and raise up the opacity some more then let's go to the options tab change the shadow type to Outer and check live preview this time we'll need to make the horizontal offset negative and the vertical offset positive okay we can click apply and we're finished with the drop Shadows so we can close out of this dialog one more thing we can do is add some highlights we can do this using the specular light filter by going through filters bevels specular lights let's go ahead and check live preview okay so we want the color of the Highlight to be white with a low opacity and up here we want Azimuth to be around 300 which puts the Highlight along the outer rim at the top right and the inner Rim at the bottom left and we can adjust the smoothness brightness and elevation for different results okay when we have something that looks good we can click apply and close this out all right now let's get to work on creating some interlocking Rings we'll start with two rings so let's duplicate this ring and move it to the right while holding control to prevent it from moving vertically I'll make this ring blue [Music] let's lower it below the other ring by clicking the lower selection to bottom button up here okay so if these Rings were normal paths with no filters applied to them we could use path operations to make them look interlocked for example I can first select both rings and turn off the filters by going to filters remove filters next to make it look like the blue ring is going above the red ring down here I'll first duplicate the blue ring then I'll go to the pin tool and create a path that covers the intersection of the Rings here then I'll go back to the select tool and select both the New Path and the blue ring duplicate by holding shift and clicking it then I'll go to path intersection this leaves me with just this part of the blue ring duplicate the Rings already look like they're interlocked now but we probably don't want this extra piece here so we can cut this out of the red ring to do this we can select both the extra piece and the red ring and go to path difference this cuts the part out of the red ring that was being overlapped by the extra piece okay now if we reapply the filters to the Rings which we can do by selecting them both opening the filter editor by going to filters filter editor and checking the box next to the filter in the list here we can see that the filter effects cause some problems down here to fix this we'll need to use a combination of path operations and clipping alright so first let's undo until we're back to having two full rings with the filters applied to them okay now let's duplicate the blue ring and again we want just a part of the blue ring that's overlapping the red ring down here so let's go to the pen tool and create a path around the intersection making sure to get all the blue Rings outer drop shadow inside the path now we can select both the path and the blue ring duplicate and go to path intersection okay next we want just the part of this blue piece that's overlapping the red ring and we don't want the filter effects to show at the edges of the piece to do this we can use a duplicate of the red ring to clip the blue piece so first let's duplicate the red ring then let's hold shift and click the blue piece and to do clipping we can go to object clip set clip this leaves us with just this part of the blue piece and as you can see the filter effects have also been clipped at the edges all right now we just need to use a duplicate of this piece to hide the part of the Red Wing that's overlapping the blue ring here so I'll press Ctrl Z to put the piece back in place then let's duplicate it but because we've already used clipping on this piece we can't just use it straight away to clip something else because it will undo the previous clipping to get around this we first need to group the piece to do this we can right click the piece and choose group now as far as inkscape is concerned this is just a normal object that hasn't been clipped alright and to hide just the part of the red ring that's underneath the piece we'll need to use inverse clipping to do this we can select both the blue piece and the red ring and go to object clip set inverse clip and there we go we do still have this extra blue piece here but it's necessary in order to show the blue Ring's outer drop shadow on top of the red ring okay now let's see how we can do this with three rings first let's select both rings and duplicate them let's bring them over here we won't be needing a duplicate of the extra piece here all right now we need to release the clip of the red ring to do this we can select it and go to object clip release clip and we can delete this piece here that we used to clip the ring all right let's duplicate the red ring and bring it down here I'll make this one green let's lower it below both of the other rings all right to make all of these Rings look interlocked we simply need to make it so the green ring appears to be going above the red ring where they overlap here and here to do this let's first duplicate the green ring now we want to clip out everything except for the parts of the duplicate that are overlapping the red ring we can do this by duplicating the red ring holding shift and selecting the green ring duplicate and going to object clip set clip and finally we can use a duplicate of the green ring to clip out the parts of the red ring where it's overlapping the green ring so let's duplicate the green ring again hold shift and select the red ring and go to object clip set inverse clip that's it okay so that's how we can create interlocking 3D rings and inkscape thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sweater Cat Designs
Views: 5,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vector, graphic design, digital art, logo, intertwine, 3D, three dimensional, clipping, inverse clipping, path operations, intersection, drop shadow, highlight, rim light, shading, specular, filters, custom filters, lighting
Id: zsAxIfuBe7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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