Interior Design Trends That Need To Go! Gaudy Glam, Shiplap, Barn Doors and More!

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okay i think we finally need to address televisions over top of the fireplace hi everyone welcome and welcome back to my channel today we are doing a follow up what i think is going to be a series on my channel which is trends that i am over and done with of course there's my usual disclaimer please don't take all this too seriously you guys i'm not gonna sit here and apologize for what i think but i will say that i just want you all not to take this too too seriously so if you see yourself and some of the trends or some of the images that i'm gonna show in this video let's just laugh it off and have a good time remember i'm just a guy on the internet like who cares what i think if you love what you love and it's in your home and you love it and your family loves it then who cares what i think that doesn't matter but at the same time you probably care what i think about a little bit otherwise you wouldn't have clicked on this video so let's get started and go to some of the trends that i am super super super over okay first trend i'm really over and i'm gonna call this gaudy glam this is sort of that really over the top look of a glam style so a little bit of glam can be fun a little bit of sparkle but sometimes things can go a little bit too far and they get a little bit too in your face and just like really fake and kind of gaudy i'm talking about mirrored furniture i'm talking about mirrored decor i'm talking about um like french bulldogs in mirrored or in white or in go why is it always a french bulldog by the way like why like give me a nice scruffy mutt any day but for some reason i have nothing against french bulldogs but for some reason glam girls seem to really love french bulldogs so i'm talking like really over the top glam look where everything is sparkle everything is gold everything is silver everything sparkles everything's metal it just overloads the senses with just too much stimulation and it kind of feels a little bit like you're trying to make your place look really expensive i think it just comes across as really manufactured really overdone and just not really very authentic it doesn't feel natural it doesn't feel timeless it doesn't really feel elegant although i think again that's what people are trying to do there are other ways that you can make your place look more expensive a little bit more premium without necessarily resorting to like everything being super sparkly and in your face okay the next trend that i'm really sick of and this is a build-on of the farmhouse kitsch because as many of you have pointed out there were a few glaring omissions from that video a farmhouse kitsch that i'm sick of it's not just the live laugh love signs there's a few other offenders um that is chippy paint that is really distressed it's just old we're talking barn doors and we're talking ship lab those three things specifically i didn't include in the last video because i just created the super category that is farmhouse kitsch but i think we need to address those three specific items okay so first of all i think it's a little bit time for some tough love you don't live on a farm you live in the suburbs okay so let's just get that out of the way the sooner you realize that the sooner we can move forward together okay so shiplap there are other ways that you can decorate your walls first of all i love that you're getting creative with your walls but there are other ways besides what joanna gaines tells you you can put on your walls so i get it you're trying to make your walls really interesting and that's awesome but there's other ways you can do it you can uh do panel molding of all sorts of different shapes colors and combinations you can do vertical slot walls those are super super cool right now you can do wallpaper you can paint it interesting colors you don't have to just do bare white walls the point is is that shiplap has sort of taken over and it's too much and it's overkill and it just feeds into that overall farmhouse kitsch vibe that we're talking about barn doors okay we have reached peak barn door every door that you could possibly have made a barn door has been made if you follow me on instagram and you should because pretty much all i do is just go to different stores and make fun of items when i'm there if you do follow me you know that i have showcased some tremendously weird barn doors so we're talking media consoles we're talking pantries we're talking all sorts of different doors that used to just be normal that are now decided to be barn door we have reached peak barn door i'm over it i'm sick of it let's just be done with it please move on okay finally chippy paint um it's just old and it's distressed and there was a time when we thought that it was time to paint it or it was time to repair it or restore it which is super cool but now people are intentionally distressing it that is inevitably going to look tired it's going to look dated before you even start um i'm just a little bit over it but again this all feeds into a whole just ray done farmhouse vibe i just wanted to mention those three okay next thing i am sick of and you know what this is sometimes i kind of you know i it's easy you're sitting there thinking nick that you're just playing it safe i mean gaudy glam farmhouse kitsch chippy paint i mean who doesn't hate those things but this one i feel like is everywhere and i'm really kind of tired of it and that is those really contemporary led chandeliers so led lights totally have a place if you want to put le strips around your room and you want to put them in some recessed lighting creates a nice beautiful glow kind of adds a little bit of ambience to your space awesome those lights are meant to be hidden so that's really cool like go for it that's awesome so when you're dealing with these led lights that have just morphed into these sort of shapely sculptural but kind of weird chandeliers i don't know this is just personal taste i don't really like them i just call me old-fashioned but i just like a good old light bulb you know what i mean like i don't think everything needs to be this like really sculptural element i'm just a little bit sick of them if you have them great if you want like a really clean minimalist contemporary space i suppose they can work um i just don't particularly care for them so i don't know maybe i'm alone on that one we'll see in the comment section i'm sure okay the fourth trend that i am really sick of is electric fireplaces so okay so there was a time when having a real fireplace meant you chopped wood and you had a fireplace in the corner and you burned the wood you know like a fire um then those became dangerous and so the gas fireplaces used to be the fake ones but then they sort of became the real fireplace and the electric fireplaces sort of became the new stand-in as kind of like the fake fireplace ah basically i don't really like them because i just think they look super fake the thing is with gas fireplaces is they were real okay you didn't have the pile of wood in the corner but it was still a fireplace like it was still a fire and it still made sense to us but the thing is with these led electric fireplaces they just look corny they look tacky to me they don't look at all real i don't care that you can change them into different colors i don't care that you can make your fireplace purple i don't think fireplaces really should be purple um maybe a fireplace should just be you know a fire and speaking of fireplaces my fifth trend that i am so over is putting the television too high above the fireplace now too high is the operative word now i'm going to lose no one's going to be happy with my answer on this one half of you are going to say it's amazing half of you're going to say it's ugly stop doing it i'm actually going to say i'm gonna kind of split the difference here and say i like a tv so okay i'm gonna have to choose my words carefully here's the logic behind putting your tv over a fireplace i think basically you're trying to create a focal point in your space with a fireplace if you have one you've created a beautiful wonderful focal point in your living room so you want to work with that the problem is is that everybody naturally is going to have a television now if you've ever seen in like a retail store in a magazine they typically do not have television stagers and designers they never put in televisions and the reason is is because they're ugly everybody hates televisions but the reality is is that although they are ugly they're obviously incredibly useful and everybody typically is going to put a television in their living room so the logic behind the tv over the fireplace is sound it's basically you've got a fireplace it's a focal point you have to put a tv if you're not too careful the tv is going to detract from the fireplace and basically your room is going to feel like it's a little bit of a mess so the logic was you put the tv above and all of a sudden you have one beautiful focal point that you can have for the whole space that's the logic here's where you run into problems with this in my opinion which again is just one opinion on the internet and lord knows there's enough of those the problem is is that sometimes people have these giant mantles that then they put these televisions over top of and now it's completely looks ridiculous and it's not functional because you're actually straining your neck in order to look up your television then it's dumb and then you should not do it so to me this really comes down to how big your fireplace is if you have something that's really low to the ground um that's fairly kind of sleek and low and your tv above it is going to be a reasonable height i'm okay with that and that's maybe an unpopular opinion but um it's mine so there you go so when i say i'm over it i would say i'm over these stupid televisions that are ridiculously high on top these giant mantels other great options that can work is to put the fireplace and then put the tv next to it put the tv on the opposite side of the of the fireplace wall so you're kind of having it on two different sides that can work quite well especially if you have kind of a larger space um using those frame tvs that i think sort of i have one of those and i quite love it uh basically it looks like art it's not a regular television the same way and it just sort of looks like art when it's not in use if you can hide it like if you have some sort not a barn door but if you have a way that you can sort of hide the television that can work really well and so there's other different options that are out there but just if your tv is going to be too high above your fireplace i just don't think you should do it i'm going to link here to a playlist for design trends that i'm over because apparently this is a thing that i do here now so part one is there and of course you're going to find this one and i'm going to continue doing this in the future so feel free to subscribe for that and i'll see you all in the next video thanks bye
Channel: Nick Lewis
Views: 735,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Interior design trends that need to go, interior design trends that need to die, bad interior design trends, farmhouse kitsch, shiplap needs to go, ugly shiplap, ugly farmhouse, barn doors need to go, ugly barn doors, electric fireplaces, should I hang my tv over my fireplace
Id: yCmiusMUZBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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