Intel 12600k vs Ryzen 5700g - MID-RANGE CPU FACEOFF - Integrated Graphics, Power, Premiere Pro

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it's been a long time since i've been excited about an intel product launch like a long time after many years of their 14 nanometer plus plus plus plus architecture we're finally getting something new with the introduction of their 12th generation desktop line or alder lake they brought a really cool feature that we've only seen in arm-based devices they basically integrated a big little system for their cores what that means is for the first time ever in a desktop processor you're getting main performance cores combined with smaller efficiency cores whether you think that's necessary or not in the desktop market that's up for debate but what isn't up for debate is that it's innovative now with intel finally being innovative i just had to get my hands on one and this is the intel i5 12600k it's an i5 so it's obviously their budget lineup but it's still a solid performer so what i wanted to do was take this and compare it to a ryzen 7 5700g which i've used plenty of times on this channel now you're probably asking why are you comparing this processor to a 5700 g there's a couple of reasons one they're roughly the same price two they have the same thread count three they both have integrated graphics and four everybody and their mom has done a video on the 12 600k versus horizon either 5600 5600x or 5700x or even 5800x so let's mix things up a bit so i put both of those processors through their paces i have the results and they're pretty impressive so stick around and uh we'll talk about it [Music] first things first let's compare the specs on these processors for the 12600k you're getting 10 cores now it's a little different with their big little system so you're actually getting six performance cores and four efficiency cores so the performance cords are hyper threaded so you essentially get a six core 12 threaded chip with an additional four threads of efficiency cores doing the math that adds up to 16 threads now the performance cores have a base clock of 3.7 gigahertz and can boost up to 4.9 while the efficiency cores have a base clock of 2.8 gigahertz and can boost up to 3.7 on the other side we have the 5700 g which is a traditional 8 core 16 thread processor with a base clock of 3.8 and a boost clock to 4.6 both of these processors come in at roughly the same price the 12600k is about 300 retail while the 5700g is sitting in about 330 right now i think i saw it at micro center for exactly 300 so depending on where you look and what time of the year it is prices can vary but roughly the same price now i'm briefly going to touch on tdp because it's listed on the specs and you kind of have to talk about it although i don't think it's a really good measure for what the actual power output is but intel lists the 12600k as a tdp of 125 to 150 watts while the 5700 g has a rated tdp of 65 watts now let's wait until real world tests to see what the actual power draw of these chips are but that's what they have listed now features uh the 12600k is obviously newer so you're getting ddr4 ram as well as the option to use ddr5 and you get pci gen 5.0 meanwhile with the 5700g you're limited to just ddr4 ram and pci gen 3.0 now a lot of things don't even make full use of pci gen 4.0 so it's not like pci gen 3 is even a bad thing but if you're looking for something completely future proof obviously the 12600k is the way to go so those are general specs let's start talking about benchmarking and performance now i've broken this up into two kind of categories one where we are using a dedicated gpu for the tests just to see how it performs in gaming and productivity with a dedicated gpu and then once again with only the integrated graphics now for the gpu section of this we're going to be using an rtx 2080 which might be a little too powerful for these kind of budget chips but i think it's fine now before we jump into the gpu test let's just run cinebench to get that out of the way in cinebench r23 the 12600k came in with a multi-core score of 470 and a single core result of 1870. on the flip side of that the 5700 g gave us a multi-core score of 13 763 and a single core score of 14 13. so right off the bat in raw power you can see that the 12600k does have a leg up on the 5700 g but as everybody knows that's not the whole story let's jump into some real tests for the following tests we had our processors combined with the rtx 2080 and the first test we ran was 3dmark's time spy the 12600 gave us an overall score of 11046 with a graphic score of 10 718 and a compute score of 13 370. moving over to the 5700g not as good we got an overall score of 10 726 a graphic score of 10 718 and a compute score of 10 722 those are strangely consistent numbers so what that's telling us right off the bat is that if you're going to take these processors and combine them with a dedicated graphics card you should get better performance on the 12600k so let's run some games and see if that holds true we're in csgo at 1080p high settings and with the rtx 2080 on the 12600k we got an average fps of 315. that's obviously extremely playable and ready for your super holy crap hide refresh rate monitors and the 5700g was no slump either coming in with an average fps of 226. let's move on to the witcher 3 where we ran it at 1080p with ultra settings so pretty much maxed out at 1080p the trend continues where the 12600k outperforms the 5700g with the 12600k giving us an average fps of 97. falling behind that is the 5700g with an average fps of 64. so aaa titles like that personally i think 60 fps is the sweet spot if you can average over 60 fps in a aaa title then i think you're set anything higher than that is pushing into the territory where you'd want to step up your resolution of your monitor or go with a high refresh rate monitor but a majority of people are still rocking the 1080p 60fps monitor so again this is perfectly fine one more time let's test another game we went with borderlands 3 and just like the witcher we are seeing the 12600k come in with a higher fps sitting at about 92 fps and the 5700g coming in behind it again with an average fps of 71. so our time spy scores didn't lie if you're going to combine these processors with a dedicated graphics card the 12600k is going to give you better performance across the board however that's not the whole story in this day and age everybody knows how miserable it is to try to get a gpu it's like my dad used to always say if you find a gpu at retail then you you gotta buy even if the retail price isn't actually retail crazy world we live in so one of the main reasons that i said before why i wanted to compare the 12600k to the 5700g is that they both have integrated graphics so let's see how these chips fare when we take away that dedicated graphics card and leave it up to the integrated graphics to give us our performance now let's run through those same tests again in time spy for the 12 600k we've got obviously a much lower score overall at 8.88 with a graphic score of 764 and a compute score of 12 084 so yeah obviously much worse now let's take a look at the 5700 g oh here comes the 5700g's first victory of the day giving us an overall score of 1693 with a graphics score of 1480 and a compute score of 9 337. now according to these results that technically means that the 5700g will now perform better than the 12600k without the help of that dedicated graphics card so let's move on to the games and see if that's actually true so in csgo we lowered the resolution to 720p and set the graphics to medium and the 12600k on integrated graphics gave us an average fps of 51. moving over to the 5700g things got much better with an average fps of 108 that's more than double but will that trend continue when we move on to some more demanding games let's try the witcher 3 now again we load the resolution to 720p and set the graphics quality to low and on the 12 600k we got an average fps of 29. 29 fps on 720p lowest settings that is getting into the territory where i wouldn't really consider it even playable but let's try the 5700 g at the same settings we got a much more playable 45 fps now i know it's not 60 but it's still within that territory i'd say if you're still above 30 then i would consider it playable 45 is obviously not gonna be the smoothest experience but certainly playable on to our final game borderlands 3 again lowering the resolution to 720p and setting the graphics quality to low the 12600k comes in with an average fps of 22 so even worse than the witcher and you can certainly feel the tearing and stuttering at 22fps surprisingly when we moved to the 5700g we got an even better fps than on the witcher coming in at 54 fps almost pushing that 60 fps kind of threshold and that's honestly extremely impressive for a processor integrated graphics so gaming it's pretty cut and dry if you have a dedicated graphics card and you want to upgrade your processor the 2600k is certainly the better buy however if you're looking for something cheaper and more budget oriented you want to play maybe less graphically intense games or you just want to wait for graphics cards to come down in price the 5700g can certainly tie you over until then but i did want to run another test for all you editors and creators out there i personally use premiere pro so i figured let's try these processors by themselves rendering a project in premiere pro so i took some drone footage from my soccer games i play on the weekend or football for all you non-americans and i took a four minute and 48 second chunk of that and rendered it out to see how long it would take for each of these chips to render that section so using software encoding on that section in h.265 the 12600k rendered it out in four minutes and 55 seconds so nearly real time switching over to the 5700 g and it was a little bit slower at 7 minutes and 22 seconds so so i'd say if you're a creator obviously working in premiere pro then you're going to want to go with the 12600k now these tests we've discovered that the 12600k is an overall more powerful processor while the 5700g has the advantage when it comes to graphics but what about power usage i mentioned earlier that the tdps for the chips were wildly different and that the 5700g should be much more efficient with pretty much half the rated tdp but what do our tests show us now check the power usage of each chips at idle when gaming and when hit with a max load at idle the 12600k comes in at 15 watts while the 5700 g sits at 19. when gaming the 12600k pulls 31 watts while the 5700g hits 52 now at full load the 12600k is pulling 120 watts whereas the 5700g is only pulling around 80. now this is with just standard manufacturer overclocking precision boost overdrive to the 5700g and basic intel xmp whatever they call their auto tuning on their chip set now we're seeing a kind of weird trend here where the 12600k is more power efficient at idle as well as gaming but you're getting worse performance in gaming so that kind of makes sense but at max load intel wasn't lying on their tdp this thing is pulling 120 watts and again it's more powerful so that kind of makes sense so i guess when you think about it's really not that interesting i thought it was interesting what does all this mean overall which is the better processor well like 99 of the time it completely depends on your use case are you looking to build a tiny itx system with no dedicated graphics then go with the 5700g are you looking for a budget chip to pair with a budget graphics card then go with the 12600k are you building an itx system but wanting to upgrade or add a gpu later then go to 2600k are you looking for the most power efficient chip then go with the i guess that's a little more difficult anyway overall i think this is a fantastic processor especially for the price anybody building a brand new pc right now i would mostly recommend them to go with this 12600k it's extremely powerful for less than 300 dollars and it has all the futuristic kind of future proof features that you need with ddr5 and pci gen 5.0 so i think intel finally knocked it out of the park here and it's good to see competition back when amd was the underdog i was always cheering for them and now that amd's on top i've kind of been cheering for intel so good to see them be competitive again and as you know when manufacturers compete drives down prices and the consumer wins but that's all i have for you today let me know down in the comments if you've already bought a 12th gen elder like processor or if you're thinking about buying one yourself what are you going to do with it or are you going to go with the amd 5700g in your build let me know down in the comments but that's all i have for you today i hope you enjoyed it if you did drop a like if you're interested in content like this please subscribe thank you so much for watching i will see you next one [Music] you
Channel: Raid Owl
Views: 3,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 17PkoGd87KU
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Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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