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fore speech ] speech [ for speeech speech speech for speech IGN speech IGN speech ] fore foreign speech ] foreign speeech ] for speech speech IGN foreign speech speech for speech speech ] fore speech spee speech ] for speech ] speech ] speech ] foreign spe speech ] fore speech ] foree speech IGN spee for spech ] speech spee spech fore speech ] speech foree spe node One n node one minus and iph speech foreign forch ] speech IGN [ speech [ for speech ] foreign speech speech ] speech ] speech for speech ] foreign [ speech ] foreign foreign speech ] for spee speech speech [ fore speech speech speech ] [ forign speech ] fore speech ] [ speech ] [ foreign speech ] foreign speech ] spech speech ] speech IGN speech for speech speech fore speech speech [ foreign speech ] for speech ] for speeech speeech speech ] fore speech ] fore speech [ for speech ] [ foreign speech ] speee speech ] [ foreign speech ] for speech ] foree speech ] speech ] speech spee speech ] for speech speech ] fore speech IGN speech ] for speech ] foreign speech speech ] [ fore speech ] speech ] speech ] speech speech speech ] foreign speech ] for speech ] for speech ] fore speech [ speech [ for for speech ] speech ] speeech fore speech speech fore speech ] [ foreign speech [ foree speech [ speech ] foreign spech for e speech ] speech IGN speech foreign spee for spee for speech [ fore speeech speech ] fore speech ] speech ] speech for spech foreign speech speech speech speech speech speech speech ] foree speech fore [ speech speech ] speech ] foreign ] speech IGN speech ] speech ] fore speech speech ] IGN speech ] fore speech ] forign speech foreign forign speech ] forign speech [ foreign speech ] [ foreign speech ] [ spech [ foree speech speech ] speech IGN speech spech spech fore speech [ foreign spee speech ] foreign spee speech IGN speech [ spech speech ] [ for speech speech for spee speech spe foreign speech ] foreign spe fore speech [ for speech ] foreign speech ] speech ] fore speech ] foreign ] foreign forch ] speech ] foree speech ] forch speech speech ] speech speech ] [ for speech ] speech ] speech ] speech forign speech speech speech speech ] spee speech ] forch speech IGN speech [ foreign speech ] for speech [ foreign for speech ] for speech fore [ foreign speech IGN speech ] for speech IGN speech fore forign [ for spee ] speech ] foreign spech ] fore spech ] speech IGN speech ] forign [ fore fore for speech IGN speech ] foreign for speech ] foreign [ for speech ] forign spee speech ] speech fore ] [ speeech ] speech ] speeech IGN speech ] for speech ] fore speech for speech ] forign spech ] forch ] forch [ for speech ] speech ] fore for speech ] for speech fore speech speech speech ] speech ] for foree foreign speech ] fore speech fore for speech for speech ] speech for speech ] foree speech ] for speech IGN speech ] speech ] speech [ forign speech speech ] forign spech speech ] foreign speech ] speech spech forch speech for Fore speech ] fore fore speech ] fore speech ] [ spee speech IGN spe ] speech ] speech foreign speech ] spech IGN speech ] fore speech ] for speech ] for speech ] for spee speech ] for speech IGN speech ] foreign speech ] fore speech ] fore speech [ forch ] for speech ] foreign speech ] for spee ] for speech ] for speech speech ] foreign speech speech ] foreign fore speech [ fore speech [ for speech IGN speech ] for speech for speech [ foreign [ speech IGN speech ] for spe speech ] speech speech speech speech ] [ for speech ] [ speeech ] foreign speech ] speech ] fore spech speech ] spe foreign speech ] forch speech ] fore speech foreign speech speech [ foreign speech ] fore speech ] forch foreign speech foreign speech speech speech ] [ speech ] [ foreign speech speech [ fore speech [ for speech ] foreign speee speech ] speech ] forign speech ] speech [ fore speech ] [ speech ] fore speech ] spech ] speech foreign speech ] for speech speech ] for speech ] for speech ] forign speech ] that
Channel: SMILE- P
Views: 278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nepal, Nepali
Id: 1CxzvFDibgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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